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Nevertheless, She Persisted: A Book View Cafe Anthology | Vonda N McIntyre, Mindy Klasky, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
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This authors collective is having a 50% sale off of ebooks today! Seems to be largely speculative fiction. Time to stock up on Le Guin!


(Oddly enough, I read a flash fiction anthology with this title and I don't think it's the same one. I guess it was a popular idea. Oh wait, I just remembered I read *both* of them, for a #URC prompt of two books with the same title! The other one (Charlie Jane Anders) was better.)

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Untitled | Untitled
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I decided to move away from numerical goals because they discouraged me from reading more challenging books. But I still love a fun challenge. My favorite for many years has been @faranae's #URC and my newest favorite is #BookSpin, which has been great for getting me to tackle the books I keep forgetting about.

BookmarkTavern Totally fair! And I love the BookSpin challenge too! Thanks for posting! (edited) 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Glad BookSpin made the cut 😂 I try to keep it loose so it can fit with different types of goals. 2mo
willaful @TheAromaofBooks The adaptability is definitely a plus! 2mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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And DNF'd 3, IIRC.

Doesn't surprise me that this list is largely non-fiction.

Faranae Non-fiction and ugh, literary fiction. There's almost no genre fiction on there, and gods forbid any *romance*.

Of the books I haven't read, I don't want to read them, and of the books I have, I hated almost all of them. Well, you've seen what I said about them on the blog. 😂
willaful @Faranae I don't remember Atonement but I loved Demon Copperhead and the Great Believers, both of which I read this year, mwah ha ha! #URC

Faranae @willaful “Oh cruel Fate, when wilt thou weary be? When satisfied with tormenting me?“ 😆 2mo
PuddleJumper I hadn't heard of many of them. I think I'd read about 3 and most of them were for school 😂 2mo
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Just the perfect #URC category for this. Do keep reading... it is so worth it!


Faranae 😎 very nice to see one of my templates in use! And good to know the book gets better. 4mo
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Apparently, I‘m going through a contemporary romance phase. I saw a review of this book by @LibrarianRyan the other day, and made a snap decision to see if I could find a copy. It was absolutely a pure fluff read about a football player and a librarian who are long time friends. There‘s low drama and an emphasis on body positivity.


LibrarianRyan Yep!! I won‘t lie I read it for the title. 😁 5mo
willaful @LibrarianRyan If you feel like doing a challenge, @Faranae 's #URC has that exact prompt. :-) 5mo
Daisey @LibrarianRyan That‘s absolutely what caught my attention, and your positive review made it an easy decision. 5mo
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Faranae @willaful I saw the tag and thought “well, that's somewhat smuttier than willaful's usual URC fare...“. The URC *also* has “A book involving fowl“, although I really hope no one submits purely euphemistic chickens to it, or that will be an exclusively romance review post next year. 😂 5mo
willaful @Faranae I don't have anything for the fowl prompt yet! 🔔 5mo
Daisey @willaful @Faranae This one has a few real chickens and the rooster Luke Skycocker is definitely a key character! 5mo
willaful @Daisey Good to know. :-) 5mo
LibrarianRyan @willaful I can NOT add another challenge. 😁😁😆😆🤭🤭 5mo
willaful @LibrarianRyan relatable! 5mo
Faranae @Daisey That is a FABULOUS name for a rooster.

(Aside: I run the URC every year, but also the MRC, which is only 12 prompts, and the FRC, which is 25. Check them out sometime for next year maybe 😁)
LibrarianRyan @Faranae I will. I do the BBRC every year. Its runs on a fiscal year rather then a calendar year. The goal is to read books in every age group (ie Birth and beyond).

Can I find your challenge on StoryGraph or just Listy>
LibrarianRyan @Faranae you had me at Storygraph, Here is the current BBRC. The new one isn't loaded yet. https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/d3cd2784-48d6-47f4-9a45-1743546... (edited) 3mo
Faranae @LibrarianRyan I'll mark it on my calendar so I remember to give it a try! 😁 3mo
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A sweet memoir about immigrants from Vietnam pursuing the American dream, with memories, both good and bad, captured in the tastes of food.

In other words... It's “Dreamy steamy“! #FourFoursin24 perfection! 😁

Also book #4 in the #BookChain : title has few words than the last book. #BookSpinBingo : book stacked on Litsy.

This fits several #URC prompts, so we'll see where it ends up eventually.

Lauredhel Oh I liked this one too! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 8mo
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A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens
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#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace #WinterGames

📖 What books do you enjoy this time of year? December is when I read piles of picture books to catch up on the ##URC.
📖 Do you have a preferred genre? Fantasy, queer romance, non-fiction...
📖 Do you have a traditional read? I used to, but then found the author is a bigot.
📖 What would you recommend? The tagged book is never a bad choice.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88 @Alldebooks

AllDebooks Now I'm curious on your traditional read 9mo
TheBookHippie Ughh I hate that when you lose an author 😝🤦🏻‍♀️ I‘ve lost a few too. So unreal. 9mo
TheBookHippie I should take tagged book out- it‘s been a few years! 9mo
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Faranae @TheBookHippie I've been actively avoiding reading it on my stream because it seems like all the read-aloud streamers are doing it, too. Watching the Muppet version is a tradition though. 😁

At least with this author, it was only the one book I ever read and had never sought out his other books. It was a book gifted to me, so I'll keep the book for the note on the flyleaf and the memories of the giver.
Faranae @AllDebooks The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans. He's also been accused of sexual harrassment. 9mo
TheBookHippie @Faranae I don‘t read him on principal and this doesn‘t shock me. 9mo
TheBookHippie @Faranae oh yes the muppets are life giving! 9mo
Faranae @TheBookHippie In fairness, I was given the book in 1995. 😅😆 Muppets are a much better tradition. 😁 9mo
TheBookHippie @Faranae 🤣🤣🤣🤣 9mo
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Picture books, the last refuge of the desperate #URC participant. 😂 I really liked this though. It's imaginative and dryly funny and the author had feet on the ground.

Faranae This one is also in my TBR as a last resort for the work song prompt. 😂 I'm currently so mad because I just endured The Narrative of Arthur Gordan Pym of Nantucket and it does not contain a single shanty (not why I was reading it, but it would have been nice). 9mo
willaful @Faranae Did you give up on A Restless Truth?

I know I ran into another shanty scene somewhere recently, but it probably wasn't anything you'd want to read anyway.
Faranae @willaful I haven't started it yet! It's lined up for the prompt, but it depends on if I managed to read it in time, given how many other prompts I still need to tackle. 9mo
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Shards of Honor | Lois McMaster Bujold
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Have read this many times and though I'm not thrilled with some of the directions Bujold later took this couple, I still love it.

#URC I actually think I could finish this bingo board entirely this month, except I'm saving two of the prompts for #wintergames .

First Time for Everything | Mina V. Esguerra

“What was happening here? Love felt like a gift but she didn't know if she had room for it, where to put it, did she have to get rid of something to make space for it.“

willaful This is low-angst and low-plot--each almost trying to be lower than the other--so not really my cup of romance tea. I did enjoy reading a book set after lockdown in which people are still being careful, and the cultural immersion. (The author is Filipino, writing mainly for a Filipino audience, so nothing is explained.) And it's kind of nice that the main characters are in their early 40s and navigating love with being rather set in their ways. 10mo
willaful Read for the #URC prompt: “A book from a country you don't expect to ever visit.“ @Faranae 10mo
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