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Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity | David Allen
"The Bible of business and personal productivity" Lifehack"A completely revised and updated edition of the blockbuster bestseller from 'the personal productivity guru'"Fast CompanySince it was first published almost fifteen years ago, David Allens Getting Things Done has become one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. GTD is now shorthand for an entire way of approaching professional and personal tasks, and has spawned an entire culture of websites, organizational tools, seminars, and offshoots.Allen has rewritten the book from start to finish, tweaking his classic text with important perspectives on the new workplace, and adding material that will make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This new edition of Getting Things Done will be welcomed not only by its hundreds of thousands of existing fans but also by a whole new generation eager to adopt its proven principles.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Finished Book #2 of readathons a few hours ago and forgot to post it. I thought the GTD method the author proposes in this book is very reasonable and should be executable. Maybe I'll try it out starting this next week. #readathon #20in4 #deweysapril @DeweysReadathon @Andrew65

sarahbellum I read this years ago and still utilize two of his ideas, almost automatically now: just take care of the thing if it‘ll take (edited) 2y
Morr_Books @sarahbellum Agree! I think I will also utilize some of his tips on prioritizing tasks. 2y
Andrew65 A great strategy, but i struggled to keep to it. 2y
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I had to wait forever to borrow this book from my local library. Great way to start my reading list for 2022. . Due in 8 days.

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I went to a professional training about this methodology about 6 years ago, and have been singing its praises ever since. Yet I somehow never actually got around to reading the accompanying book. Apparently I didn't take it's lessons to heart... That changes now!

ImperfectCJ I liked this one. I don't follow all (or maybe even most) of it, but a few things have been really helpful, especially email inbox organization/management. 3y
Nute I should spend some time with this book. I bet there is a lot of information in it that I could find useful. 3y
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1. Six. Wrapup coming soon!
2. After three calls and an hour or two on the phone, I was able to order replacement contacts. Desperately needed.

MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 💜📚💐 4y
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The theory in this book is amazing and I can't wait to implement the whole system. I did the email organization and it did help with stress relief.

I only have two slight issues with this book:
1.) It rambles on a little. (I like "how-to" books that are more to the point.)
2.) You should not - under any circumstances - listen to this book while doing anything else. Not being able to do the exercises backfires and stresses you out even worse.

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#coffeeandabook Maybe reading this will help me with reading the books I own. #readmytbr

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Stack 3/3 for #SelfImprovement Display replenishment. 😊

Have you read any of these?!

#LitsyLovesLibraries #MrBooksDisplays

Deifio Nope, but now I'm wondering how Pooh does his problem solving 😁 5y
TheAromaofBooks Deifio - I was thinking the same thing! May have to track that one down! 5y
wordslinger42 I'll have to check out the Max Lucado book! I'm not familiar with that one 5y
Andrew65 Getting Things Done, he certainly has a clear system for Getting Things Done but couldn‘t keep to it. 😔 (edited) 5y
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Do you have any favorite books that have helped you with productivity or habits?

Eyelit I don‘t - but atomic habits sounds awesome! 5y
charl08 I like Burkeman on reading things with a pinch of salt, and Suzy Orbach for permission to think about food differently. 5y
Sace Honestly I don't. Thinking about it, I'm not very sure how important productivity is to me. I'm kinda lazy. 5y
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Bookish.SAM I find my procrastinating ways gets in the way of my productivity. I read this recently and quite liked it. Practical. 5y
MelissaSue81 I‘m generally not a fan of self help books but I did like the original happiness project book, her other books were a bit too preachy for me. I liked one called Unfuck Your Habitat for cleaning/organizing 5y
LauraBeth @Eyelit It‘s good so far! 5y
LauraBeth @charl08 I‘m going to go down a rabbit hole later and read about them bc I‘m not familiar with them! 🐰 5y
LauraBeth @Sace oh I‘m a Taurus - I know all about being lazy! 😂 5y
LauraBeth @Bookish.SAM I‘m stacking that bc procrastination is probably my number one flaw. 📚 5y
LauraBeth @MelissaSue81 I agree that she can be preachy. A few months back, Amanda Nelson from BookRiot posted an IG story that showed a passage from an upcoming arc from Rubin - and it was this blanket insult to southerners. She‘s not just preachy but she comes off as elitist AF. I‘ll look into Unfuck Your Habitat. 5y
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Everything in life is either a frustration or an opportunity!

LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Here are links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! @litsywelcomewagon 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
SW-T Welcome to Litsy 😊 5y
Readswithcoffee Welcome to Litsy 👍🏼📚📚📚👍🏼 5y
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I've really been trying to work on my time-management, which is why this was my most recent audio book, but I didn't feel everything in here was totally adaptive. Still, there was a lot of good advise and methods in here. 👍

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Let all #Saturday mornings be like this! Happy Weekend everyone. What's on your #TBR stack this weekend?

MaGoose I have a few books from which I need to choose one to read. Then I need to touch up the paint on a wall in our laundry room and find the wood glue to repair a broken kitchen chair. 6y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot @MaGoose good luck with painting! Let me know which one do you pick? 6y
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#Motivation #ANewChapter
Loved the book and system, but never quit worked for me - but think this was more about me. 😂

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I need a book for stress!!! 6y
LauraBeth I read this book in 2011 and still refer back to it from time to time. It‘s probably the only time-management system that has worked for me 😀 6y
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vkois88 I need a stress book as well... only a couple weeks into the new year, and it seems my stress level from last year just rolled on over. 6y
Andrew65 @vkois88 yep, ditto. Been a very stressful day. 6y
Andrew65 @LauraBeth Great to hear. 😊 6y
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One of the most useful books I've ever read!

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👀 Nobody look! I'm quietly burying this in the depths of my kindle, and walking away.

Allen has a theoretically great system, but if I was actually capable of implementing it, I probably wouldn't need to implement it. I don't think the problem he's trying to solve is the problem I have (chronic #procrastination!). But I do like his 'Next Action' tips.

Also, it's Wordy! Think I need something a little more minimal. And achievable.

Moving on!

MelAnn I felt the same way about that book and System - I need something that is easily actionable! The best thing I‘ve found is the 5 Second Rule book and the journal! 6y
rockpools @MelAnn I hadn't actually heard of that one. I'll take a look at her TED talk for starters- thanks! 6y
MelAnn I loved her audiobook of 5 Second Rule! It‘s like having her right there at your side cheering you on! 6y
rockpools @MelAnn I've downloaded it to try! 6y
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Flippin' Norah!

The man has a system, and a lot of it makes a lot of sense. But.
a. The thought of writing down EVERYTHING that's in my head kind of freaks me out a lot.
b. Why use 5 words when you can use 3 paragraphs?
c. I am not convinced that my life will be incomplete until I buy a labeller.

I'm working through this, & I'm sure I'm going to find a lot of it useful. But the whole thing? Definite #overkill.

#marchintooz @Cinfhen @Lizpixie

julesG Re: a) Those would be notes I should hide from the world. Guess 'Kill Mrs K from downstairs' would feature a lot on my notes. 😜 7y
rockpools @julesG Apparently you should only have the same thought once, then you should act on it. 😳. Maybe this isn't the book for either of us! Sorry to hear about Mrs K 😡. 7y
Balibee146 I love the theory of this system but never sustained it in practice.... Tend to start feeling overwhelmed then start rebelling against my own action list. Methinks I should act my age and have another go lol 7y
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rockpools @Balibee146 I think that might be a built-in flaw in the system. If you're prone to overwhelm, it's kind of overwhelming! And as rebelling against the action list... 🥇🏆🏵Yup! 7y
Andrew65 @RachelO Tried all his ideas but didn‘t work for me just had hundreds of labelled files sitting on my desk and yes became overwhelmed. 7y
rockpools @Andrew65 You got as far as buying the labeller then 😉? It seems to be incredibly system-oriented, rather than focussing how the system could work for you. I feel like there's definitely useful stuff in here - just well-buried under the (many, beautifully labelled) files! 7y
Andrew65 @RachelO No just wrote on the files. 😂 There are a lot of useful elements hidden away. 7y
GatheringBooks i feel stressed just by reading what needs to be done! 😂🤣 7y
julesG Okay. Do I get this right, I write down my thoughts and then act on them? Well, guess I'll get a lot of reading time in prison then. 😂😂 7y
LauraBeth I read this book in 2012 and still use his ideas but I can see how it may not be the best productivity system for everyone 😀 7y
rockpools @julesG Dear Julia. DO NOT DO THIS! Love, Rachel x (You have to admit, it's a pretty infallible system though!) 7y
rockpools @GatheringBooks 😰Yep! Too right! 7y
rockpools @LauraBeth In all honesty, the problem's less with the system and more with the person using it 😉. I need a basic 'GTD for the Chronically Disorganised' version. Having said that, I do think there's stuff in here I'll use. Apart from the 2-minute thing, the 'next actionable task' thing makes a lot of sense. 7y
julesG Don't worry. I have neither bleach nor proper gloves at home right now. Should probably binge on Dexter first, too. 😜😁😁😁 7y
Andrew65 @RachelO Reminds me of a course I was on when I was training to be a Primary school teacher, science for idiots. After a few weeks I wondered if I was on the right course and whether there was one out there called ‘Science for Morons‘. 😂😂😂😂 7y
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1. 3️⃣5️⃣
2. 🙋‍♂️
3. 👧
4. 📚 An American Marriage
5. 😱 Impossible! Last 5-star read - The Animators
6. 😉
7. 😴 Froust - to sleep in on Sundays and holidays
8. ⚖️ I‘m a lawyer
9. 🐶🐩
10. 🔥🍫
11. 🗒 Getting Things Done
12. @LikelyLibrarian @Wife @StephanieGeiser

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#CurrentRead! 🙌🏻

Andrew65 Read this several years ago, an interesting system he has produced. 7y
Gezemice I have tried to do this but over the years the only important thing I got from this is: if it takes two minutes or less, just do it, don't put it on a list. 7y
janeycanuck @Gezemice yeah, that two minute rule is a game changer... It‘s amazing what you can actually do in two minutes. 7y
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This has been on the shelf since 2015... pulled it onto my TBR in June, started actually reading in Sept and finally finished today. I was really interest in this updated version (I read the original years ago) because it was supposed to incorporate more digital solutions & technology but it really only changed “paper system” to “paper or electronic system”, which was a big disappointment and now I‘m not so concerned it took me so long to get to.

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Well, that‘s a visual I wasn‘t expecting from a productivity book


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Working my way through this book & already feeling motivated

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Reading on my lunch hour, trying to get back into this book for work. #readeverywhere #finishwhatyoustart

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Evening plans: the one on the left until it gets dark and then the one on the right until it gets light.

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‪I really need to buckle down on my TBR so I'm participating in #boutofbooks 20 starting August 21st. Join me! http://boutofbooks.blogspot.ca

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Excited to read this at last after hearing @Liberty and @rebeccaschinsky talk about it on the various podcasts. With all the things I'm trying to manage in my life, these ideas are going to come in super useful.

TamarackTrail Please review when you've read it. I'm interested..... 7y
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Got work books? Anyone find books about time management, efficiency or leadership helpful to their job? I do and I'm just now starting Getting Things done. Pictured is my work library in my office. Any others you love? #workbooks #management #efficiency

Redwritinghood These look like things I should read. However, I read so much for my job that I just want to read for fun when I'm not at work. 7y
ScarletQuill I'm reading this one too. Love it! 7y
Meg858 I loved a lot of these! My most recent has been Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss 7y
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Well the husband's dot is moving away from work so now I have to go pretend like I'm doing something productive. Also - I have spent a gazillion dollars and have probably read two entire books at Lice Ladies during the daycare years...

AnnieReads Lice Ladies!!! You do live the high life! 8y
jfalkens How do you track like that? 8y
HippieChickHomeschool My mother lived right there for 10 years! 8y
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AnnieReads @jfalkens It's the stalker app in the iPhone. The technical name is "find my friends". The stalkee has to agree to being stalked. 8y
jfalkens @AnnieReads that's cool ☺ I wonder if they have an android version? 8y
Cinfhen I had the nit nanny on auto-speed for an entire year. She still sends me holiday cards 😂God, I loved her! I think I'll send her an email 💞 8y
LauraBeth @AnnieReads yep - I'm living the high life over here! 😂 @jfalkens it's called Find Friends. I wanted it on my phone because I'm a runner and I often run alone at night - I wanted the husband to be able to track me when I'm out running 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Cinfhen 😂😂 8y
LauraBeth @HippieChickHomeschool it's a lovely area! 😀 8y
jfalkens @LauraBeth ok thanks ☺ 8y
LeahBergen Lice Ladies!! 😂😂 8y
MicheleinPhilly Lice Ladies! That brings back memories. I used to contract cooties like it was my job. My poor mom. 8y
LauraBeth @LeahBergen those lice ladies were expensive!! 8y
LauraBeth @MicheleinPhilly I blame your mom for not keeping you current with your cootie shot 😀 8y
drbethandherkindle 😂😂 8y
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"You don't manage five minutes and wind up with six" - yes, I do think of this every time I hear the phrase "time management"

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He makes it look so simple... #gtd #gettingthingsdone #productivity

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Yay! Thanks to everyone who's liked and commented 😘

TrishB 😀😄✋ 8y
Grimlock Thank you! 8y
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Well, I've abandoned all my other reading for this reread but I promise I'm getting a lot out of it!

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I need to reread this and get my life back on track. Best system I've found that helps me stay on top of things. Also, I'm writing a new blog series on this https://thatlibrarianlady.com/posts/getting-things-done/

LeslieO I have that, but haven't read it yet. Maybe that's a good way to start the new year! 8y
LauraBeth Agree! I like his system and it works for me 8y
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Ok, book recommended by so many people, change my disorganized and chaotic life. Party hat added for authenticity.

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It's the funniest thing I've read all day!

#FridayFeeling #TGIF #BookMemes

Dragon So true 😂 8y
Vanessa OMG I write fiction, too!! Why am I not on the bestseller list?! 😂 8y
Niffa Never has anything been so true. 8y
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Laura317 Haha!! TRUTH!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 8y
MrBook 😂😂😂👏🏻👌🏻 8y
BethM Amen! 8y
LauraBeth 😹😹😹 8y
Yamich49 🙌🏽🙌🏽😂 8y
Carol Oh god me too! 😂😂 8y
JenBrown So true 😂😂 8y
Melkyl So true! 8y
Sue Bahahahahaha, that's gold!! 8y
bookishbunny Lol!! Yes!! 😂😂 8y
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Guilty as charged.

MrBook What was that? I got distracted. 😂😊👍🏻 8y
LauraBeth I attempted this book and didn't finish 😂 8y
shawnmooney I couldn't get this book done. I bailed halfway through when it seemed like he'd been repeating the 2 1/2 ideas he had about 8 million times and neither did I put those 2 1/2 ideas into practice in my life. :-) 8y
LLindsey Yeah...I've tried this one several times. I never get past the intro. 8y
ThatLibrarianLady Hey, it's not for everyone. It's how I keep from getting stressed though. 8y
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Had to buy a physical copy so I can highlight and tab pages. Don't make fun because this is my bible when it comes to not getting stressed out by ALL THE THINGS.

Chessa My husband loves this book too! Did you ever watch Dead Like Me? I always refer to this book as Getting Things Done with Dolores. 😂 8y
LLindsey I bought this one to help me get through my first year of law school. Didn't finish. I should probably read it before my second year starts... 8y
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I'm having a "making things really count" moment with both my professional and personal life, so here I am seeing what all the GTD fuss is about.

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