Audio puzzling on yet another snowy day. This is the winter that will not die. #bringonspring
Spending some time with the gang at Mansfield Park before heading to work. Happy Monday, everyone!
Happy Monday y‘all. Back to the tar pits
Monday morning are super hard but this made me smile this morning!!! 😂😂 It‘s hard to get any studying or reading done with littles around so I can sooooo relate to this!!! Have a great Monday everyone! ❤️❤️
1. Um can I choose Otter Pops? All the green ones please.
2. Beach.
3. Strawberries.
4. Well I‘d love to travel but....
5. I don‘t do audiobooks at all so...
#manicmonday @JoScho
1. Ice cream. Always.
2. Pool. No sand.
3. That's hard, watermelon if I must choose.
4. Travel.
5. Definitely print.
#manicmonday @JoScho
☀️ Popsicles or smoothies when it‘s really hot
☀️ Beach-it‘s actually easier to go to the beach (Lake Michigan) than a pool for us. But I have to be prepared to deal with all the sand.
☀️Both! But especially watermelon 🍉
☀️Mostly staying home but I do get in a trip to the East Coast usually.
☀️ Print and when I‘m in the mood, audio
Mondays teaching high school—as you can see, it‘s a never-ending joy! 15 more class days before final exams begin! I can do this!!
Thanks for the tag @mrozzz ! This was me literally all day. Ever since Lucas has been a preschool teacher, he's brought home all kinds of different sicknesses, and I catch every single one. 😅 I slept it off, though, and I'll be good to go tomorrow!
Morning rush getting kids to school. Read for a bit. Clean/laundry do chores like a madwoman (no wine was actually involved). Shower. Work 1-9. Hopefully meeting my parents for a drink. Home to the kitties (and the family, but they‘ll be asleep).
How fun is #bitmojimonday !!
Its back to work and an early morning doctors appointment for my mom. That‘s every Monday morning. If only I could just go back to bed and sleep the day away!
I tag anyone who wants to play along!!!!
1. I like country but I love, love 80's and 90's rock 🎶
2. R. L. Stine and Ann M. Martin
3. Candles or anything unusal and unique, nothing specific really
4. I also like to give unique gifts 😉
5. Give me sunshine and heat!!
#magicalmonday @Seekingtardis
Two memes I participate in every Monday are Mailbox Monday and It‘s Monday! What Are You Reading.
They are always fun because you get to see what others received and what others are reading.
Your TBR stack will grow.
Join us each Monday for the fun.
The hosts can be found at these sites.
1. Mailbox Monday - https://mailboxmonday.wordpress.com/
2. It‘s Monday! What Are You Reading - https://bookdate.blogspot.co.nz/
Monday mornings come way too fast!
I‘m an early bird and I‘ve recently started an earlier shift for part of the workweek. This is a good thing! I think “a case of the Mondays” is independent of when your day starts.
I hope your week is full of good reads, Litsy!
Yup...it‘s Monday 🤣
A little Monday motivation-hope it is a smooth and swift day for all of you 💕
1. Apple
2. Kindle- one of the greatest gifts ever. 😊
3. I am pretty obsessed with the weather, so probably one of my multiple weather apps. ☔️ ❄️ 🌪 ☀️ ⛈
4. At work, it‘s my desktop. Home, either my phone or MacBook.
1. Android!
2. I have a Kobo Aura and a mini
3. Probably my photo editor but to be fair, I only have a couple apps on my phone lol
4. Laptop
#manicmonday @JoScho
1: let me lie I think.
2: Yes I get the Easter holidays off with my girls so finish work Wed.
3: carnations
4: chocolate eggs.
1. Horror or a celeb bio.
2. Salad bar girl at a grocery store.
3. Retail Integrity Manager
4. Author or book store owner.
5. Coffee
1. Fantasy or Thriller
2. Battery tester. Believe it or not, my job was to run battery operated race cars to see how long the batteries would last. 🏁🏎
3. Payroll Admin/Reception/Queen of Awesomeness 😉
4. Heiress. Not a job? Ok. I always wanted to get into archaeology
5. All the coffee!!! #notamorningperson
1. YA
2. Scorekeeper for a recreation dept.
3. Claims adjuster for Progressive
4. Own my own coffee shop/bookstore
5. Coffee normally
1. Mystery, Romance, Historical Fiction (I don‘t really have work stress)
2. Ice cream scooper
3. Work for a Cell Phone tower company. It‘s kinda like real estate for cell carriers ( Vzw, AT&T, etc.) except I get to work from home.
4. Librarian or owning a book store
5. I switch between green tea and coffee. Typically tea
1. Historical fiction or fantasy
2. Camp counselor
3. Diverse Learners middle school teacher
4. Getting paid to read! 😂
5. ❤️❤️❤️coffee but I also drink tea.
Let‘s do this!!
#manicmonday @JoScho
1. almost every book ever. I love traveling!
2. Tokyo, Kyoto, London, Barcelona and Augsburg
3. Japan again at the moment💜 also Nepal somewhen in the future😊
4. both is fine, but I love being at far away places, so usually flying.
5. Ice Cream
I hope everyone‘s week starts off great🤗
1. Oh my gosh so many. Mostly The World Book by Lonely Planet... Lucas and I read about and Google Earthed every single country 😂🗺
2. Belize 🌴
3. I have a few... One is a historical WW2 tour. Germany, Poland, Austria, etc. Otherwise I'd love to fly to South Africa, sail to Tristan de Cunha and sail to Argentina ⛵ And last but not least I want to tour Rome and Egypt w/ Lucas 😁
4. Fly 🛫 I looove airplanes
5. Ice cream 🍦
#ManicMonday @JoScho
1. Fight Club, Catch Me if You Can, The Great Gatsby or Captain Phillips (I can't decide!) 💕
2. The Prestige, Dirty Dancing or Top Gun 😁
3. Mamma Mia 💃
4. Popcorn 🍿
#ManicMonday @JoScho
Only 5 more shifts than I have a 4 day weekend. 🙀
I can't help but sit here and day dream about all the books I'm going to read. ☺️
Monday morning & I'm trying to start the week on a positive with a workout & of course a book. As much as I dislike getting up early the calm after a workout gets me through my day until I can be back with a book.
I'm already halfway through my day and you know you're too tired when you don't feel like reading even a sentence. ☠
After a nice, relaxing weekend, another work week beckons! #manicmonday #backtoreading
Staycation is over and I'm finding it hard to rise and shine.
I did manage to finish 10 books (4 graphic novels, 1 audio, 5 other) while I was away from the office, so there's that.
Time to get this week started. Happy Monday, Litsy!
If you needed a motivation, today in our #TheBookCam #SpotAReader #HarryPotter Happy 20th anniversary. Who's celebrating?
This is how I'm feeling after a weekend of people and activities!!
The hubby and the kid are gone for work and school, but I'm off today (because I have to work this weekend 😫) so what do I do when I'm alone? Lay back in the warm bed and don't change the cartoons 😂😂
Another Monday morning is here! Anyone stay up late reading? 😴📚 #bookwormproblems #eclecticreaders
I have a friend who sends jokey cartoons related to books and reading. For some reason this one hit my funny bone in just the right place this morning. (Perhaps because I live with a teen who could have written a book called "Applied Hyperbole")