Even though I‘ve been bad with updates I‘ve been getting my steps and audiowalks in while my two ride bikes. Walking keeps me sane! #LitsyBitsy #40miles20hours
Even though I‘ve been bad with updates I‘ve been getting my steps and audiowalks in while my two ride bikes. Walking keeps me sane! #LitsyBitsy #40miles20hours
Hi #BFCr4 peeps. Hope you all had a good week. Here‘s my progress:
✅Walk 100,000 steps - should be there by the end of the day
✅Did yoga and stretching once
✅Listened to 1 book while active (The Woman in the Window)
✅Said no to working this weekend and said yes to watching baseball with my son, and building forts and woods walks with my daughter
❌Not so great with the bone health diet. Ate many veggies, but also much pie
The perfect way to end a walkathon 😂
I ended with 57,632 steps. I was going for 100,000 but with the dry heat, lack of sleep and my sore knee I decided to have a nap and get some more steps in later in the evening. Then I slept for 13hours 😂😂😂
I‘m still happy with my total, even though I‘m going to have to reattempt the 100k again. This time I‘m waiting until the fall. I just can stay motivated in this heat. 🔥🔥🔥#Litsywalkathon #bfc #bfcr2
To anyone who‘s working towards ANY sort of goal or challenge today - YOU GOT THIS! 🙌🏻
#Bfc #bfcr2 #challenge #litsywalkathon #goals
Hit my 20,000 step goal for the #litsywalkathon . I might walk around the block later to add to my total, but am happy with this number if it stays there.
Walked all the way across town to my in-laws so I could visit with this little snuggle bug.
It‘s way too dry and dusty out to walk for 6+ more hours, so I‘m going to walk in the hallways some more, and then I‘ll call it a day. I‘m pretty sure I‘m not going to make it to the 100k this time around, but I‘m gonna have to reattempt it in the fall when it‘s not a billion degrees 😂 #LitsyWalkathon #BFC #BFCR2
It‘s just before noon and I hit the halfway mark. Something tells me I won‘t have enough energy to last another 12 hours 😂 #LitsyWalkathon #BFC #Bfcr2 #fitwizards
42,000 steps.
I‘ve been making more frequent short stops, as opposed to a few longer breaks last time around. For my lunch I decided to stop in at McDonald‘s and get a BLT bagel. This will probably be the only time in my life that I won‘t feel bad for drinking pop at 10am lol. But i need something cold and refreshing. #LitsyWalkathon #Bfc #bfcr2
Just passed 32,000 steps. Only 68,000 to go! #litsywalkathon #BFC #BFC2 #FitWizards
There sure are some pretty views in my Ontarian city. ♥️ #LitsyWalkathon #BFC #bfcr2
I met a friend on my walk this morning. This poor lady is going to wake up and have no clue what happened to her pretty potted plants. Apparently they‘re tasty! #LitsyWalkathon #BFC #BFCR2
A special thanks to the lovely @LauraBeth who shared all of her amazing running playlists with me ♥️ I am certainly not a runner, but I LOVE a good playlist. Todays going to be a long day, so I‘m making sure to switch things to keep it interesting. The second little stint of my #LitsyWalkathon is all compliments to her July 2019 Playlist. 🙌🏻
LETS DO THIS! ⭐️ #BFC #FitWizards
First meal of the day: strawberries, maple French toast bagel, laughing cow cheese, a little bit of green smoothie, and a whole lotta water 💙
Make sure to stay hydrated out there today guys! Water is important! 💧
#LitsyWalkathon #BFC #FitWizards
My sweet Totes is trying to get in some Zzzzzs with me before the #LitsyWalkathon starts. I managed to nap for an hour and a half, but now I‘m wide awake. I‘m determined to start at 12midnight, so maybe I‘ll nap mid day. It‘s only 9pm here, so I‘ve got some time still.😂
Yay! The #LitsyWalkathon is tomorrow! 🙌🏻⭐️🤗
Do you guys have a plan for hitting your goal, or are you just going to wing it?
I‘m going to attempt 100k, so I‘m starting early. After work today I‘m going home to nap, and I‘m hoping to start pacing the hallways by 12-1am. Once the sun comes up at 5am, I‘m going to head out and start walking the neighbourhood. I‘m going solo this time, so I‘m just going to walk wherever strikes my fancy. ♥️
I‘ve got a handful of audiobooks downloaded through my #Libby app, and I‘m all set for the #LitsyWalkathon! A few are Phantom Limbs, The Decent Proposal, The Reluctant Fortune Teller, and The Missing Guests of the Magic Grove Hotel 🎧
What do you guys plan on listening do during the #LitsyWalkathon?
Hey guys! The #LitsyWalkathon is fast approaching, so if you‘re interesting in joining us just set a step goal or fitness goal for the day (full 24hour period) and post about your journey on the day of using the hashtag #LitsyWalkathon , and tag your cohosts @CoverToCoverGirl & @Clwojick ! No signup required. 😄
Let us know your Fitbit username down below if you‘d like to join a Daily Showdown, so we can message day of!
Repost for @Clwojick :
Hello Lovelies! @CoverToCoverGirl and myself will be cohosting a day long #LitsyWalkathon on July 6th! If you want to join us, just set a fitness goal for the 24 hour period, download some audiobooks, or a great playlist, and share your journey with the rest of the participants by using the #LitsyWalkathon hashtag. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
I hope you‘ll join us! ♥️🧡💛
Hello Lovelies! @CoverToCoverGirl and myself will be cohosting a day long #LitsyWalkathon on July 6th! If you want to join us, just set a fitness goal for the 24 hour period, download some audiobooks, or a great playlist, and share your journey with the rest of the participants by using the #LitsyWalkathon hashtag. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
I hope you‘ll join us! ♥️🧡💛
Last post, I promise! Here‘s the final stats🙌🏻
Note my lack of sleep 😂
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖🧡💛
Today was a good day! #BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖🧡💛
Well, I‘m just heading home from my last walk of the day. I‘m not going to make the 100,000 steps today, but I re-evaluated my goals, and I‘ll be more than proud to hit 75,000 steps! And I should be hitting that number just as I walk in the door. Next up is another shower, some YouTube and finally sleep. Studying can wait until tomorrow. 😝
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖🧡💛
Well guys, I‘ve been home for about two hours, and it was an absolute struggle to get the last 5K steps in. 😅 I‘ve come to terms with the fact that I‘m not going to make it to 100,000 steps, as I was hoping... but I think I have another 5,000 in me! I‘m going to go for 75,000, so long as I don‘t immediately fall asleep. 😴
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖🧡💛
Steps: 42,933
The link in my neck is getting annoying with my backpack, but I‘m still trucking along. 🙌🏻
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖
View from Hillcrest Park♥️
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖
Second stop: Hillcrest Park
34,960 steps at 10:41am
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖🧡💛
First stop: Tim Hortons
21,264 steps at 8:20am
So far things are going good. I am a little sleepy, and the pulled muscle behind my shoulder blade is not happy, but I‘m moseying along ♥️
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖🧡💛
Went for a very quick early morning stroll by the lake. Listened to We Need To Talk About Kevin on the way, and so far I‘m really enjoying it.
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖🧡💛
Well it‘s 4:40am, and I‘ve got just over 6,000 steps under my belt for the day. Only 94,000 to go! 😅
Follow my crazy day of adventure by checking the #OlympianSandalChallenge hashtag or “hide” the posts if you‘re not a fan of today‘s #nonbookrelated theme. Either way, cross your fingers and wish me luck! 💖
Hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday! ♥️🧡💛
#BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #ChallengeYourself #OlympianSandalChallenge @wanderinglynn 💖🧡💛
#nonreadingpursuits #uncannyoctober @RealLifeReading
I can‘t run. I can‘t jog. I can only brisk walk. I like to brisk walk in the park but if I can‘t, I‘ll just use the treadmill in the gym.
Not really book related.
I participated in the City to Bay today, which raises money for charity. My feet, hips and back are sore, but I'm proud of myself for making it to the end. I really pushed myself, and got a good finish time I'm proud of.
#charity #goodcause
Life of a meeting planner-didn't get much reading in while at our Annual Meeting this week. Looking forward to going home tomorrow night. Got in lots of steps today though! #meetingplanner #justkeepswimming