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A Short History of Nearly Everything
A Short History of Nearly Everything | Bill Bryson
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Me today on the way back from my hairdresser, passing by the little free library in the small village I live in. Normally there is nothing in it for me but today I git a glimpse of something wonderful. A German edition of one of my favourite authors and even the illustrated hardcover!!!! Who gives something like this away??? It definitely made my day. 🤩🤩🤩

Aims42 That‘s awesome!!! Also, this is an amazing looking LFL 🤯 8mo
Ruthiella I love it when we find treasure like that! 8mo
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In my pop science era 🤓🕺🏻 I remember very vividly from my childhood my dad always telling me how much he loved Bill Bryson‘s writing and enjoyed this book. I was stoked to find it at the thrift store for $2. It was written in 2003 so some info is a tad outdated (Pluto is not a planet, the existence of the Higgs Boson particle is confirmed, etc) but overall it‘s an easy, entertaining and wildly informative read.

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Here are my #bookspin and #doublespin for October. Just catching up (and staying caught up) with #DraculaDaily and the 500+ page existential tailspin that is the Bryson book. 🧛‍♂️🪐

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Good luck!! I spent quite a bit of time today catching back up with Dracula! For something that comes to my inbox daily, I don't seem to be very good at reading it at that pace! 😂 2y
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This is a jocular and interesting history of science, from the beginnings of the universe to our impending extinction. It was my first Bill Bryson & I found it engaging as he explored not just the answers to the questions themselves, but the personalities involved & how they arrived at our current understanding.

This is an excellent place to begin if you have an interest in the bigger questions.

I found it dizzying and challenging too.

mabell I love Bryson! I‘m partial to his travel books - A Walk in the Woods and In a Sunburned Country are my favorites! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @mabell It was a fascinating read. I've got At Home in my cupboard so might read that soon! 2y
mabell I enjoyed that one too! 2y
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Iced lattes and existential dread 😄💕

Continuing my contemplation of the boundaries of the universe, the spacetime continuum, the beginnings of life itself, the mysteries of the Earth, the insignificance and transience of our mortal lives...

Thanks, Bill.

Jesting aside, this is shaping up to be quite a fascinating read.

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My dad urged me to read this. It's not my genre, but I enjoyed it and now I'm done. Reading had been a little hard lately. For several months I thought my job might get cut, in half or completely. I found out this week that I'm fine, but my teammate will get cut. So I'm grateful to continue in my work, but I have a bad case of survivor's remorse. #fundlibraries

EvieBee Hugs going out to you. That is a very stressful situation. 2y
mandarchy @EvieBee thanks. It's really crazy. The superintendent just resigned. I feel like a rat on the titanic. 2y
EvieBee @mandarchy I helped a friend through that right when the pandemic hit. It was crazy! She ended up resigning as assistant principle at an elementary school because it got too political. But hang in there! 🤗❤️ (edited) 2y
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Chrissyreadit ❤️ 2y
TheLudicReader I keep waiting for things to calm the hell down. 😭 2y
Tamra 😒 hang in there! 2y
RaeLovesToRead Sounds really stressful ☹ Sorry about you teammate. Hope things settle down soon 💕 2y
RebL Feel your feels. That‘s okay. Then remember that your coworker doesn‘t want you to feel bad. 2y
mandarchy Thanks @RaeLovesToRead & @Tamra & @TheLudicReader & @Chrissyreadit & @RebL I am processing a lot of emotions about this. I think once my co-worker chooses something to look forward to, this will get easier. I'm hoping we hire a superintendent that can provide us with some healing. It's been a rough few years here, before the pandemic we were on strike. There's been some mismanagement of funds and a lot of frustration. 2y
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Happy 😊 🌎 earth day!
Even before I read about what a jerk this guy was, I thought it would make a great cat name. No kitten for this litten, though. The thought of a box of 💩 keeps be strong. 😆

KateReadsYA Omg 🤣 2y
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My dad has leukemia. I haven't seen my parents since before C19. Both my mom and I have favorite radio shows on Sunday mornings. To get him out of her hair, she tells him to call me. So I've had to give up my Sunday ritual and take a call instead. That's more to do with the dynamic between me and my mom, but I will stop whatever I'm doing to have some time with my dad. He really wants me to read this. I am at: the size of the universe. Mind blown

BiblioLitten 💕 2y
truthinfiction Time with parents is so precious! ❤️ 2y
JessClark78 ❤️ 2y
mandarchy @truthinfiction it's so true. I had to take a class to learn how to deal with my mom. Or relationship is 100% better. I am so glad we can video chat, but I miss being with them. 2y
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Eggs 💙 🌎 💚 2y
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My BN #bookhaul from Saturday - plus two for the kiddo (one of which will be exchanged for the paperback of the same title) and a surprise she‘ll get tomorrow.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Bill Bryson!!! 😍🥰 3y
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Thanks for the tag @Trashcanman

1) Grateful for having a few days off with this week. Long overdue especially working in the health field and dealing with covid craziness everyday. I'm also grateful for my family (wife & kids).

2) Science rocks.

I'm a bit late but I thought I'd do it anyway...😐

Trashcanman Anytime mate! 4y
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It took me some time, but I finally finished A Short History of Nearly Everything 🥳 This book is an investment but a good one! I learned A LOT, all while chuckling aloud from time to time.

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#bookhaul Went to a secondhand store today. The comic in my daughter's hand and the one on the left were the only two books that got my daughter excited. The one on the right was on my wishlist. Behaved myself, especially because I feel I have too many books. A bit overwhelmed every now and then.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I LOVE Bill Bryson!! Haven‘t read that one yet, but it‘s also on my TBR! ❤️ 4y
Tineke @Bookwyrm42. I loved A walk in the woods and this one had good catchy opening lines so I'm looking forward to this read too! 4y
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Oh 2003 Bill Bryson, if only you knew a few years later the swine flu of 2009!

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Not one of your pertinent ancestors was squashed, devoured, drowned, starved, stranded, stuck fast, untimely wounded, or otherwise deflected from its life's quest of delivering a tiny charge of genetic material to the right partner at the right moment in order to perpetuate the only possible sequence of hereditary combinations that could result -- eventually, astoundingly, and all too briefly -- in you.

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I don‘t know why this made me laugh, but it did. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Something interesting on every page! Would have held my attention so much more in school if I had learned some of this.

#science #history #funfacts

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So much fascinating information. I‘ll be happy if I retain 5% of it. 🌎


One of the best general pop sci texts I've read. Bryson is always a good choice.

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Running around looking for pieces to create a costume for my 10 yr old for book week & I just can't walk past the bookshelves..
Today's book haul & I'm mighty happy @$1ea, especially with Tandia as I'm currently reading The Power of One!
My daughter squealed when she saw Eragon
I'm also very excited about Kim by R.Kipling, an author I've wondered about for 40yrs, ever since I recieved a book from my Grandpa with 2 of his stories in it when I was 7

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A Short History Of Nearly Everything does exactly what it says on the label. It serves as a crash-course in most areas of scientific inquiry, covering off everything from the Big Bang to evolution to quantum mechanics. It sounds like it'll be a snooze-fest, but it‘s written in a folksy, conversational style that most readers will find accessible. Full review: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/a-short-history-of-nearly-everything-bill-br...

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I found THIS at Goodwill, too! Stunning and in great condition. I have a well-worn paperback this is replacing.

Lcsmcat Love when that happens! 5y
Seshat @Lcsmcat Absolutely! 5y
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I rarely re-read books, but I could probably re read Bryson's condensed history of the scientifically understood world sixteen times and still crave another go. As in all of his books, he splices together information, fascinating (and horrifying) anecdotes, eye opening statistics and his witty commentary on it all. I can't say enough about how much I adore this book.


Thoroughly interesting read. I didnt think this book could ever be this interesting, and way surpassed my expectations. Bryston's witty take on personalities and past discoveries is a real joy.

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“Your pillow alone may be home to 40 million bed mites. (To them your head is just one large oily bon-bon). Indeed, if your pillow is six years old - which is apparently about the average age for a pillow - it has been estimated that one-tenth of its weight will be made up of sloughed skin, living mites, dead mites and mite dung.”

#AnglophileApril | 21: #AnotherOneBitesTheDust

📷: Made with Typorama

Graywacke I‘m replacing my pillow... 5y
LiterRohde @Graywacke I was thinking of burning everything. 5y
Mdargusch Well, I will be having nightmares tonight! 🦟🦟🦟 5y
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jillrhudy Match please 🔥 5y
Laura317 Oh dear Lawd! Gimme a flamethrower! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I didn‘t need to know this!!! 🤣🤣🤣 5y
Reviewsbylola That is horrifying. 😱 5y
Reviewsbylola Also, two of my pillows are probably 20 years old. 😆 I‘ve never been able to find pillows like the ones @mdargusch had. They could be 100% bed mites and their dung and I still wouldn‘t let them go. 😆😆 (edited) 5y
Reagan Ewwwwww ☹️ 5y
Cinfhen Oh God! I don‘t think I wanted to know that 😳😳😳 5y
emilyhaldi I'm glad I read that after waking up and showering and not as I was laying in bed 😆 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser @emilyhaldi aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh, I'm laying in my bed! 5y
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“You may not feel outstandingly robust, but if you are an average-sized adult you will contain within your modest frame no less than 7 X 10^18 joules of potential energy - enough to explode with the force of thirty very large hydrogen bombs, assuming you knew how to liberate it and really wished to make a point.”

#QuotsyMar19 | 11: #Caffeine

📷: Made with Typorama

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Bill Bryson has made the perfect introduction to non-fiction. This book is informative and entertaining. Would recommend to readers of all genres.

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I love a good popular science book and this is one of my favourites. Looking forward to Bill Bryson's new release this year 😍

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First time reading Bryson, but definitely won‘t be the last. A detailed review of lots of scientific discoveries and advances.


LeeRHarry I loved this one - I laughed so much! 5y
Kaye If you like this one , give this one a try. It‘s very entertaining and filled with neat information 5y
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Interesting and quite surprising. #2016

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I just love this book, specially #Audiobook. This evening, at the trail, walk and listen!

RaimeyGallant Did you see the new swap that's happening? Go to @chelleo's page for #blitsyhistorymonth swap details. 6y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot @RaimeyGallant hey no! Thanks for tag - I'm joining :) 6y
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Takes time

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I'm a bit disappointed that it isn't read by the author, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Maybe.

MaleficentBookDragon I really like William Roberts' narrations. I have the version of A Walk in the Woods that he narrates. I prefer it to the author's version. Go figure. 🙍 6y
Chrissyreadit I have it on audio but have not listened yet. I look forward to hearing your opinion. 6y
Leniverse @MaleficentBookDragon @Chrissyreadit I‘ve reached ch. 5 and I have gotten used to the narrator. He does a good job. I think that after I‘ve listened to the whole thing I might have to get a paper copy. Audio is great for a first run through and for all the funny anecdotes, but not so great for flipping back to remind yourself who this or that scientist was again, and all the little details. 6y
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Wow that took a long time to get through. This book is just packed with tons of information and I'm sure I wasn't able to soak it all up but I did learn a few new things. However, I would not tell anyone to take this on lightly. Good luck! #educational

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"There are three stages in scientific discovery. First, people deny that it is true, then they deny that it is important; finally they credit the wrong person."
- Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything

#nonfiction #science #history #popularscience #billbryson #quote

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I am taking this on ... this is happening. I have my highlighter and Google search ready. #science #sundayreading

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Bill Bryson wrote my favorite passage ever.

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Finally put you down, but not for long.

RuthyBux One of my all time favourites 😀 6y
DebbieGrillo Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon And here's a compilation of Litsy tips that some of us put together:
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So, I picked up the audio book version for A Short History of Nearly Everything narrated by William Roberts. I'd heard a lot of praise about this one, but I don't feel it. It's been over a month since I started it and I'm still barely 15% done. I guess audio books are not my thing. But I'm the kind of person who finishes a book no matter what, so I guess I'm stuck.

BarbaraTheBibliophage Welcome to Litsy! Have you tried speeding up the audiobook? Most players will let you go at speeds over 1.0. Sometimes that helps make the narration better, believe it or not. And at the very least, it‘ll help you finish sooner. One thing I‘ve learned from people here, though, is it‘s okay to bail on a book! 6y
her-my-oh-nee @BarbaraTheBibliophage will try speeding it up. Thanks for the tip. 6y
jfalkens Welcome to Litsy and happy reading 😊🎉📖🎊📚 6y
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Cinfhen Hi welcome to Litsy! Sometimes with audio it has a lot to do with the narrator ! I find for me memoirs "told" by the author work best! Hands down the best audio I listened too was 6y
her-my-oh-nee @Cinfhen Thanks for the tip and the book suggestion. I will definitely try it out. 6y
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JoeStalksBeck Love this book! 7y
RiaWritten @JoeStalksBeck I've only started today and I'm already in love. 7y
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I read this several months ago, but just noticed it was still showing as 'currently reading'. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much, as I do most anything by Bryson

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#rocktober #yououghtaknow

This is one of those books that gets you saying to everyone “Did you know ...?” It‘s chock full of interesting facts #yououghtaknow Great for anyone who is interested in science, particularly earth sciences and astronomy but only wants to hear the juicy bits. (Well juicy IMO - I love this stuff!) I also love Bill Bryson as you can see 🙌

TheKidUpstairs I love Bill Bryson too! Those are great covers 👍 7y
seebiscan I love those covers! I think I own all of his books—he‘s so great! 7y
Centique @TheKidUpstairs @seebiscan yay, more fans! When I bought these, all the covers in the stores here were like this. My next purchases aren‘t going to match unfortunately! 7y
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sisilia What's your no. 1 favorite of Bill Bryson? 7y
Centique @sisilia I think it‘s this one just because I learnt so much. But his travelling ones are funny and I like that humour too. 👍 7y
Cinfhen Brilliant 👍🏻 7y
Cathythoughts This is great. I think I may get it for my husband for xmas. He would like this. 👍 7y
Centique @Cathythoughts oh cool! I will be so excited if he likes it. I can‘t get mine to read anything apart from finance or boat building 😩 7y
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When it comes to scientists experimenting on themselves, there is one part of the tagged book that I just can't get out of my head (no matter how hard I try). It involves Isaac Newton and his eyeball. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go throw up...

#MonsterMadness2017 @LibrarianRyan

rabbitprincess Urgh yes I know that story 😖 7y
LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓👻 7y
Ms_T Think I‘ll give that book a miss 🤢 7y
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I also finished this one today! I liked it more than I thought I would, since I'm not a science person. I possibly enjoyed the stories about the historical scientist's lives more than the actual science, but hey. ;) It was engaging and I learned a lot!

BookNAround I really enjoyed this one too. My daughter got to use it as her science book in high school and I was thoroughly jealous of that idea although she claimed it was a boring book. Maybe it's wasted on teenagers with zero life experience! 7y
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Listening to this while I clean out all the pockets of all my purses and totes. So far: approximately 14 pens, 900 receipts, and 1 billion bobby pins.

Natasha.C.Barnes Audiobooks should get some sort of prize for how much they make commutes, cleaning, and backpacking so much better. ❤️ 7y
Centique 😂😂 7y
Johanna414 The last time I did this I found $120 cash in one. I suspect it was from a bar tending job I had a few summers ago... not sure how I didn't miss it though! 7y
Avanders Lol that escalated quickly.... 😂😂 7y
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And so, from nothing, our universe begins.

After finishing my dissertation, I needed something completely different and Bill Bryson never disappoints!
#backontrack #tbr #stack

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Cinfhen I was going to post this one too #GreatMinds 💕💕 7y
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Finally finished this book. I have been reading it off and on for a while. The length of time is mostly a reflection that it's really long. Some aspects are a little dated, but overall it was informative. My biggest complaint was that Bryson didn't read the audiobook himself.

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Happy #EarthDay2017 ! An appropriate day to post a book with a pic of the planet earth on its cover! 😅 Let's join in our community to do our part, from growing our own food, go paperless, to supporting critical conservation efforts. Not forgetting to sing or play an #earthsong. 😁🌍💙🎼

Simona I adore this book❣️ 7y
Cinfhen Great advice and gorgeous cover💙💚💙 7y
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