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Born to Run
Born to Run: The hidden tribe, the ultra-runners, and the greatest race the world has never seen | Christopher McDougall
At the heart of Born to Run lies a mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, the Tarahumara, who live quietly in canyons and are reputed to be the best distance runners in the world; in 1993, one of them, aged 57, came first in a prestigious 100-mile race wearing a toga and sandals. A small group of the world's top ultra-runners (and the awe-inspiring author) make the treacherous journey into the canyons to try to learn the tribe's secrets and then take them on over a course 50 miles long. With incredible energy and smart observation, McDougall tells this story while asking what the secrets are to being an incredible runner. Travelling to labs at Harvard, Nike, and elsewhere, he comes across an incredible cast of characters, including the woman who recently broke the world record for 100 miles and for her encore ran a 2:50 marathon in a bikini, pausing to down a beer at the 20 mile mark.
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Some forewarning: I‘ve become addicted to running. To the point where I‘ve only competed in a 10K (great finisher‘s medal!), but Ive already registered for the San Francisco Marathon in July and am even pondering ultras. So no surprise that I love this book. A journalist gets to participate in a foot race hosted by an isolated tribe of the most gifted ultra runners on the planet; it‘s the book‘s aim to unpack how and why, and drags you in with it.

The_Book_Ninja Good luck!🏃🏿🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️ (edited) 2mo
cant_i'm_booked @The_Book_Ninja Thank you so much! :)) 2mo
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I loved this book. It was so inspiring and I learned a lot from reading it. I loved learning about different runners and techniques. This was such an excellent book to read for anyone, but especially if you are a runner.

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(2009) I'd have read this sooner, but I knew it mostly as the book that started the barefoot/minimalist running movement, which never appealed to me (the minimalist runners I knew seemed to have the same injuries as everyone else). My loss: yes, there's the boo!-shoes stuff, yes the tone is hyperbolic, but its heart is an engaging account of running, evolution, kindness, joy, and people who run very very well -- a pleasure front to back.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I‘ve never gone running barefoot, but I do a lot of hiking barefoot. I need to look into this one! 9mo
swynn @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Hat off to you for hiking barefoot! I think you'll like this one. 9mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Thanks, my fellow hiker friends think I‘m crazy. 😅 9mo
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This pasty nerd never thought she‘d be hanging on to every word about long distance running! That‘s how riveting, joyful, meaningful, & fun this book about racing, community, physiology, prehistory, &, greatest runners in the world, the indigenous Tarahumara, is. A modern classic published 15 years ago, the science here may be dated (including fatphobia), but it remains an important, beloved book sure to have you running out the door, Nikes or no!

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Sometimes an audiobook is the way to go!

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I enjoyed it as a story; it made me want to go out for a run although it romanticized some ways of life that I didn't think should be glorified.

That being said, it did also have some interesting points on shoes and nutrition. Without taking it as gospel, I have some ideas I want to experiment with now and I'm excited to see where this will take me in my next phase as someone who loves finding the joy that comes with movement.
#running #marathon

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After reading his "Natural Born Heroes" I'll be interested to see the inspiration I'll gather from this book to push my limits. I tend to take his advice with a grain of salt but I also appreciated that he provided his sources at the back of the book for further reading if I was so inclined. Either way, it's an adventure, which I generally enjoy.

#mexico #running

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There is something about this quote that really speaks to me. It just really resonates for some reason. Maybe because I run for the sheer joy of it.
#ChristopherMcDougall #BornToRun #fortheloveofrunning #running #audiobook #busbooks

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This was an awesome book about the joys and evolution of running. I can absolutely see where Adharanand Finn got his inspiration from this book. The discussion of human evolution is fascinating. Some of the science is a bit outdated, but what can you expect from a book written over a decade ago? The book really holds up for the most part.

GingerAntics There is some fatfobia in one small part of the book that almost turned me off of it, but then I remembered the science was a decade old, and hopefully this guy wouldn‘t think negatively about any runner, no matter their size or body shape. Seeing that he rolled with some messy drunk runners with grace in this book, I tend to think he wouldn‘t. 2y
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I‘m excited to start this one tomorrow morning on the bus. #ChristopherMcDougall #BornToRun #fortheloveofrunning #running #audiobook #busbooks

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Born to Run - this was a fun story about the author‘s foray in endurance running. I read this a very long time ago when I was actually fit and doing utterly ridiculous things like running marathons…I‘m mostly glad those days are behind me!

#alphabetgame #letterb

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Not bad! I don‘t care much about sports/running, but this was an interesting way to learn a very small bit about the Tarahumara tribe and about a big race in my home state. Some rumblings of eurocentrism and colonial mindset, but nothing like outright xenophobia. The author does give sexism in sports a pass by including it without commentary. Otherwise, an interesting read. Loved the vivid and creative descriptions throughout.

SRWCF I loved this book! I came away with many a written down quote from it. 2y
Kenyazero @SRWCF Nice! It‘s a pretty good read! 2y
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I don‘t run. I‘ve never wanted to run. But after reading this I do.
I thought this book would be some boring book about running. Surprise, it‘s not. It‘s about an adventure in the Mexican desert to discover an elusive tribe of ancient running people, a secret race, and the man that makes it all possible.
#borntorun #nonfiction

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I was a decade late to the party on this travelogue, but the author‘s tale of master runners in the mountains of Mexico contains timeless thrills and insights into humankind‘s oldest “superpower.” Detours into anthropology and insanity-level ultramarathons add to the fun. I felt bittersweet upon finishing, as I wanted to spend more time with the eccentric characters and the dwindling tribes that preserve ancient ways of running and living.

llcoolnate i was late too but loved it! 2y
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Book and Tea break after walking all day, vacations in Lyon

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1. Cabin or yurt
2. Wanderer‘s Sanctuary
3. Going into the pre-Litsy reading lists, I loved Born to Run! Braiding Sweetgrass is a more recent read that def gave off outdoorsy vibes too
4. My only goal is to have fun since I‘m not doing well with goals right now 😃


alisiakae @imabusybee oops! I could have sworn I tagged @ImperfectCJ although I had a hovering Hubby waiting for me to finish my post so we could order Door Dash 😂 3y
ImperfectCJ I've heard of both Born to Run and Braiding Sweetgrass, but haven't read either yet. I'm really enjoying seeing which books campers choose! 3y
imabusybee @4thhouseontheleft Not a problem I just wanted to make sure it got tagged to the right person 😀 3y
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“Isolated by Mexico's deadly Copper Canyons, the blissful Tarahumara Indians have honed the ability to run hundreds of miles without rest or injury.“

Really interesting read. Awesome to read some insight into a completely foreign world!

SRWCF I loved this book so much! 2y
llcoolnate @SRWCF right?? great one! 2y
SRWCF @llcoolnate indeed! I have a notebook somewhere where I wrote down quotes from this book (pre-Litsy). The quote you posted sounds very familiar! 2y
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llcoolnate @SRWCF love it! 2y
SRWCF @llcoolnate I couldn't resist - I found my notebook! Looks like I read this book in November 2017. Here's a quote I liked: "Tarahumara Indian saying- 'When you run on the earth and run with the earth, you can run forever.' " ?‍♂️ ?‍♀️ 2y
llcoolnate @SRWCF oh that's a really good one! 2y
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Because...I have 12 weeks to prepare for a 4 miler and...zombies make everything better!

Readergrrl Oh, wow! I have the Zombies Run app! I haven‘t used in a few years, but you‘ve made me want to start again! And I agree…zombies make everything better! 3y
NikkiM5 If I ever decide to run again, I need to remember this app. 3y
RavenLovelyReads @Readergrrl I used it years ago too- they‘ve made improvements! 3y
RavenLovelyReads @NikkiM5 Sometimes i use it to walk just to get supplies to build my township! I just turn off the chases :) 3y
NikkiM5 @RavenLovelyReads wow great idea. I am trying to walk my neighborhood at least once a day. 3y
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Because once upon a time...I used to run half marathons for fun. Reading this makes me want to lace up again!

Erinreadsthebooks Such a good book! 3y
GingerAntics I‘ve been debating reading this book. I‘ve been missing running lately, too. 3y
llcoolnate Just finished! Really enjoyed it! 3y
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An amazing story that does a lot of work while maintaining its enjoyable, heartfelt edge through to the end. There's history, sciences of many types, experts, laypeople, and a bunch more perspectives you wouldn't expect all woven together to demonstrate that humans were born to run. I loved the humor, was moved to tears, and frequently experienced goosebumps in response to the many revelations. Highly recommend either print or audio versions.


Make friends with pain, and you‘ll never be alone.

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This one goes on my list of “life changing” books that I will keep forever. If you‘ve read it, you know. I was not born to run...I shot up to 6ft tall at age 12, killing any chance of my knees making it through a lifetime, and despite many years of trying to become a “runner” I was described as “the opposite of a gazelle” by a trainer. Still, reading even a few pgs of this makes me want to run outside immediately!! Book goes way beyond running!!

Nute Super curious about this now! Stacking! Lol - “the opposite of a gazelle.” 3y
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This is my birthday book haul from my family today. My husband did a great job picking out books that I don‘t own already and that are right up my alley.

Erinreadsthebooks Born to Run is so good!!!! 3y
Ncostell @Erinreadsthebooks That‘s good to hear, I‘m looking forward to reading it! 3y
kspenmoll Happy belated birthday! 🎉🎉 3y
Ncostell @kspenmoll Thank you! 3y
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6-12 Dec 2020 (audiobook)
I found this book inspiring and have probably talked about it far too much over the past week. The idea that expensive running shoes actually cause injuries seems valid to me. And I love the idea of ultra-running, although I am very far from being capable of that right now! But I am inspired to increase my distances and try again to train for a marathon.

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#BookSpinBingo (Free) @TheAromaofBooks Aug NEWTs (read in Sept)class-Arithmencey-prompt-precision is Key=nonfiction book level A. About race with Tarahumara tribe, Information about ultrarunners world. It takes time to read it because you will like to watch every video about these runners. Information was interesting but sometimes not well integrated.I have questions on how animals are compared with humans.3.9⭐️I wish I could do an ultra race!😱

Gissy I'm only a fast walker☺️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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I received this book as a gift from my boss who has been a dedicated runner for years as I began my journey as a runner.

This book was billed as a reporter seeking out the Tarahumara from deep in the Copper Canyons in Mexico to help him find a way to cure his plantar fasciitis. The book moves quickly and follows the author throughout his journey.

This book teaches us something more important than how to run, it shows us why we run.

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My favorite running book so far!

MEGR I loved this one too! Have you read What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Marukami ? That was a gem 💎 too 5y
Amandakay @MEGR yes!! Loved it!! 5y
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#BookFitnessChallenge went for a run with my local running club for the first time in ages, it felt tough but good. The run accounted for about 6,200 of those steps.

#BFC Week 1 Day 4
Steps: 63,981/105,000
Runs: 1/3

Books: 1/9 (target for the whole 6 weeks)

Emilymdxn That‘s an incredible amount of steps!! Well done! 5y
BookwormAHN Great job 👏🏻 5y
Nessavamusic Great job! 5y
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wanderinglynn Amazing job! 🙌🏻 5y
AprilMae Awesome job!!! 5y
TheSpineView Wow! I'm impressed! Keep up the good work! 5y
alisiakae Great job! 5y
Megabooks Wow! #impressed 😁👍🏻 5y
Caterina Great job!! 🙌🎉 Getting a run in and that many extra steps is impressive! 5y
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1. Cardio Queen - give me all the endorphins
2. 🌲🐾🦋🦉🌞
3. If I get to the gym and discover I‘ve forgotten my headphones - I turn around and go home 🤦‍♀️
4. Running
5. This is my workout playlist for May (apologies for being an outlier and using Apple Music):


wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 🙌🏻 5y
AlaMich Re: #3...I will go home too. It‘s too damn boring without earbuds. I will slip into a coma and fly off the treadmill. 5y
Kaila-ann I agree about number 3, no headphones = no workout. 5y
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LauraBeth @AlaMich 😂 I just can‘t do it. And yet I STILL manage to show up to the gym without my headphones! 5y
LauraBeth @Kaila-ann It Just can‘t happen! I agree 😂 5y
saresmoore Thank you for sharing your playlist! I have Apple Music, too, but am in dire need of some good playlists. 5y
LauraBeth @saresmoore follow me on Apple Music! I do new running playlists every month. 5y
saresmoore You‘re the best! ♥️ 5y
Clwojick Downloaded your playlist! Thanks for sharing ♥️ 5y
britt_brooke 100% with you on #3! 5y
Clwojick I just wanted to come back and say that I LOVE THIS PLAYLIST ❤ 5y
LauraBeth @Clwojick oh I‘m glad! I was binge-watching Grey‘s Anatomy while I was doing it - so was wondering how that affected it 😂 5y
britt_brooke @LauraBeth 😆 Too funny! 5y
Mimi28 ME!! ❤️❤️❤️ I‘ll follow you, I don‘t even know how to do playlists and I have had Apple Music since day 1!! Lol 5y
Mimi28 I‘m either under my real name or slickbutterfly76- my aol name, lol 5y
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Excited to be a part of the #bookfitnesschallenge! Exercise and reading are my jams. Need to figure out my goals...If anyone wears a Garmin, feel free to connect with me over there.

jessinikkip I do have a Garmin, and if I happen to find it, I'll connect. See what happened was, we packed up and moved and I told my wife to put it where we could find it. And now we have no idea where that somewhere may be. 5y
LauraBeth @jessinikkip if I was your wife and you asked me to put it where we could find it - I‘d put it on your wrist 😂 5y
jessinikkip I figured she would put it with the electronic stuff. Or in my bookbag with the phones. Or in the bathroom stuff since I usually take it off to shower. The 3 places it would make sense. Nope. Who knows where its at 5y
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I took a little bookish field trip to Frederick MD today - got another library card and visited this cute little bookstore. Photo is from their Facebook page.

LiteraryinLawrence What a clever sign! 5y
Chrissyreadit I know this bookstore! I love going into Frederick. 5y
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My current audio pick is a re-read. I read this in paperback a few years ago when I first started running. It‘s interesting how my experience has changed now that I‘ve been running for a while, and now I‘m a marathoner! It is still not convincing me to ditch my sneakers, but it is planting the idea of trail running in my head 🤔

Erinreadsthebooks Such a great book! 5y
janerzy This is on my to-read list! 5y
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Great read. Hard to get into a first but enjoying the mixture of research and storytelling. Made me want to get thinner shoes and change my running style.

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Congratulations @Moray_Reads on your Litsy milestone! A book that really inspired me to be fit is “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall


Moray_Reads This sounds interesting. Thanks for entering ❤️ 6y
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Congrats @LaurenReads on reaching your new Litsy milestone! I love the tagged book. Its a really inspiring book on running. I also love “The Geography of Bliss” by Bill Bryson! #hundredgrand

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I am not an athlete. I am just a girl who enjoys keeping fit. Reading this book brings out the desire to run in me like no other. I love inspiring reads. #sundayreading #nonfiction #recommend

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Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
Bacon!!!!! Buttermilk Fried Chicken! Yum yum
There's a lot but I think I'm gonna stick with Bill Bryson
Brooklyn nine-nine!!!
#ManicMonday @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing! 😊💖 6y
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“For days, I‘d been searching Mexico‘s Sierra Madre for the phantom know as Caballo Blanco—the White Horse.”
#18of365 #bookcover #openingline

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This book was fantastic!! I'm 2 weeks away from my first ever marathon and this book was so inspiring! Made me feel heaps better about the prospect of running 26.2 miles, let's see what I decide to do after that!!

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1. I‘ve just put my kids to bed, so I‘m taking a minute to relax on the couch before I get moving again.
2. My daughter‘s blanket is next to me on the couch. It‘s cheetah-print pink!
3. The Office, though I have to admit I‘ve never seen This Is Us 😬.
4. I received Unicorn Meat as a White Elephant gift last week. Yes, it‘s a real thing on Amazon.
5. My fav book of 2017 was Born to Run. So good! #humpdaypost #litsymoms

Pamwurtzler Unicorn meat???? 7y
MinDea I second @Pamwurtzler ! What is unicorn meat?!? 7y
Pamwurtzler I just looked on Amazon- it‘s apparently full of sparkles. 😂😂😂😂 7y
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WarpedSweetness I kind of want some unicorn meat now. Lol 7y
Kristyngansen @MinDea @Pamwurtzler haha yes! The reviews are pretty funny. It‘s actually a stuffed animal - kind of! 7y
DebbieGrillo Your view looks a lot like mine. 7y
MidnightBookGirl Haha, Unicorn Meat sounds awesome! We sell Unicorn Snot (body glitter and lip gloss) at the bookstore, but maybe we need to get the meat! 7y
Kristyngansen @WarpedSweetness I just don‘t think I could buy anything called unicorn snot! Hahaha does it sell well? 7y
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This was my 70th book of the year, and my favorite so far! I will absolutely look for other books from Christopher McDougall. Have you read it? Thoughts? #runningbooks #nonfiction

Cinfhen Haven't read it but it's been on my radar recently #stacked 7y
YouReadMyEyes I thought this was excellent! 6y
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It was the greatest non-fiction book I have read. It was inspiring and motivating. You don't need to be a runner to appreciate it, anyone would love this book. It made me cry in the end not because it was sad but because I was overwhelmed. The book made me happy, inspired and refreshed. I would have love to see the races with my own eyes.

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#nonreadingpursuits pic from the Corning Wineglass half marathon a couple of years ago. I have been slacking on my running lately but hope to become more consistent when I retire at the end of the year. #uncannyOctober

eanderson So cool!!! That‘s exciting about retirement!!! 👏👍🤗 7y
Cathythoughts Great picture 👍👍👍 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Great shot!! 7y
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When in doubt, sweat it out🏃‍♂️ #eveningrunindubai

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And then one day she got out of bed, made the bed, opened the blinds, poured the wine down the sink, turned off the news, rolled down the car windows and went to the park for a run with her beloved dog. Because people encouraged her to move forward ❤️

DGRachel ❤️❤️You go, you fabulous, inspiring, strong woman! Hugs to you and Bitsy! 7y
TrishB 💟💜 love to you and Bitsy and a fabulous run in the park! 7y
Reecaspieces Bitsy!!! She would make anyone's heart soar! 7y
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Mimi28 Aaaaawwww!!! Good for you!! Hi Bitsy!! 7y
MicheleinPhilly 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
CocoReads You go! Hi Bitsy!!! 7y
JacqMac 💕💕 7y
OrangeMooseReads 😊enjoy 7y
aeeklund You got this!! Sending love. 💜💜 7y
ValerieAndBooks 💖💖💖💖 7y
RealBooks4ever 💜💜💜and a scruffy pet for Bitsy! 7y
Bookzombie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💗💗 7y
Lreads That sounds wonderful! Adventures with Bitsy! 👏💕 7y
Redwritinghood 🎈🎈💕💕🎉🎉 7y
LeahBergen Yay!! I'm so happy! 😘😘😘😘 7y
MaureenMc 🙌👍💗 7y
TheBookStacker Yay! Just takes one step one day at a time! You can do it! 7y
LauraBeth @DGRachel 🤗❤️ 7y
LauraBeth @TrishB it was a good run! 😊💕 7y
LauraBeth @Reecaspieces she's such a good companion 💕💚 7y
LauraBeth @Mimi28 Bitsy says hi 👋👋 7y
LauraBeth @CocoReads 😊 Bitsy says hi 👋 7y
LauraBeth @JacqMac ❤️😊 7y
LauraBeth @OrangeMooseReads It was great 😊💕 7y
LauraBeth Thanks @aeeklund 🤗❤️ 7y
LauraBeth @RealBooks4ever 🤗❤️ Bitsy got all the nose boops and scritches today for being out in the heat 7y
LauraBeth It was @ReadsWithTea! 🤗💕 7y
LauraBeth @MaureenMc 😊❤️ 7y
LauraBeth Yes I can! @TheBookStacker! Thanks! 🤗❤️ 7y
Lmstraubie 💛💛💛 7y
DebinHawaii You got this! Especially with Bitsy there to help! 👍👍🐶❤️ 7y
britt_brooke 😍😍😍 7y
DimeryRene This is the best post I've seen all in my newsfeed this morning. ☀️🌻💛🌼 7y
LauraBeth Thanks @Lmstraubie 💕💕 7y
LauraBeth Thanks @DebinHawaii - we went again today 😀❤️ 7y
LauraBeth Thanks @britt_brooke 😘💕 7y
LauraBeth We did it again today @DimeryRene! ❤️❤️ 7y
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This has been on my TBR for a while ... & special mention to What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Murakami. #AnditsAugust #runningandjumping Day 20

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Women belong in the kitchen.
Men belong in the kitchen.
Everyone belongs in the kitchen:
The kitchen has #coffee
Day 11 of #booksacrossoceans is #blackandwhite
#pins #pin #booknerd #readersgonnaread #augustphotochallenge

alovely26 I'm coming to your kitchen!!!!!! 😀😀😀 7y
mellisarock @alovely26 Coffee is brewed! ❤️🙋🏻 7y
Cathythoughts My son thought he was very funny as a teen, when he asked why is there more than one window in a kitchen ? So a woman can have a different point of view. ! Little scallywag , winding me up ! 7y
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High points: epic race reports, better stride techniques, a reminder of why I love running.
Low points: fetishizing of indigenous cultures and a little too much new age health information for my liking. Veganism does not cure cancer.

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😻 Favorite Hobby: Encouraging women to run
😻 Favorite Drink: Coffee
😻 Favorite Food: Cake
😻 Favorite Color: Pink
😻 Favorite City: NYC
😻 Where My Dream House Would Be: A place with acres of land to adopt a gazillion dogs and cats and with enough bedrooms to adopt a gazillion orphans
😻 Favorite Accessory: Apple Nike watch
😻 Favorite TV Show: 30 Rock
😻 Last Movie I Saw: Moana
😻 Currently Reading: The History of Love

Laura317 I love your big heart for orphans - both human and otherwise! ❤️ 7y
britt_brooke And back at ya with the adorableness! 😊😘 7y
MaleficentBookDragon Sorority Squat! 🤣😂😹 7y
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Hollie This reminds me I need to try to run today...you're inspirational in all kinds of ways! 😘 7y
saresmoore More like a majestic gazelle! 🏃‍♀️♥️ 7y
Cinfhen So happy to have you back! Missed you😘hope you and your family are all well 💗 7y
Smangela Hahaha sorority squat just is so hard to overcome. It's unnatural to resist 🤣🤣 7y
Megabooks lol sorority squat!! I often wish I were taller! You look great! 7y
DimeryRene 30 Rock!!! Criminally underrated. I don't know anyone who watched it. 💙 7y
Leelee.reads I ❤️ your dream house response! 🐶🐱👫👬👭 7y
SaraFair I am a giraffe too at 5'8". But I prayed for tall children and now I am finally standing upright as the shortest in the family! 7y
RealBooks4ever You're an inspiration! 👍🏼💜 7y
LeahBergen 😘😘😘 7y
LauraBeth @Laura317 I love Psalm 68:6 ❤️ 7y
LauraBeth @MaleficentBookDragon I'm doomed with that pose for the rest of my life for being so dang tall 😂 7y
LauraBeth @Hollie ⭐️🏃‍♀️💪🏆 7y
LauraBeth @saresmoore *snort* 😘❤️ 7y
LauraBeth Thanks @Cinfhen - missed you too! 😘❤️ 7y
LauraBeth @Smangela the struggle is real! 7y
LauraBeth @Booksandcooks you're kind ❤️ 7y
LauraBeth @DimeryRene I know! It's brilliant! That's my go-to comfort show 7y
LauraBeth @Leelee.reads 😊 I think everyone deserves to be loved and to have a family ❤️ 7y
LauraBeth @SaraFair 😂😂I know what you mean - my kid is 12 and is a giant! 7y
LauraBeth @RealBooks4ever you're kind to say 😊😘 7y
LauraBeth @LeahBergen if this pic was taken in 1989, I never would have gotten my hair under that hat! I probably would have also ran in makeup 😂 7y
Mimi28 great pic! I am taller than both of my parents at 5'8" but I have cousins on my mom's side that are 6'9"!! My mom was the shortest one in her family. My dad is only like 5 '3" - he used to wear those stacked heel Mens black boots in the 70's ?? 7y
UwannaPublishme Now that's what I'd call a Dream House! 😁👌🏻 7y
LauraBrook Love this - great call on the dream house!!! 7y
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Favorite Hobby: #asidesfromreading training & hiking
Favorite Drink: Pineapple juice 🍍
Favorite Food: Pollo a la brasa (you have to google it!)
Favorite Color: Purple 💜
Favorite City: Orlando! 🐭🛍
Where My Dream House Would Be: highlands not so far from urban cities 🌲🌳
Favorite Accessory: scarfs 👵🏾
Favorite TV Show: Greys Anatomy
Last Movie I Watched In Theaters: Everything, Everything 😭😭😭
Currently Reading: Wild / in a dark dark wood

Susanita Love pollo a la brasa! 7y
PeruvianBookWorm 😋😋😋 with french fries! So good!! 👍🏽 7y
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