I'm technology challenged, so @Eggs book is on my picture 🤷😂
1. The Diva Says Cheesecake (not in database)
2. Lemon Meringue Pie and Hot Tea
Want to play? @dabbe @mom_of_4 @Tove_Reads @SilversReviews @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
I'm technology challenged, so @Eggs book is on my picture 🤷😂
1. The Diva Says Cheesecake (not in database)
2. Lemon Meringue Pie and Hot Tea
Want to play? @dabbe @mom_of_4 @Tove_Reads @SilversReviews @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
🦇 I love journals and I enjoy to decorate them but my journals are more related with books because I do scrapbook and I decorate the albums like journals by adding memorabilia related with the photos and also I write comments.
🦇Yes! I count the good books and the no so good books because I wanted to read them anyway. But this month has been good so far.
🦇I Started a new training, another peaceful, calm day🙌
Thank you @Gaylagal2 🥰
Thanks for the tag @Cuilin !
1. My husband knows me better than I know myself.
2.I can‘t think of anything. 😳
3. Copying @EadieB who said singing with Billy Joel. I‘d like to play saxophone in his group (if only I could play the sax!) A bottle of red, a bottle of white....
4. Working in a village newsagents (eating all the penny sweets and reading all of the magazines!)
I tag whoever wants to play!
#wondrouswednesday time!
1. February 2016, but I wasn‘t really an active participant until maybe a year later.
2. Alllll my book blogging friends raved about it on Twitter.
3. About the same, but it SEEMS like more because I‘ve since finished my X-Men reading project.
4. I‘m on a secondary world fantasy kick.
5. Shoutout to the old blogging crowd, including @theshrinkette @BethFishReads @Avidreader25 @RealLifeReading & @8little_paws
1. Watermelon 🍉
2. Im in one now...Black Leopard, Red Wolf
3. I dont really have a fave
4. My son is going to high school next year so i havent thought past August 😂
1. I‘ve done a few swaps. I enjoy daily prompts, but run hot and cold on doing them.
2. Hmm. Hard to surprise myself when I hardly go out in the winter. 😩
3. “She offered coffee and he asked for an orange soda.”
4. @Ellybug92 One of my newest follows.
1. My mom reading to me, and watching Saturday morning cartoons with my dad.
2. I have a half sister, but she is 13 years older than me, so i was raised very much like an only child.
3. Probably about 3 years ago now, but I only got active about a year ago.
4. There are actually no books near me at the moment if you can believe that!
5. You‘re all tagged! @Eggs #wondrouswednesday
1. Swimming at the local pool. They had a juke box and when I hear certain songs it still takes me right back there.
2. 1 younger sister.
3. A little over 2 1/2 years ago
4. Force of Nature
5. @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TrishB
1. Road trips with family
2. One sister, and a stepbrother and stepsister
3. A bit over a year ago I think? Is there a quick way to find out?
4. The Proposition by Judith Ivory
5. @ValkyrieAndHerBooks 🥰
@Eggs #wondrouswednesday
Late to the #wondrouswednesday party, but I'll play!
1. Both! Love a good bookstore, though.
2. My mom has been in the hospital and is doing much better today!
3. Matilda by Roald Dahl and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
4. Underrated: The Poet of Tolstoy Park by Sonny Brewer. Overrated: One Hundred Years of Solitude.
5. Most have already responded. 🤔
1. Library, just because my checking account and my hubby are happier when I go there.
2. We went to an art festival.
3. The Ruth Galloway series
4. The Outlander series. First book was fine, but I got to the point where I started to wonder why I bothered. 5. @Crazeedi @tdrosebud @lover.of.the.classics
#whatareyoureadingwednesdays @TheReadingMermaid
Library books and continue to plow through TBR shelves 🌺🌷💘
1. This was a group effort.
2. Done. I was interested in reading this series chosen by high school students.
3. 29
4. Nope
5. Next year 🏴 and most likely 🏴
#HumpDayPost @MinDea
1 - Enjoying the last few days of my Christmas tree!
2 - I took the rest of the week off from work so I hope to get some reading in
3 - Right now I'm wearing purple slipper socks
4 - A bed, a nightstand, a bureau, and a clothes drying rack
5 - turkey
#humpdaypost @MinDea
It‘s Wednesday 🤷♀️ lost track already.
Now - Sansa being very noisy barking at dogs in the street!
Hope to get a couple more books read.
Lots of different colours - I got a new, white, glittery pair of DMs for Christmas 😁
Usual - wardrobes, drawers, bookcase
Had roast lunch/dinner late afternoon- so late dinner was lots of rubbish snacks!!
1. Strikers v Scorchers in the Big Bash (and my daughters knees)
2. Hope so
3. Pink
4. Bed with built in side tables, chest of drawers, small bookcase
5. Christmas pudding and custard (too full of turkey to have it at lunchtime and still too full at dinner time to have anything else)
😀) Love Shawn and Gus ❤
😀) Reading and relaxation!
😀) Steampunk
😀) Sleeping 😴
😀) Black handbag/purse
1. Hands down no questions asked my fave show was and is My So-Called Life! 👩🏻🦰
2. Same as always..work and sleep 😴
3. Sci-fi 👽
4. Dreaming that im independently wealthy and never have to work again 💤
5. My bed 🛏 or the Dorothy Chia Pet...either one works for me
German shepherd & meme - and very true it is!
Metal - scissors - just been wrapping presents
Last book genre - thriller
Tater tots - sadly never!
Karaoke - nope, nope....
1. Melbourne Rebels beat Aukland Blues to become the first Australian Super Rugby team to win in New Zealand in more than 3 years. Sorry @Centique if you are a Blues fan, but us Rebels supporters need to enjoy any success we have!
2. No #Melbourne
3. Spaghetti with a jar of sauce
4. Pink, orange, black, white and grey stripes
5. Only about 20 (a lot of dubious selections imo)
1. My daughter and the cat in front of the fire
2. A couple of years ago, but I've only been really active on it in the last year
3. I don't know of any Melbourne specific dishes, but I grew up in Adelaide which is known for the Pie Floater (a meat pie in thick pea soup - no I've never tried it, it looks disgusting)
4. 7 am
5. A table lamp, a clock radio, 2 souvenir pens and a pile of books
1. My favorite coffee mug
2. I‘m not watching anything, but I want to watch American Gods next.
3. I just finished The Immortalists last night and I‘m starting Sing, Unburied, Sing today. Yes, I would recommend The Immortalists!
4. Woke up to an inch of snow on the ground
5. No tattoos. My ears are both pierced twice. The first my aunt took me when I was 7. The 2nd set my BFF did in high school after a few beers 😬
@MinDea #HumpDayPost
1. I watch the pictured ones most consistently right now.
2. Panda Express & French fries. 🐼🍟 (All my friends think it's disgusting. 😆)
3. Yes! 🙌🏻
4. Books & bowling. 📚🎳
5. No snow here. 😕
🍍Finish Christmas shopping 😆
🍍I NEVER get snow where I live. I would welcome it wholeheartedly though. 🌨⛄🌨⛄🌨
1. Could you believe I haven't even gotten to watch any of season 3 yet? 😩
2. Taco Bell 😈🙈
3. Unfortunately, no.
4. A game night with some dear friends, and maybe seeing the new Star Wars movie
5. Not us, probably won't until perhaps January 😔
#HumpDayPost @MinDea
1. There's many more though 😁
2. Cheeseburger
3. Not yet, but almost!
4. Studying, 'cause exam period starts next week 😭
5. We had a little a few days ago but it didn't last for long :( ❄⛄
#humpdaypost @MinDea
Working at home so Sansa is by my side bossing things 😁
Pink - one of the dogs toys!
Never watched either - don‘t do a lot of telly!
Funny sweets/chocolates, socks?
No where near picking that yet......
1. I'm so sorry for your loss! Here are my babies, Maverick, Marnie and Nala ❤️
2. Reading, cooking, reading, baking, reading 🤓
3. I don't eat many fruits or veggies! 😱I like lemon anything, and probably would go with green beans and mushrooms 🍄
4. No but I have one already, need to get out the decorations! 🎄
5. Will do! Going to be doing a Stephen King giveaway today, details coming soon!
#humpdaypost #catsoflitsy
1) My face when someone tells me they don't like to read.
2) Reading! Also, running/walking (not a pleasant hobby but necessary.)
3) Fruit = oranges 🍊 Vegetable = asparagus
4) I didn't get an advent calendar, I already have a monstrously large one that takes up the whole side of the fireplace and my husband begs me not to put out. 🙅
5) I'm donating the food to a friend's going away party. Does that count?
1. @MinDea I‘m so sorry for your loss. Here‘s a picture of Angus. He likes to sit at the table with us during meals.
2. Gym, volksmarching, hiking, yard work, cooking.
3. Blueberries and roasted brussel sprouts.
4. We have a reusable one but I think this may be the first year we don‘t put it up now that the kids are in high school.
5. I made 60+ bookmarks yesterday out of used holiday cards for our LFL and circ desk at the library! #HumpDayPost
1. This is my cousins' little cat sitting on my shoulder ❤
2. My hobbies are horse riding, snail mail, video games if I have time, and reenacting 😊
3. Favorite fruit is watermelon and vegetable is tomato 🍉🍅
4. Nope 😞
5. I'm currently on hospital practice so my job is to help people all day ☺ (and I love it!)
1. I wore Dansko‘s to work on hump day (I‘m a day late)
2. I never win anything 😕
3. My Goodreads account is Cortney Gardner. I love Goodreads.
4. I hate shopping. I do a little of both though, retail and Amazon.
5. I spent hump day morning cleaning the house. Came home from work to a messy house. Grrrrr. #humpdaypost
1. I‘m in bed and too lazy, so I‘ll show you my dream purple Docs instead.
2. I win occasionally.
3. https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/802795-kris Come friend me!
4. Online forever. Amazon is my jam.
5. My oldest son has had a serious infection this week, and I‘ve had to follow up at the ER for the last four days getting him IV antibiotics 😢 #humpdaypost @MinDea
1) I need new running shoes.
2) Plain
3) Harry Potter always
4) A singer. I can't carry a tune to save my life.
5) Don't have one, but I love this symbol 🍀
1️⃣I had to use Bing, not Google. All the Google memes were offensive. 😱
2️⃣Books on Christmas Eve
5️⃣Sweetbreads, Escargot 🐌 (SO GROSS), and Gator Tail are probably the weirdest. ❤️ gator tail.
1 Rock meme
2 New pjs on Christmas Eve
3 Vegetables - been vegetarian for nearly 40 years
4 light blue
5 errrrr....snow peas? That's not very exciting....
#humpdaypost @MinDea
1. 😂😂 The struggle is real.
2. Less now than when I was younger. We just get together for Christmas these days.
3. Meat.
4. Brown or white.
5. Probably octopus. 🐙
1, Today this is true.
2. Many. We always start by celebrating American Thanksgiving in Canada. One of our kids has dual citizenship.
3. Meat!!
4. Red and brown
5. Hmmm... I guess it depends on what you consider weird. I love rabbit. Is rabbit weird? My kids think so. Lol
1) Lol, I'll take that meme!
2) We do a thing called Journey to Bethlehem at a local church
3) Meat! I'm a serious carnivore
4) Burgundy
5) I really don't eat weird foods, I guess the weirdest for me would be a pickled egg.
1. This is a picture of an apple pie I made recently. Unfortunately, I have no Halloween themed photos to share yet.
2. I'm always reading more than one book at a time, and my mind is a blank at the moment. 😳
3. DARK!
4. Lots of things. Hay fever, animals except dogs.
5. A banana 🍌!
#humpdaypost 1. my son and husband -two most important things in my life. 2. Right handed - useless with my left 3. I would have to say traveling and finding new experiences and places to see. 4. Rotisserie chicken and mashed potatoes 5. I would just like the world to be a more peaceful place for my son to grow up and live in. 😀❤️✌️
1) my new shawl, my new kitten (not pictured: my kids)
2) ambidextrous, but a stronger right hand
3) the English language, knitting, cooking
4) Tomatoes, Basil and Mozzarella
5) the environment/nature
#HumpdayPost @MinDea
1️⃣hot and sunny
2️⃣Wonder Woman. Definitely recommend!
3️⃣This is a cruel question. I refuse to answer. 😂
4️⃣Lightning Men by Thomas Mullen and The Pigeon Tunnel by John le Carre
5️⃣Toss up between English and History
1. This picture makes me laugh and speaks to my soul
2. I'd bring a big book, my phone for music 🎶, and a gallon of water to a deserted island
3. I'm into the pumpkin craze 🎃
4. I'm finishing Days Without End, listening to Mere Christianity, and starting The Stone Sky
5. I would choose teleportation as my superpower! So many places I could see without the cost and hassle of air travel 😍
1. 4th pic on my camera roll is a screenshot of a convo with a friend that made me laugh 😂 it's something I said 4 years ago in my youth
2. I recommend Salt. by Nayyirah Waheed
3. 61 degrees and sunny in SF today
4. Currently reading My Favorite Thing is Monsters, Norse Mythology, and Days Without End
5. I'm planning on #LitsyPartyofOne and #MakeaTBRBingo and maybe go for a hike with real-life friends this weekend 😃