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The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy : Jigsaw Book : Collector's Edition | Five Mile Press Pty. Limited, The
35 posts | 12 read | 1 to read
Four 96-piece jigsaw puzzles accompany brief text on four main characters from this Tolkien classic, the illustrations from the New Line Cinema film.
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Loving all the lord of the rings merch I‘m starting to get. The latest is this gorgeous Book Beau 😍 I‘m hoping to pick up the Return of the King soon and finish out the story!

BookwormAHN Lovely 😻 4y
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Poor Legolas. Missing the good ol' days.

Texreader 🤣🤣🤣 4y
Trashcanman What are you doing? 4y
Patchshank @Trashcanman Not much really. Winding down and getting ready for bed. What about yourself? 4y
Trashcanman @Patchshank I'm looking for my bottle of hairspray and lighter. 4y
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#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

🍂 I have a friend in New England I have not seen in a long time and would like to visit.
🍂 Me and my family are all healthy.

@TheAromaofBooks @Nute @EadieB

Nute Thank you for the tag!💕 4y
TheSpineView @Nute 🤩😘😊 4y
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I do love bookish jeopardy clues and facts ??

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" wasn't published late, nor was it published early. It was published precisely #OTD in 1955. #LOTR


Better than those stupid movies with the hulk and tony stark by far

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#manicmonday @JoScho #LetterL

👨 Ludlam
🎞 Lawrence of Arabia
🎤 Leonard Skynyrd
🎶 Landslide by Stevie Nicks

JoScho Thanks for playing 🖤☺️ 4y
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TK-421 💕 4y
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The (your birth month) of (1st letter of first name) and (1st letter of last name)

Mine is The House of Bones and Shadow.... that's a bit ominous 😳😅

zezeki Mine is The House of Ivory and Nightmares 😄 4y
JoScho The Book of Fire and Stars 4y
Enchanted_Bibliophile The Song of Smoke and Nightmares. Sounds like my kind of book. 4y
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Literary_Siren The Song of Fire and Crows. Sounds intriguing. 4y
Amandajoy The House of Blood and Bones. Sounds like a sequel to your book! 4y
vlwelser The Empire of Fog and Wolves. Lol. No. 4y
JackOBotts The House of Fire and River. LOL (so, smoldering ashes?! 🔥 💦) 4y
wanderinglynn That doesn‘t really work for me since my last name starts with the same letter as my first: The City of Rose and Rose. 😂 4y
Catherine_Willoughby The Land of the Stars ❤ 4y
Purplepanda The Empire of Nightmares and Snow 😰🤣 4y
hes7 The Court of Snow and Stars 4y
BookwormAHN House of Bones and Blood, I can't decide if its sounds more horror or ya fantasy 😸 4y
BookmarkTavern The King of Nightmares and Storm. Yeah, I‘d read that. 4y
JessClark78 The Land of Fire and Night 4y
TheAromaofBooks The Daughters of Stars & Smoke legit may be a fantasy book already haha 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick The Empire of Nightmares and Stars 4y
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Okay so this is happening Sunday on Josh Gad's channel on YouTube. It looks like its 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern
I can't waite 😸
#FellowshipofTolkien #lotrchapteraday
@Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers @Daisey
@tdrosebud @wordslinger42 @eanderson

eanderson 😱 4y
tdrosebud But I work Sundays 😪 4y
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wordslinger42 Well, I know what I'll be doing!! 🥰 4y
dariazeoli Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! Also, where is Billy Boyd! Gad has been killing it with the reunions. Sean Astin must really like him - first Goonies, now this. 4y
dariazeoli Ok, now I‘ve seen the video. There is Billy. ♥️ 4y
JazzFeathers I've seen it on fb! I hope l won't have visitors Sunday, do l can watch it! 4y
HannaPolkadots Iiiiiiiiiik! Had to watch this twice while pinching my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming 🤩😍🙈 hope Aragorn and boromir show up as well 🤩 4y
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Found this on Facebook and thought it'll be a cheer up 😊👍🏻🤣 @Jackal121

Jackal121 How true 4y
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#7Days7Books Day 6

We present here 7 books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us.
No further comments!
Have you been tagged in on of these @JoScho ?

JoScho I have not but would love to play. Thanks for thinking of me 🥰 4y
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KendallHershey How apt. 5y
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Thanks for the tag @Erofan
Day 1 Book 1 The Lord of the Rings
We present here 7 books that will always remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us. No further comments!

sharread Nice! 👍 5y
Erofan 😍😍😍 5y
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rockpools That‘s lovely. 5y
SauerPatch The whole little monologue of Sam‘s is just about one of my favorite quotes ever. 💚 (edited) 5y
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I believe we have all been there and I love it when Bilbo tells off everyone 💚
#FellowshipofTolkien #lotrchapteraday #TolkienReadingDay

JazzFeathers Always one of the best quotes! 5y
BiblioLitten I love this quote!! ♥️ 5y
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I admit this is somewhat of a motto for me and here recently I've been feeling it more and more 💚
#FellowshipofTolkien #lotrchapteraday #TolkienReadingDay

Crazeedi ❤💙💚❤💙💚 5y
rockpools I hadn‘t realised that was Tolkien! 5y
Daisey You‘re sharing some great quotes today! 5y
JazzFeathers One of my favourites too. 5y
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Social distancing activity #19: re-reading Lord of the Rings!


Started this account to keep up with my books, starting January 2020 going forward. Work has kept me so busy I haven't finished any yet.

LibrarianRyan I know that feeling. So behind on reading because of work. 5y
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@Eggs #wondrouswednesday

@runswithscissors007 thanks for the tag :D

1. The Lord of the Rings ( I usually love long books, and this one is almost never ending, and maybe that's the problem)

2. People automatically assume I'm the best person to suggest books to read (which really makes me feel good about myself)

3. Lots. But the first ever fictional character is probably Prince Charming

@keepingupwiththepenguins @AkashPhoenix

Eggs Prince Charming 👏🏻🤗❣️ 5y
Deifio You could try our chapter-a-day read of LotR #fellowshipofthering if you want to give it a go, we're on book 2 "The Two Towers" ? 5y
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Hey @Lifeisasnap here is what the whole set looks like. The main illustrations are in The Hobbit (Tolkien's own) but there are maps in all of them. Amazon refers to them as the vinyl set and they are presently $32 there. I think they are a fantastic little set. They are little, I'd say they are about comparable to mass market paperback size. Hope that helps 💚

LinesUponAPage They are fantastic! Thanks for sharing with me!!! 5y
Skyrimir Ooooohhhhh, I love these! 5y
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I have never read the books (aside from the Hobbit audio, which I did not enjoy at all). Not my genre but I know I‘m only the minority. Thought it may be of interest to many of my fellow Littens. RIP 📚🙏🏻 https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/obit-christopher-tolkien-1.5430547

ShelleyBooksie Sad news 5y
GHABI4ROSES Oh, but what a beautiful, full life☦️ 5y
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Literary_Siren 😭💔 5y
HannaPolkadots 😢😭💔 5y
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I graduated college in 2001 so the early aughts for me are about living alone in my own studio apartment in dc, my first full-time job, and drinking too much miller lite at Harry‘s. Friends gathered for the first season of American idol and continued our college tradition of watching the west wing, and I reread lotl to prep for the movies. #below00ers

merelybookish Im a bit older than you but remember watching the first season of AI quite vividly! 5y
Cinfhen Loved American Idol too!!! 5y
Cinfhen How cute was Justin Guarini @merelybookish ???? 5y
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Blaire @merelybookish @cinfhen yes. I remember being so into it and Kelly Clarkson is still such a powerhouse star. I miss that appointment tv that everyone watched and discussed at the same time. 5y
BarbaraBB My husband and I were just talking about that. How we in the early 2000 always watched Idols with chips and wodka 😂. We behaved like students for years after graduation until I got pregnant 😉. With my girlfriends I watched As The World Turns from our 18s til our 30s haha (edited) 5y
Blaire @BarbaraBB love that!! As a kid I watched ATWT and young and the restless with my grandpa, he was a huge soap opera fan. 5y
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Happy New Year!! 🎉🎉

erzascarletbookgasm Happy New Year to you too! 5y
quietlycuriouskate Happy New Year! 5y
Bookzombie Happy New Year! 5y
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The ROM in Toronto. #XmasEveEve

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BookwormAHN 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
hes7 😂🤣 5y
DaveGreen7777 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 5y
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BookwormAHN 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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My Tuesday is rocking bad Monday vibes but this made me laugh...

julesG 😂😂😂 5y
zezeki I love this!! 😂😂😂 5y
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I started a book memes and links page on Facebook! Please give it a like by searching @ PaperbackPunk or visiting https://www.facebook.com/PaperbackPunk

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#friyayintro @howjessreads

📘 So many I have loved it is a hard decision. Lord of the Rings is probably my ultimate favorite.
🥒 Pickles and pickle relish. Too much salt and vinegar.
🚫 Not really
🚫 None

Megabooks Finally another only child!! 5y
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