Oh my gosh!!!! I am so excited to start this.
Oh my gosh!!!! I am so excited to start this.
Going to try to finally finish this before the week ends.
It's finally here!
Getting ready Camp NaNoWriMo by laying down and listening to some music. My family let us have their record player and records which are bringing back some nice childhood memories :)
I really enjoyed this story. So many twists and turns!
I posted a full review for on my blog if you want to check it out. :) https://emreadseverything.com/2019/03/22/descendant-of-the-crane-by-joan-he-revi...
This so lovely. I've found myself tearing up several times. And the author narrates the audiobook which is always a bonus.
Cue the excited squealing!!! I can't wait to get started on this. This cover is gorgeous. Thank you @grandcentralpub !
I usually listen to my audiobooks at an increased speed. I've been listening to this one at 2.5x on Scribd. When I slowes it to it's normal pace to share a chapter with someone, I found my mind wandering because it felt too slow. Does anybody else speed up their audiobooks? What's your default speed? Depending on the narrator I'm between 2x and 2.5x
After Book Depository sent me the wrong book, said they'd send the correct one, then cancelled the order completely, I've finally caved and ordered this from Amazon's UK site.... the things I'll do for a pretty cover.
Loving this so far! The narrator is great and I can't stop listening.
Unwinding after work with a few chapters. I love this cover ❤
My family surprised me with this subscription subscription box while I'm wedding planning. Not really bookish but the paperclips/pens are good for reading. 😁
Starting the day off with tea and a few pages of this book. It's picking up now and I don't want to put it down!
Got approved for this on Netgalley so I'll be sneaking pages while I work today.
Started and finished this yesterday. It was exactly what I needed after binge listening to This Podcast Will Kill You and Mary Roach audiobooks.
I did it!
How is this cover so beautiful?!
I am beyond excited about this!!!
Time to read all of the spooky books this month!
@jesstothefuture New plane, new book. This one has been on my TBR for a while now! #qgp2
@Broke_Girl_Reads Starting this while waiting for my flight! Loving it so far! Awesome pick. :) #qgp2
At Harry Potter world in Orlando yesterday. Wish we could have gone inside!
Last post of the night, I swear! Just wanted to say thanks to all of you lovely Littens. Litsy is my favorite community because of y'all. Though you all have destroyed my wallet (#blameitonLitsy), you've also made the past year super fun and have rekindled (pun intended) my love of reading. 😄
Trying to sneak this in when I can throughout the day. Have had to stop listening a few times after tearing up. It's amazing to listen to Hillary read this, definitely worth buying the audiobook. She's definitely allowing us to see a personal and vulnerable side of herself that I wasn't expecting.
Can't wait to jump into this!
The perfect book for a fan of Wilder's Little House series. I laughed, I cried, I found myself unable to put this down. The nostalgia of revisiting the Little House world that I loved so much as a child made this even better. Caroline was a delightful and human narrator. Definitely recommend this one.
Rereading to prepare for the second book's release this month! 😄
I've been waiting for this moment! I have such a soft spot for Mr. Edwards ❤
Finally getting around to this one. It sounds great so I have very high hopes!
Finally headed home after 2 weeks of travel. Ready to get on the plane and finish this! I've been hooked since I started it last night! #travelreads
I am so excited right now. Might have squealed a little when I found this waiting for me after work.
New train book. First time reading this but I thought it was time to give it a try.
I've been holding on to this one for a while because I didn't want this series to end. Ready to start the week off with a good book! 😊
I could not put this down. For fans of the Little House show, this is a definite must read. Alison took me on a rollercoaster of emotions; I found myself laughing aloud reading one page and tearing up several pages later. Her strength and courage shone through in her writing and I was happy to read about her successes. Very pleased to have spent my Sunday reading this!
Big trigger warning for physical and sexual abuse.
I think it's really rude that I'm just now finding out about the existence of this book. My boyfriend has never seen Little House and we've just started watching the show from the beginning so I'm very excited to dig into this.
Also, this cover is a work of art! 😂
#bookandabath Drinking blackberry blizzard iced tea from David's and soaking in yoga bomb from Lush while I enjoy this new read. 🛀
1. Wine and books are a perfect combination!
2. Based on their cover. I know it's shallow, but I love pretty books!
3. At the beach!
4. Fantasy
5. Elizabeth Bennet ❤
@Kalalalatja #bookishwouldyourather
Might be time for a re-read!
Working on Camp #NaNoWriMo this morning! I've found bribing myself with tea and chapters of the current book I'm reading is a very effective writing method.