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My American Duchess
My American Duchess | Eloisa James
The arrogant Duke of Trent intends to marry a well-bred Englishwoman. The last woman he would ever consider marrying is the adventuresome Merry Pelford an American heiress who has infamously jilted two fiancs.But after one provocative encounter with the captivating Merry, Trent desires her more than any woman he has ever met. He is determined to have her as his wife, no matter what it takes. And Trent is a man who always gets what he wants.The problem is, Merry is already betrothed, and the former runaway bride has vowed to make it all the way to the altar. As honor clashes with irresistible passion, Trent realizes the stakes are higher than anyone could have imagined. In his battle to save Merry and win her heart, one thing becomes clear:All is fair in love and war.
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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#BookNookBuddies2022 #ReadMyRoom #PenniesPerPage #BookSpinBingo #SeriesReads

Great stand-alone but, I do wonder about it‘s follow up novel. Might just be worth looking into🤫♥️📚

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl I have this one..somewhere 😏 2y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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#WeekendReading #BookNookBuddies2022 #ReadMyRoom #SeriesRead #PenniesPerPage #BookSpinBingo

Another series random from the shelves. I‘m mesmerized by the cover though tbh🤫😊

Andrew65 Some cover. 2y
TheSpineView 💛📘💛 2y
CoverToCoverGirl The dress is beautiful but it would get caught in everything, especially doors! 🤣 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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The longer I listened, the more irritated I became, which is not what I want to feel when reading a romance.

I have so many issues with this book. Most of them about the MC Merry. I finally DNF‘d it at 60%. I may pick it up later (much, much later) just to get to the HEA. But for now, I just can‘t.

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Twin brothers - one girl. Which will she pick and will they be happy? This is a light and fun romance, just the book I needed now. Another author to add to my "must read" list.

#ReadWithMrBook #AuthoronLitsy #LitsyAuthor
@MrBook @EloisaJames

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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I went out for a walk today listening to the tagged book. This sweetie stopped to see what I was up to. The rest of her herd ran off.

RaimeyGallant What a lovely moment. 4y
Louise Encounters like this with wild animals are such a wonderful gift! 😍 4y
Erofan ❤️😍 4y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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I always enjoy books by @EloisaJames! I really liked the heroine, Merry. The story didn't go where I'd expected, but was just what I needed to read today😀

robinb Beautiful photo❤️ 6y
Nute Lovely photo! The doily is a nice touch.🙂 5y
ScientistSam @Nute thank you! 5y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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An adorable historical #romantsy Merry is an American who has crossed the pond in search of a husband. She says yes to Lord Cedric‘s proposal and immediately regrets it when she meets a hunky Stranger. ❤️ There‘s a very cute puppy rescue that reminds me of Arabella by Georgette Heyer. 👍👍 thanks for a great read @EloisaJames

tammysue I love her books! 😍 6y
Dragon Thanks @whatshesreadingnow Agreed! 😀🐉 6y
EloisaJames Thanks!! 😘😘 6y
Dragon You are very welcome 🙏 @EloisaJames ! Loved it 👍📚🐉 6y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Starting a new #romantsy with some passionfruit tea ❤️

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Merry is an outspoken American heiress who travels to England after breaking off two engagements. When she meets the prickly Duke of Trent, sparks fly. He is determined to have her, but she has just accepted a proposal from his brother.

Cute historical romance.

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Trent and Merry are not suppose to be for each other. At all. I love how their story plays out and the attempt to use logic to over throw emotion, even if it backfires immensely. See how fully Merry embraces love and how desperate Trent is to be loved, despite his best attempts to push it away, was wonderful.

MicheleinPhilly Wherever you are, it is BEAUTIFUL! 6y
TsundokuAleax @MicheleinPhilly it is the sunken gardens along the river front it Harrisburg. 6y
MicheleinPhilly Wow! My only experience with Harrisburg was in a chain hotel off the highway for a work thing. I think it was a Holiday Inn. Needless to say, it looked nothing like that! 6y
TsundokuAleax @MicheleinPhilly there are some very pretty areas, you just need to know where to look. Summer is really the best time to explore the city. 6y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Setting aside this and a few other books to get @TheKidUpstairs #LMPBC #GroupW selection read and on its way to @DebbieGrillo

Thank you @CouronneDhiver for the chocolate 🙂

My American Duchess | Eloisa James

I read this one on vacation last week - a perfect pool and beachside read. I can‘t resist a fun historical romance and this story of a runaway bride who has promised herself that her third engagement will last (enter the sexy distracting man who is NOT her fiancé) is perfect. ? #romantsy

EloisaJames Thanks! 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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This was my first romance novel in 25 years, but thanks to Litsy I thought it would be fun to try again. This was the perfect week for it, since my brain wasn't ready for heavy reading. I loved Merry because she grew as a woman in the course of the story. And wow, the sex is pretty sizzling. I'm not a romance convert yet, but am glad for the chance to revisit it all these years later.

Full review at www.thebibliophage.com

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I don't go in for romance novels usually, but this one has me tempted! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled That's about the size of it for me. I think the writing is great, but the men back then ... ugh. I wanted to slug them all! 7y
Tamra I admire your willingness to try things outside your wheelhouse! I'm bad about it and bail a lot when I do. 😖 (edited) 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Tamra I wouldn't be doing any of it without Litsy! 😜 7y
BethM @EloisaJames is absolutely delightful. I highly recommend her Desperate Duchesses series, lots of subplots besides the central romance story. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @BethM Thanks for the recommendation. More subplots would be good! 7y
eri.reads I love this series. So glad you decided to read this book! I've been reading @EloisaJames books for a couple of years now and I adore them! 7y
sprainedbrain I ❤️ Eloisa! 7y
EloisaJames Hey, I'm so pleased to be part of you revisiting a really wonderful genre! 😘 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @EloisaJames Me too. It was the perfect book for my post-surgery week. Wouldn't have happened if I hadn't met you here! 💕 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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I'm running into a little bit of a wall for my #24in48 so I am going to switch to audio and switch genres! I am really excited to start this book!!!!!

MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Christy2318 I really liked this one. 🍍 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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I thought @EloisaJames would enjoy seeing which of her titles are available here in Manila!

#FullyBooked #bookstore #romantsy

EloisaJames Very cool!!! 😘😘 7y
Chachic @EloisaJames Just so you know that your books are in the Philippines 👌👌 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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And while at the library I browsed the sale shelves and came home with 9 more books....this is why I don't usually bring money to the library. I'll have to put the other couple in another post. #bookhaul1

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Hey, everyone at #BEA17!!! We need to @Litsy Swarm @EloisaJames at her booth!!! Be at the booth by 12:45, and we'll see if she'll let us do a massive group pic! 😆👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Let's show BookExpo how big and great Litsy is! Hat tip @Reecaspieces for showing me her schedule, that girl's got organization skills! 😎😉👍🏻 #LitsyPhotoOp

BookBabe 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
LauraBeth Since I'm not there - give her my ❤️! 7y
Cinfhen 💚🍀💚🍀💚 7y
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MrBook Schedule change, everyone! Friday at 3:30 at Table 14 instead. I'll make another post tomorrow about it 😁👍🏻. 7y
scripturient SalmOn Rushdie. 😂😂😂 (edited) 7y
EloisaJames I'll be there!! 😘😘 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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My first book on the cruise and it was a good one! It had been on my TBR for ages and thank goodness I finally picked it up from the library! The characters were amazing and it was delightfully long. I highly recommend! #romantsy

EloisaJames I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And that it was right there in the library to find. 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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I went to pick up my hold (bottom for 1980 for my book from every year challenge) but I found ALL OF THESE ON THE FOR SALE SHELF!! $4 well spent!

DebinHawaii Nice! 📚👍 7y
minkyb 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Today is the day! Any Iowa Littens that want to join us, we will be meeting at Starbucks at 1013 Locust in Des Moines at 6 pm. At 7:00, @EloisaJames has an event at the nearby Central Library. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Sace Have fun! 7y
Librarylady If only I lived a little closer! I'd love to meet up. 7y
LauraBeth Love Eloisa! Have fun 😀 7y
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julesG Have fun! Take some pics for us. ;) 7y
awishman I can't wait! Looking forward to this so much! 7y
josie281 Enjoy! (I am jelly) 7y
britt_brooke Have fun!!!! 7y
Robothugs Have fun, everyone!! 7y
Cinfhen Hoping for a photo 😊enjoy 💕 7y
Smrloomis Sounds fun! 🎉 7y
LeahBergen Have fun! 💗 7y
scripturient How fun! Hope you're having a blast. :) 7y
awishman Also meters are off after 6pm, FYI! 7y
sprainedbrain @awishman I'm just hoping I can find a spot! Does the library have any parking? 7y
awishman Yes, it's underneath the library. Enter off Grand. But you can only use that if you're patronizing the library. 7y
cathysaid So fun! I'd love to do this in Atlanta. 7y
DHill Have fun fellow Iowa Littens! 7y
Reviewsbylola Have fun!!!! 7y
mcipher How fun! 7y
asiriusreader Hope everyone had fun!! 7y
drbethandherkindle I hope it was a blast!! 7y
Lmstraubie Hope you had a wonderful time!!! 7y
Bookworm83 So fun!! 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Everyone went out of town and left me... so I took a trip to the used bookstore! My daughter says I should not go without supervision. Good news they are used so they cost from $0.15 - $1.60 #bookhaul #mckaysusedbooks

ScientistSam Nice haul! I love Eloisa James and Jennifer Crusie! 7y
LeahBergen A Knight in Shining Armour! I read that so many years ago. ❤ 7y
DebinHawaii Great haul! 📚📚👍 7y
Megabooks 👍🏻📚🎉 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James

I've enjoyed every Eloisa James book I've read, perhaps it's her day job as a Shakespeare professor that influences her writing. I enjoy the humor, strong women, and of course the love scenes. 😉 My American Duchess features one of my most favorite lead characters yet, Merry. She tends to rattle off random facts when she's nervous, which I completely relate to, and she is unabashedly passionate. Loved this book!

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Although I can't say I #lovetolisten, I discovered (thanks to Hoopla), that under the right circumstances I can listen. The tagged book isn't the one I listened too but i am considering it for my next one!

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Listening to an interview with @EloisaJames on Audible Channels. Deliciously interesting thoughts on historical romance!

LitLogophile I will have to check this out! Have you ever tried Presidents are People Too on Audible? It's a favorite of mine 😊 (edited) 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @lostlogophile I haven't! But on your recommendation, I will. Thanks. 😀 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James

I liked Trent and Merry and learning about pineapples in Regency England. Who knew you could rent fruit? A satisfying read for a rainy day.

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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I have ~stuff! Thanks @BookThingo ! #romantsy

EloisaJames 😄😄😘 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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I'm so thrilled that My American Duchess made it on Bookpage's top 10 in 2016 for romance. Yippee!!! I'm in fantastic company--and a couple I'd missed, so a new tbr pile! Www.bit.ly/2jbLqY4 #romantsy

Leelee08 I just finished it and loved it.😍 7y
Redwritinghood Congratulations 👏 7y
Jas16 Congratulations! 7y
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Libby1 Yippee!!! Congratulations. 😁 7y
AnnieReads Well done!! 7y
LauraBrook Congratulations! 🍾👏🏼 7y
rubyslippersreads Congratulations! 🌟🌟🌟 7y
Simona Congrats 👏👏👏🍾🌹 7y
Louise Woo-HOO! 🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏼👏🏼👍👍!!! 7y
Leelee.reads Congratulations! 🙌🏾🎉🌟 7y
Karen3 CONGRATS!!!🎊🎈🍾🎉 7y
readordierachel Huzzah! 7y
Joybishoptx Yay!💕💕💕 7y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
jessdean 💃🏽🎉👏🏽😃 7y
Tcip Hey! Good job!! 7y
AmandaL Congrats!🎉 7y
stacybmartin So awesome - congrats!! 🎉📚🎉👏🏼 7y
frankincense_and_sensibility Congratulations! My American Duchess was the first book of yours I read and it was a delightful gateway to a new author. 7y
Eyelit Congrats! 7y
minkyb How wonderful! Congrats! 7y
Karenlovesbooks Congratulations! I'm also excited that you're coming to Columbus, OH in March! 7y
CherylDeFranceschi 👏👏👏 7y
RohitSawant That's terrific! Congrats! 7y
EloisaJames @Karenlovesbooks oh great--see you there, hopefully! 7y
EloisaJames @Leelee08 thanks! 💕💕🎉 7y
EloisaJames @frankincense_and_sensibility yay--I'm so happy you liked it! 7y
Ericmanciniwriter Just saw this - CONGRATS!! 7y
britt_brooke Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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This why I love y'all soooooo much!😍😘❤📚

Suet624 💕💕💕💕 7y
Zelma 😘💕💕 7y
Craftylikefox 💕💕💕 7y
kspenmoll Nice sentiment!!!📚💕 7y
UwannaPublishme 🤗💕 7y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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A reader just told me my last book, My American Duchess, is on sale for $1.99 in the Kindle version. This book got a great review from The New York Tines, btw--very rare for romance! #romantsy. #sale. Booksale

BookishMarginalia Here's the link (there are a few of your other books on sale as well!): https://www.amazon.com/My-American-Duchess-Eloisa-James-ebook/dp/B00X3N8U12 8y
Lreads Thanks for the heads up! Just bought it and looking forward to reading it! Romance restores the spirit! 8y
tricours It says $7.10 for me! 8y
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melissanorr Must have been a flash sale as it is listed at $6.99 this morning. Or maybe a regional sale. Anyway, I bought the paperback instead of the Kindle version. 8y
EloisaJames @melissanorr thank you!! Apparently it was a one-day Amazon gold box sale, whatever that is. 8y
EloisaJames @tricours sorry! Apparently it was one day only. 8y
EloisaJames @BookishMarginalia Thanks for the link--Am Duchess is no longer in sale but others still are, as you point out! 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Amazon has many Litten loved titles on sale today including this gem that I had borrowed from the library but snapped up this morning for a winter reread.

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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Unto to the next one! #tbrpile

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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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This is for @EloisaJames ! This is the dining room table at No. 1 Royal Crescent in Bath. The docent was telling us about how people would rent pineapples! I told her that I knew that, because of this book. Their gift shop had these adorable pineapple earrings, which I had to get! I love the cool thing things you learn in books! #romantsy

EloisaJames That is where I learned about renting pineapples!! Maybe even the same docent. She told me that and I saw the whole book in front of me! 😘😘😘 8y
Karenlovesbooks @EloisaJames That's so cool! 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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y'all. I'm dead.

or maybe saying I'm swooning would be more appropriate?

EloisaJames Hey. Hi there! No dying allowed for Littons. We have too many books to read. Though actually I need to get myself off this phone and bake 8 pies... happy thanksgiving, if you're celebrating! 8y
LauraBeth You probably really killed her this time 😀😀 @EloisaJames 8y
EloisaJames @LauraBeth @bookandcat heh heh 😘😘😘😘 8y
bookandcat I'M NOW AS DEAD AS THE TURKEY I JUST ATE. HOPE THAT'S NOT TOO MORBID. @LauraBeth @EloisaJames happy Thanksgiving! 8y
EloisaJames @bookandcat 😘😘😘 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Part one of my #bookbinge this week to comfort myself. Some are parts of series I already own, some are just awesome or cheap copies I couldn't pass up (8 of these were $1), and a few are ones I've been looking for for awhile.

Suzze I used to devour Mrs. Pollifax! 8y
LauraBrook @Suzze It's a series I always flipped through at the library. It never managed to check out. I'll be heading over there on Monday to get the first book (justifies this purchase of book number 2)! 8y
LeahBergen I have The Town in Bloom but haven't read it yet. 😬 8y
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LauraBrook @LeahBergen Story of our lives, right? "Oh, I have that book! Just haven't read it yet." ? 8y
EloisaJames My book is in an awesome group--I hope you love it! 8y
LauraBrook @EloisaJames Yours will be the first read in this group! (And I'm so excited to read it!!!) 💖 8y
EloisaJames @LauraBrook 😄😄😄🎉🎉🎉 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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Spotted in National Bookstore Greenhills (Philippines). @EloisaJames in the romance section 💕 #romantsy

Chachic Hey, the same title I saw here in Singapore! 8y
minavesguerra @Chachic I wish there were more titles in stock! 8y
Chachic @minavesguerra Baka they can be special ordered? 8y
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EloisaJames Lovely to see my books wandering around the world! 8y
JuliaQuinn One of my faves by Eloisa (and that's saying a lot!) 8y
minavesguerra @JuliaQuinn Hi! Am so excited to read it yay! 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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@EloisaJames , I thought you'd get a kick out of knowing that your books are available in physical bookstores in Singapore.😀 #romantsy #Kinokuniya

EloisaJames The bigger ones are English editions but the smaller ones are US, so they're coming from 2 continents to get there! Fun to see--thanks! 8y
Chachic @EloisaJames Most of the editions I see in Singapore are from the UK but they do bave some US editions too. In Manila, most editions are from the US. 8y
Angieville I love that edition of My American Duchess 8y
Chachic @Angieville It is pretty. Maybe you can order it from Book Depository?😊 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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When your Regency novel meets He's Just Not That Into You. #romantsy

Jess_Read_This 😂😂 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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If you're in Vegas, come along to the Book Festival tomorrow --let's talk books! I'm doing a panel and a signing too. Love to see Littsyers!!

DivineDiana If only! 8y
Simona Ahhh...yeah, if only 😔 8y
brownem I read "singing" instead of "signing". Wishful thinking, @EloisaJames ? 8y
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EloisaJames @brownem ha! I'm the kind of singer whose husband shushes during hymns! 8y
brownem Thanks, @EloisaJames Now I'm going to be laughing at church! 8y
Dragon Have fun in Vegas 😀 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James

"I'm a scholar...think America likes to read and likes to learn" -Eloisa James, speaking at a panel on the importance doing research in her novels (she has so many degrees!). She also shared a fun research tidbit from her next novel - did you know that the British used to import baby skunks, descent them, and market them as "grow your own sable"? You'd care for them until they were your perfect scarf length...? #morristownfestivalofbooks

Nutmegnc Horrifying!!! 8y
Nutmegnc The skunk part. Not the reading part. 8y
bookandcat @Nutmegnc I KNOW right?? That trivia piece blew my mind and turned my stomach lol 8y
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My American Duchess | Eloisa James

She was everything he'd ever wanted in a woman, and nothing he'd ever thought to find in a lady.

My American Duchess | Eloisa James
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American heiress Merry is forced to husband hunt in London because she has broken 2previous engagements. She has no love for Shakespeare whom everyone quotes at the drop of a hat. No sooner than she becomes engaged again than she meets Duke Right. But she will not allow herself to break another engagement. Throw in some delightful dogs and a culinary faux pax involving a priceless pineapple and you have a delightful read #keeper #romantsy #keeper

My American Duchess | Eloisa James

I liked this ok, but thought it moved a bit slow in places.