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Firefly Lane: Firefly Lane 1
Firefly Lane: Firefly Lane 1 | Kristin Hannah
It is 1974 and the summer of love is finally drawing to a close. Kate Mularkey has accepted her place at the bottom of the secondary school social food chain. Then, to her amazement, the 'coolest girl in the world', Tully Hart moves in across the street and wants to be her best friend. Tully and Kate became inseparable and by summer's end they made a pact to be 'best friends forever'. For thirty years Tully and Kate buoy each other through life, weathering the storms of friendship, jealousy, anger, hurt and resentment. Tully will follow her ambition to find fame and success. Kate knows that all she wants is to fall in love and have a family. What she doesn't know is how being a wife and a mother will change her.
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Eggs Loved this ✨🦟💛 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one 💙 2w
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah

This is the second book I've read by the author, the first being The Nightingale. Having watched the TV series, I then read the book, I usually prefer to read the book first. This book does not disappoint, I enjoy this authors style of writing and I'm now on the look out for more to read.

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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5⭐️ I was really surprised that I liked this book. While I wasn‘t really surprised at how well the story was written, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it and how much it drew me in. I also liked how the author made the cancer storyline very believable. I didn‘t know I had breast cancer until there was a shooting pain in my breast; breast cancer doesn‘t always make itself known with the usual signs. ⤵️

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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah

If you're looking for a good cry, this book is for you. I had a hunch about the ending, but it still got me to well up multiple times. A very relatable story of best friends during the many chapters of life. I found Tully to be a bit selfish and annoying at times--maturing into a successful woman, yet still too naive to recognize her best friend's insecurities; however Hannah develops both characters beautifully given their family history.

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Today, I‘m sharing what I‘m currently reading, watching and listening to. I haven‘t read Firefly Lane but my mom and I are watching it on Netflix. We watched Season 1 and now, we‘re watching Season 2. My mom likes the show. I‘m not enjoying it but I‘ve decided to stick with it and see if it gets better. If it doesn‘t get better then I can read the book and the sequel to it. I‘ve heard that the books are better.

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Day 12. Firefly

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one 📚🩷 12mo
Eggs Great choice ✨🧡✨ 12mo
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah

4.5/5⭐️ Decades of friendship and the trials that come with it. Had me crying multiple times and chuckling here and there. I felt bad for Kate the whole book, feeling as if she put herself last with everyone. She shouldn‘t have had to bend for Tully every single time. Their fights aggravated me because of this.

WorldsOkayestStepMom I absolutely inhaled this book and it made me cry too! 12mo
RavenclawOwlCat @WorldsOkayestStepMom did you read Fly Away? The second one? 12mo
WorldsOkayestStepMom @RavenclawOwlCat yep, immediately after I finished the first one I started it. 12mo
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RavenclawOwlCat @WorldsOkayestStepMom did you enjoy it as much? Honestly unsure if I‘ll read it or not. 12mo
WorldsOkayestStepMom @RavenclawOwlCat of the two, the first was better. 12mo
RavenclawOwlCat @WorldsOkayestStepMom I just tried giving the Netflix show another chance and I need to complain that it‘s pure garbage! I feel personally offended at what they did to the characters and the relationships. 12mo
WorldsOkayestStepMom @RavenclawOwlCat I don't have Netflix so I haven't seen the show. 🤷‍♀️ 12mo
RavenclawOwlCat @WorldsOkayestStepMom be thankful you can‘t see it 😂 12mo
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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While I do recommend this book, I don't recommend reading the last 20 pages in a parking lot waiting for your kid to get off work. So many people passed by staring at the crazy lady sobbing in her car. 😭

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 14mo
Bookbuyingaddict Hi 👋🏻 my beloved friend died last November just before my birthday after a routine operation, would I be ok to read this or not ?? I have also put off watching the tv series on Netflix because I just think I wouldn‘t be able to bear it , I‘m thinking of keeping a journal 📔 of texts and messages that I would have sent , sometimes things pop into my head and I go to message her ….. (edited) 14mo
Traci1 @Karons1 I'm so sorry for your loss. I think maybe I'd wait a while for this one. I haven't watched the show, but based on trailers I've seen, I think it's going to have the same feelings. 14mo
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Bookpearl This has been on my shelf for years and I‘m just now considering reading it, just from your review I already know I‘m going to be a blubbering mess. 😭 14mo
Traci1 @Bookpearl I've had it a long time too. For a 500ish page book, it was a really quick read. I hope you like it! 14mo
Reggie Lolol, I‘ve had to duck into the men‘s restroom at work to compose myself because reading sad things during lunch is a thing. 14mo
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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I've had this book on my tbr shelves for a while now. I'm trying to decide if I need to read it first or watch the show first. My usual plan is book before film, but idk. If you've read and watched, what would you suggest?

Read4life Book first. 🤓 I haven‘t finished watching the series yet but I still recommend reading the book first. 1y
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I loved this book, even if it had me crying at the end. Kate and Tulley become the best of friends in middle school despite totally different personalities. Through hardships & triumphs they stay together….even dealing with betrayal. A story of unconditional love and support.

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Eggs Perfect 💙💙 1y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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I've never read a book by Kristin Hannah before. This was heartbreaking and beautiful and I want to immediately start the second book in the series! I loved Kate & Tully and their love for each other.

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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I enjoyed reading this book. I‘ve loved some of Hannah‘s other novels and enjoyed the Netflix series of this. The book was touching and made me cry, much like Hannah‘s other books!

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Continuing to make headway with books this week! 🙌

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Predictable. Was disappointed 😞

AmyG I am just dropping in to say hi. 😘 (I read this years ago and barely remember it.) 2y
ManyWordsLater Shame. I just bought it for my mom. 2y
Sleepswithbooks Hi @AmyG 🙋🏻‍♀️ 2y
Sleepswithbooks @ManyWordsLater I hope she likes it. It had a vibe of another well known book/movie. But then again… it was outside my usual genre - psychological suspense.. 2y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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#12booksof2021 #August

This was a book club read and I loved it!! It made me cry like no book this year did.

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To finish the #52Booksin52Weeks challenge I needed to read a book by Hannah. I thought I‘d skip the prompt but the control freak in me made me pick up this one on audio. Pooh. Way too chick lit for me.
Two girls promise to stay friends forever but it‘s hard when the beauty gets a glamorous career and no one to love, and the insecure one becomes a stay at home mother surrounded by love. Too cliche. And yes I cried at the end. Cheap emotions.

TrishB I didn‘t think you‘d like this at all. 3y
jenniferw88 I did this one for that prompt, which I enjoyed but does have tw for domestic violence. I'm on my final prompt for this challenge too - using Betty for deckled edge. 3y
BarbaraBB @TrishB You were right! I think your choice is a better one @jenniferw88 , it gets much Litsy love. Kudos to us for finishing the challenge and on to next year 💪🏽 3y
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youneverarrived I loved the tv series! But not sure I‘d enjoy the book so much. 3y
Suet624 Well at least you finished your challenge!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Reggie I love the end of this review. We‘re all susceptible to the cheap emotions. 3y
BarbaraBB @Reggie we are. But it‘s so annoying when I find myself in tears after fi fishing a book I didn‘t care for in the first place. 😹 (edited) 3y
Amiable I‘m not a fan of this author, either —too much chick lit for me, too. 3y
BkClubCare I, too, hate it when I feel a book manipulates 🤣 but I love a good book cry 😭 3y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Get your tissues ready!! I waited before diving into the Netflix series to read the book. Just started the series this evening and see they already butchered the storyline 😡. I guess I‘ll continue watching to see where they take it but as always…the book is better!

TrishB The book is waaaaay better! 3y
Bec_lectic @TrishB absolutely! Always the case in my opinion lol 3y
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This really was a great book by Kristin Hannah. As with her other books you know something major is about to happen but it still feels like a rollercoaster of emotions. This story was about the 30 year friendship of Tula and Katie and the ups and downs of the friendship. Even though I knew how it would end, it left me in tears. Definitely a must read book but not on your lunch break when you have to answer coworkers questions why you are crying.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one! 3y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Actually watched a few episodes of the Netflix series but really didn‘t like it, then a friend gave me the book and that was a game changer. Completely loved the way she writes about women and friendships.

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah

Heart wrenching. An emotional rollercoaster of a decades-long friendship and truth about love. A devastating look at how life throws curveballs without warning or reason.

Trigger warning: this story does have instances of sexual abuse and drug & alcohol abuse/addiction

#pageturner #heartwrenching #friendship #lifelongfriends #emotional #relationships

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Here we go with Firefly Lane!

#friendship #netflix #booktoscreen #tvseries


Hi everyone,
As so many of you may know, my family and I have been devastated by COVID over the last couple of months. I was hospitalized and my husband passed away from COVID related Pneumonia on May 11th. So I've been MIA for a while. The amazing thing about this group is that even though I've been MIA, they have made sure I knew I was not alone. The #litsylove group has been absolutely wonderful and I cannot express how much I appreciate you

SamAnne Oh Colleen, sending condolences and strength. 3y
TrishB I‘m so sorry for your loss 💔 3y
Sparklemn Sending warm thoughts to you and your loved ones 💙 3y
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squirrelbrain So sorry to hear this - sending love. 3y
AmyK1 I‘m so sorry 😞 3y
Bookgoil Sending you all the love hon ❤️ 3y
Tamra Take care of yourself! 💜 3y
marleed Oh my gosh, I am so terribly sorry. You are in my thoughts as you move through this. 3y
Megabooks Sending lots of love and support. I am incredibly sorry for your loss. 💕 3y
DaveGreen7777 Oh, no, I‘m so sorry! Sending healing energy to you! 💖 3y
UwannaPublishme Sending healing hugs and 🙏🏻 3y
Coleen_Nieto Thank you so much everyone! I hope to get back into reading and posting on Litsy very soon!! 3y
CBee Thinking of you, @Coleen_Nieto ♥️ 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Always thinking of you ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Coleen_Nieto we are here when you get ready, take care of you 🙏🏻 3y
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Wow! This book emotionally wrecked me. I was warned that I was going to need tissues, but I did not anticipate sobbing for a straight hour as I finished the book. I love watching books on the big screen and was excited to read this before I could binge watch the Netflix series. I just could not put this book down. I wanted more of “TullyandKate”. There was something so natural about the way their lives progressed and I adored reading about them.

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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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#NutsinMay #Readathon is coming soon. I‘m joining @Andrew65 and hope you will, too.
My goals are to start and finish the tagged book which is my #DoubleSpin for #BookSpinBingo and to get 2 bingos. Choose your own goals and jump in. 💙

Andrew65 Thanks for sharing 😍 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Good luck!! 3y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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I started a 2nd job and stopped reading for about a month and a half.. but then after being 56th on hold at the library I finally got Firefly Lane! This book is soooo good!! I loved every moment of it ❤ I laughed, cried and felt like I was with the girls the whole time 💕 This book takes you on their journey of self discovery 📖 I suggest reading the book even if you've watched the show 😊❤

Betty_Boa I loved this one ❤ Had me needing all the tissues 😢 3y
michellelav @Betty_Boa sooo good! And I definitely shed some tears too ❤😭 3y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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My husband caught me crying at the end. It was a little long in my opinion but the story was good. Now to go watch the Netflix series

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"That was the thing about best friends. Like sisters and mothers, they could piss you off and make you cry and break your heart, but in the end, when the chips were down, they were there, making you laugh even in your darkest hours."

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Writing this review through tear filled eyes...

Firefly Lane surpassed my expectations, and I loved both main characters, Tully and Kate so much.

They had a friendship that lasted decades and even through the worst of times, they had each other to lean on.

While I saw the ending coming, right down to how Hannah would even lay out the final scene, I loved it. It ended the best way possible.

Some friendships really can withstand anything.

Victoriahoperose This book hurt my feelings lol. I cried so much. But I loved it and still am thinking about it weeks later. 3y
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1. I have!!! Now though I listen on audible. I'm currently listening to the tagged book.
2. I often do! I feel like I need background noise to when I read.

@TheSpineView #two4tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Tuesday! 💙🎧💜📖 3y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Sorry, can't write a review right now. Too busy bawling my eyes out 😭😭😭.

MySharonaK 😘🌷 3y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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I'm not crying...you're crying!

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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*Trying* to read...🙄

Darklunarose “Trying” 😻 3y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Such a lovely book! I reread it since it‘s been so many years and I want to now read the sequel and watch the new Netflix series. It was just as good, if not better than I remembered. 💕

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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah is one of my favorites and once again, she doesn‘t disappoint! #LitsyAtoZ #F✔️

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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Two young girls build a friendship that spans over 30years. First they walk the same path and then both travel different paths. One chooses to build a family and the other chooses her career but the bond they share is strong and takes them through the years. Kate & Tully forever.

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Two things about this book: 1. Do NOT finish this book on an airplane. You will ugly cry. 2. After finishing this book today, I watched exactly 8 minutes of the Netflix series before I realized they are 2 completely different stories. How are they *SO* different?! And WHY?!

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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What to read next..?

shellleigh33 Love Firefly Lane or Night Road. Two of my all time favorite books!! 3y
Curly_Reader @shellleigh33 yes I will. I started the great alone already. Firefly lane is probably next 3y
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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah

Wow, what a wild ride for my emotions. Felt everything from nostalgia;l, to frustration, to utter heartbreak. Really saw a lot of myself in Kate, making many scenes really powerful. Beautifully written dialogue, enchanting from start to finish.

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah

"But things changed fast. She knew that now. A horse could get old overnight and go lame. A friend could become a stranger just as quickly". - Firefly Lane, Kristin Hannah


Beautiful story of friendship, family and love ~~~~ but so SAD!! Have tissues ready.


So I watched the show first. Loved it then read the book!! Now I can see why everyone was so upset about the show!! It‘s nothing and I mean nothing like the book!! What an amazing book!!!

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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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I was reading this at work and had to stop because I didn‘t want to weep. Then, 20 minutes later, I decided that weeping at work was fine and finished it. This book just had such a magical quality from beginning to end. I absolutely loved it! Just be ready for an emotional rollercoaster.

Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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Re-reading this one before I watch the new Netflix series. I read it years ago and loved it. 💕

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Firefly Lane | Kristin Hannah
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This book ripped my heart out. I haven‘t cried during a book as much as this in a long time. This is a beautiful story about friendship, but it was so real. I felt so invested in Tully and Kate and I think it‘s because we got to see them grow up in this book. We really got to care about the characters and feel like they were a part of our family and our lives. I don‘t have anything bad to say about this one. I can‘t wait to watch the show!

Annie1215 I haven‘t read the book but just binged the show this weekend and really enjoyed it! 3y
Victoriahoperose @Annie1215 I‘m so happy you said that because I‘m so afraid I‘m going to watch the show and it‘s going to ruin it for me lol. I may start tonight! 3y
BookishMarginalia What a gorgeous kitty! #CatsofLitsy 3y
Victoriahoperose @BookishMarginalia thank you!!! One in the front is Bull and the sleepy one in the back is Gatsby 🥰 3y
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Tea, book, bag of pastries. Perfect Sunday activity? Someone needs to take the bag of pastries away from me.

Cathythoughts Enjoy ❤️ someone needs to take away my chocolate 🙄... it‘s Sunday , let‘s indulge 😁 3y
Amiable Sounds like the perfect Sunday to me! 😍 3y
squirrelbrain I‘ll have them instead of you - I really don‘t mind! 3y
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MsMelissa Did @squirrelbrain give you that mug? 😂 3y
squirrelbrain Do you know, I didn‘t even notice the mug! 🤦‍♀️ @MsMelissa 3y
LeahBergen Perfect! 👌🏻 3y
rabbitprincess @MsMelissa Haha I had a similar thought about the mug, that it would be perfect for @squirrelbrain ! It is super cute 🐿☕️ 3y
Caroline2 Oh how you getting on with the book? I‘ve just finished the TV series and the ending.....??? 😶 3y
Oryx @Caroline2 It's ok, the story engaging enough, but finding the writing a bit clunky. Not watched the series yet, thought I'd try the book first as it was 99p. Only at 31% so I can't shed any light on ending yet. Is the series worth watching? 3y
Caroline2 Apparently the books is quite different to the series so we‘ll see what you think. I liked it but it was a bit long winded. 3y
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