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Fear of Flying
Fear of Flying: A Novel | Erica Jong
Even in a time when women are still sexually repressed, Isadora Wing wishes to "fly free" with a man who completes her every fantasy.
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So. many. therapists.
(To be 100% honest, this was only so-so for me. Though I understand why it was powerful for my Mom, who read it when it came out when she was 20.)

#ittakesallkinds #withtherapist

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
Eggs I read it in my 20s too - Jong was hilarious 😆 7mo
BarbaraBB This each such a shocking book back when I read it in my teens! 7mo
lil1inblue @Eggs There were definitely parts I enjoyed. There were other parts that I felt didn't age as well. I think it would be a good book club read - especially if the book club was multi-generational. I would read it again for that purpose! 7mo
lil1inblue @BarbaraBB I can imagine! It must have been very eye-opening and different! 7mo
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I have an interesting relationship with this book. I lost a dear friend last year. The last time I saw her in person she was very ill, during our visit she asked me to take her to hospital. She told me to grab a book for the wait. I looked at her shelf & said "I have this one on my shelf at home might as well start it" she tried to tell me it was a bit much for a public waiting room. I didn't understand what she was saying. As always she was right

ChaoticMissAdventures Because of my history I will always keep this book and always think of my friend who I loved dearly. I cannot judge if it is a good book. 2y
batsy ❤️ 2y
Chelsea.Poole ♥️ 2y
DivineDiana ❤️ 2y
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I can appreciate this book for what it was at the time it was published, there were some interesting individual quotes, and I enjoyed recognizing various literary references, but this is not my cup of tea. I got tired of Isadora‘s ramblings, and I find it hard to believe she actually grew and changed through her journey.

#audiobook #1001books
#Reading1001 #TBRTakedown April 2022

Daisey This is my #DoubleSpin for April and a book finished during #DeweyApril #Readathon. 2y
JazzFeathers When l was a teenager, Erika Jong Eason my TBR list. I supposed the time has passed 😜 2y
Daisey @JazzFeathers Yeah, I would not recommend it at this point. 2y
LKK526 @daisey OMG, I read this when it was first out in paperback because the hardbacks were too expensive for me. It was so revolutionary! I bet it‘s really dated. Another in that vein also popular at the same time was The Women‘s Room by Marilyn French. I had a chip on my shoulder about men for a week after I finished. Bet it seems kind of silly today 2y
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I had to take a friend to Urgent Care, and I grabbed the first book at hand for the wait 😂. Bold choices were made today.

Avanders 😂 fun. 😁 5y
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gradcat Beautiful. ♥️ 5y
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Part of my project to read books I should reed. I did like this one. I think the BBC full cast helps!

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#wanderingjune #flyaway

I read this when I was about 19 because it was a feminist classic and I thought it would be very grown up of me to read it. And YES it was very grown up. 😂 Probably the first book I read that talked openly about sex and I‘m glad it was from a strong female point of view. But also WHOA - it was eye opening 😝😜

Leftcoastzen 👏👏❤️ 5y
Cinfhen I recently read this for the first time 🙄I wasn‘t all that impressed but I could imagine how groundbreaking this was when it was published. I think we‘ve made some strides in the last 50 years 5y
Centique @Cinfhen yeah I don‘t know how it holds up so many years later. I‘m sure my reaction today would be different. The world is a different place in so many ways! 5y
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Susanita I think I was about that age too when I read it. Very educational! 😳 5y
BarbaraBB Echoing you and @Susanita, for me too this was my first erotic read. I know I was shocked but I don‘t remember a thing now! 5y
Centique I‘m glad we have similar memories of it @Susanita @BarbaraBB 😂 5y
Jeg I still have my copy. What a read back then. Wonder what I would think with a reread now. 5y
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Well, this was certainly before its time, but maybe a little dated now. I'm glad that I read it. 💖📚✈

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We dove head first into this feminist classic. It was easy to see how this book is the foundation of so many others we love. Give it a listen #SoundCloud #googleplay #applepodcast #1001books

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To Angela, Always, Amy 🖊
I‘m a big fan of used books. They‘re stories that come with their own stories. What‘s the best thing you‘ve ever found in a book?

Bostonmomx2 A business card and a movie theater gift card. I kind of think it was intentional. 6y
WorldsOkayestStepMom I ordered my husband a book from thriftbooks a couple years ago for Christmas. It was signed by the author and I didn't realize it until I was wrapping it up for him! 6y
TheBookstorePodcast @WorldsOkayestStepMom That‘s always very exciting!! 👏 6y
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TheBookstorePodcast @Bostonmomx2 haha! Well, kind of a score either way! 6y
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This week‘s podcast is devoted to Fear of Flying. Does it hold up as a Feminist classic? You‘ll have to listen to find out! Wherever you get your podcasts, or www.thebookstorepodcast.com.

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Linsy ❤️ 6y
Amymeyerson ❤️❤️❤️ Love Fear of Flying!!! Is it your first time reading it? 6y
Eggs @Amymeyerson No I read it in college in 1972 6y
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Paura di volare | Erica Jong
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Probably at the time of its release it would have caused a great sensation, but at present it would belong to the category of novelties.
#litsybook #book #books #booklovers #booklovers #toread #leggere #ericajong #fearofflying #erotic

Ruthiella I loved this when I read it but I was much younger then. I don‘t think I had ever read anything that frank and open about female sexuality at that time. 6y
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Paura di volare | Erica Jong

"What do lovers see in the eyes of the beloved? Your own image?
#litsybook #book #books #booklover #toread #leggere #ericajong #fearofflying

Paura di volare | Erica Jong

"The man under the bed will never be transformed into the man above the bed".
#litsybook #book #books #booklover #toread #leggere #ericajong #fearofflying #erotic

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Read the top 3 and love them all. Bottom 2 still tbr. I‘ve got high hopes for A Tree Grows in Brooklyn 💚 #greenbooks #marchinbooks

rubyslippersreads It's a wonderful book! 7y
Trashcanman I love A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It resonated so much with me. Hope you enjoy it. 7y
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Great read. It‘s a little second wave feminist but a lot of what Erica Jong begins to unpack about female sexuality rings true even today. The quest for the zipless f*** continues...

Coco Ah this has been on my bookshelf forever!! I think I need to start it soon! 7y
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I know it's supposed to be these great feminist classic but it SUCKED. Awful humans, boring sex scenes...probably the inspiration of Bella Swan, no self awareness of agency.
All the neurosis of Rebecca Bloom and non of the charm.
#booked2018 feministclassic

BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘ve heard the same thing in other reviews. Good for you to get a prompt completed, though! #booked2018 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft 7y
Cinfhen I hated this one too! 7y
benchley1 @Cinfhen it always nice to not be alone in.my hatred of a "classic!" 7y
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ValerieAndBooks I tried to read this one last year and had to bail! Just too much self-centered rambling. @Cinfhen I remember we tried this one for our birthday challenge 😬 7y
Cinfhen Yup..I‘m failing miserably with that challenge @ValerieAndBooks 😞😩 7y
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Finally working through a feminist classic. So far it feels like this could have been published last year, not 1973. Excited to (hopefully) finish this today

Lacythebookworm Welcome to Litsy! 7y
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GlassAsDiamonds Welcome to Litsy!!! 😊😊😊 7y
Cinfhen Welcome!! 7y
AlaMich Welcome to Litsy!! 😀 7y
tammysue Welcome!! 👋🏻 7y
Wife Welcome 🌹 7y
Bookladylinda Welcome to Litsy!!!! 7y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😸 7y
RaimeyGallant Never read this one. :) Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you're interested. :) 7y
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This is one of the best feminist (probably erotica?) book I've read! Every woman should read this and be free of any expectations, obligations! I love love Erica Jong!

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1. The Lord of the Rings (deja vu all over again). 2. Ketchup. Why ruin tomatoes that way? 3. I'm not afraid of flying, but I am afraid of heights. 4. Two siblings plus steps and in-laws. 5. Did it!
#friYAYintro @jess.how

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love ketchup, but hate tomatoes 😂 7y
Susanita @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks my brother is that way too 7y
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This book confused me at first, but once I figured out what it was I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is an odyssey of self discovery through other people and other places. Reminds me of my own wanderings during that same period of my life. Makes me wonder whether the quest for self knowledge transcends time and place -- and gender.

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Is this true? Even today? I'd love to hear what people think.

TrishB Not for me - but I would only speak for myself. 7y
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Feminist Friday

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Plants the garden, scrubs the floors, and sits quietly on the upper balcony of the synagogue while the men recite prayers about the inferiority of women. She is capable of absolutely everything except self-preservation. And secretly, I am always ashamed of myself for not being her.

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The twenties are as frenetic a decade as the teens. You have a voice inside your head repeating “I want, I want, I want,” but you don‘t know what you want or how to get it. You hardly know who you are. You go on instinct. And your instinct mostly pushes you toward adventures you won‘t grasp until you look back on them. Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward, some sage once said.

#publishedinthe1970s #jubilantjuly

Suet624 That cover is new to me. Not sure I like it. 7y
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@Kitta and I are on our second day of waiting for a flight at LaGuardia. Booo.

On the plus side, the Air Canada Lounge has some choice magazines. First up, trying to decide which Island to buy..

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Halfway through. Still emotionally and intellectually stimulated. But getting a little impatient with main character's self pitying self indulgence. "I hate myself [for something I did, wanted, or thought]. I hate myself for hating myself [because women deserve this as much as men]. I hate myself.." Insightful inner conflict of being a woman. But it just keeps spiraling. I hope something new happens soon. Evolution. Growth. Crossing fingers.

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This book feels so current, I cannot believe that it was published in 1973. I am loving every feminist word. Extremely articulate. Isadora is perfectly drawn. Even her intermittent selfishness and immaturity are perfect. She's a 29 yo woman poet who's not interested yet,if ever,in children. This somehow gives her space to say things no other woman would and see things no other woman could. And she hits the nail on the head over and over.

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Zipless f@$k 😱🤣

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Day 20 of #riotgrams - #favoritecover. This is a #latergram since yesterday left no time for picture taking. But I did some thinking. Being asked to pick a favorite cover is like being asked to pick a favorite child. So I chose the cheekiest covers from my Penguin Classics Deluxe collection (literally 😱😉😎).

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😑. I just couldn't stand Jong's writing style and the constant I, I, I, you, you, you in the rambling narrative. Lots of sex talk but the feeling is that it's there for shock value which is maybe the only reason it was published back in 1973. Also a lot of racist references tripping off her mouth. Ugh. This was for year 1973 of my #birthdaychallenge reading. Debating whether to move on to 1974 or try another 1973 book.

ReadingEnvy I tried it and bailed too. 8y
DreesReads Note to self: do not try this for 1973. 8y
LauraJ I'm up to 1973. Good to know this can be crossed off the list. Im considering 8y
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PirateJenny I had to read it for a class in college and I didn't like it at all. 8y
ValerieAndBooks @ReadingEnvy @PirateJenny if it had been shorter maybe I could have endured it. Just too over the top with everything! 8y
ValerieAndBooks @AudreyMorris @LauraJ I went back and looked up 1973, and this will (hopefully) work for me: Toni Morrison's 8y
Kammbia1 I read this novel years ago and it was tough sledding for me. I can see why you bailed on it. 8y
ValerieAndBooks @Kammbia1 if I had tried it years ago as well, I might have stuck it out but I have a lot less patience these days 😂 8y
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An ironic choice for #Day14: Kissing Books 😘😉

A lot more than kissing happens in this book...

#FearofFlying #EricaJong #Riotgrams #ValentinesDay

Saknicole Sounds sexy! Worth the read? I'm reading the absolute worst books right now for some reason... it involves puppets. No joke. 8y
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I'm sure back in 1973 this book was risqué and shocking. A woman so openly discussing her sexual fantasies and desires. I found this book entertaining at first but as I read more, I discovered this book didn't have much more to offer. It seemed pretty autobiographical and while there were lots of snippy lines and good laughs, Erica Jong came across as self indulgent and self centered. This was a #birthdaychallenge read and a #BucketListBook

Alfoster Oh yes, remember reading it way back when too! I imagine I'd have the same reaction as you did today😜! 8y
Bklover Oh my- I was 13 when this came out and I couldn't WAIT to read it! Imagine it would not be quite the same now that I am no longer 13!😉 8y
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BookishMarginalia 👍🏼👏🏼 8y
Cinfhen @Alfoster @Bklover I'm finding certain books I enjoyed as a teen/ tween or even mid twenties is not the same as reading now and books I disliked then, I now appreciate much more. 8y
LeahBergen That cover! I remember it well. 😂 8y
ValerieAndBooks My turn at reading this is coming up soon! 8y
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#BookNBrunch nothing fancy like tater tots but a yummy salad with grilled sweet potatoes 🥔 and feta cheese 🧀I'm really enjoying this read, which feels rather contemporary, which is odd, given the fact it was written 44 years ago! Not sure if that's a good thing or bad 🤔

BookishMarginalia Gorgeous pic! 8y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @BookishMarginalia 😘 8y
DebinHawaii That looks delicious!! 😀👍 8y
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Off to a promising start..."Bigamy is having one husband too many. Monogamy is the same." ???and the title of Chapter 1 ?#birthdaychallenge 1973

britt_brooke 😂 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hahaha!😂 8y
saresmoore Yes! Hahaha! 8y
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Qemorio Love it! 8y
Cinfhen This book is snarky and FUNNY😁 I've been chuckling the last hour @britt_brooke @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @saresmoore @Qemorio 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Adding it to my TBR list 8y
merelybookish That quote is excellent! (And I'm also a 1973 baby.) 8y
Wife ❤️ 8y
Bette 😂😂😂 8y
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Small library haul because the library limits you to ONLY 4 books 😡macaroons are for my book club tomorrow night😋Jong book is 1973 #birthdaychallenge Picoult is #sameageauthor & Walls is #Setin1970s #YearofMagicReadingChallemges

Foragingfantasy My library is the same. I'm like, do you not know who you are dealing with?! 8y
Cinfhen @Foragingfantasy 🤣🤣🤣Truth (edited) 8y
Bookgirl That's just mean! 8y
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ValerieAndBooks Ooh, I was planning that same book for 1973, it's been in my TBR for a long time ! I am still needing to get to 1971-72 though. 8y
LindsayReads Cruel! Come on over to mine--we have no limit on books. 😁 8y
Cinfhen Thanks @LindsayReads & @Bookgirl It is rather cruel but I'm living overseas and I'm guessing maybe patrons don't return books or pay fees quite so nicely 😒 8y
Reviewsbylola Four books is ridiculous! I often check out a couple of books for my kids too! I think I have out 7-8 books just for myself right now! 8y
tjwill Only 4?! I think when I asked if there was a limit at our public library, a librarian told me it was 100, but that no one ever checked out that many. 8y
Cinfhen It is ridiculous @Reviewsbylola but the selection is sort of crappy so it's not like I'm having to make crazzzy sacrifices 😐 8y
Cinfhen @tjwill 100 that's insane!!! Insanely awesome !!!!!! 8y
Hooked_on_books 4 is completely nuts! But @tjwill , I think you should take on that challenge! 😂 8y
tjwill @Hooked__on__books 🤔Hmmmm, yes! 8y
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"I have accepted fear as a part of life - specifically the fear of change...I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back..."

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Very eager to find out if this book is for me. The only reason I downloaded this ebook is because of the feminism tag on it. I don't know how I will feel about the sex tag on it but I guess I will find out? Help me, Littens - if you've read this one, what did you think of it?

BkClubCare I own this! I think... will run upstairs to double check 8y
BkClubCare Nope, I have her ANY WOMAN'S BLUES 8y
CoffeeAndABook It was a must-read in it's time, I know that much 😉 I haven't read it, but I did read it's 'sequel' FEAR OF DYING. I bailed early on because it was kind of depressing, alternating in theme between old age/dying and sex. Naw..... But her writing was good, well crafted & this book here is still somewhere in the back of my mind... I'll be interested to hear what you say about it!! 8y
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#womenwriters Catching up on #somethingforsept and ❤️❤️❤️ all your posts! #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading

BookishFeminist Yep! Also every troll on Twitter ever 8y
Hooked_on_books 😂😂😂 8y
LeahBergen Ha!! 👍🏼 8y
Nebklvr 😻 8y
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Enjoying this reread 40 years later.

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Enjoying this reread 40 years later.

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"I was reading, I was writing. I was safe." Love this!

Lizpixie This. So much yes. My childhood in one paragraph. So many times I was yelled at to "put that damn book down and go play like your brothers & sisters!" then I had to try smuggle out of the house my book, usually to climb the tree in the yard and hide to read. 8y
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I just finished this book, and I loved it so much that I actually feel kind of sad it's over. Can't wait for Louisiana Literature when Jong comes to speak 👏

manifestsanity There's a sequel called "How to Save Your Own Life." Not of the same caliber as "FOF," but OK nonetheless. 8y
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