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Sword of Shannara
Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks
As the last heir of Shannara, Shea must save the humans, gnomes, trolls, dwarfs, and elves of the world from the Warlock Lord by reclaiming the wondrous sword
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Even though this book was long it still kept me engaged. It had Mysticism, Elves, Dwarves, and men. Oh and Trolls. The genre is High Fantasy with Sword and Sorcery. #HaveNoShameReadathon22 @Nessavamusic I was looking for more Sword fights.

curiouserandcurioser @LiseWorks Absolutely love this series!! I have reread it many, many times:) 2y
Nessavamusic Great series! 2y
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Good book, but I found it a little slow.
A constant jump from exciting adventures to somewhat boring situations and in my opinion there are too much descriptions that slow down the story.
Not bad but not too good either.

I‘ll see the best chapters, hoping they will be a little better #shannara #theswordofshannara #terrybrooks

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“Le verità ovvie, ragazzo, sono i figli inutili del sennò di poi” Allanon.

"Obvious truths, boy, are the useless children of hindsight."

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1. My favorite football team and my birth year.
2. I am thankful my work insurance pays for my biweekly visits to the chiropractor. I can't afford them out of pocket, and I need the therapy regularly.
#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

Wanna play? @Out-and-about @MittenGirlPeach @Bookishgal71 @BehindthePages @audraelizabeth @Buechersuechtling @ReadingIsMyHobby @Onceuponatime

BehindthePages Absolutely! Thanks for the tag! 4y
OutAndAbout That‘s my birth year too! Thanks for the tag. 4y
Cosmos_Moon Glad that you can get treatment and that it helps! 4y
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Currently reading the omnibus of the first 3 books, one book down, two to go. You can definitely tell Brooks was inspired by The Lord of the Rings. There are a lot of similar events that take place in this book. On to book two, which I believe is a reread for me.

Deifio Definitely! But he becomes such a good writer in his own right! 4y
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@VioletCavalier and I started watching this Netflix TV show this weekend, another series based off of books - by Terry Brooks. Quite the pic fantasy!

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Yaas! First day of reading outside this year! 🎉

Also...out of nowhere, last night my brain decided it wanted to read all bazillion of the Shannara books from start to finish before the final book comes out this fall.

I figure I owe Terry for his introduction of fantasy novels into my life so what the hell.

Its been well over 20 years since I've visited and I'm pretty damn excited!

wordslinger42 My mom and I are doing the same thing! We were ridiculously relieved when he postponed releasing the last book since it gave us more time to reread 😅 I'm on Scions of Shannara right now! 4y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @wordslinger42 👏 That's awesome! Have so much fun in the four lands! 🤘 4y
Heideschrampf Oh i wish i had a lakeside read right now! 4y
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wanderinglynn What a perfect view! 💚 4y
Literary_Siren I‘ve got the same urge! I read The Elfstones of Shannara in middle school but never read any of the other books. I plan to change that this year! 4y
TracyReadsBooks I first read Sword of Shannara in 5th grade—which was not too many years after it was published—because it was one of the few fantasy books in my school library. I loved it and have been a fan ever since. 4y
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"Legends and myths that did not exist in yesterday's world will exist in tomorrow's. Things of evil, ruthless and cunning, after lying dormant for centuries, will now awaken. The Shadow of the Warlock Lord begins to fall across the four lands."

The nostalgia is real for this one. ❤️

RainyDayReading I need to give this one a re-read. It's been so long! 4y
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#7Days7Books Day 1.

'Books that left an impression on me.'

Had to give the first post to Terry Brooks. He's pretty much the one that started me on this wild book love journey. ☺️

jb72 I loved that trilogy, but I read it in the 90s. He started me on my fantasy fiction journey. 4y
Lizpixie This series along with the Belgariad & the Thomas Covenant chronicles got me addicted to fantasy as a teenager/YA. I still have my original copies♥️ 4y
Jovy Same! This and Belgariad got me hooked for life. 4y
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#ispy a book with a purple cover @wanderinglynn Can you find a book with an orange cover @Mitch @Crazeedi @Blaire @MicrobeMom @sudi @ElizaMarie

wanderinglynn Excellent cover! 💜 4y
MicrobeMom Love it!! 4y
sudi I'll try to find one 😊. And the cover looks awesome, almost reminded me of Hogwarts 4y
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Chrissyreadit @sudi it is a pretty cover. Someday I will read it. 4y
Chrissyreadit @sudi how are you? Are you quarantined in your area? I hope you are safe and healthy ❤️ 4y
sudi @Chrissyreadit yeah, still in quarantine, the lockdown is supposed to be over by april 14th but they are thinking of extending it. I'm safe. But how are you? The numbers in america are frightening. I hope you are safe. 💕 4y
Chrissyreadit @sudi my county is on lock down. I‘m guessing our proximity to DC. I‘m scared because so many people are still not taking it seriously, and until we have tests we can isolate the actual spread. But I do not mind being home at all. ❤️ I just hope safety measures are not lifted too quickly. 4y
sudi @Chrissyreadit glad you're safe❤. i think that's the main problem, it would be contained if people stay put where they are. I get it if someone who doesn't have the income to buy loads of groceries steps out when they need something, but some people think this is some kind of picnic 😑. 4y
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Took a brief break to mail my #winterswap package for #litsylove ? Now, I've donned my official #readathon shirt (it says "On your mark, get set, read" ?) & it's time to get back to #24B4Monday ???☕☕☕

#MrBook1InaMillion #LitsyPartyofOne
@MrBook @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @Lucas.Rencher @Rachel.Rencher

Andrew65 Good luck with day 2, a t-shirt for the Readathon. I like your style! 😊 5y
vivastory Love the shirt 👏🤘 5y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!! Thank you 🎉📚🙌🏻 5y
wordslinger42 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Of course! Thanks for organizing the swap 😊 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You look so pretty 💞 5y
wordslinger42 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you so much, Misty 💕💕 That's really sweet of you to say!! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @wordslinger42 I mean it!! How is your mom? I have something to send her I just haven‘t been off work to go to PO 😫 5y
wordslinger42 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks She is doing OK! Things are still pretty stressful in some ways, but we're taking it one day at a time. Thank you so much for asking 💜 We've both bought fresh litsy love supplies so we can finally reply to everyone!! 5y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
wordslinger42 @MrBook Thank you! 😊 5y
UwannaPublishme Coolest t-shirt! 🙌🏻 5y
wordslinger42 @UwannaPublishme Thank you!! 😃 5y
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It's a sleepy start to the morning, but a start nonetheless! Today, my first goal is to finish the last couple hundred pages of this chunkster! My snack for the foreseeable future is coffee 😅 I've never made it to 24 hours in a #readathon and I'm determined to do it this time!

#MrBook1inaMillion #24B4Monday #LitsyPartyofOne
@MrBook @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @Lucas.Rencher @Rachel.Rencher

Andrew65 Good luck with finishing it. 👍 You can do it! (edited) 5y
Daisey These sound like great goals! Enjoy the coffee. 5y
Eggs That mug!!! 5y
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MrBook WOOHOO, love that determination 😎🙌🏻! And that mug! 5y
wordslinger42 @Andrew65 Thanks for the encouragement!! 5y
wordslinger42 @Eggs @MrBook Thanks!!! I got the mug at Books-A-Million 😄 One of my personal favorites! 5y
wordslinger42 @Daisey Thank you!! 😊 5y
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Had it on my shelf for a while. Thought I would start it while on my honeymoon time 😊

Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks
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Libby is so helpful! It has tons of free ebooks 💛 I‘ve been studying a lot because I have four finals in the next four days 😬 wish me luck!

rretzler 🤞🏻 5y
JohannaRose Have you read all of the Shannara Chronicles? I‘ve heard about them but there are so many books I don‘t know where to start! Which one do I read first? And are all the books part of one series? Sorry I just always wanted to read them! 5y
Rhelia @JohannaRose I‘m actually only a chapter or two into the first one! It‘s a series with a couple of books, and I think you can look the exact order up online. The Sword is the first book 5y
JohannaRose @Rhelia Thank you! 😊 5y
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I just have to say I absolutely love this entire series. I've read the series once and told myself I was reading it for the suggested order this time. Who am I kidding, I'm sure I'll be reading them again. I love how it's written, it really pulled me into another world I found myself not wanting to leave. I told myself I wouldn't cry at the end this time. That was a lie. 😂 😭 😂 Now my daughter has taken my copy and can't put it down herself. 💜

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I read so slow. 😂 I'm almost finished. 💜

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Finally! Friday is here. 🖤 I'm in my happy place.

TheBookKeepers Cozy! Welcome to Litsy!! 5y
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I really should be sleeping but I just can't stop. This isn't even my first time reading it. 💜

BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 5y
SmartSassery @BookwormAHN Thank you bunches! 💜 5y
Traci1 I keep meaning to start this, but I keep forgetting. 5y
SmartSassery @Traci1 It's my second time. I love these stories so much. This time I'm trying out reading in the author's suggested order. 5y
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This edition has some beautiful illustrations by #TheBrothersHildebrandt #Thankfulforbooksswap @JamieLou @Elma

As a former #DungeonsAndDragons nerd I love the #fantasy genre and haven't delved into a good fantasy universe in a long while.


jb72 I read the original trilogy back in the 90s. I love his world. Hope you enjoy! 6y
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Had a power outage for a few hours today. Couldn't get online so I'm behind on my posts.

Here is the pic of my package for #BlindDateBookSwap @TheReadingMermaid
I had a lot of fun with this swap. In the mail and on the way to my secret swap 😁

BeansPage Fantastich!! 😄 6y
BeansPage @Gaylagal2 sweetie have you received this package yet? FedEx says it was delivered. Please let us know ASAP 🤗 6y
BeansPage @Gaylagal2 it's the same package that you posted pictures of sweetheart. I was just reaching out to you on a couple different platforms to try to see if you've received it 😊 6y
Gaylagal2 Gotcha! Blonde moment here 🙄😘 6y
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Reading at the park on this gorgeous Sunday afternoon! 😊💕📚

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I lucked out last weekend and found a good chunk of the Shannara series for super cheap! I have such fond memories of reading this fantasy series years ago, and I'm looking forward to restarting it again! 😀📚

Leftcoastzen That‘s so great when that happens. 6y
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Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks
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Just downloaded this. Do you think it‘s a good beach read?

Binny.Sedai Fantastic read. Enjoy. 6y
Elisa @Binny.Sedai that‘s good to hear! 6y
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Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks
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First thing that came to mind for #sword. #CoolBooks

I know it has influences of LOTR but I loved all things Shannara! ❤️


Linsy Classic! 🗡 6y
RJHowe A heartwarming winner and what is wrong with LOTR influences? (edited) 6y
Jovy @RJHowe You are right -- absolutely nothing wrong! In fact we should thank Tolkien for inspiring so many authors 😀 6y
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Anyone who's ever read Tolkien will find this one difficult to digest, as it is unabashedly derivative. I hear the series improves on originality hereafter so I'm willing to give it one more try before I completely abandon the story.

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#JanInBooks18 #FirstBookInASeries

Terry Brooks has been a constant presence in my reading journey my entire life. I can't really remember a time that his words and the Four Lands were not a part of my daydreams.

I feel it's safe to say that I owe my love for reading, especially my love for fantasy fiction, entirely to the Sword of Shannara and Mr. Brooks himself.


Knightingale I loved his work when I was younger. Do you think it holds up? I‘ve heard he is best to avoid as an adult if you liked his work as a kid. 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Knightingale Despite all my gratitude towards Terry Brooks for shaping my reading habits as a youth...I.would be hard pressed to enjoy his work now as an adult if it weren't for that heavy dose of nostalgia. 😏 6y
Knightingale @GrilledCheeseSamurai totally understood. Nuff said. 6y
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Terry Brooks was a significant part of my growing up. Dude was always there for me to lose myself in his books. I've met him a couple of times now and he was always so patient with my gushing over how much he has shaped my reading journey! His work will probably pop up alot in this feed. ❤️

minkyb Oh, this is true for me as well. Sadly I haven‘t read anything in decades. 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @minkyb I haven't either. I tried reading some of the newer ones but they didn't captivate 'older' me as much as they did 'younger me.' one day hopefully I'll catch up. 7y
MiyakoBunny Don‘t you hate it when older you ruins the magic for younger you I almost cried when I re-watched garbage pail kids 😩 fffffffffffkkkkkkk time machine dreams *reprogram baby Hitler (I know I know lol I‘m hopeful🤫) & do not re-watch garbage pail kids*🤣🤣🤣 7y
MiyakoBunny Coin toss up between reprogramming or killing 🤔 7y
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#Rocktober #day24 #InTheEnd The end is never the end.When one version of the world ends, another begins.In this classic fantasy series(now a tv series on Netflix)set 2,000 years after a nuclear holocaust, the world is now a place with no technology but magic has been rediscovered.Mankind has been changed into many races including dwarves,gnomes,trolls & elves have come out of hiding.The world is divided into Four Lands ruled by each dominant race.

Cinfhen You know how to market a series 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen I'm just waiting for a publishing house to notice and offer me a job in marketing!😉 7y
JazzFeathers Oh, l have an 1980s version with the same covers! I read only the first couple nivels back then. Never knew this was supposed ti be set after a nuclear holocaust 7y
Katerina This has been on my TBR for ages. I'll tackle The Wheel of time first though. I've got nearly all volumes now. 7y
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Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks

Ok is it just me, probably lol but Idk why but I don't like mass market paperbacks, I think it's because most of the time they are pretty thick, and thick books intimidate me.

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Forse dovevo leggerlo da più piccola....

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I've decided to give up on it 😩 It's just not grabbing me, and while I hate giving up on books there's too much of this one for me to read it anyway. 1191 at this font is too much when I'm not enjoying it 🙈

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I've got a hazelnut hot chocolate to go with my current read on today's lunch break, and it tastes like hot, liquid nutella 😳

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It's a lot of history so far, but I can definitely see the potential! Here's to more action and less info dumping soon...

MrBook Love this pic! 7y
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Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks
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Favorite part of the mural on my local library

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Amazing book. With a lot of charecters... But with a lot of jorney. Check it out My review on My YouTube Chanel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_3LF20uSzBQHhk5KUHIzTw

MrBook Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay with us 😊👍🏻. We're the most positive, tight-knit, passionate bibliophile community you'll meet. Careful: this'll take over your life. 😂👏🏻🙌🏻 7y
lovepeaceandwrite @MrBook I am already a fan here 7y
MrBook 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
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Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks
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Best part about the book marks Book Depository ships along with the book(s) is that you can colour them 😁


After reading through Goodreads reviews and finding out that none of the aforementioned issues I had with this book were resolved in this book or future ones, I am officially DNFing. Having no women is unfortunately expected in books from this time period but having to read a lesser version of lord of the rings is a waste of time.

Booknerd_76 I'm glad I saw your post. I'm struggling with the first few chapters I keep having to reread stuff over and over.. ugh and I bought the 1st 3 books sigh 6y
KtheBookwyrm @Booknerd_76 I had several books and got rid of them all. 6y
Booknerd_76 Sadly mine is on audible. I bought all three when there was a sale☹️ so I've lost credits and some of my life...smh 6y
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So I'm roughly 150 pages in and I've come up with a few observations. 1. NO WOMEN?! 2. Getting some LOTR vibes 3. Those elf stones are awfully convenient.

In relation to those observations, does it get better? If not in this book, later in the series? I want to love this series, there's so many books! But the lack of women and all the LOTR echoes are throwing me off a bit.

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I was getting bored with my other read so I'm jumping over to this instead. Hoping for a more engaging read

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My son and I enjoying huckleberry ice cream after spending time outside weeding and trying to clear out the raspberry patch. It was really windy and cold today, so ice cream was the answer! Lol I am loving this book though! These pictures were taken earlier today when I had just started it. I am almost finished with it now.

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archaeolibrarianologist I was told I could skip it. I should have listened. 7y
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Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks
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I have lots of books #BoughtOnVacation since one of our favourite things to do in a new place is to check out used bookstores. Once, when we were younger, we had to call my parents to ask for money to get home because we got carried away and bought too many books! That debacle is simultaneously a cringeworthy reminder of youthful follies and a proud bookworm moment that I'd repeat in a heartbeat. #FeistyFeb

kspenmoll Love your story! 7y
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This has been my #slowread this month. I may finish it next month, maybe? It doesn't help that I had to return my copy to the library because someone else put it in hold. Which reminds me, I need to re-request it. #readjanuary

Bookworm-Bobbie Netflix did a tv series bases on this, it was pretty good. Although haven't read the books based on the reviews I've seen. 7y
AmandaL @Bookworm-Bobbie I heard the series was good, so I wanted to read at least one of the books first, then watch the show. Of course I haven't managed to do either yet. 😁 7y
TeR Funny.... literally watching this RIGHT now on Netflix! It's not bad..... 7y
AmandaL @TeR Ha! Maybe I should start the show and see if it gets me more interested in the book. 7y
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So I read for just over 20 hours. I'm calling it a night. For my first #24in48 I'm pretty happy with my results. I finished 5 books and have four more in progress. What did me in was not making sure I clocked at least 12 hours on day one. Then, turning off my audiobook in the car because not everyone was into it didn't help either. I would have been around 23 hours if I kept listening. Next time! 👍

Dragon 👍🐉 7y
DebinHawaii Great job!! 🎉📚👍 7y
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Taking a break from Invasion of the Tearling, and reading The Sword of Shannara. Tearling is just too much like what's going on in the real world for me right now. I read to escape reality, when reading reminds you too much of reality there is a problem lol.

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So I just can't... I tried reading it, I tried listening to it and I just cannot get over the Lord of the Rings similarities.... instead of a ring this is a sword, instead of Gandalf you get Allanon... I loved this mans magic kingdom for sale books so I thought maybe I can fall into this million book fantasy but the first one has made me feeling afraid to try the others.... can I move on to number two? Is it a LOTR rip as well?

Texreader It has one of the lowest approval percentages I've seen on Litsy with similar complaints. It appears you are not alone. Ripoff books annoy the heck out of me too so it's good to get the heads up from you on this one. 7y
OffTheBeatenShelf.com Everybody always tries to convince me to read this because my last name is Shunnarah, but I always had a "meh" intuitive feeling about it. Good to know it's truly not worth my time. Life is too short for crappy books. 7y
ReadingVampire @OffTheBeatenShelf.com yes my suggestion don't do it... I agree life is to short for crappy books, if you have Goodreads and look this book up and read the top review it's a one star and the guy said exactly what this book is to a T. I wish I could copy his rant over to here so everyone would really grasp how close this is to LOTR what I mentioned above was only the tip of the iceberg! 7y
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BethFishReads I remember bailing on this year's ago. Never gave them another try 7y
JulAnna I agree! I also really enjoyed the Magic Kingdom books. 7y
mahasoor Oh I am SO GLAD I'm not the only one who thought these books were just... ugh. Once you get into some serious adult fantasy, this just comes across as hokey and a bit juvenile, especially with the way the books are always "bad shit happened but yay now everything is a-ok!" at the end. None of these characters really struck me. 7y
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✌️ I am never the one who says "I don't get the hype." But seriously. On to the next one, and maybe the other will have two original thoughts to rub together and make ?. In the meantime have a holiday llama sweater.

Lacythebookworm Llama sweater 💯🙌😊 8y
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Okay, rant/question for fellow fantasy nerds. I've been waiting to read this series for years, knowing that it is well-liked in nerd circles - at least I've heard talk of it often as a staple. But I am about to give up. This ish is a retelling of LOTR?! Does anyone else feel this way? I understand things that are derivative but this book sure is something else. Ragtag band on heroic quest? Taciturn dwarf? FALL IN A RIVER? To abandon or continue??

TrishB My friend recommended this to me the other day, but I haven't read any as yet! 8y
heikemarie @TrishB so far my experience is that if you've read LOTR literally nothing will surprise you. Haha. 8y
TrishB I may leave for now, have quite a lot of other fantasy on the pile anyway!! 8y
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annahenke I gave up on it. Got frustrated with too many info dumps. 8y
heikemarie @annahenke the dialogue and info dumps are also not good quality of writing, no? It's so weird. 8y
annahenke @inwhichHeikereadsharder agreed. Made it easy for me to pass on! 8y
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Sword of Shannara | Terry Brooks
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Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Emiller Awww 😻😻 8y
BooksForYears But those floofy paws are so delightful! 🐾 8y
Hobbinol Adorable! I just love cats! 8y
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