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Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass | Lewis Carroll
233 posts | 584 read | 6 reading | 87 to read
The extremely memorable stories Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass compliment each other well. Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland in 1865 and followed shortly thereafter with Through the Looking Glass in 1871. The first book is about Alice falling down a rabbit hold into a strange fantastical world. There are unforgettable scenes including the Mad Tea Party, Queen's Croquet Game and Mock Turtle Story. Through the Looking Glass takes Alice's adventure yet further with more amazing characters, including Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass revolutionized literature both for children as well as adults.
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I absolutely hate this book. I watched the movies before I read the book. I loved the movies, so I expected the books to be equally as good. To me this book just felt, so lazy. I felt like the author had a great idea, going into the story, and then ran out of ideas, and just came up with the most random and unlikely things to happen. I didn‘t even really seem to be much of a climax. It all just kind of seemed boring.

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This was my January #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
I enjoyed the first story more than the second. There are more happenings than what I've ever seen referred to in films etc. Happy I can cross this off. Off to other books.
TBR since 27/4/2011; 239 pages.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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Lily and I enjoyed the wonderful imagery and adventures of Alice! The language is quite old-fashioned and tricky for a young kiddo to understand (honestly I struggled at times), but she rarely asked for clarification, so she seemed to understand enough. 🐇 🕰 🃏 🎩 🐁 🦤 🐢 👑 💭

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“But I don‘t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can‘t help that,” said the Cat. “We‘re all mad here.”

It was fun revisiting this classic again. 🐇


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💜💗 2y
AkashaVampie I love that cover!!! 2y
mandarchy This week I had my students watch the first episode of the series (live action) from 1986. It was so fun to see their reactions to the absurdity. They were repulsed and engrossed. 2y
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#WinterGames2021 #MistletoeManiacs #DashingDecember #Challenge2021 #ChristmasMyWay

Although there were a couple funnier/cuter parts, this one overall was an EPIC FAIL.

Glad to have checked off another classic of the list too🙂

🎄: 1

Andrew65 Oh dear ! 3y
DieAReader @Andrew65 At least I finished it😂 3y
Andrew65 @DieAReader You did 👏👏👏🙌 3y
CoverToCoverGirl Yeah, I didn‘t like this one either. And I didn‘t finish it, so good for you for sticking with it! 👏👏 3y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl I almost gave up😂 Just too darned stubborn I guess🤪 3y
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I‘m really happy to say I read this, since people judged me when I said I hadn‘t. Outside of that, I have little to say about this gibberish.

DieAReader Thank you! I‘m still muddling through this one (since March🙄). I really figured I had to be alone in all the WTF am I reading moments🤣 I will finish it, eventually, but I will NOT be re-reading this one. So far, I‘ve much preferred the🎬🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
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#Scarathlon2021 #TeamSlaughter #Challenge2021 #OutstandingOctober

I feel like I would connect better & “get it” with this book is I was…let‘s say HAF on something like LSD or shrooms🤦🏻‍♀️🤣. I‘ve been slowly ✅ opened books lately & this is one I‘m excited to gift once I‘m done. Hopefully the soundtrack (own & LOVED the movie!) will help inspire me to actually read more than 5 pages🤣🤞🏻

🔪: 1

Andrew65 It is a strange book. 3y
DieAReader @Andrew65 Even stranger to read as well imo🤨🤫 3y
CoverToCoverGirl This was one classic I couldn‘t read either.. just no. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
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Through the Looking Glass is one of my first reading assignments for grad school, so in prep, I'm reading the first Alice adventure (but I think I'll have tea first 😉🫖)

aperfectmjk What a beautiful copy! 😍 3y
wordslinger42 @aperfectmjk Isn't it?! I borrowed it from my mom, @curiouserandcurioser 😅 She had wanted this edition for forever, but it was really expensive! Our bookstore had a penny-per-page sale, and she was able to get it for $4.50!!! 3y
aperfectmjk Wow! How lucky is she?!?! 😲 3y
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New kindle case . Absolutely in love 😍

Ladygodiva7 😍😍😍 3y
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The stack on my desk today- it varies from day to day but this is what I‘m reading today 😆

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm PRINCESS BRIDE!! ❤️😍❤️ I just snagged Inkheart from Goodwill the other day. I liked the Brendan Fraser movie and hope the book‘s good too. 3y
Lauraandherbooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm so far it‘s great- It‘s been awhile since I seen the movie but I think it might be a bit different but so far I‘m enjoying how it‘s going anyway 😊 3y
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Reading this to escape reality. Beautifully illustrated with the original art by Sir John Tenniel. Down the rabbit hole I go 🐇🫖⏱🦩🌹 #classic #wonderland #teaparty #whiterabbit #oxfordworlds #lewiscarroll #alice #curiouserandcuriouser #nonsense #madness

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1. I was going to reread Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland but @AsYouWish gave me the idea to choose a retelling instead. I might do that.

2. Sideways Stories from Wayside School

3. Well my interests are all over the place. I am obsessed with books (obviously), I tap dance, I love hard rock music and metal, I also love Swedish Pop music, I love horror movies but also old classics like The Maltese Falcon. I‘m eclectic 🤪

#novelwatchingcrew #nwc

ElizaMarie You sound super eclectic and that you are into a bunch of super cute things! 4y
mollyrotondo @ElizaMarie 😂 thank you! Sometimes it‘s a good thing and sometimes I‘m not so sure but I love myself regardless 😂 4y
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We had a mad tea party tonight 🎩 ☕️ 🐭

‘ “Your hair wants cutting , “ said the Hatter. He had been looking at Alice for some time with great curiosity, and this was his first speech ‘ 😂

We are besotted with this #minalima edition , even had a disappearing Cheshire Cat!!

Loving the #fairytalereadingchallenge already 🤩


Charityann Love the pictures!😊 4y
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My daughter “I wonder what he‘s late for” 🐰 ⏱ 🥰

We went down the rabbit hole tonight!! 🤩

“ and what is the use of a book,‘ thought Alice , ‘ without pictures or conversation ?‘

Alice would definitely approve of this 3D interactive beautifully illustrated #minalima edition . I can‘t recommend it enough it‘s stunning!! We had lots of fun making Alice grow 😁

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🤩 #fairytalereadingchallenge

Very excited as I am really familiar with all the short children‘s fairytales and the Disney stories but embarrassingly never actually read any of the originals.

Hoping to get a few of the twisted tales in too 😍

#bulletjournal #minalima

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Well that was delightful 💓A perfect audio to end my 14 day quarantine. Now I‘m ready to rejoin the outside world😷Scarlet Johansson gave a stunning performance for this Audible exclusive🙌🏻 This was my #BookSpin and final book for #ReadingClassics2020

Librariana Hope you're feeling lots n' lots better now, Cindy! Especially if there were any symptoms. Otherwise, I hope it was a quiet, uneventful quarantine for you 💙 4y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Totally agree, ScarJo did such a wonderful narration. 4y
Cinfhen Thank you sweet, Ana ....I was in quarantine because I traveled overseas. Luckily I wasn‘t exposed to Covid @Librariana 4y
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Cinfhen @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Right?!?! She was brilliant 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
TrishB Has that been 14 days already ❤️ 4y
Cinfhen Yup @TrishB it went by quicker than I thought 4y
Centique @Cinfhen so glad you‘ve finished quarantine and have had no symptoms. I hope the rest of your city can open up again soon 🤞🤞🙏💕 4y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @Centique I need to get to the post office but need to see what days & times they are open 😁 4y
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I had never formed an opinion on the Disney animated film and aside from that and a casual listen to Jefferson Airplane I never gave much thought to Carroll‘s works. But I am surprised to say I enjoyed my first audiobook foray into Wonderland. Aside from the fantastical images and thought provoking interactions with mad characters, Scarlet Johansson‘s reading is quite good! From the squeakiest dormouse to the gloomiest caterpillar, she rocks it!

wisherwishinguponastar @TheAromaofBooks Plus this is my #bookspin for this month! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great review!! 4y
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A few books I finished. I don‘t know if I posted about them.

amywithbooks Loved The Chestnut Man! 4y
Slajaunie @avgeyer It was interesting! 4y
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Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?”
The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?”
“I don‘t know,” Alice answered.
“Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn‘t matter, does it?

The Cheshire Cat in the tagged book.
#fallfinds #felines

CaffeineAndCandy ❤❤❤ 4y
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I had to give a little extra up-close love to these Alice goodies from @kylienoele 😍 The sticky note set, the adorable makeup palette, and the incredibly detailed makeup brushes are all just too cute! ♥️⏱🐇🃏🌹

Weisubei Wow, they are beautiful 😍 4y
Nute Fabulous! 4y
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rubyslippersreads Gorgeous! 💙 Alice! 4y
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Y‘all, my Litsy bestie and soul sister @kylienoele has sent me the cutest birthday package ever!!! So many goodies and little books! The coloring book had me in stitches!🤣💖💖💖💖💖 Thank you again, Kylie! You really get me!

AlaMich Is that marzipan? I‘ve never actually had it but I was obsessed with the fruit and vegetable shapes when I was a kid. 4y
GypsyKat @AlaMich Yup! I love marzipan, it‘s a very rare treat for me.😊 4y
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In 1862 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a shy Oxford mathematician with a stammer, created a story about a little girl tumbling down a rabbit hole.

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Pick this classic up for my August classic read... I know I‘ve read it before probably as a child. But reading it now is like a new adventure.☺️

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Un'edizione meravigliosa

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 4y
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After being a huge fan of everything Alice in Wonderland themed, including books (or retellings/reimaginings) I‘ve finally decided to read the actual book

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#poetrymatters April 10: gentle

The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll

Although today‘s word is gentle (adjective), I couldn‘t resist using this poem with the adverb form. 😂🐊

ImperfectCJ A favorite at my house! Both of my kids memorized this one. 4y
TheSpineView Great interpretation! 💜 4y
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#7days7books Day 1

Seven books that left a deep impression on me or changed me.

Thanks for tagging me @Erofan and @erzascarletbookgasm

@JaneyWaneyB Would you like to join in?

BiblioLitten That cover 💜 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Such a pretty cover, I haven‘t seen this edition before 💜 4y
Erofan 💜💜💜 4y
JessClark78 @erzascarletbookgasm It‘s one of the collectible editions from Barnes and Noble. 4y
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Structuring my day around reading and listening to different books. Chapter 2 : The Pool of Tears curiouser and curiouser cried Alice

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5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ It was just so delightful I couldn't stop laughing as I read it and I loved all the illustrations. This story was one of my favorite movies growing up and I love all the different adaptations they have made so far. My favorite poem from this book was the Walrus and the Carpenter but a close second is You are old father William

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Book shop today. To add to my collection of similar books and the socks to my collection of wonderful socks. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️

MrsMalaprop 😍💪 Just last week I heard a mum tell her son to stop whining like a girl 😠. She said this while carrying her girl toddler 😏. 5y
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Starting!!! 😊😊😊😊

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These books are hard to review. They are for children, but they are so random and jumbled that it‘s like a trip reading them. Especially in Looking Glass, I‘d think that I zoned out and missed something when from paragraph to paragraph the scene/train of thought suddenly changed. You haven‘t missed anything, it‘s just that crazy.



Man, Lewis Carroll‘s brain was a weird fucking place. In general, this was amusing & fun, but it was even more bizarre than the adaptations. I never knew that the Disney version combined AAiW & TtLG into the one film. And I‘m now very impressed w/what they did with it b/c a major drawback for me w/the book is how haphazard & unconnected it was, more like a series of vignettes. And I think it was just a bit too weird 😜 But enjoyable enough! 3/5 ⭐️

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I have of course seen various adaptations of this about 100 times, but I‘ve never actually read it, and it feels like a good time to do so. Work is.........uuugghhhhhh this time of year and I really need something fun and silly and light. #nowreading

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This is a timeless tale that is always great to read to the kids in the classroom.


Alices Adventure is a traditional literature tale that follows a girl that is a story of curiosity. Curiosity can lead you in many ways and this charming story is an excellent representation of it.


“Why, sometimes I‘ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

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1. Never tired of this one!
2. Smartwool socks year-round, just vary the thickness
3. 5,728' Mount Rogers in my home county
4. Oysters, mussels, any kind of shell boogers 😖
5. Yes! I'm Zuul from Ghostbusters

#friYAYintro @howjessreads

ImperfectCJ I almost picked Alice, too! Always a joy to read. 5y
Lreads Eww! Shell boogers! 😂 5y
Zoes_Human I have to confess that my first thought was “There's not desert island in Alice. I mean, I guess metaphorically ... oh wait. Yeah, now I understand.“ 😂 5y
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Alice in Wonerland has always been one of my favourites, and anything based off of it. However nothing beats the original, with such a weird and quirky storyline. I'm pretty sure this book is one if the most well known books ever, especially since there is such a big fan base over it.
This is the 5th time I've read it...

CaseyLea I love it too! 5y
abookdragonsretreat It's so good! 5y
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Went to Alice In the Village at Patriots Place in Foxboro. It‘s cute inside, but I like the one in Mystic, CT better.

mcipher I didn‘t know there were two! I still haven‘t been to the mystic one even though it‘s only like 15 minutes away 😳 5y
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#covercrush #7Covers7Days
(Not sure who‘s already playing, so I‘m just gonna pick a random handle)
@Gabbysbooks would you like to play? 💜

ju.ca.no What a pretty cover! 5y
youneverarrived Ohhh pretty 💕 5y
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Walked to the grocery store in Venice to get coffee and now we are enjoying it on the balcony before starting our day.

jenniferw88 I 💗 that mug!!! 5y
FantasyChick Want! 😍😍 5y
Come-read-with-me @rather_be_reading Your holiday looks better and better everyday!!! Have fun! 😘 5y
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jillannjohn ❤️ your mug! 5y
rather_be_reading @jenniferw88 @FantasyChick @jillannjohn ikr! it was in the airbnb and meant for me! 5y
rather_be_reading @Come-read-with-me ty! cant wait to share everything w u! 5y
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Day 27 - #Adventurous #AliceAdventuresinWonderland #LewisCarroll #AugustABC

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children.

Eggs 💗👏🏻🤗📚👍🏼 5y
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