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Turtles All the Way Down
Turtles All the Way Down | John Green
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Wow. I‘m not sure how I found this book, but it‘s amazing and full of great quotes and connection. My anxiety isn‘t as crippling as Aza‘s, however reading about someone who has it was cathartic. Maybe it‘s just turtles, all the way down. Book #48 in 2024

marleed I love your cards! 3w
Allthebookclubs Thank you!! 3w
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“You remember your first love because they show you, prove to you, that you can love and be loved, that nothing in this world is deserved except for love, that love is both how you become a person and why.”

Love this book 🧡


CaliforniaCay 🧡I saw the trailer for the upcoming adaption and I'm cautiously optimistic 🧡 2mo
Eggs Brilliant quote 🥰☀️🤗 2mo
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“Love is not a tragedy or a failure, but a gift.”



I missed the triangle part!! 😂 I love the pic though so I‘m going to leave it!

AnnCrystal 😍👍💝. 4mo
Eggs Perfect 🤩 🌳 💛 4mo
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I read this five years ago and enjoyed it. When I heard a movie is coming out I decided to revisit it with the audiobook. I still love all the characters.

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"You watch them try to fill themselves up with booze or money of God or fame or whatever they worship, and it all rots them from the inside until nothing is left but the money or booze or God they thought would save them."

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I didn‘t say anything; I couldn‘t get over the size of the movie screen. “It‘s probably obvious how hard I‘m trying to impress you,” he said. “We‘ll, it‘s not working. I always hang out in mansions with hidden movie theaters.” -Page 101


I really missed reading John Green. This was a great story with lots of accurate OCD representation and the same beautiful gut-punch lines he‘s so fantastic at. It felt like seeing an old friend after years and years have passed: so much has changed but they still feel so familiar 💕

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This had great representation! Would recommend if you like books about OCD. But other then that, compared to his other ones.. I felt like it just fell flat. 2/5

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Not sure that I prescribe to this, but it's definitely a thinker.

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This was a great listen! Perfect at 1.2x speed while wrapping Christmas presents :)

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Morning friends. I got some hard news this weekend - yesterday my grandfather passed away. It was pretty sudden and unexpected and I feel a bit in shock. Christmas this year is going to be very odd without him, not at all what unexpected when I started wrapping presents and decorating early.

Going to try and do some gentle reading and go on a walk today. Maybe after this I‘ll try and read one of my light festive reads from my winter games list.

Bookwormjillk I‘m sorry to hear that. Take care. 3y
merelybookish I'm so sorry Emily! What a shock! Be gentle with yourself and lots of love and peace to you and your family! 3y
kspenmoll I am so so sorry. Be gentle with yourself. Sending love to you & your family.💕💕 3y
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Librarybelle So sorry for your loss 3y
fredthemoose So sorry to hear that! 3y
ju.ca.no So sorry for your loss😔😔 sending love and hugs! 3y
AnneCecilie I‘m so sorry for your loss 💔 3y
Soubhiville I‘m so sorry. 3y
TheSpineView So sorry for your loss. 😥 3y
Zuhkeeyah So sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and your family ♥️ 3y
Chrissyreadit I‘m so sorry. 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I‘m very sorry for your loss. 3y
erzascarletbookgasm My condolences to you & your family. 3y
SamanthaMarie I'm very sorry for your loss. Loss at the holidays seems extra hard. ♡♡♡ 3y
batsy I'm so sorry ❤️ 3y
xicanti I‘m so sorry. 3y
ChasingOm I‘m so sorry for your loss, friend. ❤️ 3y
Laughterhp So sorry 💚 3y
TheAromaofBooks Oh no, Emily!! I'm so sorry to hear this. Hopefully you are able to spend some time sharing memories & stories with your family. ❤ 3y
Jas16 I am so sorry for your loss. 3y
AmyK1 I‘m so sorry Emily 😞❤️ 3y
Billypar I'm very sorry to hear this! 💙 3y
Simona I‘m so sorry 💔 3y
JessClark78 I‘m so sorry for your loss. 💔❤️ 3y
Nute My condolences, Emily, to you and your family. Many prayers for comfort and peace.♥️ 3y
Ruthiella You have my condolences. ❤️ 3y
MaureenMc Very sorry for your loss. 💗 3y
BookmarkTavern May his memory be a blessing. ❤️❤️ (edited) 3y
DrexEdit So sorry for your loss. Peace and love to you and your family. 💜💜 3y
MicheleinPhilly I‘m very sorry Emily. I wish you and your family peace. ❤️ 3y
andrew61 Take care Emily and my thoughts are with you and your family. 3y
rabbitprincess Oh no! I‘m so sorry. Take care of yourself ♥️ 3y
Megabooks Sending hugs and comfort to you. 💕💕 3y
Reggie I‘m so sorry to read this. The first holiday after is always hard. Take care this holiday. 3y
CarolynM I'm sorry for your loss💔 Grandparents are such special people, treasure your memories. 3y
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Read in a day. This is by far the best John Green I have read. I didn't love the side stories, but did enjoy and appreciate the story of Aza, her friend Daisy, and Aza's struggle with OCD and repetitive and escalation thoughts. So many throw the term OCD around but Green does a fantastic job of showing what it actually is (not wanting things clean and orderly, but an actual debilitating mental illness).

LiteraryinLawrence Well said. I remember feeling like his portrayal of OCD was excellent, but that the actual plot was pretty outlandish. 3y
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My happy place❤️

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I will always love John's writing. Such a real portrayal of a mental health crisis, and it allows teens to be SMART. #yalit #dftba

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Definitely a book aimed for a younger audience then the fault in our stars... I absolutely love John Green, and while wrapping up this book earlier in the week I once again marveled at what an amazing job he did in expressing the difficulties of mental health, to show kids that some of their colleagues may be dealing with something similar, and that it is okay, they simply need to understand...

DrSpalding You have made wonderful book selections however you must use the rubric. Make sure you go back and check out my model that we reviewed in class. There are numerous elements required per book that must be included. You can do this! 3y
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I wanted to love this book and it is good. Aza has mental health issues and she is in high school. A perfect book to pass on to students for them to understand mental health challenges. But the book is ruined because an editor thought that slipping in the “dickpic” that the two friends see is part of the story? There was no need, no reaction and now as a teacher I could never recommend this book. Did any one else feel that way? 😫.

Hif.saa I somehow loved this book and is one of my favourites. I don‘t think such a tiny detail could mask the over all theme and depth of the storyline. 3y
Kboltz I I loved the theme also but in a school try to get that through. 3y
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Living with Anxiety and OCDs is like living in a cage. No matter how hard one strives, there‘s always that one bar that won‘t open up.
It is a chronicle of a usual teenage life. It is perfect for a light mood read as it‘s free from extra plot twists and take the reader smoothly through the storyline.
“Life long friendships, Intimacy, Fan fictions, Tarantula, Insanity, Lunacy, Germs..... it‘s never gonna end cause IT‘S TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN!”

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286 pages. I really did not want it to end. I am way past the age the book is dedicated for, but who the hell can be too old for friendship overcoming obstacles, first loves, and a teenage dramas overwhelmed with mental health? A story from a different angle that really enriched me.

#turtlesallthewaydown #johngreen #mentalhealth

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TW: OCD, anxiety

Maybe I‘m biased because I‘ve always loved John Green, but I did enjoy this book. It‘s not his best work, but I loved Aza‘s character and his descriptions of her mental illness. My only issue is the plot could have been way better in my opinion. It was a quick, easy read with lots of memorable quotes (that‘s JG for ya!)

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Late night reading.. I haven‘t read a John Green book in sooo long but LFA used to be my favorite book in HS and this is really bringing it all back for me. Green has a wordy, but brilliant writing style. I love how he describes Aza‘s mental disorder. I don‘t have OCD, but we have similar symptoms and it‘s refreshing to hear it put into words.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Aza is a teenager struggling with mental illness. She and her best friend Daisy decide to help find out where her friend David‘ rich father has disappeared too. I liked that the author helped me to feel what Aza went through on a daily basis. This book was both entertaining and educational.


Being vulnerable is asking to get used.

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My first John Green. It‘s pretentious and wordy, as expected, and I liked it! I‘ve always been a bit pretentious and wordy myself.

With its realistic depiction of mental illness, I connected to this teen drama more than most contemporary YA. I don‘t have OCD like the author & protagonist, but my flavor of mental illness has overlapping symptoms, and I have never before seen them put to paper this honestly & accurately. #DisabilityReadathon #tdr

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In job interviews they‘d ask me, What‘s your greatest weakness? and I‘d explain that I‘ll probably spend a good portion of the workday terrorized by thoughts I‘m forced to think, possessed by a nameless and formless demon, so if that‘s going to be an issue, you might not want to hire me.

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So wonderful!

HOTPock3tt I loved this!! 4y
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“You're both the fire and the water that extinguishes it. You're the narrator, the protagonist, and the sidekick. You're the storyteller and the story told. You are somebody's something, but you are also your you.“

#Atypical characters Eleanor and Aza 💙🧡 Love them both!!


Eggs ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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One of the best books i‘ve read in a while...Helped me discover so much about myself and the thoughts in my head....It really is turtles all the way down!!

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Just finished this. It was ok but I just didn‘t find it to be entertaining personally. I felt like some parts were dragging and others were ok. The mental health representation was pretty good though.

Scochrane26 I like this one mainly for the mental health aspect. Not all ya books treat mental health conditions in a responsible way, & Green really helps people understand what it‘s like to have anxiety/ocd. 4y
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Started this today~

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“I wanted to tell her that I was getting better, because that was supposed to be the narrative of illness: It was a hurdle you jumped over, or a battle you won. Illness is a story told in the past tense.“

(artwork credit here: https://drawingbooks.tumblr.com/post/167036427133/daisy-ramirez-and-aza-holmes-f...

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“And you go on too, when the current is with you and when it isn‘t.”

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This book was one of the most real pieces of writing I have read in a very long time. Crawling into the head of a teenage girl is one thing, but crawling into the head of an anxious, OCD germaphobe is something else entirely. The anxiety Aza carries is REAL. Being in Aza‘s head was terrifying and relatable. I hope this book has had an impact on teenagers in a positive way and they see the issues people with invisible diseases deal with...

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This is not the book to read during a major viral outbreak. #virus #ya #outbreak

LiteraryinLawrence Very true. 4y
saguarosally @LiteraryinLititz I found some sanitizer. The scent is hideous. I am using it (externally) liberally, likely too liberally. 4y
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#belatedbirthday #sisterlove #books #journals

“Books light the fire—whether it‘s a book that‘s already written, or an empty journal that needs to be filled in.”
—Meg Wolitzer
That quote was on the birthday card my sister gave me, along with books and journals. When she visited a bookstore in Palm Beach, Fl, there was a book signing of some YA authors. Some of the books she gifted to me. ❤️📚

Eggs Happy Birthday 🥳🥳 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎉🎊🎉📚📚🎉🎊 4y
Ddzmini Happy birthday 🎊🎈🎂🎉🎁 🥳📖😋 4y
UwannaPublishme Sending belated birthday hugs. Keep celebrating! 🤗❤️🎂🎁🎈📚 4y
Gissy Happy belated birthday! 🎂🎈🎈🎈 4y
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Te Araroa kilometers tramped: 2211.5 of 3005.3

Days on trail: 97

Books completed on trail: 42

A tale about a girl who struggles with anxiety and what happens when she reconnects with an old friend. #libby

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1,000 lovely followers!! Y‘all bless me more then you know!! I have one signed copy of the tagged book up for grabs to the first litten who can tell me the name of my pet tortoise. 🐢

Branwen Snape? 🤣😂🐢 4y
Trashcanman Mr. Turtle 4y
Meaw_catlady @Branwen that‘s a good name! I just actually realized that I might not have shared it on Litsy oops. Might have to change my question if no one can guess! I could have sworn I posted him on here!! 🐢 4y
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Meaw_catlady @Trashcanman haha no but it is pretty generic . I didn‘t name him he was adopted with the name . 4y
Trashcanman @Meaw_catlady is it Steven? Ha! 4y
Meaw_catlady @Trashcanman I wish ! Not a human name either, think generic tortoise name . 🐢 4y
Butterfinger I found Lucy. I guess - Chomper. That was fun though - doing a scavenger hunt through your posts. 4y
Meaw_catlady @Butterfinger good guess! I really thought I shared him in a post!! I am really shocked that he‘s nowhere to be found 🐢 poor lil guy . I mean big guy 4y
Trashcanman Scooter? 4y
Trashcanman Ha! Or Tank! 4y
Meaw_catlady @Trashcanman you guessed it!! Tank! 4y
Trashcanman Whoooohooooo 4y
Trashcanman No way! I never win anything. 4y
Trashcanman Thank you! 🤗🤗🤗 4y
Butterfinger @Meaw_catlady I saw where you mentioned you had one. Congratulations @Trashcanman 4y
Meaw_catlady @Trashcanman you won today! Yay! Email me your address and I‘ll send it out ASAP 🐢 my email is rpackard92 @ Gmail 4y
Trashcanman @Butterfinger Thank you Kindly. 4y
Trashcanman @Meaw_catlady will do! Wooot! 4y
TK421 @Trashcanman if I ever have a tortoise I will totally name it Scooter now. 😀 4y
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My niece passed this book on to me and asked me to read it so she could talk about it with someone. I found myself enjoying it more than I thought I would. Being a YA book of course there's a romance, but I found this one sweet. I identified with the MC and her worries and anxieties since I've dealt with similar things myself.

John Green does a wonderful job of addressing issues for teens in a way they'll actually want to read about them.

wanderinglynn That‘s awesome. What a fabulous auntie you are! ❤️ 4y
TrishB I read it with my daughter for the same reason. Green suffered with OCD and anxiety and much was written from his perspective. I thought it was really well done. 4y
Nebklvr @Addison_Reads @TrishB Reading heroes! 4y
Scochrane26 This was really well done, IMO. I often think about it when I have anxious/OCD clients. 4y
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Omg, thank you @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks & @TheBookHippie for the super thoughtful Birthday surprise! It's my first birthday gift this year! ❤❤❤ #litsylove #itsmybirthdaymonth #januarybaby

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Birthday 🎂🎉🎁🎊🎈 4y
UwannaPublishme Happy Birthday! 🤗❤️🎂🎉 4y
TheBookHippie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Okay. So this is the second John Green book that I read. After The Fault In Our Stars. And it's amazing. The characters are easily lovable, you empathize with them, and at times, you pity them. The representation of mental health in the book is ugly and sad, but at the same time, it's true. It's unavoidable and it's true. The relationship that all the characters share with each other is touching. Definitely a good read.

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"The thing about a spiral is, if you follow it inward, it never actually ends. It just keeps tightening, infinitely."

-- Turtles All The Way Down by John Green

Don't I know the unfortunate feeling of a "thought spiral" ?

#books #bookquotes #quotes #novels #fiction

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Opening line of chapter 1

"At the time I first realized I might be fictional..."


"I don't like to throw the L-word around; it's too good and rare a feeling to cheapen with overuse."

-- Turtles All The Way Down by John Green

Totally agree!!

#books #bookquotes #quotes #love #novel #fiction

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• OK, this isn't an easy read for me; this book has several passages that remind me of how it feels INTERNALLY to be a diagnosed OCD sufferer half my life. It might be fiction -- but there's more truth in here than most people could imagine 😔 •

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #anxiety #fiction #novels #brain

Enchanted_Bibliophile John Green actually based a lot of this book on his own experience with OCD. Know you're not alone 🌹 5y
bibliobliss @Enchanted_Bibliophile I listened to a podcast a few months ago where he was interviewed, and he talked about his own struggles with OCD. It's true that we all have something to overcome in the game of life, but sometimes it feels like no one else will ever understand this particular strangeness. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone in the fight 😉 5y
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Audiobook of this is $5.99 on Apple Books right now. I guess Kate Rudd is going to read this to me now...well, eventually. lol
#johngreen #turtlesallthewaydown #audiobook #sale #applebooks

Rachel.Rencher I loved this one! 5y
GingerAntics @Rachel.Rencher I‘ve heard a bunch of good things from so many good people. When I saw it on sale I had to get it. 5y
Scochrane26 I love this for a few reasons, but mainly because it gives a lot of insight into ocd/anxiety. A ya book that handles mental illness in a responsible way. (edited) 5y
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GingerAntics @Scochrane26 I‘ve wanted to read this book because I‘ve seen a bunch of really good reviews, but I didn‘t know anything about the OCD element until I read a review in Apple Books. I didn‘t know anything about the anxiety aspect until you mentioned it. Those things are making me want to read this book even more. I‘m glad it was done responsibly, as well. I was a little worried about if it was going to be a good portrayal or stigmatise it. 5y
Scochrane26 @GingerAntics I think John green based it a lot on his own experiences w/ anxiety/ocd. Apparently, he went through a rough time after his first books were published. 5y
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 that‘s awesome! We definitely need more of that sort of portrayal of mental illness in the world! 5y
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Rating: 5/5 stars

Welcome to my world, everyone. I think that this should be a book that everyone should read because it is quite entertaining, flawless and a really good book with a solid story.

Picture NOT mine. Credits to the owner.


“But I was beginning to learn that your life story is a story told about you, not one that you tell.”

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The first book I‘ve ever seen my ocd represented in. I absolutely loved the representation as I felt like I was reading about my self and trying to find the magic off switch to turn off the thoughts. I just felt like I was reading two separate stories and thought it should be about her ocd or the disappearance and mystery.

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