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Binding | Bridget Collins
NATIONAL BESTSELLERA NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW EDITORS' CHOICEProclaimed as "truly spellbinding," a "great fable" that "functions as transporting romance" by the Guardian, the runaway #1 international bestseller "A rich, gothic entertainment that explores what books have trapped inside them and reminds us of the power of storytelling. Spellbinding." -- TRACY CHEVALIERImagine you could erase grief.Imagine you could remove pain.Imagine you could hide the darkest, most horrifying secret.Forever. Young Emmett Farmer is working in the fields when a strange letter arrives summoning him away from his family. He is to begin an apprenticeship as a Bookbinder--a vocation that arouses fear, superstition, and prejudice amongst their small community, but one neither he nor his parents can afford to refuse.For as long as he can recall, Emmett has been drawn to books, even though they are strictly forbidden. Bookbinding is a sacred calling, Seredith informs her new apprentice, and he is a binder born. Under the old woman's watchful eye, Emmett learns to hand-craft the elegant leather-bound volumes. Within each one they will capture something unique and extraordinary: a memory. If there's something you want to forget, a binder can help. If there's something you need to erase, they can assist. Within the pages of the books they create, secrets are concealed and the past is locked away. In a vault under his mentor's workshop rows upon rows of books are meticulously stored.But while Seredith is an artisan, there are others of their kind, avaricious and amoral tradesman who use their talents for dark ends--and just as Emmett begins to settle into his new circumstances, he makes an astonishing discovery: one of the books has his name on it. Soon, everything he thought he understood about his life will be dramatically rewritten.An unforgettable novel of enchantment, mystery, memory, and forbidden love, The Binding is a beautiful homage to the allure and life-changing power of books--and a reminder to us all that knowledge can be its own kind of magic.
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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3.75/5 🌕🌕🌕🌖🌑

#fantasy #romance

Binding | Bridget Collins
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Part of the #Gladstonerds #GladstonesLibrary #ReadingRetreat #BookHaul (quite literally - carried home 13 books)

Thank you especially to @scripturient @Oryx @squirrelbrain @Caroline2 @TrishB 😘😘😘 - also thanks to @RaeLovesToRead for foregoing her prior claim on The Binding and letting me schlepp it home instead.

Caroline2 Beautiful 🤩 I hope you like it 👍 13mo
Cinfhen Oh WOW!!! 13mo
squirrelbrain Great pic! ❤️ 13mo
TrishB Hero! Carrying all those books. 13mo
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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An interesting take on where stories come from, but a little difficult to get into. Appreciated the LGBTQIA element, which definitely helped the story. It was just a little hard to follow at times

The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Love books about books, or dark reads with wildly unhealthy ways to deal with trauma? Then you might enjoy this one! The world building is excellent, and it was interesting seeing the dual timeline play out. Things were drawn out just a little too long and started to lose my interest toward the end. Warnings for suicide, sexual abuse, rape, and others. #LGBTQ

slategreyskies Thanks for the content warning! 💕 12mo
Kenyazero @slategreyskies Absolutely! Have you used The StoryGraph at all? That site has a very thorough content warnings system that makes it easy to spot unexpected surprises before you start a book. 12mo
slategreyskies I do have StoryGraph, but I hadn‘t thought to check it for content warnings. That‘s a great tip. Thanks! :) 12mo
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Thank you Soubhi!! This smells wonderful and the book sounds so good!! The cover is beautiful 💜💛 can‘t wait to read it! I mailed something to you on 12-3 and I‘m hoping it‘s not lost!


Soubhiville Oh good, I‘m glad you like it 😊. The vendor calls it her Yule soap, it‘s supposed to be very relaxing. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Soubhiville I wasn‘t sure if it was soap! It‘s so pretty that I hate to use it! I love it though!! ❤️ 3y
tracey38 The soap looks so pretty! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tracey38 too pretty to use!! 3y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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I had problems with this one. I love the moral ambiguity of binding and the concept of people's memories being trapped in books & it is fairly engaging & entertaining on a superficial level. BUT the writing is flabby, dialogue goes nowhere/is trite & repetitive, it needs a 100 page pruning, the pace is torturous, the plot dragged out to the point of breakdown. Worst of all, a trope I'm beginning to loathe .... continued in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️

readingjedi Continued from above: ...why does the initial attraction between the 2 main characters have to be characterised with hate & violence? It's just toxic! They literally wanted to punch each other until the moment they got it on. 3y
readingjedi I really don't think it's a helpful way to express latent/emerging homosexuality. 3y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Starting this one tonight. Feeling a little melancholy, need a good read to lift me out of it.

RaeLovesToRead This book has beautiful covers 🥰 Hope you feel better soon 💙 3y
SilverShanica Loved this one. Absolutely fantastic. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m feeling that way too 😞 3y
JohnLAndBenji We all feel down sometimes, myself included. I hope it passes. Feel better. 3y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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A book about books and magic
M|M star crossed lovers in the late 19th century.
Historical fiction with a hint of Fantasy.

"Which was worse? To feel nothing, or to grieve for something you no longer remembered?"


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The Binding | Bridget Collins

Easy to read, engrossing, suspenseful, beautiful, twists 😁

The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Part 1: Hmmm, what's all this about then?
Part 2: Oh OK I like where this is heading
Part 3: A change of perspective, interesting.

Overall it was a good read once I got to Part 2 and it all started coming together as a story.

#WeekendReads #BookWorm #BookLover #Readers #BookNerd #InkDrinker #LibraryMouse #BookWitch #ReadersLiveAThousandLives #TheBinding #Fantasy #JustOneMoreChapter #HistoricalFiction #EasterWeekend #LLSS #LetMeRead

The Binding | Bridget Collins
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My favourite part of waking up early whilst visiting my parents is reading a few pages whilst this one snoozes by my feet 💖

#WeekendReads #WeekendAllBooked #SundayReadersClub #BookNerd #CutePupper #BookWorm #BookLover #InkDrinker #LibraryMouse #BookWitch #ReadersLiveAThousandLives #LazySundayMornings #DogsofLitsy

Megabooks Cutie!! 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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My annual leave has started not back at work till the 12th April. Today I have started this one, I've been meaning to read it for a while, let's hope it is a good one. Thank you @Jari-chan for sending me this book 📖💖📚💌

#WeekendReads #WeekendAllBooked #BookWorm #BookLover #InkDrinker #LibraryMouse #BookWitch #BookNerd #EasterWeekend #LetMeRead #SpringReads #SpringSunshine #ReadersLiveAThousandLives #AnnualLeave #Spring

TrishB Enjoy 👍🏻 4y
Jari-chan Have fun reading it! 😊 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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All the reviews and quotes say how ‘spellbinding‘ and ‘magical‘ this book is, which it was but the magic was mostly used to control and manipulate people and I found it more sinister and sad than spellbinding. A good read though! #booked2021 Author‘s name begins with A/B/C

Cinfhen Nice review/ the cover sucked me in but I didn‘t care for the story ☹️ 4y
Cathythoughts I‘ve been drawn to this one because of the cover ... 4y
Helen19 @Cinfhen @Cathythoughts I did enjoy it but it wasn‘t what I was made to expect based on things I‘d read/the cover! 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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📖 forbidden
📖 sinister
📖 secretive
Thanks for the tag @Cupcake12
#3WordReviews @ShyBookOwl

The Binding | Bridget Collins

Firstly, this book is about books. And magic. And forbidden love. It has a wonderful triad structure which alters the viewpoint and carries on the story. The notion that stories come from people who have have them bound into books is so unique and really pulls you into the relationship of the central characters and how bindings have affected their lives and choices. A very memorable book.

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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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OK I wouldn‘t necessarily recommend this only because it‘s vague and it‘s fantasy and ending and not everyone appreciates so much vagueness that you kind of feel gypped. But I really like the characters of Emmett and Lucian and I enjoyed the storyline. It‘s not so much a book about magic as it is about two people coming together despite the odds

JaneyWaneyB I love this picture 😍 I must read The Binding this year as I keep hearing such good things 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo!! 3y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Bk7 & my last for #FabulousFebruary is done. It was an intriguing book, it‘s a very similar style to Laura Purcell & Sarah Perry. They all have a very lyrical way of writing & all are either Edwardian or Victorian or earlier. And they have a very similar sense of despair. #ReadingWomensChallenge #QueerLoveStory #LitsyAtoZ2021 #LetterC #PennyPerPage #437c #Pop21 #Forgetting #PickYourPoison #NeedReading2021 #BookspinBingo #BooklistQueenChallenge

TheAromaofBooks Ack ANOTHER gorgeous edition!!! I don't know how you find so many!! 4y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏🙌🙌 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Winding down the last hours of #FabulousFebruary with this gorgeous signed edition of The Binding, a tale of magic books & their makers. A world where your bad memories can be taken from you and bound into a beautiful book that you never have to read or remember again. So far it‘s fabulous as well as being one of the prettiest on my TBR.

ScientistSam What a beautiful book! 4y
Lizpixie @TheAromaofBooks this is what it looks like under the dust jacket & inside!😍 4y
TheAromaofBooks I don't even know what this book is about and I want to own it!! 😂 4y
Andrew65 These look lovely. 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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It‘s true, you can use anything as a bookmark. 🤷🏼‍♀️😻

kspenmoll 😂😂😂😹 4y
Leftcoastzen 😻😂👍 4y
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Crazeedi Absolutely 😻 4y
Gissy ☺️😻❤️❤️❤️ 4y
maich 😂😂 4y
TNbookworm 😻 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Books about books. I love a good illustration. I‘m starting The Binding today.

Tianarose This looks very interesting. I recently read word by word by Kory Stamper. She is a lexicographer, and talks about all the ins and outs of writing dictionaries. It‘s fascinating! 4y
SkeletonKey @tianarose - That sounds good too! I can‘t put this book down this morning. It‘s fiction but sucks you in extremely well. 4y
Tianarose @SkeletonKey love books like that! 4y
SkeletonKey @Tianarose - Just realized it‘s not even morning anymore 😅 maybe I should put it down for a minute. 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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That fairy bread bar of chocolate disappeared before I even took the picture! Thankyou very much.

LapReader @Flingogal I thought I had posted this. Sorry. The silly season melts my brain. 4y
Flingogal Thanks for confirming you got it, I was really starting to worry that it had gone to the wrong place :) @bookish_wookish #jolabokaflod 4y
MaleficentBookDragon Yay! he Bear Hug chocolate looks really interesting. 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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When I first looked at this book, I made a snap judgement that it wasn‘t for me. I assumed it was going to be heavily historical and far from my usual choice. Oh. My. How wrong I was - this was such a beautiful book, story, journey... all about erasing memories and binding them in books. After the first 100 pages, I was totally invested. I‘m almost crying at how beautiful it was and I‘ll definitely re-read one day. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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I enjoyed this tender love story set in a world where memories can be taken from you and held within a book.


Andrew65 Looks good. 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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One of those books you start out a bit impatient with; the writing is good but you don‘t really get what‘s going on, there are well over 400 pages and you fear there‘s going to be a fantasy element and you don‘t like that. What a reading grump. Then it turns out it really is good; the sort of book that lurks in your mind throughout the day. Sinister and atmospheric, this really was well worth the initial effort!

The Binding | Bridget Collins
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I loved this book. Lots of twists and turns.

The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Talk about a slow burn 🔥
For the first half I wondered if anything was actually going to happen in this book. But happen it did and before I knew it, it had evolved into a unique and beautiful love story that was hard to put down.
Even though I found the beginning a bit slow, the writing is beautiful throughout.

Mishu94 The start was so good, like piqued my curiosity, the second half was a slow burn! I really liked this read! 4y
Messiejessie Wow, that‘s interesting that we‘ve had the opposite experience. I didn‘t really get into it until part 2. 4y
Catherine_Willoughby @Messiejessie part 2 kept me listening. It was so slow at the start - close to giving up 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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I just love a rough cut edge 💗

lynneamch I saw a 1-star review on Amazon once, where the reviewer said she sent the book back twice because of the "faulty binding." LOL ? 4y
Messiejessie 😆 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Wow! Very intricate plot which almost frustrated me st first. I liked the two characters even though Lucian infuriated me. Loved the mysterious atmosphere and the oddities.

Crazeedi Oooo this sounds interesting... 4y
rachaich It is!!! 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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That cover... Swoon!
My night shift companion this weekend. I'm rather absorbed in this creepy tale of book binding and secrets and families...

The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Such a gorgeous cover, and the purple edging, swoon 😍😊☺
About to go to night shift so this is my companion!

The Binding | Bridget Collins
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For this partly because of the pretty cover! Hope I like it as much as I did the cover! 😁

Cathythoughts I love this cover ✨ 4y
Mishu94 @Cathythoughts it‘s really pretty! 😍 4y
Jess861 Honestly just stacked this book based on the cover, lol. 4y
Mishu94 @Jess861 hahah I got this just for the cover 😂 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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I‘m a sucker for a pretty cover, and these are #3Books #IReadSolelyBasedOnTheirCovers because they‘re all so pretty!

@OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

OriginalCyn620 Pretty! 💙 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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This was a bit of a strange book. I like that it explored the mind, feelings and gay relationships. However, it was truly odd. My 13 year son also read this book and really enjoyed it. So I am going to give it a pick, as it led to some interesting chats with my son

BookwormM I enjoyed this one 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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This was such a hard book to pick a rating for - eventually I gave it 4/5. Its one story, but feels like 3. It's a historical fantasy, a mystery, a coming of age, a love story, and the writing completely captivated me.

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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Would you bind your memories into a book, or would you prefer them to be #Unforgettable?


OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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My 1st read in June 😊 Fantabulous! The BINDING is a reminder of why I love to read. It is an once transportive, atmospheric, heart-breaking and ultimalety triumphant - an affirmation of love in all its forms. A story full of passion, full of courage, and full hope to acknowledge that the human heart has reason, which reason itself does not know. When it comes to bravely imaginative fiction, Ms. Collins is nothing short of magnificent. 👏

Nute I just bought this book. Your heartfelt enthusiastic review confirms this purchase as a good decision!🙂 4y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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I am loving this book so far 👏 #TheBinding #BridgetCollins

The Binding | Bridget Collins

This is the first book I‘ve actually bailed on. I‘ve forced my way through painfully bad writing out of stubbornness, but the one thing I can‘t handle is animal cruelty. Just over halfway through, there is a graphic and traumatizing scene of dog murder that made me wonder if the author is a sadist for writing it and also for tricking others into reading it.

The story itself was too slow and aimless to justify continuing after that.

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The Binding | Bridget Collins

A historical fiction novel. A mystery novel. A fantasy novel. A romance novel. PERFECTION! I loved this book a lot, I could escape the real world and melt into it. The story is so well thought out and perfectly executed, I don‘t know what else to say other than this is a must read and a masterpiece... and yes you will cry.

The Binding | Bridget Collins

I loved this different take on books ... the concept that people are bound to a book and they forget the memory that is ‘bound‘ in the book ... the down side is that books are considered bad as it‘s reading someone‘s personal and painful memory

BookmarkTavern That sounds fascinating! 5y
Redwritinghood You should try the audiobook. I‘m now forever in love with the voice actor. (edited) 5y
Debdeb @Redwritinghood who is the actor? Might see if they have done any other audiobooks 🙂 5y
Redwritinghood @Debdeb Carl Prekopp. Swoon-worthy in general. 5y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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I have to say this book was darker than i was expecting. It kept my attention throughout and brought up some interesting ideas to ponder. Can I give it an extra star for how beautiful it looks? 🤔😁

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I think so ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5y
tpixie Gorgeous! 💕📚💕 5y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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Can‘t believe I managed three books 😁enjoyed them all, despite all life does to throw the curve balls and disrupt my concentration.

BookishMe 💪🏽💪🏽Cheers for overcoming curveballs... Never easy but picking ourselves up is the only right? 5y
Cinfhen I‘m glad your reading mojo is coming back 😘 (edited) 5y
TrishB @BookishMe exactly! Coping with the ups and downs 😁 5y
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TrishB @Cinfhen I think I could describe it as irrational at the moment.... 5y
BarbaraBB Three books! I‘m happy you are back into reading 💚 5y
Centique You are a rockstar! 👩🏻‍🎤🙌 5y
Cathythoughts The Binding has such a beautiful cover ... ❤️ 5y
Balibee146 Nice one 👍💪💪 5y
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