A sweet (pun intended) romance set in a Paris #Chocolate shop with recipes. 🍫❤️
A sweet (pun intended) romance set in a Paris #Chocolate shop with recipes. 🍫❤️
This was a little darker than I was used to from a Jenny Colgan book, but I really enjoyed it! I loved the dual timelines and the vividness of the setting most especially. The only downside is that I'm so hungry now! #womensfiction
I listened to this on a different streaming device than usual ( I ❤️ Libby and not Hoopla ) and it lowered my enjoyment of the story. But anything set in Paris with chocolate is good
My Libby app was acting up, I couldn‘t open new reads and when I tried all the suggested ‘fixes‘ ( closing app, logging out and back in) I ended up not be able to authenticate my library card 😭😭 I had a hour long car ride ahead of me and I wasn‘t not listening to a book so I grabbed a random read ⬆️ off Hoopla to listen. Libby fixed itself the next day 🤦🏻♀️
“I am going to eat every bite and savor every bite and then I am going to lick the plate. And then I am going to lick the plate again.”
—Anna Trent, “The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris” by Jenny Colgan
Went to Jenny Colgan for a #savor quote as she ❤️‘s food & this book because I savor chocolate, but it‘s about the MC trying her first risotto. Risotto is something else I savor-there‘s 22 recipe posts for it on my food blog! 😋
The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris is the loveliest book 💕 Anna is the sweetest character, with a soft heart & a stiff spine, she can be easily hurt & is quick to love. She is brave & adventurous & she's the only person who doesn't realize that. How can you not love Anna?! Reading this book made me want to go to Paris, to wander back alleys, sit at tiny patio tables, sip good wine & eat good chocolate 😋 Feb. Paris book. #IllSeeYouInParis
Second book I‘ve read from this author, and I‘m looking forward to reading more.
Anna spent a lot of time in the hospital, where she reconnected with her French teacher, Claire, who is dying. Claire encourages Anna to go to Paris and work in a chocolate shop owned by Claire‘s old BF. Their stories are told together — Claire in the ‘70s, Anna in the present.
I've decided that one of my goals for quarantine is to finish some of my many, many partially reads ...
Pretty standard adorable Colgan. This was a fun read, but got a little heavy.
Jenny Colgan‘s books are comfort food for the soul 😊💜
This feels so holiday season appropriate
I hate that this book wasn't good for me. Everything fell flat. I lacked investment in the story and the characters. #DNF #BuzzCoffee
Sometimes it's the same names that come up again and again in books. Right now it's hyperchromia (different colour eyes) and chocolate making that come up in the books I'm reading.
Weird or serendipitous?
🍭🍭🍭🍭 review is up on my blog. Stop by and say hi! https://reecaspieces.com/2019/08/06/the-loveliest-chocolate-shop-in-paris-by-jen...
Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC Jenny has been one of my favourite chicklit authors for a few years. Her books are a delightful read. This one centres around Anna and a life changing accident that sees her move from England and her job in a chocolate factory to Paris working for a master chocolatier. This book is deliciously written in Jenny's usual heartwarming style. A warm hug of a book best read with a block of your favourite chocolate
A delicious novel about past lives and memories, regrets and possibilities. And oh yes chocolate making and recipes to make your mouth drool😋
Of all the Jenny Colgan books I‘ve read, this one is probably my least favorite. That said, I still enjoyed it, and was even teary by the end. I think this one just wasn‘t quite as well developed as her others and, at times, I was annoyed with Anna‘s whining about her “tragic injury” (which really wasn‘t, especially compared to Claire.) But- it was a good read, and made me want to go back to Paris. 🇫🇷 🗼
Another Jenny Colgan read. It‘s such a cute book. I now very much want to go to Paris.
Probably my 2nd to last book of 2017 as there is about 4 1/2 hours yet to midnight here. I'm reading (& eating peppermint white chocolate)😋in the bedroom while poor Max🐱cowers under the bed from firecracker bangs.🙀💥This wasn't my favorite of Colgan's books, it took me longer to get into the story & it's a bit sadder than most of the others, but it's still a sweet & light read that will make you *need* to eat chocolate from her descriptions.🍫
I will finish this book before the end of the year. 😀📚A little chocolate snack/dessert: Peppermint Stick Soy Hot Chocolate with just a couple of marshmallows 🤣and a couple of dark chocolate hearts filled with fresh raspberries which are for a blog post sometime tomorrow. Also watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets & doing a load of laundry. A nice & relaxing evening.
Day 27 #SeasonsReadings2017 #Love ❤️It may be that two of us took a nap in the sun this afternoon in the reading chairs, even though one of us was trying to get some reading done & only napped for 30 minutes or so. I'll let you guess who that was--me or Max. 🤣😹You do have to love a sweet sleeping kitty pic. He looks like such a love when he sleeps.🐱❤️#catsoflitsy 😽
Day 14 #SeasonsReadings2017 #ReadThis 📚I'm still in the midst of this one as I work my way through Jenny Colgan's books but I would say to read this book when you are craving (or making) chocolate. This is Ina Garten's Peanut Rocky Road Chocolate Bark. It's pretty yummy and will be posted on my blog sometime tomorrow.🍫❤️📚 Jenny Colgan's books usually make me hungry.😋
Who says fish tacos aren't for breakfast?!😆Not me-Friday's dinner leftovers of Ina Garten's salmon tacos tasted just as great this morning--with one of my e-book current reads because they are messy to eat. And someone (🐱) who has never cared for salmon at all decided he *needed* to try it (very vocally) & is now a fan (of the center, non-seasoned parts). Off to the kitchen for some #audiosouping-vegetarian chili is on the menu. 🍲Happy Sunday😘
It's Wednesday so it must be avocado toast with spicy garlic aioli day. 🥑🍞This morning's coffeeshop breakfast with a little light reading before I start getting some work done.
Happy Easter everyone! He has risen! What a great day to finish my delicious book. I am so enjoying Jenny Colgan's books. Paris and chocolate- what could be better? I highly recommend this one, the descriptions are spot on and make you feel like you are right there. C'est un bonne idee! - Get it?
I enjoyed this book for the most part. It was fluff, a palette cleanser between some heavier reads, and looking at it like that, I chose "pick." It wasn't amazing, or super memorable. It was fun, and fluffy, and I enjoyed it for what it was.
As soon as she took one sip, she knew he was right. It spread right through her, warming every vein. It made her curl up her toes in delight. It tasted like something the White Witch of Narnia might have given Edmund to betray his family, and it tasted like it would have worked.
#somethingpretty for #riotgrams - both the book cover and the pancake! I've had this book for years, bought it when I was in the mood for something similar to @LauraFlorand's Amour et Chocolat series. I hope I enjoy reading it just as much as Laura's books.
#bookandcoffee #bookandbrunch #romantsy
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm starting The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris to celebrate. I love Valentine's Day, and a romantic story centered around chocolate sounds perfectly appropriate.
I just realized I have three Jenny Colgan books in my TBR pile. I bought The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris when I was in the mood to read more books similar to Laura Florand's. And I found the other two in a book sale. All of them have such pretty covers. Have you guys read any of these? What did you think of them?
#romantsy #Paris
It's a chocolate shop...of course I need to read it 😂😂
#chocolate #paris #loveliestchocolateshopinparis
Omg! Omg! Omg! The best welcome after a long day at work is a surprise package full of delicious delicious reads! I'm off to Paris folks (book traveling, not literal..)!!