I feel this in my soul
I feel this in my soul
Went to see the Scottish play last night at the Botanic Gardens. Took my book because my friends are incapable of arriving on time.
After reading this (taken from Garth Nix‘s website) I have no idea how I pronounce Sabriel… and it‘s freaking me out a little bit 🫣😬
My not a real bookclub chose Sabriel for February and I‘m having the best time rereading!
Has anyone else read this book??? The magic system is very interesting but also not the most in depth description on how it really works… I think the story is really original and a very cool premise. HOWEVER. It took me over a month to read this 300 page book. Which I can generally finish in a couple of days and now that I have finished it I still feel so meh about it…
Two weeks of #bookreport but not much to show. I'm making steady progress on audio, but reading with my eyes has been slow going. That's ok.
My #weeklyforecast is more just a bunch of possibilities. Who knows what I'll actually get to.
1. Yes!!! Many!!! I am so fortunate to have met many authors & illustrators of children‘s books (perk of being a school librarian) but also have met Orson Scott Card, Deborah Harkness, and Garth Nix.
2. *so* many times
3. Tough question! Probably The Old Kingdom…or Hogwarts…or Middle Earth
@Eggs #WondrousWednesday
This wound up being a low pick for me. Delicious world-building, fascinating magic and setting, and I loved the way the setting was introduced-we learn more as it's important to the main character. Unfortunately, the character work wasn't as compelling as I wanted it to be. Sabriel's highs and lows fell flat as I read. It was saved by a solid plot that kept things moving around in a world I wanted to know more about.
Reading Sabriel by candlelight (and regular old electric light, but that's less fun to photograph). I've been told by several friends, including @BarbaraJean that I should really read this book, even though I bounced off the Left-Handed Booksellers of London. I've been dragging my feet - very silly of me. Started last night, and enjoying it tremendously!
🎧 I watched the Bald BookTuber‘s Top Ten Fantasy books with Christopher Ruocchio, author of the Sun Eater series.
He (Christopher) recommended this book as MG/YA. Tim Curry reads it.
@Yuki_Onna a much delayed response 😅 Sabriel was my favorite. I admit mostly because of nostalgia but also because magical zombies 🧟♀️ @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
Read the whole series again except the last one. Had a family trip today to cape may so no dice getting to the library 🙃⛴ hope to get Goldenhand soon so I can speed read! ⏱🐌Busy summer & I‘m ready for autumn 🍂🎃🧙🏻♀️
Sabriel appreciation post
My first Garth Nix and I REALLY enjoyed it. The narration was fabulous. Sarah j Maas gives this book 5 stars and if you‘re a fan of her early work I highly recommend checking this out. I got like PG throne of glass vibes from parts of it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Avoiding the people at home with a bit of outside reading 😎
Managed to get the whole old kingdom series on kindle a while ago when they were 99p each. I‘ve not had much time for reading recently but have enjoyed working through a chapter or two a night of this. It‘s just such amazing world building.
#littensdressedinblood #TBR
#September 7 #dontfearthereaper
Aren‘t those covers BEAUTIFUL? 😍😍😍 I confess I bought Sabriel because of the cover. It was kind of an instalove kind of crush. 😂🤣 Now that I finally completed the series, I‘m ready to read Sabriel. The downfall is after the third book, he changed the covers. 😭 Don‘t you hate when that happens?
#series #fantasy #garthnix #sabriel
Me : we can buy the special 25th anniversary hardback and put this one in the little free library pile
Also me : ok, I‘d forgotten that I‘d had this signed *puts it in the keep pile and buys the new edition*
Excuse me but WHY are there two versions of the 25th anniversary edition? It‘s bad enough that Victoria is back in lockdown (although the Mambo #5 tiktoks have been quite entertaining)- I can‘t also be expected to make difficult decisions like this!
I‘m not a huge fantasy book reader. I enjoy Tolkien & Martin, but have found very little else in the genre to hold my attention. Until Garth Nix. I took a chance on this one since the audiobook is narrated by none other than Tim Curry. It‘s really unlike much else that I have dabbled with in the fantasy genre. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5.
#lmpbc some options for round 12. I have a mix of su genres in fantasy- are there any you absolutely would love or absolutely do not want to read? Group D
Apparently I have had other things on my mind — what with the move, my mother-in-law‘s decline, and now career opportunities — and my book expired on Libby through the NYPL. So once it‘s available, I‘ll try again.
I‘d heard a lot of good things about this. They were all true. A strong & capable main character, with just enough self-doubt & inexperience to make her believable & thoroughly likable. The magic system—using bells—was fascinating & I also enjoyed the intrigue of the Old Kingdom‘s history. ALSO, it was refreshing how this mid-90s YA fantasy didn‘t put romance or a love triangle center stage. A wonderful start to a series I‘m excited to continue.
I checked this out from NYPL after seeing it on a list of great audiobooks read by celebrities — Tim Curry, ppl, Tim effing Curry.
I absolutely love this series. Listened this time round to the audiobook and whilst I enjoyed I think I prefer to experience print rather than audio.
I love this unique world and magic system that Nix has created, where magic exists beyond the wall and the dead return to life. The only way to return the dead back is with a set of bells that often have a mind of the their own.
I somehow never heard of this book while growing up so I'm giving it a shot now
I give this book a solid 3 stars. It‘s very slow going, or maybe it was the audiobook that made it feel like that. The ending was fantastic and made me feel like getting there was worth the boring start. It also made me want to continue the series!! Definitely give this a go, just maybe not the audiobook.
Oh my god, I feel so unobservant.
For years, I have read and loved the Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix.
And I studied Shakespeare in college. A lot.
And how old was I when I realized that the Abhorsen is named after the executioner in Measure for Measure?
Today. I was today years old.
1. Mogget from Sabriel; he is the perfect amount of snarky
2. Yes, but not every year (and rarely more than a few days of it)
"Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?"
I've been seeing more of this book around lately, and finally ordered a copy today. I hope I'll enjoy it as much as I'm wishing to. My first Garth Nix book was Angel Mage, and I loved his storytelling skills there. This is an older work, and it'd be interesting to compare his work then and his most recent ones.
Currently reading. I‘ve owned this book for over 10 years and never got around to it. It‘s about time.
i‘ve heard great things about this series, can‘t wait to start, what a beautiful cover ❤️🌙
S is for Sabriel
And is another example of yet another series that I‘ve been meaning to reread and finish for quite some time! Eep! At least I have finally crossed Frogkisser off my tbr 😂😬
#chillingphotochallenge #blackcat
So, I picked this one because every time I pick up any of the five in this series I picture Mogget as a black cat until he‘s described again. 😂 But no, he‘s a white cat. [NAME REDACTED] is the black cat.
#TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon @Clwojick 1 point (10 total)
#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush Day 3
7 days, 7 covers you love, no explanation. Try to tag someone new each day.
Anyone else interested, consider yourself tagged as well!
My friend recommended this book to me after I bugged him about the fact that I just can't seem to “get into“ Fantasy. He knows I'm more of a horror fan, and seeing as Sabriel's job is to banish the dead, this book seemed like a good way to ease me into the genre. Nix's writing also has a YA feel to it, so it was easy to get through. Overall I found myself falling for the characters, and I'm curious to see what this series has in store 4/5 😻
1 - Done! Y‘all, Tim Curry does the audiobooks for the first three in this series! ❤️❤️❤️
2 - manipulate probability (probability I win the lottery tomorrow? 100%)
3 - Libra ♎️
4 - baking goodies and making dinner for visiting family
5 - ❤️❤️❤️
#friyayintro @howjessreads