God I love N. K. Jemisin! This book was so amazing and creative.
God I love N. K. Jemisin! This book was so amazing and creative.
This was well written and doesn‘t end on a cliff hanger, which I love.
In a city where dreams are harvested for magic and where to be considered corrupt is a death sentence, a priest learns that his society is built on dark and evil secrets. He must fight to keep his ideals alive while working with an ambassador from another country and keep his apprentice alive.
4/5 stars. A little long in some areas, but good writing and a very unique story.
Book 1 of the Dreamblood. I‘ve been looking forward to reading more Jemisin after being completely enthralled by Broken Earth
Jemisin is an absolute genius.The premise,world, magic (narcomancy) is so unlike anything I‘ve read before
I found myself rereading pages because the characters were alternatingly referred to by name &path/titles &had to take advantage of the glossary MANY times.But very compelling &worth the effort.
I will be starting fresh with most of these for #20in4
Killing Moon is a roll from January I just got my hands on. When I talk About Running is a roll from this month so that will get me current with #roll100
Malice House audio from Libby due back soonish
King of Battle and Blood - this was a whim, I wanted something 🌶️ & not so tense to balance the other reads.
*if I have time: Parable or starting Foul Lady Fortune for #chloegongreadalong
#roll100 for February! 💕
Only picked 2 this month because I am carrying over the tagged book from January.
Very excited for The Mountain is You. And I‘m back to running because I have some athletic goals to pursue. So why not listen to a book about running while I do it?
Self improvement is self love 💗 there I made it thematic 🥰
Book #1 of 2023: ”The Killing Moon” by NK Jemisin
It went really fast for 400 pages and I‘m looking forward to jumping into the sequel. This one wasn‘t the quite as in-depth as her Broken Earth series, but that makes it a little easier. Definitely worth reading if you like fantasy!
A pretty read, but not as fun or gripping as her other novels. Took a while for the intrigue/plot to get going.
Political unrest, disloyalty, and an ambitious prince make a fascinating fantasy. I was completely lost at first because I was listening and I couldn't get the characters' names straight. Who is mean? Who is the villain? Who is the Reaper? And, then I realized, that Jemisin created it to be this way. Dreamblood, when gathered, can be used for so many purposes. I really liked the companionship between Nijeeri and Ehiru. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville
I really enjoyed this book. The dream magic is quite unique. Ehiru the most famous of the Gathers is sent to kill Sunandi but instead uncovers a plot against his people and the neighboring country 💙
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville
Katniss was my constant companion while reading this pick for #authoramonth . I enjoyed the world that the author built and the premise was interesting but I had a difficult time connecting with and ultimately caring about the characters which really detracted from the experience. ⭐⭐⭐
I wish more authors would include food in their stories. I think it is an under used element of world building that helps to make use of the sense of taste and draw you in. Plus, fowl roasted in cumin and nuts? I mean come on that sounds delicious!
Been wanting to read something by N.K. Jemisin for a while. Pick this up on a whim at my favorite local bookstore Book No Further.
Thank you for this Keen #ManicMonday @JoScho 😊
📖 - “(The) Killing Moon” by N.K. Jemisin
📝 - King, Laurie (tough call between her and that other King!)
🎥 - “Kill Bill - Volume 1” (mainly for when she says one of the characters dresses like a Star Trek villain! 🖖)
📺 - “Kim Possible” (hey, it was either this or Knight Rider, I stand by my choice! 😂)
🎤 - Kilmister, Lemmy (Motorhead)
🎸 - Kamelot
🎶 - “Kiss Me Deadly” by Lita Ford
This and one other are the Jemisin‘s I currently have available to read. I like how, by reading How Long Until Black Future Month I was given previews of everything I‘ve read so far. If you‘re curious about Jemisin‘s writing style, I‘d recommend HLUBFM as a sampler.
Bk4 of my #MarchBookHaul & #BirthdayBookHaul is the 1st book in Jemisin‘s Dreamblood series. I very much enjoyed her Broken Earth trilogy & am hoping this is just as good. Written in 2012, it‘s the story of the ancient city-state of Gujaareh where peace is the only law & Gatherers harvest magic from the sleeping minds of its people. Sounds very unique, which is what I love most about her writing.
I really enjoyed “The Killing Moon”. I‘m glad that there is one more book in the duology. Honestly, I love how Jemisin crafts book series. I‘ve read her other two series. No book ever feels transitional; each is a complete story in its own right. Very satisfying.
I believe this is N.K Jemisin's work from before The Broken Earth, but I mostly read this because I found the premise of a kingdom built around the realm of dreams intriguing. I found it enjoyable, although I thought more would happen and the story ended as a standalone. I felt some of the main characters were a bit bland/hard to relate to and didn't quite stand out to me. I liked it, but as a soar through read rather than an immersive book.
I just realized I read a lot of "book ones". This sounded so interesting I couldn't pass it up. And I love the cover.
This took a little bit to get into but I ended up really enjoying it. I‘m looking forward to reading the other half of this duology
I had a really hard time getting into this at first. It took me days just to get through 100 pages. I read a stack of graphic novels rather than pick this up. Not sure what changed, maybe just my mood, because now I‘m engrossed, I‘ve read over 100 pages this morning and fully intend to finish this book today. Assuming this book is as good as I think it is, N.K. Jemisin will have definitely moved to my favorite authors list.
It‘s the last day of the #AudibleSale and I couldn‘t resist a few more... I may still be shopping. 🙈💸💸
Was a difficult world to get into at first...but once you understand it, this book is a fun ride! Looking forward to reading the next on the series! 4 🌟
I saw the start of the #lunareclipse before the sky clouded over again; I‘d hoped to see her through my telescope, and I‘ll try at least once more within the hour, but I think I may have gotten the best views I‘m gonna get. Beautiful. 🤓
Up next on #Scribd. This will fill a #readharder challange of a AOC that won a literary award in 2018... And the #readingwomen challenge of any book from a series.
♥️♥️♥️ NK Jemisin has already won my heart before I‘ve read a word of her fiction because she‘s done what no author i‘ve read recently has done: Put a disclaimer about how she‘s attempted to take a bit from history, but has changed it up as much as possible. #thankyou for saying that kinda thing up front about ur book‘s languages and names!!
Interesting premise, fairly easy to follow even though I tend to get lost in history and wars and alliances and all of those things that are not-dialogue. Not a top pick, but would recommend.
Tonight we elected the new steering committee for my local Pride org. I‘ve served on the SC for 3/5 years this org has been around, and served on a work team the other two. This year‘s committee was amazing and I‘m so damned proud of them. I feel like a mama bird sending her fledglings out into the wide world on their own, but I know they‘ve got this.
Also made fish chowder because that‘s what you do when it‘s 80° at 10p, right? #audiocooking
“Real love lasts years. It causes pain, and endures through it.”
This coming on the heels of a particularly emotional night of reflection, and journaling about a love that quit rather than seeking a way through. Oh Mercury and all you other celestial beings wreaking jolly havoc this month, I see you. Dang, do I ever.
Today‘s garden haul, down a few unfortunate sun golds whose early demises came at the hands of a ravenous gardener.
(...it was me. I ate them. They were delicious.) #audiogardening #audiobooks
N.K. Jemisin is the most incredible author. The Killing Moon was the first book of hers that I read and it changed my reading life for the better. Jemisin writes with such honesty and beauty about people who reflect the world we live in and she's made me a more careful consumer of literature and fantasy in particular.
#agameoffavorites @ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress
A very different read from her Broken Earth trilogy, this book delves deep into the politics and intrigue of a world loosely based on ancient Egypt and Nubia. It's a bit of a slow start, but an excellent build-up.
Everything seems to resolve pretty cleanly so I'm curious what the second book of the duology will focus on.
#libraryloot is the best kind of loot. Here's my day planned
So, I did a thing. I am just about finished the Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemisin and I have been enjoying it SO MUCH that I went and bought all her other books! 😁
I can officially say I love everything she‘s done. This one is full of religious and political intrigue.
1. Virginia
2. Lately it's been fantasy but I just like a good story
3. The Killing Moon by N.K. Jemisin
4. All kinds of Indian food
5. Proud owner of loving pit bull and pillowy beagle/basset mix
6. What is the meaning of life, Littens?
And N.K. Jemisin is a hoot. She is a delight when giving a keynote address or chatting over dessert. So down-to-earth and just fricking amazing.
And this one is dated and marked as signed at Sirens. Best memento ever 💕
#sirensconference #sirens17
I hope to one day be remembered for my napkin bookmarks.
I nabbed this at the library because I'd heard great things about this author. Not far enough in for a true judgment, but I'm already enjoying it.
I see lots of love for N. K. Jemisin's Broken Earth trilogy on here (still on my #TBR), so I thought I'd highlight Jemisin's earlier Dreamblood duology. It's a fantastic diverse fantasy with a rich and complex mythology and an interesting premise involving sleep and dreams that #needsmorelove. It was also my first review on Litsy. #anditsaugust
“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” —T. E. Lawrence, The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph
Only one book away from finishing N.K. Jemisin's backlist before the final book in the Broken Earth triology comes out in August. I LOVED THIS ONE. She really has only improved over time with possibly the best world building of any contemporary fantasy author, with complex characters, fascinating magic, and all kinds of diversity. I'm excited to pick up the second one once my library holds it for me 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is the only book I have with me on this work trip that fits the #somethingmagical prompt for #riotgrams today. I'm looking forward to starting it soon 😊