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Disclaimer: A Novel | Renée Knight
“Sensationally good psychological suspense. . . . exactly what a great thriller should be.”—Lee ChildWhat if you realized the terrifying book you were reading was all about you?When a mysterious novel appears at Catherine Ravenscroft’s bedside, she is curious. She has no idea who might have sent her The Perfect Stranger—or how it ended up on her nightstand. At first, she is intrigued by the suspenseful story that unfolds.And then she realizes.This isn’t fiction.The Perfect Stranger re-creates in vivid, unmistakable detail the day Catherine became hostage to a dark secret, a secret that only one other person knew—and that person is dead.Now that the past Catherine so desperately wants to forget is catching up with her, her world is falling apart. Plunged into a living nightmare, her only hope is to confront what really happened on that terrible day . . . even if the shocking truth might destroy her.
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Here‘s my review for another book I bailed on.

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I decided to start this book tonight. I own a physical copy of this book but I‘m listening to it on audio. I like it so far.

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#12Booksof2021 #April

Catherine Ravenscroft finds a book at her bedside and begins to read it. She discovers the book is all about her. The book has a dark secret that only one other person knows but that person is dead. Her only hope is to confront what really happened even if the shocking truth might destroy her. This twisty tale will make your head spin. If you like psychological suspense, you need to read this book!

Andrew65 Sounds great. 3y
Crazeedi Sounds fascinating 3y
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Thank you @TheAromaofBooks for the book and for the invite to #LitsyLove! I really like the idea of passing along read books to other littens. #bookmail #snailmail

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! It's become my favorite way to rehome books!! 3y
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This one didn't completely work for me on a few levels, although it's hard to explain them without spoilers. I will say that one of the biggest issues I had was how Catherine's husband responded when he received the mysterious package with photos and the book.......it felt way over the top for someone who supposedly has had a wonderful marriage for thirty years to immediately assume the worst, refuse to let his wife explain, and basically treat⬇ï¸

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) her like a criminal without having a SINGLE conversation. It felt so unrealistic to have him go from this warm, loving, supportive, kind husband to a complete dick within like two pages.

Overall, compulsively readable and an interesting plot, and I can see why so many people enjoyed this one, but the characterization and the way a couple of the plot twists rode out meant that this one just wasn't a good fit for me.
TheAromaofBooks I think the other big thing that frustrated me about this one is that Catherine was raped twenty years ago and chose not to tell anyone, which was her decision. But now that things are coming out in a way that makes her look like she was involved in a consensual (if brief) affair, she still refuses to explain/defend herself and just expects people in her life to somehow magically know everything that happened?? I get that talking about/reliving ⬇ 3y
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) this would be horrible, but seriously your husband gets a packet of photos of you in sexually explicit poses & you expect him to “see the fear in your eyes“ in them & somehow know that you were being forced to take them?? It was more than a case of someone saying, “Oh I had sex with your wife & she liked it“ like there are actual photographs that normally would happen in a consensual situation plus you refused to explain anything & keep ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) acting guilty and then being mad because people don't assume that you're innocent. I guess in the end I felt like none of the characters were believable. Catherine because she apparently would rather have her husband think she had an affair than have a conversation to explain this horrific thing that happened to her; her husband because he has a completely character flip; the old man because he goes from being basically possessed by his ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) wife's ghost to 100% believing Catherine without any hesitation; etc etc. Like no one made sense to me?? It made for interesting reading, but I had zero connection with these people because they felt completely unrealistic. And now I've ranted for four comments which honestly feels a bit over-the-top because I wasn't actually that annoyed by it, but here we are 😂 3y
Andrew65 Well done on finishing it! ðŸ‘ðŸ‘👠3y
RaeLovesToRead @TheAromaofBooks I totally get how you feel about this one. It was such a readable book and yet there is so much to rant about!! 😄 3y
TheSpineView You stuck with it and finished that is something. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @MatchlessMarie - I saw that you stacked this one - I would be happy to send you my copy if you're interested!!! 3y
MatchlessMarie @TheAromaofBooks That‘s generous of you! I would like that. What is your email? I can send you my address. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @MatchlessMarie - I genuinely love passing books I am not going to reread on to fellow Littens!!! Do send me your address at itsthegoodlife15 at gmail!! 3y
MatchlessMarie @TheAromaofBooks That is actually a really good idea. I will have to start doing this too! Emailing you now. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @MatchlessMarie - Yay!! I got your email!! I'm in #LitsyLove so a lot of times I'll look up a book I finished, then check to see who has it stacked “to read“ and if I see another LitsyLove member, I'll mail it to them because I already have their address haha Or other times if someone stacks it, like you did, I'll see if they want it. It's a fun way to send books off to reside on someone else's TBR shelf 😂 3y
MatchlessMarie @TheAromaofBooks I‘ve been on Litsy for a long time and I‘m still learning new stuff all the time that‘s really cool. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MatchlessMarie if you would like to join us please let me know!! â¤ï¸ðŸ’Œ #LitsyLove 3y
MatchlessMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes I would like that! 💌 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MatchlessMarie awesome! Email me your username, name, address, and birthday to loverofbooks75@gm as I‘ll. Com! great review btw! 3y
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#Disclaimer #ReneeKnight #BookSpinBingo

Catherine Ravenscroft finds a book at her bedside and begins to read it. She discovers the book is all about her. The book has a dark secret that only one other person knows but that person is dead. Her only hope is to confront what really happened even if the shocking truth might destroy her. This twisty tale will make your head spin. If you like psychological suspense, you need to read this book!

TheAromaofBooks This one has been on my TBR for a while!! 3y
EadieB @TheAromaofBooks Same with me so I read it so I can send it to someone who has it in their TBR list. I wasn‘t disappointed! 3y
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Disclaimer: A Novel | Renée Knight
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Imagine reading a story to find yourself in the pages with your dark secret unraveling between the pages..a secret you thought no one else knew. This is a page-turning thriller with focus on family & relationships, and the lengths people will go to protect them. A sympathetic read with a surprise reveal which leads you to think there may not be a clear-cut distinction between right & wrong; and there‘s always 2 sides to a story. Good, quick read.

Kalalalatja Totally unrelated, but I just got the postcard you sent in June (!!!). Thank ypu for thinking of me, and I‘ll send one back to you as soon as I can 💕 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Kalalalatja Wow, the postcard sure took its time! 😂 Glad it arrived finally. 😘 5y
Cathythoughts Nice review ðŸ‘ðŸ»Stacking Jessie 5y
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This thriller had me hooked from the opening minute until the last 30 or so! I know not every ending in books or in life has to be perfect, but three decisions toward the end of this book made me incredibly sad. (And yep, I know it‘s FICTION, for crying out loud!)

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I was glad to see that this lived up to its early promise and, I think, justifies the excitement hype that accompanied its publication. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23615087-disclaimer. #reneeknight #disclaimer #thriller #suspense #london #londoncrime #crimefiction #stalking

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I am generally rather wary if those excessively hyped thrillers that come along every few months, but so far this one is proving to be very gripping. #reneeknight #disclaimer #book #books #currentlyreading #coffee #coffeeandbooks #booksandcoffee #cotebrasserie #muswellhill #muswellhillbilly #n10 #muswellhillsaturday #saturdaybooks #weekend #saturdayreads

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#bookmail a friend who does my nails recommended this yesterday â¤ï¸ðŸ“š

Cathythoughts 😬😬😬 6y
LiteraryinPA Sounds terrifying! Maybe a little like Clare Mackintosh‘s 6y
TrishB I‘ve read this one ðŸ‘🻠didn‘t see the twist coming. 6y
DeborahSmall @LiteraryinLititz @TrishB great, looking forward to it 6y
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Happy world book day. We are having a snow day here in Scotland all schools are shut so it‘s been a day of fun in the snow, cup of tea and reading. #perfectday #worldbookday #litsyfamily

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#FierceFeb #ithinkimparanoid
I loved this thriller - a woman with a happy family life suddenly has delivered through her door a novel in which the main character and the circumstances mirror a past event in her life.

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I finished this psychological thriller a few hours ago. Wow. Knight had my allegiance shifting on an almost chapter-by-chapter basis. While I was able to figure out where the main story was going halfway thru the book, I was never entirely sure we would get there, and I certainly didn't see the sub-plot resolutions.
Knight crafted a tense and engaging story. I'd recommend this one of you like the genre.

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rather_be_reading looove ur nails! 😠6y
allureofbeauty @rather_be_reading aww thank you 💖💅 6y
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When you get texts like this from your friend at Disneyland, you KNOW this book is gonna be good!

riversong153 Sounds interesting!! 7y
SandyW Stacked. 7y
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Disclaimer: A Novel | Renée Knight

Wow!! It took me a little while to get into this book - to figure out the players - but it was well worth the effort! A serious rollercoaster of impulses and motivations. Such a surprise.

Disclaimer: A Novel | Renée Knight

This was really good! I had a lot of theories working from the beginning. I was maybe halfway through when I became convinced of the answer. I ended up being right but that didn‘t take away from any of the story for me. Ultimately crushing and devastating.

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The other book I got at Powell‘s over my thanksgiving trip to OR (I only got 2 books! Nuts!!). Sounds like an interesting twist on a thriller - a mysterious book shows up at your house only for you to find out it details the dark secret you thought no one else knew about. /38

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This book grabbed me instantly. Yes, it was good, very good, but didn't quite sustain that hold on me that I'd hoped and I was a little disappointed that it slipped into that "Girl On A Train" kind of cheapness. I didn't consider Girl On a Train a quality read. Still it was very good.

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Wow! I'm hooked from page one. My fingers are crossed for continued awesomeness.

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I started this book ages ago but couldn't get into it so another try is needed. #books #bookcover #booksandcoffee #bookworm #reading #currentread #bookcrazy

Elisa We need to have a book swap so you can get some books! And maybe a trip to the bookstore wouldn‘t be out of place, so I can get the first volume of the Mistborn trilogy 😉 7y
emmaturi Yes definitely let me know a date for the swap. Alyhough I can't on friday 1st dec! Always love a trip to the bookstore! @Elisa 7y
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Very good! Not excellent, but really good. Catherine is surrounded by some toxic men, and nothing is what it seems to be. The title in Portuguese is “Pure coincidenceâ€, and I think that says all about this book. A fast and enjoyable read 🤘ðŸ–🌊

emmaturi Just finished it! It took a while to get into this book. I had to leave for a bit and came back later and liked it! 7y
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Mommy, can I read it too? â¤ï¸ðŸ–¤ðŸ˜»

CatLass007 😽😽😽 7y
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Only 3 more books to read until I reach my #GoodReadsChallenge target of 40 books this year☺ï¸

I‘m not doing quite so well with the other challenges. I don‘t like to restrict my reading, especially when I‘m not having a lot of spare time for reading at the moment...

Next year I have only signed up for the #PassportLitsy challenge and only 5 countries. Hopefully if I don‘t go overboard I can make it! Haha 🤣

jpmcwisemorgan I‘m going to make my Goodreads goal but I probably won‘t make many other reading goals. I just let my reading go where it wanted. I have some different ideas for next year though. 7y
LeahBergen This is lovely! 💕 7y
BookMaven407 👠7y
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cajunsyd How did you sign up for passport Litsy? I would like to do that challenge! Thanks! And congrats on completing your goodreads challenge! I too had 40 books but I will only get through maybe 36. I will try again next year!! 7y
Bookworm54 @cajunsyd I can‘t remember the exact sign up process. I think there is a google form, but it is run by @maximoffs who can tell you the details :) 7y
cajunsyd @Bookworm54 thank you!! 7y
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#currentlyreading I have a good feeling about this one, the blurbs are great! 👀

Ms_T It‘s a really good read ðŸ‘🻠7y
bobregina @Ms_T it came for free when I bought another book, and I‘m more excited about it! 7y
Ms_T @bobregina What a bonus! I hope you enjoy it 😃 7y
Alytrue I really enjoyed this one!! 7y
bobregina @Alytrue it is really good! 7y
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Look what I came home to!!! Thank you @Alicia â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ I can't wait to dive in!!! #litsypenpalsrock

Alicia Yayyy!! 💜📚 glad you are excited!! 7y
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Disclaimer: A Novel | Renée Knight

It looks like I've forgotten to post a review of this book. I finished this a week or so ago and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't pick the twist towards the end (I tend to be quite oblivious to twists though) but some of the characters reaction to the twist just made me mad. Not because they were unrealistic or poorly executed but because they were unfair to one of the main characters. I would definitely recommend this book.

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I really enjoy this thriller. Very well written and great plot. “A brilliantly conceived, deeply unsettling psychological thriller about a woman haunted by secrets, the consuming desire for revenge, and the terrible price we pay when we try to hide the truth.â€â€ an outstandingly clever and twisty tale that‘s been perfectly engineered to make heads spin.†Entertainment level: ðŸ–ðŸ–ðŸ–🖠#Persefone #DogsOnLitsy #Sha2016

Curious1 This sounds really good. September read. 7y
Sha0102 @curious1 Hope you like it!!! 🤗 7y
RaimeyGallant I liked this a lot. 7y
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I'm exhausted so my entire house is on rest duty. Welcome, to my night 📚📖â¤ï¸

Seekingtardis That sounds delicious!! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @Seekingtardis omg it is amazing!! 7y
PaperbackReader Have to find that tea! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @PaperbackReader I just got mine at a Walmart :) 7y
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Books and sunshine for this sleepyhead . I realize it's not a movie book but it was closest to me lol! #readathon

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Unique twisty story, where the present is all tied up with past events, warped by memories and assumptions. The epistolary elements (book within a book) were necessary to the story, but I didn't believe the book-within-a-book narrator's voice. Too biased.

Alytrue Oh I really liked this one. Love an unreliable narrator! And it kept me guessing. 7y
MrBook Ooh, I like your review! 😊ðŸ‘🻠7y
Char Oh, love the review! I am intrigued to read this now. 7y
RaimeyGallant @MrBook @char Thank you so much! 7y
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Disclaimer is one of those thrillers I absolutely had to finish in a couple of sittings! I loved the pacing, the psychological insight into the characters and just how well rounded all of them were. I noticed the slight implausibility of some situations but it was easy for me to overlook. Cozy up with this thriller, you probably won't regret it. This is a binge-read ðŸ˜

Gissy Sounds interesting! 7y
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I have not had much luck with thrillers so I fully expected to not enjoy this (and at the beginning I thought that might be the case) but, actually, I ended up liking it. It did not go exactly where I thought it was going but the end certainly gave a lot of food for thought. I think this would actually be a good book club choice. Lots to unpack.

Hazel0303 I totally agree. I bought it on a whim as a kindle daily deal and have it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised. 8y
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This was fast paced, and although none of the twists shocked me, some were unexpected.

I liked this, but didn't love it. All the characters are horrible horrible people! It made it hard to care about them. However as a thriller it was an excellent read, and definitely a page turner, hence the pick 🙂

I am also using this for #LitsyAToZ #LetterD and for #LRC10 #MultiplePerspectives


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In some ways I feel sorry for the person perpetrating the whole book thing, but they are incredibly unstable and getting increasingly out of control.

You are taking things too far man, TOO.FAR.


#Thriller #Psychological

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tpixie Wow!! Sounds great!!! 8y
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#Shelfie #Riotgrams

These are two of my hot messes of shelves. Really need to reorganise them at some point!
That's right, there is even a hidden row at the back sigh.


CocoReads All my shelves have hidden rows and I still don't have enough space. I could totally have my own used bookstore.... 8y
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#TBRtemptation post! In her debut novel, we meet Catherine, who leads a comfortable married life as a tv documentarian with a grown son. They've recently moved & she finds a mysterious book in her home. As she reads it, she realizes it's about her & a dark secret from her past she thought she was the only person alive who knew. Guess not. She's got one heck of an opponent! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

stacybmartin I've read this one - it was really good but disturbing at the same time! 8y
LauraKath This is perfect for my popsugar reading challenge!! 8y
bedandabook This one is supposed to be excellent. I bought it ages ago and haven't got round to reading it yet, so you've made me bump it up the TBR pile! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊ðŸ‘🻠8y
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I really liked how this sounded, I hadn't heard any hype , it just took my fancy. I wasn't disappointed.

The story is a psychological thriller, with lots of twists and turns. You're never quite sure what really happened, who to believe, or what's coming next. I thought it all unfolded really nicely with a few unexpected things along the way.
Really enjoyed it!

Letter D for my reading challenge

MrBook 😎👌🻠8y
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This one looks intriguing--eBook on sale until 12/31.

melbeautyandbooks Thanks for sharing. It does sounds interesting. 8y
KrisConstantReader @melbeautyandbooks it sounds a little like that freaky Jim Carrey movie, "The Number 23." 8y
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It happens sometimes.

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Wow . Just . Wow !

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This book has the lowest average rating on my Goodreads to-read list. But, I've heard good things about it. So, I guess I will have to see for myself.

UnderTheRadarBooks I'll be interested to hear your thoughts. I have been a little apprehensive to pick it up. 8y
suvata @UnderTheRadarBooks I really like the premise of the story. I'll let you know how it is. 8y
sixxreads It takes a little long to get into! I just finished it after struggling to get to anything good and letting it linger for a few weeks. Great premise and story but could've been better executed. How's it been for you? 8y
suvata I really loved it but then I'm not really hard to please. 8y
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You see I'd always enjoyed reading more than writing. To be a writer, to be a good writer, you need courage.

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Halfway through I was ready to bail. The story was being dragged out and it had become rather repetitive but boy am I pleased I stuck with this! Could not of predicted that plot twist and it's been quite some time since I've ended a book with "what the f@&!!" Reminded me that a photo may speak a thousand words, but that doesn't mean all of them are true...

[DELETED] 2232195534 This was a good one indeed. 8y
MrBook Nice review 😊ðŸ‘ðŸ»! 8y
Whatshereadnext @kaysreadinglife Im still in shock! Thank you @MrBook 😀 8y
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