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I know y‘all will understand my pain… I am at a book con, and there was an apocalypse themed scavenger hunt. I won a kindle 😳😳 but there are storms in Savannah right now and I can‘t sign in to set it up 🤣🤣 #firstworldproblems

TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣🤣😱🏆💕🫣 6d
Ruthiella Womp Womp! 😭😂 6d
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Clare-Dragonfly OMG! Congrats on your winnings but how frustrating! 6d
BethM That‘s amazing! 6d
tournevis Yeah free e-reader! Boo no internet! 6d
StolenBookmobile Congratulations!!! I‘ve never heard of a book con before. I‘ll be looking into that. 4d
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More Weird and Wonderful Words | Erin McKean, Danny Shanahan
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It‘s #WeirdWordWednesday I‘m sharing the cover of the final book in a trilogy today. I‘ve previously shared the covers of the first two books, because the titles are all #WeirdWords, which I hope you all have enjoyed.

CBee I‘m very much enjoying your word choices! 😊 1w
CatLass007 @CBee If I hadn‘t just happened upon this trilogy searching for something else, I doubt I‘d have anything to post. But I just love the way the covers are designed and the marvelous words that the author chose as his book titles. 1w
CatLass007 @CBee If I hadn‘t just happened upon this trilogy searching for something else, I doubt I‘d have anything to post. But I just love the way the covers are designed and the marvelous words that the author chose as her book titles. 1w
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A little late, but here‘s my #ReadYourKindle list for July! Thanks again @CBee for organizing!

More Weird and Wonderful Words | Erin McKean, Danny Shanahan
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#WeirdWordsWednesday This picture is the cover of a book I haven‘t read. It‘s actually the second book in a trilogy that I haven‘t read. But I really like the covers and the books sound interesting.

CBee I really like this word! 3w
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#CoverLove #Black

Anyone else have shelves of Penguin classics?

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Fantastic!!!🖤📚🖤 4w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🖤🖤 4w
Ruthiella Yup! So annoyed that they changed the font color and penguin logo on the spine, though. Why? Why? Why? (edited) 4w
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Cuilin @Ruthiella so true. 😩 3w
kspenmoll My son does! He read so many for HS & college! 3w
Cuilin @kspenmoll that‘s hilarious because this is my daughter‘s shelf. The ones she left behind. 3w
kspenmoll @Cuilin Oh I love that! Shelf twins! 3w
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Uncle John's Bathroom Reader History's Lists | Bathroom Readers' Institute

Great read about lists from around history!

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Congrats everyone who finished all the words in June or finished any words because you got books off your TBRs! Remember this runs all year, so whenever you find them it counts!

If you did not see my previous post, June‘s Book/Movie was Grease 2

Now who is ready to figure out July‘s #WickedWords Book/Movie?

Feel free to guess if you like, I will reveal at the end of the month!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 1mo
Sace Could I be added to the tag list? 1mo
AsYouWish @Sace Of course!!!! Welcome to #WickedWords 1mo
Sace Thanks! I‘ll probably lurk for a bit but I love this idea and don‘t want to miss new posts. 1mo
AsYouWish @Sace No problem! The words don‘t actually have to be words, they can also be images on cover or in the book. Be as creative as you want in finding the words (the “rules” are very flexible). Have fun and if you have any questions, please let me know!! 💙💙💙💙 1mo
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If you guessed that the #WickedWords Book/Movie this month was Grease 2, you were correct!

Have you ever read a book where the songs from the movie are turned into dialogue? The book follows the movie pretty closely, but there are moments added & some parts have been changed completely. I loved this book, it is on the top of my list for rereads. Plus Grease 2 is way better than Grease (yes, I said it and I stand by it!!)


Read4life 🎳 🏍️ 🍔 1mo
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More Weird and Wonderful Words | Erin McKean, Danny Shanahan
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I don‘t have the book yet but I thought it would be fun to share the cover for #WeirdWordsWednesday.

CBee Oooo, this is a word I‘ve never heard of and didn‘t know existed - thank you 😊👍🏻 (edited) 1mo
CatLass007 @CBee You‘re welcome. It‘s the first book in a trilogy and if I get a chance to listen to this one and I like it, I‘ll make sure to tag you on those when I listen to them. 1mo
CBee @CatLass007 that would be great! Thank you! 1mo
Bookwomble The first time I came across this word was in a short story which had a vicious dog coming for the MC, and it described their fear of the approaching animal's "mordacious proprinquity", and it's a phrase I've never forgotten and, though rarely, have used! 1mo
CatLass007 @Bookwomble Mordacious AND propinquity in the same sentence?! Excellent!😂 1mo
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Probably of limited interest to non-French people, but the baccalaureate philosophy exam started at 8 this morning, and the essay questions are now out:

Vocational stream
Is Nature hostile to Man
Is the artist master of their own work

Academic stream
Can science satisfy our need for truth
Does the State owe us anything

Inspired or not?

Thinking of all those teenagers sweating on their exam papers in many different parts of the world...

Kitta As a scientist, I‘m definitely interested in these questions! I feel that science can give us the answers and can tell us the truth, but that maybe we won‘t reach them in our lifetimes and we‘ll have to wait for the next generation to understand. It‘s a frustrating reality that progress can be slow. 1mo
IuliaC These are very relevant questions 1mo
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards "Is the artist master of their own work?" is taking all sorts of new nuance with AI! 1mo
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Dilara @Kitta Slow and every new discovery or insight brings about new questions! It's neverending... 1mo
Dilara @IuliaC Definitely! 1mo
Dilara @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Oh, I hadn't thought of that 😁 1mo
Dilara For whoever is interested, Le Monde newspaper published essay examples for some of these questions: https://www.lemonde.fr/campus/live/2024/06/18/en-direct-bac-philo-2024-un-enseig... 1mo
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