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City of Saints & Thieves
City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo meets Gone Girl in this enthralling YA murder mystery set in Kenya. In the shadows of Sangui City, there lives a girl who doesn't exist. After fleeing the Congo as refugees, Tina and her mother arrived in Kenya looking for the chance to build a new life and home. Her mother quickly found work as a maid for a prominent family, headed by Roland Greyhill, one of the city s most respected business leaders. But Tina soon learns that the Greyhill fortune was made from a life of corruption and crime. So when her mother is found shot to death in Mr. Greyhill'spersonal study, she knows exactly who s behind it. With revenge always on her mind, Tina spends the next four years surviving on the streets alone, working as a master thief for the Goondas, Sangui City s local gang. It s a job for the Goondas that finally brings Tina back to the Greyhill estate, giving her the chance for vengeance she s been waiting for. But as soon as she steps inside the lavish home, she s overtaken by the pain of old wounds and the pull of past friendships, setting into motion a dangerous cascade of events that could, at any moment, cost Tina her life. But finally uncovering the incredible truth about who killed her mother and why keeps her holding on in this fast-paced nail-biting thriller."
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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I'm bailing on this one for now. It's heavy and I'm just not in the headspace for it at the moment. Instead I'm gonna pick up Mama Miti, the children's book, and read that.
#FoodandLit Buddy Read Kenya 🇰🇪

TheBookHippie I so loved learning of Mama Miti!! 2y
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City of Saints and Thieves | Natalie C. Anderson
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This Months #foodandlit is Kenya. The tagged book is the buddy read option hosted by @catsandbooks . Everyone is welcome- let @catsandbooks know if you want to be tagged for discussion.

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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Our #FoodandLit Buddy Read for Kenya is City of Saints and Thieves, a mystery thriller, by Natalie C. Anderson

This is a casual read-at-your-own-pace buddy read. Anyone is welcome to join! Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in the check-in posts.

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Tina & her mom fled Congo as refugees & settle in Kenya where life seems to be too good, then Tina‘s mom is murdered. She runs away & joins a gang/trains as a thief to bring down the man she believes murdered her mom. but things are more complicated than she ever knew, like why her mom made them leave Congo at all. she goes back to Congo to figure it out &many secrets about the past &present come to light. this book is very intense, TW: SA (lots)

kera_11 this def could have been shorter but was still good and really sucks you in 2y
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Several years after they fled #DRC as refugees, Tina‘s mother is murdered in her employer‘s home. After Tina develops a thieving skill set, she‘s ready to avenge her mother‘s death and breaks back into the home. Only things don‘t quite go the way she had expected. This book could be tightened up in places, but I enjoyed it.


Librarybelle Sounds interesting! 3y
BarbaraBB Thanks for bringing it to my radar! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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After the destruction last week and ongoing cleanup, I needed a pickmeup, so I opened my gifts early, one a day, and Soubhi, I‘m so delighted! I‘m excited for all of these and pumped by the representation in these books! Plus the dogs couldn‘t be cuter. (Oh, and Bindi is quite certain the gnome is for her; the photo op was touch and go. 😂) Thank you SO much!

TrishB Lovely ♥️ 3y
Soubhiville I‘m glad I could brighten your days. I get a laugh from these kinds of pet photo books, so I hope flipping through it makes you smile. I thought about sending something for Bindi and Greta too but didn‘t get around to it. Next time Bindi! Happy Holidays Holly! 3y
Hooked_on_books @Soubhiville It will definitely make me smile! And, frankly, Bindi thinks everything is hers. She is delighted that I‘ve been drinking bottled water (I bought it when the power was out), because the bottles become toys for her. She was very cute about the gnome, sniffing it and staring at it with perked ears but being good and not grabbing it. It was really funny. 3y
squirrelbrain How lovely! 💕 3y
Soubhiville I used to have a dog who loved playing with empty water bottles too 💜. It‘s the small joys in life. 🤗 3y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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I don't read much YA and I didn't love this. Mostly, I feel like it shouldn't have been written by a white woman.

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson

This book is a great action/ thriller and was impossible to put down. I was up until 11 am reading this vacuum of a book.

City of Saints and Thieves | Natalie C. Anderson
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I loved this! It‘s been awhile since I read a mystery that had me so engaged. I just recently got another book by the same author, so that‘s moving up to the top of my TBR

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City of Saints and Thieves | Natalie C. Anderson

City of Saints and Thieves is a very suspenseful, action-packed thriller. One of my favorite parts in the books was when Tina broke into Mr Greyhill's mansion.

City of Saints and Thieves | Natalie C. Anderson
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I started this while hiding out in my office yesterday and am about 1/4 through it. Really enjoying it so far!

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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A homeless orphan refugee. Tina's mom was murdered at the wealthy estate where she was a maid. Tina is sure the estate owner murdered her mother. They were lovers & her mom had his child, Tina's younger sister & the only person in the world she cares about. Tina wants revenge so devises a plan that involves going back to the Congo which is still war torn & unsafe, making for a nerve wracking, can't put down kind of story.

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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DNF 60%

Maybe it's me, maybe it's the books I've been reading, but YA no longer holds my attention. This book has gotten a lot of high reviews and love for being fast paced and a thriller, but I didn't get any of that.



City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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I‘ve finished 2 books today and I hope to get through this one before Monday.

Reviewsbylola You‘re on a roll! 6y
rmaclean4 How did you like the book? 6y
Lauram @rmaclean4 it‘s great, but I haven‘t read as much as I‘d like. I have high hopes for an uneventful night and an even slower day tomorrow! 🤞🏻 6y
rmaclean4 @Lauram I hear you...life keeps getting in the way of my reading as well. I have been so easily distracted lately. 6y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Finally completed this 1/4‘s #booked2018 with this YA with a #refugeeMC
Tiny is a great character -brave and resilient. She escapes to Kenya as a child, from the DRC and survives as a street thief after her mother is brutally murdered. What starts as a heist/revenge story, becomes a dangerous journey of discovery back to her birth place. It tackles tough themes for YA-rape, violence, war and corruption, but the story of friendship shines through.

Cinfhen Awesome review and congrats on another quarter completed 🎉🎉🎉 (edited) 6y
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City of Saints and Thieves | Natalie C. Anderson
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Ahhhh a perfect bookish day:
I was browsing when a bookseller told me how good the tagged book is. We spoke about reading practices, how she wants to BookCon instead of BEA, how cool Anthony Horowitz is, and how we both wish to work in publishing. Not only did she give me good job advice, but she slipped me the Wildcard ARC because she didn‘t think she‘d get to it before the release, and asked me to send her my review. ☺️ #bookhaul for only $15!

BookMaven407 That‘s awesome, sounds like a great day! 6y
night_shift The tagged book is really good! 6y
mrozzz Exactly what I needed! @BookMaven407 😄 6y
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mrozzz Yay!! I‘m really looking forward to it @UnidragonFrag 6y
sammisho I am so looking forward to Wild Card 6y
LazyDays 👐👐sounds like a refreshing wonderful day! 6y
UwannaPublishme What a perfect day! 😊📚👍🏻 6y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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#nextup is my final choice for this quarter for #booked2018 as my #refugeemc pick...
This will be my second YA novel in a row, which is not my usual thing... but I was attracted by this lovely cover, and the blurb of “ocean‘s eleven meets blood diamond” sounds intriguing!
I‘m also hoping it may work for #pop18 as a heist novel? 🤞

Cinfhen I‘ve stacked this book already but I‘m eager to hear your thought!!!! 6y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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4 for #Booked2018
‘City of Saints and Thieves‘ (Refugee)
‘Central Park‘ (Outdoors)
‘The Death of Mrs Westaway‘ (Flowers on the Cover)
‘Etiquette & Espionage‘ (Steam Punk)

Currently reading ‘Women in Sunlight‘

‘An American Marriage‘ for bookclub

An #ARC of ‘His Favorites‘

BarbaraTheBibliophage Looks like a great month! @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft Tagging my co-horts who are the keeper of the giveaway drawing lists! 6y
Cinfhen Oooh... busy month!!! 6y
vkois88 I recently finished Etiquette & Espionage and enjoyed it! Can't wait to hear what you think 6y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson

I thoroughly enjoy this book! It was gripping, thrilling, had some wonderful twists and turns. The chapters were short, but definitely gave the vibrant story plenty of justice.

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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This is billed as a YA book, but is definitely a book that crosses genres. The author‘s way of dealing with serious topics (refugees, violence, rape, etc.) through the lens of a mystery and first person narrative worked really well. I loved the narrator (Tiny), and eagerly followed Tiny on her journeys. The narrative held strong until the end, which was a bit too “YA,” but other than that, I really enjoyed and recommend the book.

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Starting a new book! Its a double whammy for both #LitzyAtoZ and #Popsugar2018! This counts as the letter "C" and "A book involving a heist". Its been on my TBR list for a while, so im excited to give it a go!

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson

I listened to it on audio and i flew threw it. 4/5 stars i dont want to spoil it..so.. it takes place in kenya and goodreads says its gone girl meets the girl with the dragon tattoo. I dont like gone girl myself but i did like this. And the twist was unexpected. Lol

I share my reviews on my blog for every book i read so far this year. Check the link out below if interested ♡ happy reading

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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@Suzze, I finally got to open the package and it was worth the wait! Excellent book choices! And the notebook made me laugh so hard 😁 I love the socks and the bookmark. And the chocolate will soon be in my belly. 😂 Thank you! #secretsantagoespostal @MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders

erinreads Glad it all got figured out! 🙌🏻 7y
Alfoster Woohoo!😍 7y
Avanders Yay!! 💚🎄♥️ 7y
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readordierachel That bookmark 😍 7y
Suzze Yay! I missed seeing this the other day. That delivery was nerve wracking. 😁😁 7y
silentrequiem @Suzze There wasn't a delivery. I finally drove to the depot to pick it up, and it was maddening to see the CORRECT address on the label but no move to actually deliver... Ah well. All's well that ends well. Thank you for the very thoughtful box! And I'm sorry again for all the stress. 7y
Suzze @silentrequiem what? I corrected it three times and was given a delivery date twice. And I used UPS because I thought it would get there faster! Grrrrrr. 7y
silentrequiem @Suzze The UPS seems to be not so great here. It's odd because back at my old place in Maryland, FedEx was the one you never used. 7y
Suzze @silentrequiem I just looked at the tracking again and it says “delivered...at desk...” Jeesh! I‘m glad you finally got it! 7y
silentrequiem @Suzze Well, technically it was delivered at the desk of the customer service depot... Instead of my office. 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Guys, this was SO awesome! The voice actor was fabulous. Delves into some vile, real-life things that were hard to hear and think about but important. Tina was a badass!

Yeah_I_Read I listened to this on audio too and I loved it! It‘s a possible top ten of the year for me!! 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Book with morning tea. Finished the book at lunch, hours after the tea was gone. #riotgrams

Lola I.Want.That.Mug. ❤️ 7y
TheKidUpstairs That mug!!!!! 7y
stephanie_reads ❤️ that mug!! 😂😂 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Barnes & Noble is making me very weak this morning. But I am strong. I am not succumb to buying more books I don't have time to read! 💪🏾#NoNewBooks

rachelm (Dee, what have you made me do?!?!💸💸) 7y
moranadatter I admire your restraint! 7y
WhatDeeReads @rachelm I didn't mean to! 7y
WhatDeeReads @moranadatter Thanks! I didn't buy any. They'll have the sale again soon. 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Going into this read knowing nothing which is a rare and exciting treat.

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Exciting, gripping, fast-paced #audiobook!
Perfect for your #audiocleaning, #audiobaking, and all your #audio-whatever-ing!
I'm not done with this one yet, but its making me highly ambitious as I only listen to audiobooks while I'm busy doing boring adult stuff. 😁🤗☺

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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Library and Farmer's Market days are the BEST!

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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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What a great YA tale of a young girl out to avenge her mother's murder in the streets of Sangui and the wilds of Congo in Africa!

EvieBee What a lovely picture!!! 7y
specklife Thank you - wish I could say it was my own, but alas, it is not. 🙁 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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From my TBR mountain. A pretty much side profile. #jubilantjuly #sideprofile

RealLifeReading Great cover (edited) 7y
Reese_Pearly.Pages I liked this one! 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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loooove this book! flew through it in two days - the twists and suspense were gripping, the characters were interesting, and there was little romance involved (which was refreshing). highly recommend it!

City of Saints and Thieves | Natalie C. Anderson
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City of Saints & Thieves is a riveting mystery novel that got me hooked from the very first page. Embark on this unimaginable journey across the countries of east African, a twisty- turny labyrinth of lies, murder and intrigue that will set your heart racing!

Read more of my review on my blog: readwithkatie.wordpress.com


I was kindly sent an e-arc of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

pagesinlife Oh, i have this book on my wishlist!! It sounds really good 😊 7y
Readwithkatie @pagesinlife it is! You should definitely get to it :) 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Day 19 of #junebookbugs: Thus was the first book I thought of with the #refugees prompt. It was an amazing experience to read this; it really opened my eyes to refugee experiences in countries other than my own (which made me rethink refugee experiences in the US as well). The author worked with the UN on refugee relief in the countries she writes about - even though this is a work of fiction, the characters' experiences resound with truth.

RealLifeReading Wow sounds good 7y
MrBook Wonderful!!! 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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An intriguing YA mystery

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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I'm very excited to read this book, although I haven't heard much about it everything I have heard has been great 😆.

Thoughts on this book?
#books #booklove #booklover #becauseofreading #bibliophile #bookish #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookaholic #bookaddict #read #reader #bookme #booknow #bookworm #booknerd

curlyhairedbookworm Oh I haven't read that yet, but that, is a beautiful cover! 😱😍 7y
Bookishdreamers Right! I can't stop staring at it 😆💕 @curlyhairedbookworm 7y
MrBook Love the cover! 7y
Bookishdreamers Me too 😆😆 @MrBook 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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This is sooooooo good! Great story and I'm loving the audio version. READ THIS BOOK PEOPLE!!!! 😘

mrp27 It's on my tbr! 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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A murder mystery set in Kenya, with fast action and family angst. Every page revealed something else intriguing. Beautiful descriptions.

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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When you go to drop books off at the little free library and come back with books. Oops. I have had the Animators checked out for a while but haven't made progress with the move and whatnot, so was super happy to find a copy. 👍

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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A revenge-driven, action-packed story that manages to still contain great moments of friendship and pursuit of the truth. #LyricalApril #Africa #LitsyReadingChallenge

Kalalalatja What a great cover! 7y
Cinfhen I agree with @Kalalalatja 😍stacked!!! 7y
Bookladylinda I'm taking this book back to the library today I read! 🙁🙁🙁🙁. I will check it out again later. 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Laundry + reading. It's been a productive #LitsyPartyOfOne evening for me.

Jinjer 😳Thanks for reminder that I have clothes in the dryer from last night! 7y
Sace My husband had to root around in a basket for socks this morning. I'm too busy reading to fold and put away laundry. 😊 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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Great story!

Bkwrm7 I just started this one this weekend! Really enjoying it so far. 7y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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You know you have a reading problem when you bring along three books for brunch.

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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After finishing some necessary chores, the feeling of sitting down for lunch with a book is one of the best. #AmIWrong? #LyricalApril #LitsyPartyofOne

Cinfhen I agree!!! 8y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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A brand new bookmark for today's reading. #LitsyReadingChallenge

City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson
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I'm struggling to finish this one right now. I like the narrator and the story but it just isn't as good as some of my other recent reads. There are times when the pace is just really slow and I think with a little more editing then things may have been more suspenseful. I have an hour and a half left of audio...I will finish...but I'm ready to move on

BethFishReads I get that. I bailed first time I listened. But it clicked on the second try 8y
Irisheyz77 @BethFishReads I think that I was also expecting a different story. More revenge & suspense than slow mystery & coming of age. 8y
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City of Saints & Thieves | Natalie C Anderson

complete review is available on my blog:

Young Adult fiction is usually not for me. I have read some YA books that I have really enjoyed (The Hunger Games trilogy comes to mind) but it is a genre that I don't usually connect with unless there is something else in the book that is interesting or meaningful to me. City of Saints & Thieves was one such book. It was both a mystery and a multicultural...