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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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After she discovers that her husband has been reading her diary, Irene America turns it into a manipulative farce, while secretly keeping a second diary that includes her true thoughts about her shaky marriage, its affect on her children, and her struggles with alcohol.
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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A quick read, but a dark, dark one. Erdrich is a talented writer, but the tape and abuse (physical and emotional) is hard to take. Numerous 23 of #24in2024 @Jas16

Jas16 I love Erdrich but this was not my favorite of hers. 5d
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Finished my first #authoramonth today. This month I read the tagged and the book in the picture. While I liked both of them (LaRose more than Shadow Tag), I‘m still not sold on Erdrich. I always seem to like not love her books.

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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It‘s very unfair for Ms. Erdrich to call me out like that!


Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2y
AshleyHoss820 I‘m Gil, but my sister is an Irene. Sometimes she doesn‘t finish the last 10 pages of a book so she doesn‘t have to say goodbye. That gives me so much anxiety for no reason. 😂🤣😂🤣 2y
Tamra 😂 2y
thebackyardgnome @AshleyHoss820 it reminds me of thst terrifying movie, Dsncer in the Dark 😱 2y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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#AuthorAMonth2023 @Soubhiville

This was not at all what I was expecting. I've only read two other books by this author and this read was much darker than I expected. It's an exquisitely written story of a marriage falling apart and an intimate look into the ramifications of abuse and control in a relationship.

Great read, but be prepared for the emotional impact.

Soubhiville Great review. 2y
BarbaraBB Such a good book 2y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Dark pic for a dark book. Erdrich paints and eloquently sad and disturbing picture of an abusive marriage imploding. #AuthorAMonth

Gil is a working painter with one subject: his wife, Irene. As he tries to capture her in his latest portrait, he becomes convinced she‘s cheating. She realizes he‘s reading her diary and starts leaving tantalizing false clues that drive him crazy. Heartbreakingly caught in the middle are three kids. 😢

Soubhiville Beautiful cover and I actually like this photo, but I‘m into melancholy. 🙂📚 2y
Megabooks @Soubhiville thanks! I like the cover as well, and I was kind of pleased to have a stormy day in the photo. 👍🏻 2y
Soubhiville You‘ve read quite a few for January! 2y
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Cinfhen Perfect background for this book‼️this was my first book by Erdrich and I LOVED IT! Still my favorite by her. I think I‘m about to bail on my current one @Soubhiville - it‘s just a bit too convoluted for my brain capacity right now 2y
Cathythoughts Sound‘s upsetting! I gave it tagged already 👍🏻❤️ 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yeah, this definitely has fewer characters than her other books and is a bit easier to follow for that reason. Sorry LaRose didn‘t work for you. 2y
Megabooks @Cathythoughts it was quite dark. You really feel Irene and the kids‘ fear and Gil‘s instability and insanity. 2y
squirrelbrain Great review, and lovely pic! 2y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain thank you! 💜💜 2y
BarbaraBB Heartbreaking indeed. Such a good read though. Great review 🤍 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB thanks! Her books are very thought provoking. 2y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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A slow burn for sure but it definitely got me thinking and love, marriage, and parenting in a different way. I won‘t soon forget this problematic relationship characterized by art, obsession and substance abuse. I was rooting for them even lamenting their poor choices. Not my favorite of hers but a solid story with her special brand of depth and artistry. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Read this in one sitting today.... I just couldn‘t put it down! Its an unsettling story of an artist, his muse and their unfortunate children that witness their calculated manipulations. This is an incredibly toxic marriage, full of violence and twisted, obsessive love. Beautiful writing, though this is a portrait of a truly ugly, noxious relationship.
#indigenousauthor #pop21

Cinfhen I KNEW you‘d love it 😍 I did too!! So difficult but like you, I couldn‘t stop once I started 3y
Cinfhen Fantastic review ❤️ 3y
BarbaraBB Great review. I loved this one too! 3y
Megabooks Great review! This is already on my TBR. I perhaps should move it up!! 3y
Cathythoughts Great review! Stacked 3y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Irene and Gil are married and have three children. They can‘t live with nor without eachother. Booze, art and secret diaries become weapons in a fight between them where no one can gain from, there‘s too much at stake. So much to lose.
Between a pick and a so-so.

#ReadingUSA2019 Minnesota

Cathythoughts That‘s a pity about the “so-so” part ... I was about to stack it , it sounds good 🤔 5y
Cinfhen I don‘t think you‘ll like it @Cathythoughts although I was almost positive that Barbara would love it!! I listened on audio and I think that helped get me through some of the drier parts. 5y
Flaneurette Erdrich is a favorite author of mine but this book was sooo bleak.I kept getting the feeling she was exorcising some personal demons w this one. However I still think about it years later, so it has stuck w me,which is something 5y
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jveezer Love her writing, especially the Love Medicine cycle. 5y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I DID like it, liked the premise and the first half. After that it went on a bit too long imo. And I agree with @Flaneurette it felt so personal I wanted to look away. 5y
BarbaraBB @jveezer It was my first Erdrich and I am looking forward to more! 5y
BarbaraBB @Cathythoughts I wouldn‘t give up on it because of my thoughts. It really is good and authentic! 5y
Librarybelle I‘ve read one book by Erdrich, The Painted Drum, and just thought it was okay. I know some readers absolutely love her... 5y
jveezer @BarbaraBB i would definitely start with Love Medicine or Last Report From Little No Horse. 5y
Suet624 @Flaneurette Definitely felt that way to me too. 5y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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The game nails Irene and Gil‘s relationship. Smart title!

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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This s NOT a warm & fuzzy read. Gil & Irene are the most toxic couple I‘ve ever come across. Gil (a painter) Irene his wife (& muse) are drawn to each other like fire and ice. When Irene discovers Gil is reading her private journals she begins to write false entries to provoke & manipulate Gil. Audio was excellent & writing razor sharp🗡Loads of symmetry & foreshadowing. #MayMovieMagic #IceDance #Booked2019 #IndigenousAuthor

Cinfhen I‘m not sure if you‘re gonna like this one @TrishB but I‘m almost certain @BarbaraBB will!!!! 5y
TrishB I will definitely wait for an offer so I don‘t feel swizzed if I don‘t like it 😁 5y
Cinfhen Yes!!! I‘d hate for you to feel #Swizzed 😘😘😂 @TrishB (edited) 5y
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KarenUK Oooh, I own this one! (Not read yet of course!😂🤦‍♀️) I‘m pretty sure I‘m gonna love it. Great review! 💕 5y
Cinfhen I think you might @KarenUK it‘s pretty dark!! I really think the narration pushed it up for me. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I really want to read this author, but the idea of such a toxic relationship doesn‘t appeal to me. I have this one on my shelf, though. 5y
Theaelizabet This one was so bleak, and even harder to read, given the parallels to her own marriage: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/07/books/review/Cohen-t.html 5y
Cinfhen That was such an interesting article @Theaelizabet I wasn‘t aware of Erdrich‘s personal life but im not surprised. This book felt very authentic. How sad. 5y
gradcat This may be where we differ in opinion (as we seem to share similar thoughts & likes & dislikes)—I just cannot seem to get into Louise Erdrich. Not sure exactly why...but I suspect that I am somewhat unable to enjoy magic realism. I know that this thought is anathema to literature readers, but I do have some exceptions that I enjoy. Btw, what is #Swizzed 😂 5y
Centique I loved Love Medicine and I‘ve been planning to read #EverythingErdrich so thanks for the recc. @BarbaraTheBibliophage Love Medicine has some dark stuff in it for sure but it‘s multiple interweaved stories really, all from one spread out family group. My book club found it difficult (they like linear timelines, simple structures) but although I got confused about the family structure at times, it was fascinating. 5y
Cinfhen There was no magical realism in this book @gradcat because that‘s something I don‘t enjoy either 😆😉and this book was pretty dark @Centique Im ready to explore more but I think I might try Round House or 5y
gradcat @TrishB Always love learning new slang—thanks, babe! 😂👍♥️ 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen I haven‘t read this one, only 5y
Suet624 Oh, this was a Powell‘s book club pick ages ago. I still think of it. They included a diary/notebook with the book. 😁 5y
Suet624 @Centique love medicine was the first book I read of hers. Was blown away by it. I ended up creating a list of the characters so I could determine their relationship to each other. 5y
Centique @Suet624 what a good idea that was! Worth it too, because I think there‘s a few books involving those families. 5y
Cinfhen That‘s really clever @Suet624 5y
Suet624 @Centique Yes, you‘re right!! 5y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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#Audiobook #IndigenousAuthor #Booked2019 This is my first Louise Erdrich and the writing is stellar ♥️Irene & Gil are the MOST TOXIC couple I‘ve ever come across. It‘s not a happy read but it‘s gripping and unputdownable. Halfway done and the narration is fantastic.

TrishB I see I already have it tagged! 5y
Cinfhen I‘m thinking I might be up for reading Sympathy this weekend @TrishB what do u think??? 5y
TrishB I will attempt to 😁 not sure how much reading will get done with the footie! If you start and I‘ll join in ASAP. 5y
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CouronneDhiver All yours... I don‘t care much for Erdrich‘s books 5y
Cinfhen Ohhhh, exciting time @TrishB I‘ll be rooting for Liverpool xx I‘ll let you know if/when I start 5y
Cinfhen I‘m in AWE of her @CouronneDhiver this book is BRUTAL & disturbing 5y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 5y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Starting a new #audiobook for #Booked2019 #IndigenousAuthor #Hoopla 🤞🏼🤞🏼

alisiakae I love Louise Erdrich, but haven‘t read this one. I hope you enjoy it! 5y
BarbaraBB Smart! Let me know if you can recommend it for my North Dakota read! 😀 5y
Cinfhen This one is actually set in Minnesota 😬 @BarbaraBB but so far it‘s excellent!!! Her writing is really good @4thhouseontheleft 5y
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BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I still need Minnesota too 😉 5y
Cinfhen Ha!!!! That‘s perfect then @BarbaraBB 5y
TrishB This sounds good, have read one of hers so far and enjoyed it. 5y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Enjoyed reading everyone‘s comments. Fun round of #LMPBC
I know one of you are missing comments from me because of the missing book. Please let me know so I can write you a letter.

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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@irre The book is finally in the mail! You should have it on Thursday.
#LMPBC #round4

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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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#LMPBC #round4
@irre @cherinium @LazyDays

I will get this in the mail tomorrow. 😁

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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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I am diving into this #LMPBC #round4 book. I am hoping to get it finished and mailed out by Monday. 😁
@irre @cherinium @LazyDays

DarcysMom I am still reading this - it has been a hard one for me. I promise I won't hold it hostage forever!
@irre @cherinium @LazyDays
ErikasMindfulShelf No rush 😃 6y
cherinium @DarcysMom I haven't finished your book, either. Life has been so exhausting that I haven't been very enthused about reading. I have one more day in my work week, then I'll buckle down and get it finished. 6y
DarcysMom @cherinium Don't worry! 6y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Reading this book was kind of like coming upon a train wreck. I didn't want to read about these unlikable people, but I just couldn't stop. The writing was engaging, but the characters were just terrible. I found myself wanting more from the diaries, especially the blue one. I'll give it a pick for keeping me turning the pages and being a quick read.
Onward we go: @DarcysMom @irre @lazydays
#lmpbc #round4 #groupD

LazyDays Right!?! I was SO upset🤣🤣 6y
cherinium @LazyDays Yes! My blood was just boiling for the last 1/3 to 1/2 of the book. 😡 6y
LazyDays I felt the same way! When I wrote my review I wad MAD! 🤣 Good writing to keep be going!👏 6y
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DarcysMom I received the book and have started reading - the characters are stressing me out after just a few pages. I can't wait to see what they do next! @irre @LazyDays 6y
cherinium @DarcysMom They are very stress-inducing people! 6y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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One of the characters in this book is named Gilbert, so it seems fitting that my Gilbert is napping on my lap as I read it. #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #love #cuddlebuddy #adventuresofthegmen

TheSpineView Funny how Mom's lap is the best place to nap.😋 6y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Owing to a lost package containing 2 books, #round4 of #lmpbc took a hiatus. But, we are back in business, girls! Thanks go to @LazyDays for supplying the replacement books. I am going to get started on this one now, and will get it sent out, hopefully within the next week. Who knows? The original books may show up yet. If that happens, I will make sure they make it home. @DarcysMom @irre

LazyDays 🤗😊👏 6y
LazyDays Did you get my email with the extra notes? 6y
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cherinium @LazyDays Probably. I have to admit, I'm pretty terrible at remembering to check my email. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
LazyDays @cherinium no worries😊 just somethings I remember Irre and Darcysmom commenting on. 6y
DarcysMom 👍😁 6y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Just finished this for #LMPBC #GroupD round 4. Heading your way soon @LazyDays

LazyDays 🙌🙌🙌 6y
rubyslippersreads Lovely book rest. 😊🐶 6y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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LazyDays 🎊🎊🎊⭐⭐🙌🙌 6y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Very well-written. Fully developed unique characters. I LOVE the concept of two diaries and using one to manipulate the spouse who sneaks reading the other‘s private thoughts. But I did not enjoy the novel because I did not like either character at all.

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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TW for rape and both physical and emotional abuse.

There was a point early on where I thought I'd be able to say that while I didn't enjoy this book, I admired the writing and the psychological depth. Unfortunately, I'm here to tell you I hated it, good writing be damned. It's about two awful people who do awful things to each other in horribly ordinary ways. I wish I hadn't wasted one of my last Hoopla audio credits on it.

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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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I finally broke down and dismantled my Vancouver puzzle so I could start a new one. #audiopuzzling

merelybookish So pretty! 7y
xicanti @merelybookish it was fun, too! I love the Dowker Folk Art series. 7y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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I really wanted to finish my last book of December yesterday, but I have a cold so I was exhausted and just couldn‘t do it. December was a good reading month for me so it‘s hard to pick a favorite but I‘ll go with Shadow Tag.

Books Read: 13
Fiction: 13
Audiobooks: 5
Short Story Collections: 3
YA: 3
Re-reads: 1
Graphic Fiction: 1


#bestofdecember #decemberwrapup #decemberstats

cobwebmoth Hope you feel better soon! 7y
DivineDiana Take care of yourself! Great month! 7y
Lacythebookworm Feel better! So many good books in December 😊 7y
Dragon Hope you are feeling better soon! 💐 7y
Brie @Dragon @Lacythebookworm @DivineDiana @cobwebmoth Thanks! I‘m taking medicine now as it turns out sheer willpower doesn‘t cure colds. 7y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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A searing, psychological chronicle of the destruction of a marriage between two very damaged people. The narrative weaves back and forth as Irene discovers her husband Gil has been reading her diary. She then makes two diaries, one in which she records her true thoughts on marriage, love, life, her children, and another that she uses to manipulate Gil. Beautiful writing & pacing.

Suet624 Oh my gosh. I read this book years ago (8 maybe?) and i still think about it. So good. 7y
BarbaraBB Wow. Stacked! 7y
kspenmoll Wow! 7y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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This was such a sad story of a family torn apart by love and hate and alcoholism and...just sad, but so so good too. To help with the sadness here are the spots on the belly of a kitten!

Soubhiville ❤️🐱 that's a lovely photo! 7y
Jinjer Spots and stripes! So cute? 7y
bookwrm526 @Soubhiville Thanks! I've been trying to get a picture of his tummy but he doesn't show it often, had to get this one while he was sleeping 7y
bookwrm526 @Jinjer Right? If only he didn't drive my grumpy old man crazy :( 7y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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So, I don't really have a reading nook, but here's my current read (and an uncooperative kitten) on the "cuddler" portion of our couch, where I sit to read a lot. In this book, the wife thinks she has the #perfectillusion because she keeps two diaries - one her husband knows about and one he does not! We will find out if it really is perfect! #AugustGrrrl #booksandbooks #backtoreading

JoeStalksBeck Kitteh ‼️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏 7y
MrBook 😻😻😻😻😻 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess Love!😻😻😻😻 7y
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mcipher Kitten!!! 😻😻 7y
Cinfhen Wow, a decoy diary...sneaky🙀 7y
DebinHawaii Cute kitty! 🐱❤️ 7y
Bookzombie Kitty! 💕🐱 7y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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I did not remember buying copy number one when I bought copy number two. #aprilbookshowers #dontrememberbuyingthis

Lynnsoprano I have duplicates of a couple books that I would have sworn I hadn't bought. 7y
Suzze Yep. Not as much as I used to, the Goodreads app helps. 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
drokka I once bought a book I didn't realize I had only to find out when I got home that it was one I'd set aside for an auto-buy the week before. I normally have a much better memory 7y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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I like Louise Erdrich so much that I inadvertently bought this book twice. So I am torn about how to rate it and might skip it altogether if it weren't one of my #litsyatoz picks. It is vividly written. However it was also a book about two selfish, damaged people doing horrible things to other with no regard to their children. What it comes down to is that this is not a book I would ever reread or recommend to others.

Tamra I adored her "Last Report....." novel soooo much, but others haven't resonated with me for some reason. And yes, often very damaged characters. 8y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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My current read in my comfy chair. #17booklove

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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I always consider the state of Minnesota my home even though I moved away years ago. I love reading books set on my home state, especially if I'm feeling homesick! #setinabelovedlocation #17booklove

BooksForEmpathy Shadow Tag 💚. 8y
Suet624 William Kent Krueger ❤ (edited) 8y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich

Hmm... still trying to come to grips with this one.

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Next up!!

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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This book!! This author. I am almost finished and keep thinking, Erdrich is so wise.

She has created such a fearless and painful portrait of a marriage. Resentment, bitterness, stubbornness, & loyalty all show up here. And while trying to raise three children.

There are two journals - one red, one blue. One journal is meant to be read; a manipulative strategy. The other is locked away, secrets secure. Watch as this family unravels.

Also, 🍕!

MyBookLife That sounds great! Haven't read her before. Where is a good place to start? 8y
bedandabook Both the book and the pizza look wonderful! 8y
BookNotes One of my favorite authors. I am still working my way through all of her books. I've liked everything of hers I've read. 😍 8y
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Carissa-Green-Reads As a Nodak, I worship Erdrich 8y
Aleida She's my earth mother. 8y
BooksForEmpathy @MyBookLife I have barely skimmed the surface of her backlist. Next up for me is The Round House though. I recently read LaRose and it's my favorite book of the year so far... So I did go out and buy a bunch of others written by her (there are many 🙌🏻!) and will let you know! Curious to see if anybody else has any opinions on where to start!? 8y
BooksForEmpathy @Aleida YES! As a new fan, I know I have a lot to catch up on but she is blowing my mind so far. 8y
BooksForEmpathy @bedandabook Thank you!! They WERE wonderful! 8y
BooksForEmpathy @Carissa-Green-Reads Definitely had to look up Nodak! But yes, makes sense!! 8y
Carissa-Green-Reads Oh, sorry, Nodak = North Dakotan😀 8y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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“They reverted to one of their endless arguments, first about the noodles, then about kitsch. This was not fighting, but the sort of argument that could go on for years and years, where each found bits of evidence to prove their point and dropped it into the next go-round a month, two or three months, on. They were back in old territory. They argued sometimes for comfort.”

Read more: http://bit.ly/2bveKGk

#readtheworld #louiseerdrich

BethFishReads I liked this one 8y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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My shelves are full... I guess I either need to build more or stop buying books. Lol just kidding, we all know the only option is to build more

OvyReadz 🙌 8y
shawnmooney Full? I see room for hundreds more books on those shelves! :) 8y
LauraBeth I ❤️ your shelves! 8y
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BookishFeminist I agree with @shawnmooney! That can easily fit more 😂 8y
MarieA I still see a ton of room! 8y
RealLifeReading Wow love your shelves!! 8y
brendanmleonard lol my wife sews/makes her own clothes and the lack of space for fabric and books have us looking for a bigger place 😂 8y
ReadingEnvy All I see are placeholders for more books in the pencil cups and stuff. 👍 8y
erzascarletbookgasm What the others say..still lots of space to fit more books! And I love your shelf too :) 8y
Arbol I've amazed my husband the the creative ways I've managed to fit just one more book case into the apartment over the years. 8y
JordanGraft I know they're not *technically* full but I've convinced my husband that they are. That = more shelves which = me saying "I need way more books to fill all this new shelf space" ? 8y
Laalaleighh @JordanGraft is doing it right. 8y
Zelma ❤️ awesome shelf space. Envious! Lol 8y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich

This is dark novel about a dysfunctional couple. There were some passages of brutal honesty about marriage that I felt most people could relate to. The ending left me angry and I despaired for their children. I didn't like the characters. They were selfish and codependent.

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich

Seriously, Gil? You think the way to save your family is by buying them all musical instruments? No wonder your wife hates you.

LaurenEH57 I know nothing about this book, but your review/blurb/feedback is great. 8y
Beth.Pedota @LaurenEH57 ha, the book was great, even with unlikeable characters and questionable decisions. 8y
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich

I absolutely love Louise Erdrich's writing. Can't get enough of it! I've read several of her books and have yet to run a into the pitfall you find with some authors where all their books seem like the same thing repeated.

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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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Characters were disturbing and unlikable. I put this book down a couple times because it was difficult to handle. Eerily relatable. Perhaps that is why I hated the characters and loved the book!

Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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It was more than I expected (even from Louise Erdrich)! I Clean, yet complex...moving without sentimentality. My unexpected reaction? Tears at a couple points. So yes, it's rather emotional and so satisfying. Do I know these characters in real life? No, but I walked away feeling like they were real.