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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
An electrifying debut novel of obsessive love, family secrets, andthe dangers of living our lives online At twenty-three, Alice Hare leaves England for New York. She becomes fixated onMizuko Himura, a Japanese writerliving in New York, whoselife story has strange parallels to her own and whom she believesis her internet twin. What seems to Mizuko like a chance encounter with Alice is anything but after all, in the age of connectivity, nothing is coincidence.Their subsequent relationship is doomed from the outset, exposing a tangle of lies and sexual encounters as three families across the globe collide, and the most ancient of questions where do we come from is answered just by searching online.In its heady evocation of everything from Haruki Murakami to Patricia Highsmith to Edith Wharton, Sympathy is utterly original a thrilling tale of obsession, doubling, blood ties, and our tormented efforts to connect in the digital age."
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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I started this book last weekend but i wasn‘t compelled to pick it up all week. When my iPad battery died I returned to the novel. For a debut it‘s really impressive but this book sort of felt overly written. The author just tried too hard in trying to be literary and I found myself skimming the last third. I‘d read this author again, I think she has talent. A story of identity & obsession ( I‘m not sure I get the title 🤨) #BorrowNotBuy

Cinfhen Have you read this @BarbaraBB @KarenUK I think you both might like this one 😊 4y
BarbaraBB I haven‘t read it. It does sound good although your review makes me hesitating! 4y
KarenUK No but it‘s definitely on my list as I saw it mentioned as a ‘ if you like Sally Rooney‘ kind of book... I‘m going to give it go 😊👍 4y
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Cinfhen I wouldn‘t rush to read it @BarbaraBB @KarenUK but it might be a good book to read if it fulfills any challenge prompts. I‘m thinking if it works for any.... also I‘m happy to pass it along to either of you 😘😘 4y
BarbaraBB I‘m always happy with your choices for me but I think @KarenUK is more tempted to read it soon! If she also likes it, I won‘t hesitate any longer 💕 4y
Cinfhen I can mail this one to you @KarenUK if I EVER get to the post office 🙈 4y
KarenUK That would be lovely... but only if you get there! 😘💕😂 4y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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So far this is excellent

Cathythoughts Sounds really good ... I‘ll look out for your final decision 👍🏻❤️ 4y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Fascinating opinion piece in the Guardian by Olivia Sudjic about ‘the novel‘ for millennials. Pieces this broad are never going to agree with every last thing I think, and I haven‘t read that many of the books she mentions, but definitely worth reading. Thoughts anyone?


Moray_Reads Bookmarking for later. I saw Olivia at edbookfest last year and she was incredible 5y
sudi I'm currently reading Normal People by Sally Rooney. And Severance had been on my TBR. I haven't heard about the others but they sound interesting. 5y
TrishB Interesting article, I‘ve read quite a few, some I‘ve liked, some I haven‘t. Which is pretty much the same for any books that are pigeon holed into a genre I think. 5y
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KarenUK Thank you for sharing... so interesting... 💕 5y
saresmoore I really like her point about the theme of searching for a safe place—“the combination of homesickness and alienation”—which I‘ve felt consistently in so much writing by Millennials (including my own now I think about it.) I devoured Sudjic‘s Sympathy and it was probably my favorite read of last year. 5y
Billypar Great article! It's refreshing to see her tackle the qualities of millennial novels with more complexity than the "novels with social media and irresponsible characters" caricature. I agree with her point on the dubious 'voice of a generation' label. I do like having literary books/authors in common with strangers that aren't just what you read in high school, but it needn't be a single author when so many are doing good work. 5y
Emilymdxn @Moray_Reads so jealous I‘d love to see her live! I just quietly stalk her on Instagram lol 5y
Emilymdxn @Sudi I absolutely want to read Severance! It‘s one of the ones I most want to get round to this year 5y
Emilymdxn @TrishB I felt the same for sure. While I absolutely do like Sally Rooney I don‘t think I quite get the hype around her books - they were both solid 7/10s for me but not my absolute faves the way they seem to be for so many people. I‘m a diehard Moshfegh fan tho - I thought it was fascinating to see such diverse books linked this way, are there any you‘d particularly recommend that were mentioned there? Severance is high on my list 5y
Emilymdxn @karenuk thank you! Glad you liked it, I always worry I‘m annoyingly shoving articles in people‘s faces so great to know people enjoy them! 5y
Emilymdxn @saresmoore I felt exactly the same so interesting that we both picked out the same thing. I absolutely adored Sympathy too one of the most memorable books I‘ve read this year. Have you read Exposure too? I think her non fiction is every bit as good as her fiction and it‘s quite rare I get to say that about a writer! 5y
Emilymdxn @billypar I really liked that too - I‘d be wary of anyone picking out one author and telling me it summarised the entire life experience of me and people fifteen years older than me! Insofar as I am a millennial anyway, born 1996 so I‘m the cut off year 5y
TrishB Severance was my fav on this list. I didn‘t like Conversations....so I haven‘t yet read Normal People - but will eventually! 5y
Billypar Exactly- another example of how the dialogue about millennials is more revealing than whatever the observation is. I too was born on a cut off year...the other cutoff though 😬 5y
saresmoore Oh, I will absolutely be reading that. 5y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Cindy - I‘ve started!! Which basically means I‘ve read the first few chapters in the bath!
Off out to see my boys bring the cup 🏆 home in a bit . Hopefully get a few more chapters in later.

Cinfhen My day got a little crazzy 😩no reading off to see your boys sounds awesome!!!! Enjoy & celebrate 5y
squirrelbrain Have a fab time! 😁👍❤️ 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen ❤️💜 xx 5y
TrishB @squirrelbrain 😘👍🏻 5y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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#bookfitnesschallenge @wanderinglynn

10k steps (did an extra round of the supermarket to make it 😂), had to do an escalator but I walked so doesn‘t count as taking one I‘ve decided, and my best gym sesh so far!

Finished Sympathy and got over half way through Salt Path.

I love this challenge! Bit of a lonely evening for me otherwise but I feel so proud and connected with all you guys, working on this and starting my notebook has made my day

Leftcoastzen Love the extra supermarket walking! Whatever works!😁 5y
Megabooks Great job! 5y
squirrelbrain Well done! And you have beautiful handwriting ❤️ 5y
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wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
BookwormAHN Great job 👏🏻 5y
dariazeoli Great job! 🙌🏻 5y
Kaye 🌟 5y
BethM 👍Litsy is the best for connection! 5y
Bklover You have lovely handwriting! And great job!!!! 5y
Caterina Great job!! This challenge has been great for community for me too, especially since I'm between degrees and jobs right now and in recovery from surgery. 😊 Love your handwriting by the way, it's very old-fashioned-talented-poet-y. 😍 5y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Not totally what I was expecting, but this was an amazing character portrait of a bizarre, unpleasant but empathic and recognisable person. I‘d call it a state of the nation novel but it‘s not about one nation, a state of the Internet novel? I rarely feel like novels get social media right, it‘s easy to feel lecturing or cringy, but I thought this really got it right. Instagram was probably my favourite character.

saresmoore Excellent review. I loved this book for just the reasons you mention. I feel like she nailed that dreamlike discomfort that social media brings to our lives. 5y
Cinfhen Here‘s another suggestion for #socialmediafocus @Kathrin #Booked2019 5y
Kathrin @Cinfhen This ones sounds good and it's available as audiobook on Scribd. Win win!! 5y
Cinfhen Oh good!! I‘ve seen good reviews. A few others have read it for #booked2019 @Kathrin 5y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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@rachelsbrittain #weekendreads

1. Sympathy (tagged) and Nausea. I started Choked but left it at work so guess I‘m taking a break until Monday!

2. Spark Joy - very very green

3. Bluebells, foxgloves and dog violets

rachelsbrittain Thanks for joining in 🌱🌿 5y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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*late post! 😬
Alice develops an internet obsession with Japanese writer Mizuko and eventually tracks her down in NYC in order to pursue a real life relationship. Doesn't sound like it's going to end well...

(Another day, another cat 😸)

Mdargusch Pretty flowers! 5y
Crazeedi Your kitty!!!!😘😻 5y
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Reviewsbylola It‘s not ending well for your flowers either. 🧛‍♀️ 🐱 5y
Cinfhen Hahahaha @Reviewsbylola 😂😂😂I just got this book from my best mate @TrishB looking forward to reading it!!! 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen let me know when you might fancy reading! 5y
Cinfhen Do u own it as well?? @TrishB we still NEED to buddy read 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen I have this too 👍🏻and the other one ready. I‘m rubbish at remembering buddy reads so just shout when you feel like and I‘ll try and catch up! 5y
Cinfhen I‘m rubbish at remembering too @TrishB so I started keeping a little notebook 📒 I‘ll give u a proper shout when I‘m ready and if you‘re feeling it sooner let me know 😘 5y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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“Sympathy” was not for me. It‘s 1 star for a book that I just didn‘t enjoy and didn‘t really understand. I feel somewhat cheated as I‘m not really sure that I‘ve read the book that‘s described on the cover, but rather something a lot duller and certainly not my cup of tea.

See more of what I thought by checking out my latest blog post (link on my profile) 📚

Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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#sympathy #NoFemmeber
Still on the tbr pile!
Thanks Cindy and Vinny for a great month 😁💕

Kalalalatja What a great cover 👌 6y
Cathythoughts Beautiful cover 💕💝 6y
LauraBeth This is STILL on my TBR pile too and I was just thinking about it a couple of days ago! 6y
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TrishB @LauraBeth I remember rave reviews from @saresmoore too! 6y
saresmoore @LauraBeth @TrishB This one could fit some reading challenge prompts for next year! 6y
TrishB @saresmoore I shall have to remember all the books languishing on the tbr! 6y
Cinfhen I think @shawnmooney loved it too??? Or maybe he bailed!!?!?! It‘s on my TBR too 6y
LauraBeth @TrishB one of the best things I started doing within the past few years is to actually note where the recommendation came from when I add a book on my TBR - just checked - I noted @saresmoore liked it 😂 Also now thinking where to squeeze this in 🤔 6y
TrishB @LauraBeth lol 😂😂 and @Cinfhen is right @shawnmooney liked it too! We‘re in good company- definitely tbr next year! 6y
Billypar Sounds like high praise from some shrewd judges of book character- I will have to investigate 🕵️ Thanks for joining in the musical fun this month- I'm psyched for #WinterWonderland ! 6y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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I've just opened October's subscription box from Reading in Heels UK. Full of goodies and "Sympathy" by Olivia Sudjic. I'm looking forward to starting this soon!

Have you ever tried a book subscription box? Do you have any recommendations??

Cinfhen This one looks really fun 💋💄🙌🏻 6y
whatrebeccasread @Cinfhen totally! I love opening up the box for a surprise each month! 📚 6y
Cinfhen Need to check if they deliver internationally ???? 6y
whatrebeccasread @Cinfhen oooh I‘m not sure about that, I‘m in the UK. If not I‘m sure there must be something similar wherever you are, there seem to be quite a few book boxes right now! 6y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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I couldn't find a single book with a #pinkcover so here a two where it's at least a significant colour! #readingwomenmonth @thereadingwomen

Weaponxgirl Ohh that forgotten book looks really good! 6y
Moray_Reads @Weaponxgirl it is, and beautifully illustrated 6y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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1. Teal or turquoise
2. Dirk Gently (I only binge infrequently)
3. The tagged book is the definition of a Wikipedia rabbit-hole.
4. Tomato ketchup and mayonnaise but they can't touch each other on the burger...
5. It is my third attempt to get a washing machine delivered. If anything goes wrong this time there will be a reckoning (in the words of Tiffany Aching)
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

vivastory I feel your pain with the washing machine. Last month I had a washing machine & dryer delivered, only to discover that the dryer kept running the cycle until the door was opened. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! 6y
Moray_Reads @vivastory the last two we had delivered were broken before they even arrived. Better still the first guy disconnected the old washing machine (which is broken) and when he realised the new one was damaged he just left the old one one middle of the kitchen floor. I'm 5 feet tall and 7 stone, I nearly gave myself a hernia moving it out of the way 🤬 6y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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These books from #newauthors are at the top of my TBR right now. Hopefully I like them better than the other debut I read this year...😬 #awesomeautumnbooks

Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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1. South Florida
2. With a 2017 release—Sympathy (Sudjic)
Best new to me this year—Do Not Say We Have Nothing (Thien) AND ? A Constellation of Vital Phenomena (Marra)
3. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Brontë)
4. A Wrinkle in Time (L'Engle)
5. Pride & Prejudice (with Keira Knightley) OR Fight Club
6. Elmet (Mozley)


Thanks for this idea, @Liberty ! I'm looking forward to reading everyone's responses.

shanebeth I love that version of Pride & Prejudice! 7y
underthebelljar A Wrinkle in Time and the sequels were my favorite childhood books too! 7y
saresmoore @shanebeth It's the only one my film-snob husband will watch! I lurve it. 7y
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saresmoore @BookishJess Yes! I love the sequels, too, but as a kid, I tore up the copy of A Wrinkle a Time that was my mom's. It finally died a noble book death and it was so fun to read the series through as an adult when I replaced it with a box set! 7y
LeahBergen I'm looking forward to Elmet, too. 7y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I don't remember hearing anything about it until the Long List came out, but the description has me quite intrigued! 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Meet Lola, my new book buddy 😜

Bookzombie So cute! 🦄 7y
diovival Adorbs! 7y
Sace 💗 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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These are the books that will stay with me forever
#bestreadsof2017sofar #jubilantjuly

saresmoore Seconded! This makes me want to scramble and read the ones from the collage that I haven't yet. 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore I'm seeing Sudjic AND Ali Smith at the Edinburgh Book Festival next month. Be still my beating heart... 7y
saresmoore Oh my gracious goodness! That will be amazing! 7y
shawnmooney Some of my favorite books in that line up and I second @saresmoore in drooling with envy about the festival! ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen The Festival!!! 😩😩😩 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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#bookmail my lovely #goldsboro signed first editions. I shall order no more books this month (apart from 1 more folio) 📚❤️

BookishMarginalia What a lovely Strout edition! 7y
DeborahSmall @BookishMarginalia I loved Lucy Barton so much. Can't wait to read this 7y
LeahBergen Sympathy sounds SO good. 7y
DeborahSmall @LeahBergen take it off your tbr, one magically appeared for you today too. The book fairy knows her stuff 😘 7y
LeahBergen @DeborahSmall REALLY? Eeeee!!!! 😘😘😘😘 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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WTF did I just read? Mindf*ck doesn't even begin to describe it. This is a debut for Sudjic who is undeniably talented, if possibly insane (which is not necessarily a bad thing). The themes of obsession, aging & time, the virtual world, generational & cultural dynamics, the life of a city are all reflected unflinchingly through filtered squares and backlit screens in the eyes of a seriously unreliable narrator. I need to recover now.

saresmoore I've already forsaken all social media besides Litsy, but I'm even rethinking THIS right now. Deep, cleansing breaths, Sara. 7y
vivastory Excellent review. I had not heard of this one, will definitely be adding to tbr. Speaking of social media critiques I also need to read 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore it's like that time I watched a crime drama where the serial killer found people through the "check in" feature on Facebook. Yep. Never did that again ?? 7y
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saresmoore @vivastory I want to try The Circle, too. My husband started reading it and really didn't like it, so I haven't been in a hurry to do so. My only critique of Sympathy is that it probably could have been about 50 pages shorter with some good editing. She digressed into some slightly repetitive internal narrative toward the end. But still an incredible book. 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads I KNOW! Gah! My poor children. The future is bleak. 7y
Cinfhen Excellent review 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore I'm glad you liked it though. Not that "like" really expresses it. It just drags you down and refuses to let go. It will be interesting to see what she does next 7y
saresmoore @Cinfhen Thank you! I was trying to rein it in with the profanity, but this book sort of elicits it. 7y
Moray_Reads @vivastory it's quite an experience. Pushkin Press certainly know how to pick 'em! 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads I agree. Her talent truly stood out to me. Every time I found myself questioning the limits of reality, I realized that it was exactly what she intended. The connections of physics, Japanese culture, NYC, start-ups & online presence—she's observing something of great magnitude and she wants the reader to see it, too. 7y
vivastory @Moray_Reads They're wonderful. Such great covers too. 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore the characters too. Every so often I found myself thinking "but people aren't like that. They're not that crazy and weird" but they ARE (some people). I KNOW people like that! 7y
saresmoore So true. @Moray_Reads Which is precisely why it's so unsettling and yet totally immersive. 7y
Suet624 Jeepers! Should I unstack this? You're making me nervous just reading the review! 7y
saresmoore @Suet624 I've been thinking about you ever since this got to intensity level 10. 😳 Ha! There's a LOT of anxiety in the book—both overt description and tone—and there are some pretty disturbing parts that could be triggers. 7y
LauraBeth @saresmoore - this is a great review and now I totally want to read it. Can you clarify what could be triggering without spoiling it? 7y
Suet624 I'll keep it stacked but I'll wait for a bit. I need to read something other than carnage and devastation for a bit. 😀😀 I seem to have OD'd on it. I think that's why I sucked up my last book. It had some creepy but a lot of humor and tenderness. 7y
saresmoore @LauraBeth It might be a bit of a spoiler, but I feel it could be significant. She depicts a miscarriage in a very raw and slightly graphic way. I chose to skim through that part a bit. 7y
shawnmooney Wonderful review, Sara! Between this and your thoughts posted on Goodreads I have a lot to chew on before I comment further. I am still processing—or is that reeling?—the book myself. ❤️ 7y
LauraBeth Thanks @saresmoore - usually I'm much better at reading things like that if I know in advance and am prepared for it! 7y
saresmoore @shawnmooney Reeling is the word! I think I need to turn to the consolation of Mapp & Lucia with a side of Carol Shields now. 😊 7y
batsy Love this review! The idea of all these heavy themes refracted through an unreliable narrator is very intriguing (and probably allows for a more interesting truth to emerge?). Aaaaah, I hope the paperback version comes out soon so I can get it. 7y
batsy @saresmoore Ha! This is making me think about this book, which I'm also interested in checking out 7y
saresmoore @batsy I Hate the Internet does sound interesting. The whole out-of-control Interwebs/technology/anti-privacy thing has been on my mind since Live Journal was new. 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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saresmoore @Moray_Reads You and I technically fall into the older millennials category, with (I hope) the addition of a healthy dose of maturity... Obviously Sudjic did not write her characters to be relatable, but I'm finding the surprisingly objective generational observations to be fascinating! 7y
LauraBrook You keep posting these lovely passages...#stacked 7y
saresmoore @LauraBrook Just a warning: It's intense! 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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*comes up for air*
*dives right back in*

Suet624 😂😂😂 7y
saresmoore @Suet624 Bryan is out of town, so I'm just going for it! 7y
Suet624 @saresmoore Who needs sleep? Go for it. 7y
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Ericmanciniwriter Woah that cover 7y
saresmoore @Eamann The cover is really striking. I have the feeling you would like this book. The MC actually reminds me a bit of Robin. 7y
BookishGirl06 I looked at the cover and thought maybe you got the image off a computer, then realized the cover is supposed to be like that haha 7y
merelybookish The main character in this book is so obsessive, it makes sense to read it obsessively. 7y
saresmoore @BookishGirl06 Yes! The cover is very evocative of the book's main themes. 7y
saresmoore @merelybookish I decided at about page 80 (after the involuntary shuddering stopped) that I wanted to go for the whole meta experience. I think that's how Sudjic intended it to be. 7y
merelybookish @saresmoore Yes. I found when I stopped for a while, it was hard to get reoriented. So best just to commit to the craziness. 7y
Suet624 Did you finish it??? 7y
saresmoore @Suet624 Not yet. Just under 100 pages to go! 7y
Suet624 Today then. 😁😁 7y
saresmoore @Eamann hahahahahaha just kidding. Robin is sane and normal, if a bit untethered. This chick is just NUTS. Amazing book, though! 7y
Ericmanciniwriter If you want me to read ANY book, this is exactly what you should say!! 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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I'm just sucked right in, I tell you! It's all written in first person, but Sudjic weaves in these astute other-perspectives without the reader's awareness such that you're subliminally reading this lush, full story but you don't even know when is the present. (I don't think that makes sense. Whatever, I'll shut up and keep reading.)

batsy That line about eyebrows 💜 7y
saresmoore @batsy Yes! I like the description of the hair soft like an earlobe, too. 7y
Suet624 The earlobe line made me touch my earlobe to experience the feeling. The clothes description is what I want my life uniform to be. This book is officially stacked. 7y
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saresmoore @Suet624 Silvia is a wonderful character. I relate much more to her than to the narrator (who is obsessive and extremely unstable). The book is a deep dive and because of that, it's extremely self-aware. I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into yet! 7y
Moray_Reads An example of an unbelievably good debut. So complex and uncompromising, loved it 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Uncompromising is a great word. In my musings on it so far, I've also used the descriptors "unflinching" and "shameless". Sudjic is too honest. It feels autobiographical and dystopian, although it is neither, and I'm committed to the experience of it even though it's making me kind of uncomfortable! 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore that doesn't really stop. They're were several points where I marveled simply because they would be unbearable, unreadable if they were written by someone with less talent 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Morning coffee and a little treat with my reader girl. Oh and the book that I got so sucked into last night it nearly smacked me in the face when I feel asleep reading it.

batsy Oh that looks like a lovely way to start the day 🍩📚 7y
saresmoore @batsy It really is! Lucy is rereading James & the Giant Peach for about the twelfth time and has already expressed a craving for peaches.?(Not to eat while she's reading, of course. "Too juicy.") 7y
batsy @saresmoore That's too adorable! Peaches are delicious but gotta protect the books, too 7y
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saresmoore @batsy She's very good with books. I taught her at age two how to properly turn pages. 😏 7y
Mariposa_Bookworm She loos like she is an amazing kiddo! 7y
saresmoore @Mariposa_Bookworm She really is! 7y
Suet624 ❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹 7y
batsy @saresmoore Aww 💕 7y
Moray_Reads Out of all the books I've read I think James and the Giant Peach is probably the one I've read the most. My mum says I knew it off​ by heart long before I could read it for myself! (I don't like peaches, the furry skin upsets me) 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads The fuzz really can be unpleasant. I've watched so many of my old Southern lady relatives peel peaches for so many years, but still haven't quite mastered the technique. It's a splendid book! The BFG was my favorite to reread. 7y
LeahBergen 😍😍😍 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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#day1 #junemostanticipated #junebookbugs These are a few I hope to get to this month...

Reviewsbylola I'm looking forward to Evelyn Hugo too. 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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TrishB Great graphic 💜 7y
Simona Nice.... and we all have fun when you bail 😘 7y
KarenUK Just picked up my library hold on this one 7y
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Cinfhen Fabulous month 💜💛💙and I applaud your personal best 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
LeahBergen 16?? 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Suet624 I wish I knew how to bail. 7y
rachellayown 👏👏👏 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Sudjic's voice is extremely clever, brimming with dry humor and smart insights. Where I struggled was with the pacing and the narrative. In fact, I think this would have worked better as a leaner novel with more focus.

Thematically, Sudjic has a lot of interesting things to say about a modern culture in which everything about anyone is available at our fingertips.

Lots of exciting stuff here. With better editing, it could have been truly great.

Alfoster Yes! Agree on all counts! I was frustrated with her many times but oddly moved by it as well! 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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My library holds came in. 😬 I'm also in the midst of reading five other novels, four non-fictions, two short story collections, and a book of plays. I just want to read ALL OF THE BOOKS!

LiteraryinPA I know how you feel! 7y
LeahBergen You're giving me book-anxiety. 😂 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk That hurts my book-monogamist brain. 7y
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Flaneurette I have these 2 on my tbr too! 7y
saresmoore @LeahBergen Hahaha! Sorry. 😬 It's my bizarre, intentional approach to read several books at once, but things may be getting a bit out of hand at the moment... 7y
saresmoore @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I actually thought of you! My husband and I are buddy reading The Sparrow right now, but I read him a few blurbs to get his thoughts on what we should read next. He said, "I dunno, when I'm in the middle of book I'm enjoying, I can't even think about reading something else." Well, if that's not devotion, I don't know what is! 7y
saresmoore @Flaneurette I read an interview with Sudjic and it made me even more excited to read Sympathy. 7y
saresmoore @LiteraryinLititz At the rate I'm going, I'll probably finish up about five books at a time! Phew. 7y
Moray_Reads Ah, Sympathy. What a mad ride. I've just revised my rating up on goodreads because anything I'm still thinking about weeks later deserves all the stars 7y
saresmoore Wow! @Moray_Reads I was convinced to read it by your previous review. I'm looking forward to it, but hope to finish like maybe at least one book I'm currently reading first? Darn kids. (I love them, I do.) 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore it doesn't really let go so that would probably be a good idea! They're are times you want to look away because it's almost excruciating but you just Can't. Stop. Reading. 7y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Yes! There was an interview with her that I read recently. I skipped the last third because I didn't want spoilers, but I really appreciate understanding her inspiration and I'm glad to hear that her execution matches the intensity of the subject. 7y
Suet624 Wow! This book looks great. Stacked. 😀. I don't know how you read so many at the same time!!! 7y
saresmoore @Suet624 It's weird, no? And I've always been that way. It helps me to determine what's really worth seeing through to the end. I love it when a book is so good that it derails all my other reading. 7y
shawnmooney Yay! 👏👏👏😍😍😍 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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It's a bumper crop of Brit Lit news today, including book recs based on your favourite Harry Potter character, the airbrushing of Jane Austen on the new (c8 note, best books of 2017 so far, and a ton of prize news https://britlitblog.com/2017/05/22/today-in-brit-lit-news-22nd-may-2017/

Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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I am always trying new stuff and often bailing. I second-guess myself: should I just stick to writers I like, writers closer to my own age? No way. This debut by Sudjic, 29, is one of the most exciting novels I've ever read: smartphones and anomie, adoption and obsession, being biracial and being a flâneuse, and much more. I snorted it as much as I read it. I mention one issue below under a spoiler tag; otherwise, I loved it. Like a junky.

shawnmooney Sudjic makes her protagonist Alice biracial, half-black, which in a way mirrors the object of her obsession, Mizuko, who's mixed Japanese and white. While Mizuko's biracial background is delved into quite a lot—Alice's identity as an adoptee is, too—I only noticed two faint references to Alice's biraciality in the entire novel. I may have missed some others. ... 7y
shawnmooney I feel that this part of Alice's story should've either been omitted or explored in more depth. 7y
Bambolina_81 Really interesting points 😊 7y
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Simona After such praising review, I have to put aside 7y
Reggie You're like that kid we never thought would fall in love so now we're curious about the book that managed to catch you lolol 7y
BookHermit Thank you for bringing this one to my attention. Wasn't even on my radar but what a great read. It could have used some tightening plot, pacing and character-wise but, still, wow. 7y
shawnmooney @BookHermit I am so glad you enjoyed it - and @mauveandrosysky whose review today I enjoyed! I wasn't at all fussed about the bagginess of the plot - not a perfect novel by any means but my compulsive fascination never flagged, not even for a sentence! 💜 7y
merelybookish I'm just reading your review now and agree 💯 percent with your thoughts on Alice's racial identity. I felt it was irresponsible. Like either deal with it or don't mention it. I think I've become sensitive to white characters writing POC. It can be done but it has to be done responsibly. 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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I just finished reading this extraordinary novel minutes ago and now I see today's theme is #NewYorkMinute. New York City is almost a living, breathing character in this novel; I can't remember another novel portraying the city as vividly. Review to follow…


Cinfhen Thanks for sharing & posting 💕I love when a city becomes a character in the story 🙂 7y
merelybookish Right! The main character walks everywhere. 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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MayJasper 😁 7y
saresmoore Hahahaha! 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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saresmoore Book fort therapy! 7y
shawnmooney @saresmoore Maybe… But only as imagined by Stanley Kubrick… :-) 7y
saresmoore Ahaha! Yikes. I can't wait to read this book! 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Izai.Amorim Yeah, silence equals thousand words! (edited) 7y
TrishB Curse of social media. 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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LeahBergen 😂 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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New book day! Really excited to read both of these soon.

shawnmooney 👍👍👍👍 7y
vivastory I've had "Special Topics" ever since I finished "Night Film." I've been delaying it since I feel like I might be really disappointed after my excellent reading experience with "Night Film" 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Hobbinol Oh I hope so! 🤞 I'll be there all next week! After 3 ballets, 4 shows and countless exhibitions later, I'll be back to my humdrum life... but if I could absorb some of that NYC pulse, it should see me through for a while... (edited) 7y
Lindy @Hobbinol Big excitement! Have a wonderful trip. 😀 7y
Hobbinol @Lindy Thank you so much!!! ❤️NYC, ❤️Lindy! 7y
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LeahBergen @Hobbinol You better find time to give us some bookshop postings! 7y
Hobbinol @LeahBergen you know I will! I hope to get to a library or two also. 7y
shawnmooney @Hobbinol Why did I think you LIVED in the Big Apple. Must have been because of your cosmopolitan verve. ❣️❣️Have fun!! 7y
Hobbinol Ha❗️💋 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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This story won't let go of me.

saresmoore This passage is gorgeous. It really does grab hold of you. 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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I want to party with Robin! Doesn't he sound adorable? 🤣

LeahBergen Yikes! 😂 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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batsy Lovely 7y
shawnmooney @batsy I ❤️her writing! 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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A fantastic new release about #obsession and how modern technology can inspire and feed it. Recommended
In fact #recommendsday! #maybookflowers

LeahBergen I can't wait for this one! 7y
Moray_Reads @LeahBergen it's so odd but so good 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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A somewhat interesting BBC interview with Sudjic. I'm still mesmerized by this novel! Her writing is so impressive.


mauveandrosysky Ooh this book sounds right up my alley. 7y
shawnmooney @mauveandrosysky Oh yes, I think you'll love it! 7y
mauveandrosysky Already ordered it, haha 7y
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Sympathy | Olivia Sudjic
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