I thoroughly enjoyed this. It was a story collection of the first 12 Doctors in order. My favorite was the 9th Doctor's story, The Beast of Babylon 💙
I thoroughly enjoyed this. It was a story collection of the first 12 Doctors in order. My favorite was the 9th Doctor's story, The Beast of Babylon 💙
Postman rang shortly after 8am. 😴
Second hand #BookMail and DVDs for the growing Doctor Who collection.
Some of the stories were better than others. My favorites were One's and Seven's. I didn't care for Eleven's or Twelve's. I might have liked them more in print, though, because the narrators weren't terrific. Overall, a decent set of stories.
+661 for #TeamHarkness #scarathlon
(8 hours 12 minutes)
12 stories x 15 each=180
1 for post
Enjoying Halloween at work! The tardis with the 10th doctor battling an evil scarecrow #halloween #funatwork
⚀ Time Lords, obviously!
⚁ iZombie is the only zombie show I've ever watched, but I only saw the first season.
⚂ TNG life! Engage!
⚃ Classic? Sleeping Beauty. Princess? Belle and Mulan. Villain? Maleficent and Scar. I 💟 Disney.
"Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind."
Watching the Christmas Special tonight with @LoverofLit.
A new regeneration always makes me so weepy, even when I am excited about what's to come.
#doctorwho #whovian
Current feeling after finally watching the Christmas episode of Doctor Who. I just knew it would slay me and make me sob- always does.
Who just got a weeping angel today AND is watching the Doctor Who marathon on BBC? Me, that‘s who!😆😊😆 thanks to my #secretsantagoespostal match!!
🎄My favorite holiday tradition is the Doctor Who Christmas special. Okay look, I love my family and I like seeing them in small numbers, not the overwhelming all of them at once that the holidays bring. My anxiety can't handle it. I can usually wind down and calm down to Doctor Who as a farewell to Christmas.
🎄There are so many and the list keeps growing.
🎄The Name of the Wind
🎄Yes, my father, brother, sister in law, and twin nephews.
When your out and about wearing your favorite Doctor Who shirt and the lady behind the counter excitedly tells you her favorite Doctor is Tom Baker you know you have found your people!
12 short stories, one featuring each Doctor. (I didn't realize this was the formula until Four. Silly me.) And the story for Twelve was written by Neil Gaiman - bonus!
Every year around Halloween time I seem to remember Doctor Who‘s Whisper Men. And every year this little adage here make me cringe. Are you as creeped out as I am? Yes? You‘re welcome. 😁😉👻 #spooktober #scaretober
#CelebrityCrush(es) @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck - I have got so many crushes it was impossible to narrow down!
#fallintobooks Since I tend to use everything for book marks I only have a few actual bookmarks. I think I might need to change that after seeing so many pretty ones in the post today😊
My Clara Pop came today!!! I adore her with 12. Still looking for some others and some that probably aren't made yet (Pond, Mickey, Donna, Martha, and the like). #FunkoPop! #Clara #ImpossibleGirl
For the Doctor Who fans - Humble Bumble deal!! @rabbitprincess
Guess this book needs a revised edition because we officially have a Thirteenth Doctor! Very excited to see what Jodie Whittaker's Doctor is like, who her companion is (or maybe companions, since Bill & Nardole were such a great team), and just generally all of the new shiny things that come with a new Doctor.
Inside view - I hope my #listystalking was top notch! #summersantagoespostal
#summersantagoespostal @BookishMarginalia this is going out today!!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this book. But it was time for me to bail. There are just other books catching my attention right now and it isn't the right time for this one. I think I will try again when the current season of Doctor Who is over and I am needing a fix!
The amazingly amazing corner bookmark my nieces made me while crafting tonight 💙💙
The weather here has been so gray and rainy, we haven' been getting very much #sunshine!
Last night, we took advantage of the sun coming out by grilling and having dinner on the deck.
#maybookshowers @RealLifeReading
*squee!* My daughter @Ciara_Rosey went to the Royal Easter Show today & bought me a Doctor Who showbag! It has a tote bag, a backpack, a watch, a stationery set, a hat, a thermos mug and a booklight! #doctorwhoyeahdoctorwho
A surprise present from the hubby today that I forgot to post. The sixth Doctor, Tom Baker, in that godawful, the designer must be colour blind, outfit. He said he's going to collect the rest for me, as long as he finds me the 4th, 9th, 10th & 11th Doctor plus the Tardis & maybe a weeping angel, I'll be happy! #doctorwhoyeahdoctorwho #wibblywobblytimeywimeystuff #DONTBLINK
EDIT- This is Colin Baker, not Tom Baker the 4th doctor!
Decal from my new vehicle. Im finally getting it decorated properly. Pardon the pollen. It's falling kind of early this year. #tardis #doctorwho #whovians #stupidpollen
Listening to a short Doctor Who story while I finish up my lists. I love that Catherine Tate is one of the narrators! If you're a fan of Doctor Who, this is a fun, quick read!
First- this is too cool not to share. Second- im really stuck on, ok obsessing about, Doctor Who and Harry Potter so my reading isn't measuring up. Short of a reread- anyone have suggestions?
Yes!! ❤️
The TARDIS can take me anywhere in time and space, so I #wishicouldbethere. Plus, I'd get to be with the Doctor. My doctor is 12. I'm pretty sure my Patronus is a grumpy old man. #booktober
What does Philip Reeve have against scarves?! Scarves are cool. And warm. #doctorwho #readathon
My @DeweysReadathon #TBR! If I finish these I'll quickly grab something else from the overflowing piles! I'm getting an early start as I have to watch Class over lunch. There's a theme here... #readathon #doctorwho
#Spinechillingpoetry for #AllHallowsRead - How about the Whisper Men poem from Doctor Who? I find it super creepy. 👻🎃 #photoadaychallenge
I LOVE Doctor Who.
I don't have cable,
I've only seen like 3 seasons,
and i have read 12 Doctors 12 Stories.
But gosh David Tennant's Scottish accent make this come to life even more.
#DoctorWho #Ten
@ultrabookgeek and I agree that we need to see more Whovians on Litsy!! 😍📚💕
I spotted the Tardis but....no Doctor....that's definitely not a Good sign...hopefully he's off running around saving the citizen of Dover, Delaware!
#Nerdlife #Whovian #DoctorWho #DoverComicCon