Scholars: Mrs. B can you do the Warrior book challenge. Me: What is that. Also me…Got it! I started this book a while back and couldn‘t get past the first chapter, I guess this is about to change.
Scholars: Mrs. B can you do the Warrior book challenge. Me: What is that. Also me…Got it! I started this book a while back and couldn‘t get past the first chapter, I guess this is about to change.
One of the tweens in my book club is always raving to me about the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. 😸 In fact, the first time we met she regaled me with a 45 minute discussion on the books, the characters, and why it's such a great series. I decided to finally give the series a try, and I can't wait to see her face when I tell her I'm reading them! 😻🐾📚💕 Rumpel is also VERY excited for me to read them to her! #catsoflitsy #rumpel
My youngest niece made me. It was boring for me but for a 10/11 year old I‘m sure it‘s a wonderful world. I‘ll give it a pick for that alone.
When my younger niece makes me read the series she reads; I read it.
I finally read this book after wanting to read it for years. I had read Bluestar‘s Prophecy before this which helped give some added context to her character and the clans. I would strongly recommend this book if you like stories about animals with their own social structure and religion such as Watership Down, Wolves of the Beyond and Guardians of Ga‘hoole. #Warriors #Animals #Cats
Found this book series last night trying to find something new to read. It‘s quite interesting.
Clans of feral wild cats and a house cat aka kittypet comes to help ThunderClan.
It‘s more geared towards younger readers but it‘s still great. And apparently there‘s a ton of books in the series, as well as other series with other animals.
#Warriors #IntoTheWild #ErinHunter #book #ebook #kindle #kindleoasis #series
#bookmail!!! I‘ve always wanted to try out this series. I‘m such a big fan of Watership Down, I think this would have been perfect for me as a kid.
I have read this book with my brother. It was in joy able and full of mystery. We have been looking for the next one and litsy may be the answer. Thank you!
Just finished rereading the first Warrior Cats book again since middle school. Trying to decide if I want to continue with the storyline, or jump books again📚 all I gotta say is: I‘m glad the books still hold up well over a decade for me.
#happyJune! This made me #smile this week! My daughter wanted to read these books and I discovered several of them FREE with Amazon Prime. Score! But what made me smile was the fact that she spent nearly all day Sunday reading and finished the first one in 2 days. ❤️ 📚#weeklycheckin @AkashaVampie
I loved this books when I was little still loved this book series
Any booktubers on here? I'm trying to find folks to follow that read more scifi/fantasy or horror. I follow a few that lean more lit fic and that's not really my genre.. but anyway, Daniel gives some good suggestions for kiddos! What other stuff would you suggest? Along the same lines as Redwall (which I loved all the ones I've read so far) is the tagged series.
✨YALL, does anyone else have very vague middle school flash backs about these books every now and then? For the longest time, I couldn‘t remember the title- just cats. Lots of cats in a forest. 😂 finally found the series and now I wanna reread them and take a trip down memory lane.
I learned through the wiki that Erin Hunter is actually 4 writers. I see these all the time listed in my library so I thought I'd give them a shot. #ebook #library #overdrive
New book series!! :)
Call it a guilty pleasure, call it slight escapism, but for $1.00 I could not resist picking up this book. Cats that fight, that have a society, and that talk is just endearing. Furthermore, there is a lot of conflict, character development, and adventure. #recentlyread #nospoilers #YAFANTASY 😂😁❤️🐱
✌️😜: went to a show on Monday!
🐱: tagged! I was so surprised how much I enjoyed the book. But, I mean... WARRIOR CATS! 😂
🤓: New glasses and reading
🌤️: Promising rain. I hope it isn't bad.
🍽️: Whatever it is, it will be good. Mom is the one cooking dinner.
#friYAYintro @howjessreads 😊🖐️
My students just introduced this series to me and I had no clue there was a world of cats I knew nothing about. Book one is on its way...but the gift of book 2 for my birthday was a pleasant surprise from one of my reader babies.
I decided to give this book a try because I've seen a lot about it. Really, it comes down to me giving into reading things my younger self would have liked. It was okay. Cats with human like personalities and being divided into Clans. Humans are still a thing in thus universe but they aren't featured.
Just put up a video this week on middle gtade recommendations!
If you're looking for some chill and cute books to read, I've a few here for you. 😁
This was a book I found a couple years ago, I had always loved cats and I immediately fell in love with this book. It was one of my favorites throughout elementary school, looking back on these books I realized just how much it became apart of my life.
From meeting Graypaw to the iconic prophecy “Fire alone will save our clan” it was an emotional journey I would definitely recommend to my friends.
Reading this for a small book club with @samesfoley and I am honestly surprised at how well written this is!
Next read? Into the Wild gets the nod due to amber_ldsmom‘s great review and my daughter Novalee‘s inability to put any of these books down for a breath. Has anyone read past the first few books?
I LOVED the Warrior series. I had them all. Still do actually. Also big shout out to Tamora Pierce.
My fave book this year so far is The Left hand of darkness. I‘m still processing all of it.
The fault in our stars. #sorrynotsorry
@ReadingsByTheC @goodthinkrebel ❤️
If anyone wants to follow me on Goodreads my user is Maddie B I usually always post reviews for the books Ired on here on there and rate them
🎧 AN UNBELIEVABLY GOOD AUDIOBOOK! MacLeod Andrews somehow took a huge cast of cats and gave them all their own voice. I couldn‘t get enough of it.
📖 The similar cat names were confusing, but I remembered the main characters and used the character list in the beginning of our (well-loved) paperback. Also, several cat characters didn‘t live thru this installment 😿 which shows how adventurous and exciting the authors chose to make the story. ✔️+
I started listening to this audiobook today and it is awesome! MacLeod Andrews narrates; he is one of my favorites.
I‘m following along with my girls‘ paperback copy, which has two maps and a (warrior cat) character list in the front. This is helpful, because there seem to be a lot of similarly-named cat characters in here 🐈
If you love: #middlegrade lit or cats, you just may like this one too!
I have had this book ever since i was in Elementary school. These books have been an awesome read and a great twist on a story that involves cats. This book is in the styles of survival with cats that can talk and belong to different "clans". This realistic fiction would be a great read for children during the summer to continue their comprehension skills. This RF has many different sequels and spin offs that would surely keep and student busy.
4 months later and I finally finished!!! Fun read! Would recommend to anyone who loves cats. The main character, Firepaw is definitely loveable along with his friends. I don't think book 2 will take as long 😊
Hey, @LauraBeth , your endorsement worked! 😺
Prima jeugdboek, ik denk dat het wel een goede serie is. Ik ben alleen nog niet helemaal overtuigd om verder te lezen. De verschillende katten en Clans maken het nogal ingewikkeld. Wel een originele storyline, dat moet ik toegeven. Ik gaf dit boek: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is what happens when a cute boy tells you to read a book... #catsoflitsy #katiethecat #ilikecats #easyreading
Buddy read with my daughter. It doesn't get much better than that!❤️
My 10 year old just said "Mom this book changed my life. Put all your other books down and read this!" What else can I do? ???#raisingareader #catsvsdogs #octphotochallenge
I love the Warriors saga mainly because of 1) the sheer number of books 2) the awesome characters and 3) the amazingly descriptive scenes
For generations, four Clans of wild cats have shared the forest according to the laws laid down by their ancestors. But the ThunderClan cats are in grave danger. The sinister ShadowClan grows stronger every day. Noble warriors are dying and some deaths are more mysterious than others.
All the elementary Litsy teachers out there, this book is a hit with primarily the 4th grade age group. I was OBSESSED with this series...❤️ 10/10❤️
I loved this series as a kid. In this first series, Firepaw enters the wild, choosing the feral cat life over living with humans. It's a great story, perfect for any cat-obsessed child. After reading these, I used to imagine my cat was a clan leader in his past life. 😆 | ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Enter a complex, interesting, and entertaining society of cats, filled with rulers, warriors, hunters, healers, caregivers, apprentices and elders. An apprentice warrior, Rusty learns about bravery, fear, trust, suspicion, loyalty, suffering, grieving, avenging and celebrating. An enjoyable read!
I enjoyed this book far more than I expected! Great story with lots of twists. 4/5 ⭐️