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Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook
Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook | Anthony Bourdain
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Parts of this book I enjoyed. Parts of this book were boring. This book would be great if I knew all the people he was talking about. But I barely recognized any names, so I didn't really care how they act or if they are jerks. This felt more of a book for industry insiders rather than the general public.

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“You have to be a romantic to invest yourself, your money, and your time in cheese.”

#luckyinlove #valentine #mediumraw #anthonybourdain

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 7mo
Eggs Bourdain - gone too soon😔 7mo
lil1inblue @Eggs I miss him! 😭 7mo
lil1inblue @Eggs I miss him! 😭 7mo
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Oh I love this man and miss him 😢

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"If you‘re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go."

Anthony Bourdain, Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook

DimeryRene This is my favorite quote. I live by this and have since I first heard it right after I graduated college. 🥰 4y
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LOVED IT! This was my first Bourdain. Now I have to seek out Kitchen Confidential! Absolutely loved his voice and the things he had to say. His topics seemed all over the place but I enjoyed each chapter.

Leftcoastzen I miss him ! 4y
JenDR I loved this book and kitchen confidential. He also wrote a novel as well, I believe but have never read it. Has anyone? Was it any good? 4y
perfectsinner On my list, miss him 4y
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Twainy Loved both but KC more 🖤 I have his Typhoid Mary book and want to read that one now. 😁 4y
rather_be_reading @Leftcoastzen I never watched his show 😢 4y
rather_be_reading @JenDR i have the novel, but have not read it yet either. 4y
rather_be_reading @Twainy I def need to read KC! 4y
perfectsinner Yes, definitely read KC! I want to read Typhoid Mary also 4y
perfectsinner Awesome! Let me know 4y
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StolenBookmobile Putting on my list 📚 💕 4y
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🎧 So I‘m not a chef, I‘m not a fancy foodie and I‘ve never seen him on TV. That said I loved Kitchen Confidential and this book. He makes restaurant life sound fascinating. He has a unique take on food & life. He describes people & places & situations in a captivating seemingly truthful way. He‘s the perfect narrator for this book. Warning: there‘s adult language and situations. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️2/3

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Right when I started to feel his anger was justified and entertaining, he attacked Steve Irwin and rescued dogs... 🤭😳🤬

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Food experiments get crazy when I ready to much food lit... but mmm its So good! 📚👩‍🍳

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Memoir 6 of my #nonfictionnovember project - this one was a book on my #tbrexplode list for the month so I found the audio in hoopla. .
It was the first time I could hear Anthony's voice since his death. Some of the sections in this book feel even more spot on nine years later about food and restaurant trends; some of it hasn't aged as well. But it definitely demonstrates a maturity and clear understanding of his place in the order of things.⤵️

ReadingEnvy Some of this book is not for the squeamish. When I first picked it up I was a vegetarian and put it aside, it was a bit easier now, but he definitely looks at some extreme eating situations that are only available to the privileged and bored. 5y
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I finished this (on audio) a few months ago; and hearing Anthony Bourdain read it himself in his classic way, was exactly what I had hoped it would be. I think I enjoyed this more than ‘Kitchen Confidential‘- a more seasoned Bourdain, wiser. I miss his humor and wit.

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💔💔💔 I took my time with this audiobook, wishing to hear his voice, his humor, his personality. Still miss this man. Excellent book. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Leftcoastzen 💔miss him still so much! 5y
JenReadsAlot Me too... 5y
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Really good book. Was a good follow up to Kitchen Confidential, not as angry in this book as he was in the Kitchen Confidential. Can definitely see how he has matured not just in writing but in cooking as well in this book.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I‘ve been wanting to revisit Bourdain‘s nf, but previously hadn‘t felt up to it. THE LAST INTERVIEW was published Tues, so I started that, & decided to reread Medium Raw. It sounds dramatic & cheesy, but I think I‘m finally mourning. He touched his fans deeply. In this collection he backtracks a little on Kitchen Confidential; growth & CYA. 😂 Plus many more culinary delights. Hearing his voice was tough, but this is a nice collection.

JenReadsAlot Such a loss. 5y
britt_brooke @JenReadsAlot It really is. I don‘t usually care much about celebrities, but he was different somehow. He seemed so connected. I still can‘t believe it. 💔 5y
Samplergal I still watch his show. We taped a lot. He was definitely a different type of man. 💔 5y
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Leftcoastzen I‘m still heartbroken 😔 5y
BlameJennyJane Ah, just to hear his voice... 5y
britt_brooke @Samplergal I really want to start watching/rewatching him again. 💚 5y
britt_brooke @Leftcoastzen It‘s still so devastating. 😔 No Reservations was life-changing entertainment for my husband and me. We bonded over it while hubby was in the army and often away from home. Bourdain was something special. I‘m so sad for his family and friends. 5y
britt_brooke @BlameJennyJane It was tough hearing his voice at first, but really did become comforting. He was so different. Miss him. 💔 5y
LazyDays He was one of the great ones. His perspective on life was beyond our years. Made him a special person.💗 5y
arlenefinnigan Haven't read it but bought it for my husband, who pointed out his perfectly executed use of the word 'c**t'. 5y
britt_brooke @arlenefinnigan 🤣 Yes! That whole essay is great, but that particular part is hilarious. 5y
britt_brooke @LazyDays Absolutely! 💚 5y
MicheleinPhilly I picked up the coffee table book that CNN put out when I was in the bookstore with Cindy last week. I paged through it but had to put it back. I wasn‘t ready for it. 😔 5y
britt_brooke @MicheleinPhilly I have that one and I‘m planning to finally go through it soon. 5y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve only read Kitchen Confidential but this one‘s on my list. 5y
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Anthony Bourdain!
This book is fun and irreverent as you would expect from Bourdain. Lots of insights into the world of food, television and his own life. I'm so sad he's gone.

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I agree so much with this quote! I highly recommend audiobook on this one. Him reading it is half of it‘s debauched charm.

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“If cooking professionally is about control, eating successfully should be about submission, about...giving yourself over to whatever dream they‘d like you to share. ...You shouldn‘t be noticing things at all...only dimly aware of the passage of time. Taking pictures of your food as it arrives - or, worse, jotting down brief descriptions for your blog entry later - is missing the point entirely. You shouldn‘t be forced to think at all. Only feel.”

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WhatWouldJaneDo Have this on my TBR but I haven't been able to bring myself to read it since his passing. I was a huge fan! 6y
CarolynM 👏👏👏 6y
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9 hours in! Got a lot done listening to audio this morning, and now I‘m gonna switch back to print for a few hours #24in48

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Submitting my #shelfie for #24in48 challenge... please excuse my awkward photo face 😂 @24in48 doodles courtesy of a much more talented friend ;)

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Taking a quick break from #24in48 for yoga class! In hour 6 and feeling good! @24in48

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Mmmmm oatmeal and Anthony Bourdain 😉. True story: last year, I finished kitchen confidential the night before mr. bourdain passed away. Obviously just a coincidence, but it really freaked me out. The other week, I finally felt like I could enjoy all his great work without only thinking about that, and I‘m so happy to listen to this during #24in48.

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⭐️⭐️ I didn‘t enjoy the journey of this book knowing the destination.

Unpopular opinion - his “bad boy persona” began to sound like a schtick in this book.

My neighbor stopped me to chat while walking Bitsy and I was so glad to put this on pause. And then I talked to her for an hour because I didn‘t want to hit play again.

Also - this review is marred by personal, messy feelings - so isn‘t at all objective. So just ignore it 😂

Kappadeemom Hope Bitsy enjoyed her walk! Jack wouldn‘t have let me talk to anyone for an hour..lol 😂😂 6y
LauraBeth @Kappadeemom 😂😂 I take advantage of Bitsy‘s long legs and make her run 2-3 miles with me. She was grateful for the reprieve and took a nap in the grass 😴 6y
Kappadeemom @LauraBeth nice!! Jack won‘t make it a mile, so I usually go run and then have to come back home and use Jack as my walking cool down. Double the work but he has short legs. And he‘s fat. 6y
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DGRachel Bitsy looks super happy! 6y
MicheleinPhilly A 2-star review for Anthony Bourdain??? We can‘t be friends anymore. 6y
LauraBeth @DGRachel she‘s happiest when she‘s outside 😀 6y
LauraBeth @MicheleinPhilly I‘m a Taurus - which means you‘re chained to me for life - so get over it! 😂 (edited) 6y
Viji Couldn‘t finish it either 5y
LauraBeth @Viji sorry you weren‘t able to finish it either ☹️ 5y
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Humans can be very flawed and complicated.

Not flawed or complicated: dogs. They just want to feel the sun on their face, chase birds and are SO GRATEFUL that today is garbage day, so we can stop and smell everyone‘s recyclables.

Also not flawed or complicated: cats. 😻

Cinfhen 🥰🥰🥰 6y
TrishB ❤️ very true. 6y
Cathythoughts So true ... our lovely little ( mischievous) pets 💕💕💕 6y
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mabell Enjoy the sun, Bitsy! ☀️❤️🐶 6y
AlaMich But cats THINK they‘re complicated. 😸 6y
LeahBergen Hello, sweet Bitsy. 😘😘 6y
TNbookworm Hey Bitsy👋👋 6y
LauraBeth @AlaMich 😹 so true! 6y
LauraBeth @Cinfhen, @TrishB, @Cathythoughts, @mabell, @LeahBergen, @TNbookworm 👋👋Bitsy enjoyed that sun on her face 🤗 6y
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@daniwithtea was right; I definitely liked this one better than Kitchen Confidential, which was written 10 years prior. I found it more interesting, and I liked that the ending was kind of an apology for the 1st book.

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2019 thread is up! Any other 75ers here? https://www.librarything.com/topic/301623

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After a discussion of favorite celebrity chefs in my queer cooking group, I decided to listen to a Bourdain book. He‘s not an excellent narrator, but that means that listening at 1.5 speed doesn‘t ruin the audio, and I can maybe finish it before heading out tonight for #24B42019 #readathon and my race to 100 books #readin2018 🤓

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Because of my insomnia I do not read in bed, but when we stay in a hotel the very first thing I do is hop under the covers with a book and get cozy. It feels like such an indulgence! We are out of town for a friend‘s wedding, and I‘m almost done with this book! I thought about taking it with me to read at the reception, as we knew no one there, but I refrained and actually talked to people!#socialanxietywin

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I wish I could write like he did. There could be no better sequel to “Kitchen Confidential,” and no better epitaph for his life, for a man who lived as much as he did. Rest easy, Tony.

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This was recommended in many lists after his death. My exposure to Bourdain is limited. The second half of this book is much better than the first. It‘s more like a blog or his rambling thoughts about random food things and people with little connection between them. It‘s was okay but it wasn‘t as good as I was expecting. #unpopularopinion

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Reading this after his death no doubt changed the atmosphere and context. The man had some demons going back decades. I think Bourdain is a phenomenal writer. The chapter "Lust" is one of the most divine pieces of prose I've ever read. Period. I was, admittedly, clueless about 90% of the people he talked about, but I found I didn't really care, it was that entertaining.

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Enough time has passed that I can read his books. It‘s wonderful to “hear” his voice through words. I miss it.

JenReadsAlot Agreed 😢 6y
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When Anthony Bourdain died, I kicked myself a little bit for never having “got around” to reading his books. I liked his shows No Reservations and Parts Unknown but just hadn‘t got to the books yet. This is the one that came in from my holds list first. I am glad I listened to this - with Bourdain reading his own work since he has turns of phrase that sound exactly perfect with his delivery and New York accent.

balletbookworm It went a bit long in places - the chapters where he gets into the nittiest of nitty gritties about a chef‘s process, etc did lose me after a while - but, agree with him or not, no one else wrote about food like him. Book 2 for #24in48! I‘m at a little over 13 hours - won‘t finish this year (there aren‘t enough possible hours left!) but definitely will have a strong showing. @24in48 6y
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The last words of this book....I‘m not crying, you‘re crying

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I always kept my distance from Anthony Bourdain because back in the day he seemed like...well kind of an ass. But after reading all of the stories and information online recently about his life, his beliefs, and his determination to educate us ignorant Americans on the rest of the world through food, I realized that I need to hear what he has to say. A trip to the library was necessary.

ApplesandSpindles I skipped a class in graduate school, which I never did, to go see him on his second book tour here in Austin. Kitchen Confidential was so great so I didn't want to miss him. I have never once been sorry I skipped that class. Lol! 6y
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I am not a fan of people who abuse service staff. In fact, I find it intolerable. It‘s an unpardonable sin as far as I‘m concerned, taking out personal business or some other kind of dissatisfaction on a waiter or busboy.

CarolynM Here, here! 6y
Leftcoastzen Man, I so agree ! If you are going to be an insufferable douchebag to people ,please stay home! 6y
CouronneDhiver Yes!!!! 6y
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Bon voyage, M Bourdain. 😭

mcipher It‘s so sad. Suicide is the freaking worst. 6y
mrsmarch @mcipher All day I was hoping it would be too many sleeping pills and too much French brandy. Almost an accident. I‘m so upset. 6y
Drnkpnkprincess @mrsmarch @mcipher i had been wishing (😖) the same thing. (edited) 6y
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mcipher I know what you mean. I heard late today and almost cried. Not like I know the guy but the sentiment is universal. It hurts you. 6y
mrsmarch I got a push notification to my phone from The Guardian while I was getting the girls ready for school this morning. He was so passionate. 6y
Schlinkles My heart broke this morning. I met him briefly at an event and he was lovely. So funny and warm. 6y
mrsmarch @Schlinkles I have been near to tears off and on all day. I‘ve been watching him for years and I felt the CNN move was really good for him. He just seemed to blossom. 6y
mrsmarch @Drnkpnkprincess Isn‘t it a terrible world when we‘re hoping a tragic death was at least gentle? And not tortured? 6y
Schlinkles @mrsmarch I felt bad for my husband because he got back from walking our dogs this morning and I was bawling. I just wouldn‘t have ever expected this, but I guess you never know what people are dealing with. 6y
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‪“There‘s something wonderful about drinking in the afternoon. A not-too-cold pint, absolutely alone at the bar – even in this fake-ass Irish pub.” -‬Anthony Bourdain —— RIP

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I‘m positive I‘m not the first or last to post about Anthony Bourdain. But here‘s what I posted on FB, along with President Obama‘s tweet.

I hope that these two celebrity suicides touch people in a concrete, offline way. That they encourage friends and family to reach out to each other. To check on people. To help them get help. Because the pain is real. Don‘t wait for someone to ask, but reach out and ask them yourself.

britt_brooke 💔💔💔 6y
AmyG 😪 6y
riversong153 Agreed. People are truly hurting. 6y
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Leftcoastzen 💔absolutely heartbreaking. 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker 😭😭😭 6y
Smrloomis 💔😢 6y
Bookzombie 💔💔💔 6y
DebinHawaii So very sad.💔 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I remember this photo of the two men. ❤️💔 6y
Sungirl79 So heartbreaking ugh!!💔💔😭 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @erzascarletbookgasm It was such a great episode also! 6y
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#heartsandhardcovers #mybloodyvalentine

Bourdain was my gateway author to foodie books. I loved Kitchen Confidential.

Booksniffer I savored every word of kitchen confidential. Bourdain is so hawt.😜 7y
mrp27 @Booksniffer 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🏻👏🏻☺️ 7y
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I am conflicted over this one. This feels like the kind of advice that is really easy to give the farther (further?) you are from 22. But on the other hand, I agree that you have the most to gain at 22 from global experiences.

@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

tpixie My son is 28 - in the last 1.5 years he's been to Thailand , Malaysia,France, Belgium, Amsterdam, Mexico, Iceland and he just spent the last month in South America- Columbia, Chilé, Peru. I wish I weren't so set in my ways!! 7y
Rachbb3 Give me the money to do it and I'll do it at 42! Lol. 7y
PenguinInFlight I would do this at 34 if I had the money, LOL! 7y
AlaMich Your mind is super open at that age, but it's also physical I think. I just turned 50 and it would be hard to do the hostel/backpacking stuff I did at 25. 7y
Louise I am so glad that I traveled widely in my twenties. I filled myself up with art, architecture, foreign languages, and culture. It was wonderful! ❤️ (edited) 7y
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I enjoyed this audiobook; maybe not as much as Kitchen Confidential, but Bourdain really knows how to write! This felt less like a memoir and more like a collection of essays with some life stories thrown in, but I'd definitely recommend the audiobook.

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If you enjoy funny, cynical, poignant writing about everything from cooking to parenting, you will enjoy this book.

AmandaL I've been wanting to read this one. I loved Kitchen Confidential. 7y
Megabooks Love this book! 7y
Owlizabeth Highly recommend the audio of this - Bourdain narrates and is amazing. 7y
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Sometimes it's great to read an author who seems to understand where you are in life.

Not much time for reading today. I'm 30 pounds of potato salad and 60 pounds of fruit salad into a crazy weekend, so far.

No rest for the wicked cooks of the world.

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One of the things I love about Bourdain is his unflinching honesty about his checkered past.

MsLeah8417 That was a great read! 7y
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Took a little day trip today to our local State Park. There's nothing like a good book in the great outdoors!

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Going through some books for photo prompts... CREEPER MUCH, ANTHONY? 😳

monkeygirlsmama LoL 😜 7y
Robothugs It's a very judge-y look. 😝 @monkeygirlsmama 7y
Cinfhen 😂😂😂 7y
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GypsyKat Hahaha! 😂 7y
laurencjay 🤣 7y
britt_brooke 😆🙈 7y
monkeygirlsmama I had to add I find it mildly ironic that he's peeking out from underneath "Stalking Jack the Reaper". ???????? 7y
Robothugs I just noticed that 😂😂 @monkeygirlsmama I admit to nothing. 😬 7y
Sace Perfect picture! 7y
RealBooks4ever 🤣🤣🤣 7y
stargazerblue49 😂😂😂 7y
Zelma 😂😂 I love this so much. You should totally make a bookmark that looks like this. 7y
Robothugs @Zelma that is an amazing idea! 😂 7y
monkeygirlsmama @Zelma Fab idea! 😹 7y
Zelma @Robothugs @monkeygirlsmama I'm now envisioning a whole series of creeper author bookmarks. 😂 7y
Robothugs @Zelma @monkeygirlsmama I'm pretty much ready to make these bookmarks now lol 7y
Centique That is hilarious! 🤣 7y
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Meh 😕

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🎧🍽😋 #Audiobook #FoodieBooks

Listening to my latest foodie audiobook over a lovely Thai dinner. Yum!😍😋

Yes, it's another Bourdain because I really enjoyed his other one that I finished last night. (Kitchen Confidential)

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What a rockin' audiobook! Two parts anger, one part cursing, and seven parts wisdom and wry humor. Bourdain is a recipe for new perspectives on food, travel, writing, critics, and even a little about fatherhood. Each night over dinner, I found myself telling Mr. B about what I listened to that day.

Longer review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1893392092


anwade88 1 part cussing, definitely lol 😂😂👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 8y
britt_brooke Love him! 👏🏻 8y
Cinfhen Totally sold me on the audio😊thanks💗 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Hope you enjoy as much as I did! 8y
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