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To Be or Not To Be
To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
William Shakespeare's Hamlet has finally been restored to its original second-person non-linear branching narrative format. I know! What took so long, am I right? Now it's up to YOU to decide what happens next. Play as Hamlet and revenge your father's death. Play as Ophelia and make scientific discoveries. Play as King Hamlet, Sr. and die on the first page! This deluxe edition features insanely beautiful illustrations for every ending, a book-within-a-book, and lots of ways to stab dudes.
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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A short, funny Hamlet based choose your own adventure. I was able to play all three parts (Ophelia, Hamlet, and Hamlet Sr.) and still finish in 45 minutes. The story was funny and I found myself laughing out loud at certain parts. 5🌟

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Got through 6 books total.
Two audio books and 5 regular books.
Didn't love West End Girls or The Story of my Teeth
The rest were all good. In The Quick was my favorite of the month.

Eggs Great reading month👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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@MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Look what I found! Someone put together a great list of other Choose Your Own Adventure stories!



Hestapleton The Ryan North books are soooo good!! 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @ozma.of.oz OMG I LOVE YOU!!! ❤️😱❤️ I have to have them ALL!!! 🏃‍♀️💨 4y
BookmarkTavern @Hestapleton Good to know, thanks! @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I know right?!? The noise I made when I found this article was inhuman. 😆 4y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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I love this #BookSpin idea — allows indecisive folks like me to cut through their book backlog! 😂

I don‘t have 20 books on hand (right now) so here‘s my current list.

All the Missing Girls - 1, 13
Rebecca - 2, 14
Wicked Fox - 3, 15
Red White & Blue - 4, 16
Grace Year - 5, 17
Fifth Season - 6, 18
Gilded Wolves - 7, 19
4 Dead Queens - 8, 20
Sorcery of Thorns - 9
Testaments - 10
Institute - 11
Crown of Feathers - 12

TheAromaofBooks Love it!! A few of those are on my list as well. And Rebecca is an old favorite! ❤ I'll tag you next Sunday when I draw the number!! 4y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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I love hamlet, but this didn‘t really do it for me. I can see this as a good way to introduce a child to Hamlet, but for a long standing Hamlet fan, not so much.
#Hamlet #Shakespeare #ToBeOrNotToBe #RyanNorth

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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I for sure didn‘t play through all 3,001,181,439,094,525 endings in this book, but I got through the readings for the kind of reader I am right now. I love how these CYOA books change and are “new” each time you pick them up. There is something new for every kind of reader—safe, risk-taker, curious, methodical, whatever. North is a delight. And hilarious.

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. .. I only ever read one book at a time .. so if I‘m procrastinating, ( unless it‘s for Bookclub ) .. it‘s most likely over ..

2. .. I know intuitively what I like & I follow that ... I can‘t always describe what I like , I just know ... if I‘m not feeling it , it‘s quits. I need to lock into the book , I‘ve got to feel it .. It‘s an unconscious process..

Great questions 👍🏻❤️❤️❤️📚📚@TheSpineView

ljuliel Makes sense to me. 😊 5y
Cathythoughts @ljuliel thanks! Good books can touch something deep in us ... ... 👍🏻❤️ 5y
TheSpineView Most times I give a book longer than I should. I feel a little guilty if I don't. Thanks for playing! 5y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Ophelia has a -1 for water 🤣🤣🤣

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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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These books are fun. But I somehow always get through them as peaceably as possible 🤷🏻‍♀️. Even when I choose to avenge my father & kill Claudius, things turn out alright 💁🏻‍♀️. Don‘t know why ole Will had to make things so melodramatic 😜

wordzie 😎❤ 5y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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The dedication of this book - hah! 🤣🤣🤣

wordzie 😂😂😂❤ 5y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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I used to love choose-your-own adventure books when I was a kid. A choose-your-own adventure book based on Shakespeare‘s Hamlet where you can change the whole story? SIGN ME UP! I‘m not even sure I can say I finished this book because there are so many different ways each character can go. You can even play as Ghost Dad! I laughed so hard with this book. You can tell North is familiar with the work and has no problem poking fun at it. #shakespeare

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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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If you've never wanted an RPG-style "Hamlet," why are we friends? ?

Absolutely adore this choose-your-own-adventure re-imagining of my favorite Shakespeare play. With over 100 different outcomes and the choice of playing as Hamlet, Ophelia, or King Hamlet (yes, as a ghost!), this book offers endless hours of fun.

All the fun of a "Hamlet" RPG without turning on your Xbox ?

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Here is my TBR for Dewey. I‘m hoping to finish a couple I‘ve already started and get a few stories read from the collections. Here‘s hoping...

Reviewsbylola Great stack! Happy reading! 📖 📚 6y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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The New Yorker, Shakespeare, ah, good combo. 😁 #LitsyHumor

Texreader Free shipping!!! 🤣🤣🤣 6y
cobwebmoth So accurate.😳 6y
RohitSawant 😂😂 6y
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WarpedSweetness I agree @cobwebmoth so accurate! 6y
TongueTiedSLP11 The struggle is real. 6y
britt_brooke This is too funny, and so me. 😆 6y
Linsy Love this! 💖 6y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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#bookmail yay!!!! I funded a kickstarter for this book because I love Ryan North and Shakespeare!!!! Unfortunately it's not on Litsy yet, but I had to share it!!!! #williamshakespearepunchesafrigginshark #ryannorth #kickstarter

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Not in the system yet, so tagged under an another amazing book by the brilliant Ryan North. I love these so much. This is a bit of absurdity that I absolutely needed today.

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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This cracked me up on the way into work this morning & had me laughing like Ophelia. #shakespeare #chooseyourownadventure

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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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I‘m not very good with making monthly TBRs, because I‘m such a mood reader. But I think I need to read a Backman next, since I own three and have never read any. Where should I start?

ElyssaReads Ove was the first I read and still is my favorite! Wait on Britt-Marie till after you've read My Grandmother since they have common characters. 7y
britt_brooke I‘ve enjoyed all of his books, but Ove is my favorite so I‘d recommend starting there. 💚 7y
VinceReads I‘m the same way, I don‘t usually plan out what I read. Ove was definitely my favorite so far of his 7y
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JulAnna A Man Called Ove was my first and still my favorite 💕 I haven‘t had the chance to read Beartown yet. 7y
Kaylamburson Ove first!! And I feel the same way about TBRs. I'll be halfway through a book and think I know what I'll read next, but then the day comes and I pick up something completely different. 7y
CouronneDhiver Beartown wasn‘t my favourite ... it‘s a little different than the others. 7y
jlondon1963 I snort laughed through Man Called Ove and cried. Also funny and sad Britt Marie and Beartown is in my TBR stack. 7y
JacqMac @ElyssaReads @britt_brooke @VinceReads @JulAnna @Kaylamburson @CouronneDhiver @jlondon1963 Thanks everyone! I guess it‘s Ove for the win. I‘ll be starting it tomorrow. 😊 7y
JulAnna I‘ll be interested to see what you think! 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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I went to Montreal today with a clear objective, knowing that I'm broke and should ignore all bookshops. Then I entered a bookshop. Then I saw this choosable path book where you get to play as Ophelia, Hamlet or King Hamlet. Then I thought "it's a bit expensive and I really shouldn't but whatever, I'll buy it".

I can't wait to start reading it, even if I'm clearly not very good at making choices. ?‍♀️

gibblr I have (but haven't read) the Romeo and Juliet one, but also want this one!! 7y
CocoReads We read this for book group earlier in the year--it was a lot of fun! 7y
Aninski @CocoReads that's great to hear! I'm glad I didn't break my book buying ban for a crappy book 😆 7y
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Aninski @gibblr that's so cool, I didn't know that there's another one!!! I hadn't seen a choosable path book in 15-20 years 😱 I used to love them! 7y
gibblr Me too!! 7y
Moonpa So much fun! I "read" his Romeo and/or Juliet and it was great! 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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This is literally the first choice I made in this book (whether to be Ophelia-- +1 to science, -1 weakness against water-- Hamlet, or Hamlet Sr-- +1 to fighting, leading men into battle, and naps). Guess I should've known Hamlet Sr would be a bad choice, based on the whole...play. I never was good at these #chooseyourownadventure books.🤷🏼‍♀️*turns to page 472*

DGRachel 😂😂 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Shakespeare choose-your-own-adventure ! These should be fun.

#Backtoreading #followtheclues #retellings
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads

JoeStalksBeck 👏👏👏👏👏👏‼️❤️ 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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In To Be or Not to Be, Ryan North's wacky Choose Your Own Adventure take on Hamlet, you can play as Hamlet Sr.! Which means you start off dead! And you can choose to totally accept your death instead of seeking revenge on your murderous brother. Then you get to train ghost puppies in the #afterlife They're cute forever!

You can also choose to become a ghost marine biologist because ghosts can walk around underwater just fine. #JuneTunz

TobeyTheScavengerMonk There's also an ending that involves "Sexy Ghost Beach Volleyball". Y'know, just like in Shakespeare's Hamlet! 7y
Bradleygirl I'm going to have to buy this, or blackmail my library into getting Ryan North's books! 7y
mcipher I'm not a Shakespeare person but this sounds amazing. 7y
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Cinfhen Amazing!!! Great collage and best book for today's prompt 🥇🏆 7y
Reggie Lolololol what? 7y
Reggie This is awesome!!!!! 7y
readinginthedark I loved his Romeo and/or Juliet; I need to read this one! 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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DitrieMarieBowie These look really fun! 7y
Echo @DitrieMarieBowie these are super fun! 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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For @Kalalalatja 's #bookishwouldyourather !

1. Paperback (portability + price!)
2. New for sure! I don't do a lot of rereads.
3. Library! I only buy like a tenth of the books I borrow
4. Ugh, same cover I guess.
5. GoT, so I can try my chances with the Hound 😘
6. Another tough one. I don't like long books but under 100 is much more limiting so I guess I do have to go 500 😑

Kalalalatja 👏👏 7y
Jokila @Kalalalatja thanks for starting this! 😁 7y
Kalalalatja You are welcome! I am having so much fun looking at all the answers 😄😄 7y
Liatrek I love the Hounds character in the movie. I'm still working my way through the books. Sansa would of been better off leaving with him. 7y
Jokila @Liatrek yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😩 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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This physical #AprilTBR does not include the eight ebooks on my Kindle -- 3 library books and 5 ARCs. 😳
Luckily, I tore through the first ARC today and will lost a review tomorrow. Actually, later today, as it's almost 1 am on April 2nd right now. 😳😳
(That's a baby #Moonshine tail making a cameo, lol.)

BookHermit Lab Girl has been on my TbR for months. Might add that to my list as well 🤔 7y
Reviewsbylola I enjoyed Perfect Little World! 7y
ChasingOm @BookHermit I gave it to my mom for Christmas and she's letting me borrow it, but she has other friends who want it too so the clock's ticking! 😂 @Reviewsbylola I'll probably read it today because my library loan period is getting close. 👍🏼 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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A very tentative #apriltbr. Only two of these books were on my initial #LitzyAtoZ lists so clearly I'm not very good at sticking to reading schedules of any kind. Also book clubs, buddy reads, and book review podcasts keep forcing/tempting me to add more to the piles. Reading ALL THE BOOKS is hard work 😂 #aprilbookshowes @RealLifeReading

ChasingOm Hah! We chose the same book to tag, lol. Also, The Fireman on audio is EXCELLENT. 👍🏼 7y
BookHermit @ChasingOm 😂Great minds think alike! I loved Kate Mulgrew's narration of N0S4A2 so I just had to listen to the Fireman, too 7y
Jokila Black Hole is fantastic! 👍 I hope you enjoy it! 7y
BookHermit @Jokila On loan from my brother. He never steers me wrong! 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Too bad I don't know anybody that wrote Sandman/Neverending Story #fanfic in high school or I would post about that. Heh heh. Ummmm... how about these hilarious insane Choose Your Own Adventure Shakespeare plays by Ryan North of Squirrel Girl fame for #homage #feistyfeb

jpmcwisemorgan Romeo and/or Juliet ❤ 7y
Krysta As many of my students went out and bought this! They are crazy about it! And I think it is pretty awesome, too. 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Today's @bookriot #RiotGrams challenge is to post an author or character with my own name, but I had trouble with this. For being a common-ish name, Kristina isn't a name I see in books! So I picked instead a book for each letter in my name. See anything ya like?

Well-ReadNeck 🙌🏻 7y
Pagesflutter Well done! 👍📚 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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To read shelf is getting pretty full 😀#riotgrams

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Nothing like a Shakespeare game on a large screen. 😄

DGRachel What is this magic? 7y
gibblr Yes, do tell! 7y
JPeterson @DGRachel @gibblr It looks like they took one of those adventure books, and made it into a game. It's fun, and nerdy, where you can choose what will happen next. The reading is a bit to slow for my taste, but still enjoyable. 7y
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gibblr I've seen the book and have the Romeo and/or Juliet one, but where did you find the fun game version? I think I'd rather do it that way! 7y
JPeterson @gibblr It was a surprise, but I think my boyfriend bought it through Steam (online thing which allows you to buy and download games). 7y
gibblr Awesome! 7y
DGRachel Ahh....I have the book, just had never seen the game. Hmm...😍 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Well that was great fun! I read as Ophelia, Hamlet, and the ghost. Still have so many options to choose from but I read a sufficient amount for book group tonight. #LitsyAtoZ

CoveredInRust I just received Romeo and/or Juliet as a Christmas gift from a swap on here! It looks like a ton of fun! 7y
CocoReads It absolutely is--I read that one a few months ago. Between the 2 though, I liked this one better. 7y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Next read. I'm not sure it fits in any of my challenges except #LitsyAtoZ but it's for my bookgroup tomorrow. So far I've only read the stalling techniques but it's so fun!

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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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A very bookish Christmas. Hoping other Littens also had happy holidays.

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Probably one of the #bestblurbs I have sitting on my urgent TBR shelf. Yes, I have so many books my TBRs are now being moved around according to urgency. This one is for bookgroup, hence its "urgent" status. #seasonsreadings2016

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Reading this...cuz it seems like it will be distracting enough.

elkeOriginal This looks amazing!! 8y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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A choose your path adventure for adults! I'm not a fan of Shakespeare really but Ryan North has managed to take something I never understood and make it funny and interesting!

You can play as 3 different characters Ophelia, Hamlet or Hamlet Sr. I tried them all and tried to make my way through all possible outcomes but I'm certain I didn't find them all. I also preferred to play as Hamlet Sr. much more action and humor!

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Took myself to Barnes & Noble tonight. I figured I'd see what all the Murakami fuss is about, and the Ryan North sounds like fun. 📚☺️🎉. #bookhaul

PNWBookseller85 Wind-up Bird! I need to reread it. It's been a good 10 years. 😱 Where has the time gone!? 8y
the_hibernator I've read a couple of Murakami, but not that one. Hopefully I'll get to it one day. 8y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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When you are having a really stressful, anxiety producing day and you check the mailbox and behold! A book you completely forgot you'd preordered has arrived from Amazon.

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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Thekelburrows THIS is such fun! 8y
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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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"Hamlet is an emo teen in his early 30s" is the best description I have ever heard

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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@Liberty seeing your North post reminded me that I have To Be or Not To Be on my phone. 😁 Me good at books.

To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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family wants to go suntanning and I'd rather read (: @Nicola_VZ @Ksvz

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To Be or Not To Be | Ryan North
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Smooth, Hamlet..