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Poison Study
Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
About to be executed for murder, Yelena is offered an extraordinary reprieve. She'll eat the best meals, have rooms in the palace- and risk assassination by anyone trying to kill the Commander of Ixia. And so Yelena chooses to become a food taster. But the chief of security, leaving nothing to chance, deliberately feeds her Butterfly's Dust and only by appearing for her daily antidote will she delay an agonizing death from the poison. As Yelena tries to escape her new dilemma, disasters keep mounting. Rebels plot to seize Ixia and Yelena develops magical powers she can't control. Her life is threatened again and choices must be made. But this time the outcomes aren't so clear.
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Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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#AutumnPlease Day 30

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I don‘t own that series but I like to try the first book. I have heard good things about it.

iread2much It‘s a great series, but the return series (Shadow Study is the first) was not good 8mo
Gissy @iread2much Well, I will try the first trilogy then. Thank you🤗 8mo
iread2much @Gissy I hope you enjoy them! 8mo
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Eggs ❤️💛❤️ 8mo
PaperbackPirate I got this at a book sale and have been meaning to read it for a long time! 8mo
Gissy @PaperbackPirate I will buy it but maybe for next year. I‘m trying to finish a couple of series forgotten for a long time😳 8mo
PaperbackPirate Good strategy @Gissy ! 📚📚📚 8mo
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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The first in a fantasy trilogy centring around magic. Highly recommended.


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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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My 87th book of the year. 📚
Really good start to a series! Hoping it continues to be a fun ride. I'm going to be trying the second book as soon as I can get it.

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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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Oh no, I remember this one! I tried reading it once before. Bailed at pg. 1.

esurient Poor book is trying so damned hard to be immersive and exciting to catch readers, and it's so stereotypically YA it makes my eyes hurt. I didn't like the writing style (overwrought and without nuance); zero of the author's enthusiasm transferred to my reading experience. 3y
esurient I got further in to this one the first time I tried reading it, and I remember being disappointed by lesser focus on Being the Food Taster than I had expected. 3y
esurient Anyway, it's currently on sale. #pricedrop 3y
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readingjedi Totally agree with your comments. I finished the thing, it doesn't improve 😐 3y
esurient @readingjedi Such a bummer. Tanya Huff did a short story once that involved poison, extravagant food, and assassination, and I remember that one fondly. I need to dig it out. 3y
esurient "Slow Poison" in 3y
BookishMarginalia Yep, that looks pretty bad. 3y
esurient @BookishMarginalia It's a sad feeling to nope out of a book, but I'm not sorry for it. 3y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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You know that one series you read that's always felt like home when you open up the first page of the first book? A breath away from relearning the characters you fell in love with years ago, from watching battles fought and lost, victories and defeats throughout.

After years of searching for that first book with the same cover. I am finally reunited with the series, and I couldn't be more at peace ❤


Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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"What have I earned from you, Valek? Loyalty? Respect? Trust?"

"You have my attention. But give me what I want, and you can have everything."

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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I'm shocked how much I absolutely loved this. I shouldn't b since I've heard such great things about it, but medieval-ish fantasies usually aren't for me, this on the other hand... I was awake reading until 5 in the morning & I have zero regrets. I love the characters, the writing style was absolutely beautiful & the balance of romance/action/magic/political scandal was done INCREDIBLY. This was such a good book, I will b heading into book 2 ASAP!

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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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The memory of how grateful and naive I had been sickened me. It was three years ago. I had been a puppy. A puppy still wagging her tail as the bag's opening was tied shut.

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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I enjoyed this book a lot more than I expected. However, I wish we had gotten a little bit more development when it comes to the romance. While not exactly sudden, it was fast, and I didn‘t feel a true escalation from infatuation to love. I would have been happy if they had taken things slow OR if it had clearly been a passionate love that bloomed quickly. I do love the pairing - I just wanted more.

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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This was an amazing book. Maria V Snyder weaves an amazing world with a character you can't help feel for. I was so amazed by this book but I finished too fast and I don't have the other books on my vacation! But such a great read if you like a great herione and a really cool twist!

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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Dec 19 #The12ColoursOfDecember #RoyalPurple

If you weren‘t aware, purple is my favourite colour! 💜
I don‘t have many purple books, but I did manage to find at least one! I need to catch up on this series, but I really enjoy them! Magic and Poison masters, some politics. Yeah I might add them to the list for books I should probably finish in a series next year! 😋

#WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders

11 points

Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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I really enjoyed this one, despite the fact it felt like it took me ages to read! A good story 👍🏻
Have been too tired for reading and this week has felt like 10 weeks!! Roll on tomorrow night.
Thank you Cathy 😘

Cathythoughts Your welcome! I‘m glad you enjoyed. I‘ve been too tired to read lately too ... I think it‘s the stress of trying to make it to Christmas dinner & being together ... trying to get there safely & in good health 4y
TrishB @Cathythoughts it‘s very stressful ☹️ my son goes back to Belfast tomorrow to spend Christmas with his bf. We all got tested this morning so we know we‘re all negative. But Belfast is not looking good. Going to be a hard Christmas. ♥️ 4y
MsMelissa I‘m so glad you liked it 😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks I really love this series!! 4y
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Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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This was fantastic. The first in a magical series written back in 2005 I think. I adored Yelena and Valek. They had great chemistry. The magic was interesting-I believe that gets more attention in the sequel. Supporting characters were also very well done. I really enjoyed following Yelena on her journey. Creepy bad guys, valiant soldiers, and a dangerous job (food taster for the Commander)...this book has a lot to offer. 4⭐️

Bookworm54 I haven‘t finished the second half of this series (yet) but I loved the first 3 study books and to be honest I have loved almost everything I have read by her :) 4y
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Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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Ahhh! Thank you so much @TheAromaofBooks for this late birthday gift! I‘ve actually really wanted to read this series so I hope I love it as much as you do! ❤️❤️❤️

TheAromaofBooks ❤ ❤ ❤ Happy birthday + a couple months!! 😂 4y
wideeyedreader @TheAromaofBooks 😄 Thank you!! 4y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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Last week's reading went a little off the rails. I'm not usually a mood reader - I just jump into whatever is next on the list - but sometimes the list just isn't appealing! Wandering around my own shelves, I decided to reread this series and am so glad that I picked it up again! I love Yelena and Valek, the world building is excellent, and while the story concludes, there is plenty leading into the next volume. ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks My goal for #24B4Monday is to see how far into the series I can get. So far, I've completed this book & the short story that follows it (Assassin Study) & am about 1/3 of the way into book 2, Magic Study. Thoroughly enjoying my revisit to Ixia!!

@Andrew65 @jb72 @sumisbooks
Andrew65 A great success then. 👏👏👏 4y
faelinwolf I love these books! 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @faelinwolf - I am SO enjoying my reread!! I just finished the second book & am on to the 3rd!! 4y
iread2much I love this book! The 2nd series and the 3rd series aren‘t as good, but this original series is SUPER awesome 4y
tracey38 I really loved this series as well! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @iread2much @tracey38 - I'm really enjoying my reread!!! 4y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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Having veered wildly off my projected reading plan for the week, I found myself strangely restless in my reading yesterday. I picked up this book - the first in a series that I've been meaning to reread, and it is totally hitting the spot. There are nine books set in this world, plus a few short stories, so I am going to see how far I can get through them for April's #24B4Monday!! I have to work today, but still hoping to get some reading in!!

Crazeedi Good morning my friend! Have a great weekend 💛💚💙❤ 4y
BobbiB Sometimes a reread is really where it's at. When I'm struggling with reading I always go back to an old favorite. 💜 4y
RainyDayReading I love Poison Study! I've been meaning to re-read it as well since I just got my hands on the next books in the series. 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - Thank you Diane!! I've been thinking of you a lot. Stay well over there!!! ❤ 4y
TheAromaofBooks @BobbiB - I'm the same way! I have a few old favorites that always work for me. I also have a weakness for terrible P&P variations - sometimes they are just the right amount of awful that means I don't have to really concentrate haha 4y
TheAromaofBooks @RainyDayReading - I read this whole series a few years ago and loved it, especially the final three books. I've talked with a couple people about this series, so I can't remember if you were the one that I told that the author has several short stories on her website that really connect the books! Definitely recommend reading all 9 books set in Ixia. Technically the Glass trilogy is its own thing, but it adds a lot to the overall arc! 4y
RainyDayReading @TheAromaofBooks I didn't know that she had short stories up on her site! Thanks for letting me know. I know I have the first three in the Study series then I have....Touch of Power....Storm Glass and I think one other one...my collection of her books is a bit of a mess haha. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @RainyDayReading - LOL her site also has a helpful list of the best order to read the Ixia books, with the short stories in their appropriate locations. I think Touch of Power may be from a different series, which I haven't read yet but definitely want to! 4y
Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 4y
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Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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First read this book around 15 years ago. Let's see if it stands up to a reread

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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 I really enjoyed this one! The main character is a girl on death row who becomes the taste tester for the Commander of their realm. As she figures out who to trust, and who not to, you get to know a lot about her & her world. There‘s a good balance of political intrigue & personal plot lines/growth. This is a great start to a series I‘m excited to continue!

JamieArc I read this years ago and loved it, but never continued the series. Perhaps it‘s time to pick it up again! 4y
behudd @JamieArc yeah I‘m looking forward to reading the rest - tho the final 3 (of 6) books aren‘t available through my library‘s apps, so hopefully we can find them! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Loved these books - highly recommend reading all nine books that are set in this world, though - the Glass series is the middle trilogy and does add a lot to the overall story, although the narrator is different for those three. There are also several short stories on the author's website that fit between various books & add a lot to the world-building!! 4y
behudd @TheAromaofBooks cool! Thanks! 4y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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I love this book so freaking much, Valek is everything.

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Really enjoyed reading the book. I love the characters and the setting. Can‘t wait to continue with the rest of the series.

TheAromaofBooks Read these books a while ago and thoroughly enjoyed all of them. I highly recommend visiting the author's website, as she has published several short stories (most available to read for free on her site) that fit in between various books and really add a lot to the plot. I think most of them are listed here https://www.goodreads.com/series/111197-the-chronicles-of-ixia The books really build on each other - so fun! 4y
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Christmas books!! And, incidentally, Christmas games because tabletop games are my other addiction! Super stoked to have the set of Snyder's Chronicles of Ixia, as I really enjoyed those. Also the new Benedict Society book and the gorgeous Minalima edition of The Secret Garden!! ❤️ I'm a Dominion addict (this is expansion 7!). Also Azul and Onirim (not pictured). Sooo excited!!

curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks i got my daughter that The Secret Garden book for Christmas and i received the Alice in Wonderland one from her and my husband-rhey are stunning!! We also love the Mysterious Benedict Society 5y
BookishTrish Azul 😍😍😍 5y
TheAromaofBooks @BookishTrish - I've heard so many happy things about Azul I'm sooo excited. 5y
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TheAromaofBooks @curiouserandcurioser - I have a special spot for Benedict Society; those books make me super happy. ❤ Haven't see the Alice in Wonderland edition, but I bet it is gorgeous!! 5y
curiouserandcurioser @TheAromaofBooks we live Benedict Society so much too!! The Alice in Wonderland book is stunning! 5y
Deifio I got a couple of games too! Dominion is a great game. I liked Onirim too. Haven't played Azul, but it's game of the year in Germany. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Deifio - Well, I organized my new Dominion expansion into my old stuff: I now have seven expansions which comes to almost 18 POUNDS of Dominion across two boxes 😆 I may love organizing & sorting it all out almost as much as playing. 😁 Azul has fun dynamics. I always play some solo games (playing as two players) to get the hang of the basic mechanics of a new game, & I'm excited to play this one with actual people. The game itself is lovely! 5y
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Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder

Absolutely loved it and can't wait to read the rest of them to find out how they all start and end!

Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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Another book I picked up because I couldn't stop looking at it. Had the honor of meeting the author not too long ago and am happy to report that she was lovely. #7days7covers #covercrush

xxjenadanxx I LOVE this series. 5y
AutumnRLS Me too. I read it awhile ago and was shocked to find out that there are more than three! Can't wait to read them. 5y
AutumnRLS @xxjenadanxx ☝️forgot to tag you. Ooops. 5y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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It took a while for me to get into this one but once I did, it was hard to put down. I tried pairing with the audio but I didn‘t like the narrator. Yelena was a strong character and I‘m looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

LorieL I love this book! Actually, all of this author's books are phenomenal. 🤩 5y
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Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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I_Love_This_Book! 😍 I can't believe how little people are talking about this. This is so good! I just have to order the rest of the series. 😁 Good thing about finding books this old is that no need to wait the publishing of next parts of the series because they are already out. 😊📚

JamieArc I read this about 10 years ago and have vivid memories still of reading it and really enjoying it. 5y
Martta @JamieArc I'm not surprised. The story and the characters are really memorable. 😁 5y
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Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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Aaand I'm done! It's already Monday here and my total reading time was 24h 15m! Made it!!! 😁🎈🎉 #24B4Monday

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥳🥳🍾🍾 5y
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Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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Just hit 21 hours reading time. Funny, I'll be reaching my 24 hours exactly as the clock strikes midnight. 😁📚 #24B4Monday

Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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Some midnight reading. I'd love to have some tea with this but it's wayyy too hot here for tea even in the middle of the night. Weather reports say early next week will be cooler. I'm so hoping that's true! 🥵 #24B4Monday

Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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Just decided to join #24B4Monday readathon. I've been looking for a perfect readathon to do during my summer vacation and found this unexpectedly. Even though I'm a bit late to start I'm confident that I can get a lot of reading done before Monday. Just yesterday visited the library for some new material by coincidence. 😁📚

Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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Started reading this. The start feels very promising! 😊

Poison Study (Original) | Maria V Snyder
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I love my #MysteryMessageSwap Thank you so much @WriterAtHeart I especially love all the Rolling Stones, Nine Inch Nails, Pink Floyd & Stevie Nick's pages. Those are my favorites. I left a few things in there so I can discover them when I read the book Poison Study. Everything is fantastic thank you so much Emily 💖
And thank you @TheReadingMermaid for putting this together. Brilliant idea 😻
Also Druzy loved the box 😸

wanderinglynn My cat is a box inspector too! 😹😹😹 5y
RaimeyGallant So much fun stuff! 5y
AlaMich 😻 5y
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#30JuneBooks Day1: #CurrentRead
I was gifted this book few years ago & I love this cover compare to the ones we have in bookstore here 😊
Just started yesterday & really enjoying it so far. Love the poison testing part & the hint of magic happenin.
It's nice to go back to my favourite genre 😃 #Fantasy

#FantasyRead #Magic #booknerd #bibliophile

howjessicareads I liked that one! 5y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder

Pretty good

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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This was the last book I finished in February and really enjoyed it! I actually started this series in high school but never finished it. It got picked as my #blinddatewithabook in one of my book clubs and I‘m so excited to read the rest of this series!

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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For me this was good but not great. Still going with a pick bc the first half was really enjoyable. I had some issues with the second half. It felt either rushed or underdeveloped.

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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This took me longer than planned to finish but I never lost interest in it. The premise is interesting. The worldbuilding gave me a lot to think about. And that slow burning, slightly angsty romance was fabulous.

MarriedtoMrT Loved this one! 6y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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Hour 10: Lunch! I also probably should switch books.
#readathon #deweyoct

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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The beginning of this book was marvelous. It caught my attention and held it through the end.
The reason this isn‘t a ‘Pick‘ for me is due to the magic system and the ‘big‘ plot twist with the Commander.
I fell in love with the poison aspect and wish that it would have remained the star of the show. Not that the magic system is bad per say. It just wasn‘t my cup of tea. 3/5 ⭐️
I will not be picking up the rest of the series. For it ended nicely.

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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Kalalalatja Sooo many poison books, it is quite surprising 😆😆 6y
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One of the books that helped get me back into reading. Dive into the world of Ixia, assassins, and magic. It was a mostly enjoyable read and I am continuing the saga to find out what happens next.

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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This one is going back a bit. Maria was my classmate and critique partner when we were both studying for our masters at Seton Hill University. Her talent and professionalism was apparent from the get go and her career and work have been on the rise since. I remain enamoured of and attached to this series and love where she has gone with it. I eagerly await her next creation.

Weisubei Valek and yelena 😍, enjoy the rest of the series :) 6y
Crazeedi Seton Hill in greensburg pa? I know another author who teaches there 6y
KJHowe @Crazeedi that‘s the one. Which teacher? It is a fantastic program. 6y
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Crazeedi @KJHowe this is the series she writes, I've enjoyed it 6y
Crazeedi @KJHowe not sure the name of the first one in series, Victoria Thompson is author 6y
KJHowe @crazeedi Vicki is awesome! She was my mentor at Seton Hill and really helped me grow as a writer. Please say hello from me when you see her. 6y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder

"Everyone makes choices in life. Some bad, some good. It's called living, and if you want to bow out, then go right ahead. But don't do it halfway. Don't linger in whiner's limbo." -Maria V. Snyder

Chelleo Welcome! Checkout #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. They‘re great and should help you get settled in. Follow @LitsyHappenings to find out about various challenges, buddy reads, meet-ups and swaps taking place. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻😊 6y
WriterAtHeart Thank you Chelleo and Eggs! 6y
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LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Jess7 Welcome! 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy🌼 6y
WriterAtHeart Thanks everyone! I'm excited to be here! =) 6y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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I liked this book, but didn‘t love it. It may just be that I can take or leave fantasy genre in general. The book was well-written, with good characters and interesting plot, and dystopian elements that I usually like...yet I had to push myself to finish it. I also disliked Yelena‘s romance subplot. I think the story would have been more interesting without it. But I would still recommend this book to others. It was good, just not my thing.

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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I‘m seeing signs of a romance subplot developing. Ugh, please, no. This story would be more interesting without it.

I‘m finding this book harder going than I expected from a YA novel. The writing is good, the plot‘s fairly interesting, and yet I have to really focus on it to keep reading it.

Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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I‘m starting this book today as a book of the month pick for a Goodreads challenge group. I like it so far, but eh. It isn‘t enthralling. Maybe as I get further into it, it will pick up.

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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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I tried something different with this photo!

On another note, this book+series is basically amazing and I think everyone has to read them!! Mind, I only read the first part of the series (first three books) but didn‘t bother with the sequels. I though the end was pretty good, and I didn‘t wanna read about anyone I like dying 😂 do any of you do that? Not finish a series cause you‘re scared of what will happen?

TheFunkyBookworm What a fun pic- so whimsical! 🧚‍♀️✨ 6y
Gissy I want to read this series too! I have so many amazing books that I want to read!😱 6y
Lyanneee Your pictures are so creative! ❤️ Whenever the book I'm reading comes to the part where a character I like is going to die, I stop reading it for a week and then come back emotionally prepared 😂 Still breaks my heart every time though 😅 6y
Ted Interesting and imaginative. I've just been getting into composite imagery with Affinity Photo. What are you using? 6y
Layali926 I read the first three books. What a great series it is. I loved it❣️ 6y
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Poison Study | Maria V. Snyder
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Next up!

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Love this series! 6y
Courtneymal17 I‘m excited to start it! 6y
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