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Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer | Patrick Suskind
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People are not meant to all like the same book.

Tamra You are right! I love Suskind‘s work including this one, but when I don‘t like a popular book I sometimes wonder if I‘m missing something. 2mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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This was a disturbing story. I was fascinated throughout the first part as Grenouille learned all about scents (and horrified by one scene), then a bit lost by the hermit in the hills portion, and again intrigued by the next section. Then things got crazy! I have no words for the ending, but I was completely engaged in listening.

📷: Happy beagle photo to balance out the creepy murders in this story.

#1001books #audiobook #TBRTakedown April 2024

tpixie 🐶🐶🐶 6mo
jewright Ummmm…what? 6mo
tpixie How many of the 1001 books have you read? And when did you start? 😀 6mo
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Daisey @jewright The man in this story has no scent of his own, but he can identify any other scent exactly. It makes him a great perfume maker, and then it gets weird. No more details here to spoil the story. It‘s another one from the list! 🤷‍♀️ 6mo
Daisey @tpixie I think I‘m at 265. I started keeping track and reading purposefully in 2018, but I had read some before that. 6mo
Megabooks Beagle love!! 6mo
batsy Lovely photo! 🐶🌿 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick My assessment is similar. I was a little bored with it, but he last 10% or so of the book turned a bit bonkers! 🤣 6mo
Tkimsal This book has been on my TBR list for like a million years! 6mo
Daisey @Megabooks @batsy @dabbe Thanks! She had a good long run yesterday! 6mo
tpixie @Daisey what a great accomplishment so far! 6mo
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Starting this next 🎧

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#wondrouswednesday @eggs

🔥 Campfire: Lots of memories of camping and various outdoor activities (somewhat related, tobacco pipe (but absolutely not cigarettes))

🌊 I remember my college town was pretty well landlocked. I visited a friend during a break, and about a mile from their house, I could smell the creek that ran by their house. I didn't realize how much I missed water.

🍊 No obvious reason, I just love the smell of oranges.

Eggs Ah orange 🍊 good one! 7mo
lil1inblue Campfire memories are the best. 😍 7mo
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My current read! I haven't read many translated books, but I want to start reading more of them. This one is originally published in German, and it's a very unique story. Also wanted to show off my manicure that I just finished up with! Gotta love a self care day.

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“He succeeded in being considered totally uninteresting. People left him alone. And that was all he wanted.” #putrid

Can‘t beat a creepy portrayal of an 1800s murderer

LeahBergen Yep, it‘s a creepy one, isn‘t it? 10mo
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Just received my next read from the most amazing woman I ever met. I Love You, Meine Frau

joyce.btr Omg! It‘s a book for the most amazing man I ever met ;) 10mo
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@dabbe #tlt

1. Orange
2. Vanilla
3. Smokey/campfire

dabbe 1 and 2: YES! Smokey campfire ... are you particular about the smoke? Cuz some smell amazing and some not so much. Thanks for sharing, too! 🤩 11mo
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A young man who is born into unfortunate circumstances in 18th century France has such a hyper refined sense of smell that he experiences the world through scent. He becomes a perfumer, and spends his life trying to create for the perfect scent.

Ok, ok, i've hopped on the bandwagon - I added some little ghosts and pumpkins to cover up some unfortunate water damaged that happened to these prints. #litsycrafters #ghostpainting #BatBrigade

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👌🏻📚🙌🏻 11mo
Catsandbooks They're so cute! I've been really wanting to try this trend! 👻 11mo
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Still in my physical TBR since 2009... it is time for it to be (finally) read!

reading_rainbow I have this for my October TBR! 12mo
Ast_Arslan @reading_rainbow it's almost like a buddy a read 😊😂 12mo
reading_rainbow @Ast_Arslan yes totally lol 12mo
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TheLudicReader My current read. 2y
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If there was one word to sum up this book it would be “creepy“. Everything about it is just off. To me, there seemed something profoundly misogynistic about it. Then there's the spontaneous orgy at an execution (I'm not even kidding), & the ending is ridiculous. It's a book ticked off the 'To Read' list but I can't recommend it & I definitely wouldn't re-read it. 1⭐

TW: cannibalism, murder, animal cruelty/death, misogyny, paedophila, stalking.

OutsmartYourShelf Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2985130705

#192025 (1985) @LibraryBelle Just realised I hadn\'t tagged this one.
(edited) 2y
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Book 106/2022. Finished 23/5/22 ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5


It is referenced in so many things, thought it was about time I read it

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WJCintron LOVE IT!!! 3y
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sold as a novel about obsession. more about identity and morality within the institutions of hierarchy.

The Collector
The Nose

like the bleached bones of little birds

3.5 stars

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I have finished my #doublespin book selection. Perfume is one weird,creepy,strange book😲. I‘m just happy to be finished with this one.

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Bizarre and incredibly creepy, like skin-crawlingly ideas that burrow into you creepy rather than straight up scary creepy. The prose was gorgeous and I liked the eighteenth century Parisian setting - I don‘t think I‘ve read any historical fiction about that period before which is always fun.

#scarathlon2021 #teamslaughter @Clwojick +16

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I... am not sure how to feel about this book.
The beginning was interesting. It followed the MC‘s horrible upbringing that lead to his job in a perfumery. He has no scent of his own but he also has a super sniffer which makes him a great perfumer.
But then the story takes a left turn when he becomes a cave dwelling hermit. And then the murders...
The end was a total WTF.
It was interesting then got weird.

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When the computer system is down at work, you get to read and drink tea.

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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it. Some will be old, some will be new - don't judge me, I have a lot of books.

Day 162th

Join the fun if you want!


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I say we throw out “prodigy” and all start using “wunderkind.” Who‘s with me?
(Book translated from German)

julesG Yeah for a translator who used the German loan word. 3y
tpixie Fun! 3y
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Great book! Grenouille has no odor and has a great sense of smell. He goes from a tanner, to a perfumer, to isolation, and back to create the perfect scent. The way the author captured the pervasiveness of Grenouille's feelings about scents is creepily perfect.

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A very unique and original story, with incredibly rich descriptions. Really well written, there were moments where I thought the choice of words was clumsy but I‘ve put that down to the translation. Even though it gathers pace I found myself a bit impatient towards the end, I suspect the movie spoilt it for me! 7/10

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#Two4Tuesday - Any book that you enjoyed that was a book club pick?
Thanks for the tag, Ms Lisa!💕

For a brief wonderful period of time a CHROMOSOME Y participated in my 2nd Tuesday Night Book Club (yeah, I know, not a creative book club name, but at least it reminds us when we are meeting up😆). Anyway “Y” thought that our reading selections needed to go in an entirely new and grittier direction...more like “take no prisoners reading.”👇🏽

Nute This book was the first to lead the way. There was a slight protest. The club was used to sisterhood-friendship & late-bloom self discovery books...more like “Sunday afternoon relaxation reading.” But we were excited to have his full on testosterone-imbibed presence. “OK” came quick. THIS book was the most peculiar of them all. Pure strangeness! Brilliantly written! Undeniably creepy! Morbidly captivating (is that okay?)! Almost hypnotizing!👇🏽 (edited) 3y
Nute A full throttle bizarre examination of the evolution of a downward spiraling lonely mind. Descent to madness. After the shock wore off, I was entranced by this book & the concept of an odorless existence pressing a man into insanity for the sheer desire to imprint a scent upon the world. How often do we take our sensory impressions for granted? Which one supersedes all the others in greater need or value? Poor Grenouille! What do we label him?👇🏽 (edited) 3y
Nute This haunted soul. Where does he belong? He was depraved of something good from the very start of life. He becomes somber and lonely, lost and dejected, sunken and remorseless, cunning and evil. Yet, I was sad for him, because he was simply trying to validate his existence. No, no...it was more like he was trying to find his existence or breathe life into his existence with a created scent... the scent of all scents, the Scent Supreme!👇🏽 (edited) 3y
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Nute The story was disturbing in places. I thanked and rebuked Y for bringing it to our attention. That yin-yang thing. Why “Y”? It was a mind tingling though repulsive read. It was good to be acquainted with you, Mr. Y, and an absolute pleasure to discuss books with you in book club! (edited) 3y
Billypar I love this review. This Y chromosome really wants to be part of an IRL bookclub someday and it puzzles me a little why more with my genotype don't seem to be interested 😅 3y
Nute @Billypar It is a puzzling thing, Vinny. I‘ve contemplated the why-reasons myself. The reading dynamic that was presented to my book club because of his presence was interesting and surprising...possibly needed. It quickly became evident that we were lacking in what was thought to be a very broad perspective. No one had ever voiced the book suggestions that he did. He took us on an amazing journey through his literary lens. 3y
Billypar I love finding books that I wouldn't usually pick up. That's a great thing about book clubs (and Litsy for that matter). 3y
IMASLOWREADER discovered this book by accident and im glad i did such a great read 3y
TheSpineView You're welcome! 😘 3y
PurpleyPumpkin Fantastic review! You captured the essence perfectly. Many years ago (actually decades!😅) when I worked in a bookstore, I came across this book. It wasn‘t selling very well, but it intrigued me. It‘s one of those books that I‘ll never part with and know I‘ll reread at some point. I haven‘t yet partly because I‘m afraid I‘ll be disappointed & won‘t be as amazed by it as I was the first time. But you‘ve reminded me just how good this book is!👍🏽 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Great review! I picked this up years ago and still never read it. If I can find it, I might need to move it up the pile. 3y
Nute @Billypar Agree!💕 3y
Nute @IMASLOWREADER I‘m so happy for the roundabout way that both you and I discovered this book! I‘m not sure that I would have found my way to this book without this kind of accidental third-party exposure.😆 And you‘re right, it was worth it! 3y
Nute @PurpleyPumpkin Thank you! I‘m not sure that I would have found my way to the this book without book club and more than likely not without our one male member. But it seems to have a bigger audience than I believed. It‘s even been adapted to film and it must have been the big screen because the cast includes Ben Whishaw, Alan Rickman, John Hurt and Dustin Hoffman. Well-known celebrities!👇🏽 3y
Nute @PurpleyPumpkin You bring up an interesting thought, Kimberly, what would it be like to reread this? Would the entire experience be so different that I would wonder about how and why I was so mesmerized the first time? I don‘t often reread books so it will probably never happen, but I will be very interested in your thoughts after your second time around!🙂 3y
Nute @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thank you! It‘s definitely different, and creepy if your focus remains on Grenouille. A deeper introspection is possible by pondering the attention grabbing curiosity of the power of scent, a universal ultimate scent and the peculiarity of no body scent. I hope that you find your copy so that we can chat!🙂 3y
PurpleyPumpkin I don‘t think I knew about the movie! What a surprise! I‘ll have to look that up, I‘m intrigued. I remember feeling very unsettled but fascinated by this book. And when I first read it, I thought it was really well written. I don‘t often reread either, but I‘ve always thought I‘d make a return visit someday. We‘ll see… 3y
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4 stars

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This story was not even half of what I expected in the best way possible!
It made me shudder but without being gorey or overly theatrical in the telling of the crimes.
A very interesting concept indeed!
Still by the end I found the telling of it reminiscent to the style of Les Mis :)

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I'm 15min in and already have the distinctive feel of Les Mis.
I like it.

Tamra I 💜 Suskind! 4y
Andrea4 @Tamra my first but so far I'm super hooked and happy! Maybe I have found another favourite author! 4y
Tamra @Andrea4 he hasn‘t been very prolific, but I‘ve enjoyed everything I could find in English. 4y
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Perfume (Revised) | Patrick Suskind
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The not all love is healthy reading list!

Happy VD 😉

Leftcoastzen 👍👏😂 4y
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Perfume (Revised) | Patrick Suskind
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Disturbing story of a man born into a bad life, who has no odor of himself, becomes obsessed with scent. This unusual story is grim and the writing has tangential bits that lost me at times. His hunt for the perfect scent drives him to disturbing places. Really unusual concept but it did get off track for me a few times. #litsyatozchallenge @BookishMarginalia

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Perfume (Revised) | Patrick Suskind

Disturbing story of a man born into a bad life, who has no odor of himself, becomes obsessed with scent. This unusual story is grim and the writing has tangential bits that lost me at times. His hunt for the perfect scent drives him to disturbing places. Really unusual concept but it did get off track for me a few times. #litsyatozchallenge @BookishMarginalia

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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks This gives me my first bingo! 😀

Perfume was definitely not was I was expecting. The writing and descriptions were very well done. At times I found myself a little bored, but then something would happen to pull me back into the dark, gritty world of perfume artistry.

The ending on this one I didn't see coming, but it was a great way to finish it.

TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo!!! 4y
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Perfume (Revised) | Patrick Suskind
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Some of my favorites here. Perfume I have read a couple of times, it was one of my first true Literature books and I feel for the creepiness hard. Ishiguro and Ruiz Zafon are 2 of my absolute favorite authors. While Ann Rice brings me back to my teen years and I cannot give her books up.
I normally avoid WWII but the Mitford sisters are so intriguing and I really enjoy Nancy's writing style.
#AlphabetTitles #LetterO & #LetterP

Perfume (Revised) | Patrick Suskind
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Here are #3books I did not care for. I remember nothing about The Wedding Season except that I rated it one star on Goodreads about 10 years ago. It‘s my only one star book.

OriginalCyn620 📚👎🏻📚 4y
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All things #aromatic lead to murder!


Eggs Brilliant 👍🏼👏🏻👍🏼 4y
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What a way to finish a book you love (for the third time) ... “They were uncommonly proud. For the first time they had done something out of Love.”

Leftcoastzen I love this book ! Really stuck with me. 4y
conorpunchbook 🥰 same here @Leftcoastzen (edited) 4y
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Maybe I need to read one book at a time

Leftcoastzen Love Perfume ! Other ones look good too. 4y
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 4y
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🖋Richard Powers
🎤Perfect Day-Lou Reed
#manicmonday #letterP

JoScho Thanks for playing 💜 4y
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I loved this book. Haunting yet a delight for the senses. I‘m going to listen to the audiobook next.

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 #litsywelcomewagon 4y
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I‘m behind with my reviews... I guess I‘ve been busy alternating between disgust and despair with the current state of affairs in this country. 😞

I finished this weird little diversion on Saturday. Full review is on my blog: http://sprainedbrain.blog/2020/06/01/another-1001books-review-perfume-by-patrick...


This was also my history book for #MandMChallenge2020


sprainedbrain Oh and this was my 9th and final #BookSpinBonanza book for May! @TheAromaofBooks 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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troublant, long, mais attachant

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What a fantastical story! We follow the protagonist, who is born with an incredibly superior sense of smell, in his quest for making the most perfect scent in the world...but it takes a dark turn. The writing is very descriptive, the story grim, and that finale! 😨 I find myself still thinking of the story, after finishing it.

#jennyis30 #18thcentury
#ReadingEurope2020 #France

Catherine_Willoughby In progress 5y
BarbaraBB Great choice. I loved this one as well! 5y
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Cathythoughts Great review! Sounds excellent!! It‘s on my TBR 👍🏻❤️ 5y
batsy Nice review 🖤 A book that stays in one's mind... 5y
Librarybelle Oh...I‘ll have to stack this one! 5y
LeeRHarry I read this years ago and it has stayed with me as a 5 star read - loved it! 5y
Kalalalatja Stacked! 5y
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A very interesting read. The book is all about a man who has a really good sense of smell but no personal smell of his own. The events that proceed due to this fact come from a dark place but the way that scent and smells are explored in this novel sheds new light on the landscape of the nose. Overall I enjoyed it, but a long read which is why I audiobooked it 😅

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WTF did I just read???I don‘t want to spill the spoiler beans BUT WHOA... If you enjoy descriptive passages about scents & fragrances, if you adore #18thCentury France, if you were ever attracted to Frankenstein, Arthur Dimmesdale & or Jeffrey Dahmer, then this book will be right in your wheelhouse 😜 It‘s 🍌👖crazzzy ❣️❣️❣️and now I have one box left for #JennyIs30 @jenniferw88

TrishB I‘ve had Perfume on my kindle for a while. Your review has not put it into the must be read category 😂 5y
jenniferw88 Yay! Glad you liked it! And well done... you'll probably be the first to finish! 🎉🎉🎉 5y
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Cinfhen What, @TrishB you don‘t have a secret crush on Frankenstein 🤖🖤😂😘I‘m still trying to process the last 2 hours!!!!! That was insane @jenniferw88 5y
BarbaraBB How so you so it, reading all of Europe and #JennyIs30 in three months?! I am sorry Iceland has to wait until April, I didn‘t know you went this fast! 🧡 5y
Joanne1 This book really is bananas, and pretty darn creepy too. I wasn‘t sure I wanted to keep reading but I also couldn‘t stop. That was years ago and I still remember parts vividly as well as the skin crawling feeling I had when reading it. 5y
TrishB It‘s very secret! 5y
juliegumdrop That ending though! Did you know there‘s a movie? 5y
TheAromaofBooks “Spill the spoiler beans“ just made me so happy haha 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘m so curious I have to read it soon! And fantastic job for the challenge, just one more to go! 👍 5y
Crewgurl I am so confused by this description 😂 5y
Cinfhen I can‘t really recommend this book @erzascarletbookgasm but yet I was so drawn into the story @Joanne1 I have not seen the film @juliegumdrop but I‘m curious to see how they recreate certain parts 😉Those “spoiler beans” are too HUGE to spill @TheAromaofBooks @Crewgurl 5y
Cinfhen Lots of my books are #DoubleDip and #TriplePlay @BarbaraBB so they work for multiple challenges plus I have those “extra” 10 hours a day when I‘m not at a paying job 😛small benefit for being unemployed!! And I still have over half of Europe left to read... 5y
BarbaraBB You‘re doing so good and I envy you for all your reading time! One day... 🥰 5y
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Shit is getting weird!!!!! And I still have 4 hours left 😳

jenniferw88 🤣🤣🤣 the movie is weirder... 5y
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If anyone is looking for an #ArmchairTravel #ReadingEurope2020 #France or an #18thCentury pick THIS book fits the bill ❤️It‘s so good , I can‘t believe it was written in 1985 and this is the first time I‘m reading it 😲

julesG It's very good. I have read it so often. 5y
Cinfhen Have you read it in both languages @julesG ?? 5y
julesG I've read it in German, of course, and attempted to read it in French. I should give it a try in English. I have a knack for spotting mistranslations. 😬 5y
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Cinfhen The audio is so good @julesG 🎧 5y
jenniferw88 😊❤🎉 5y
kammartinez Have you seen the film version of this? It‘s quite remarkable, visually. 5y
Cinfhen @kammartinez no, I haven‘t but I will look for it after I finish the novel. I‘m sure the colors and sights are stunning as the descriptions are spectacular 5y
kammartinez @Cinfhen The adaptation‘s quite good, so I think you‘ll enjoy it :) 5y
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I think I just found my #18thCentury pick for #JennyIs30

jenniferw88 It's a good one! 5y
Cinfhen So far the narration is excellent @jenniferw88 It‘s making me sad 😢 5y
BarbaraBB I loved this one but I admit I read it in the 80s 😉👵🏼 5y
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CafeMom An intriguing book with a strange ending. 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve heard this book is sultry @CafeMom I didn‘t realize it was from the 80‘s though!!!!! That‘s cool @BarbaraBB you were reading this in your preschool days 😜😛😘 5y
KarouBlue This book was super creepy! 5y
Cinfhen It is !!!!! @MellieAntoinette but I‘m all in ❤️ 5y
BarbaraBB 😂😘 5y
Cinfhen OMG!!! What did I just read @CafeMom ?!?!?? That ending was bizarre 😱😱😱😱😱 5y
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