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Voor ik ga slapen
Voor ik ga slapen | SJ Watson
Elke ochtend als Christine wakker wordt zijn haar herinneringen opnieuw gewist. Haar geheugen is aangetast door een ernstig ongeluk. Elke ochtend moet iemand haar vertellen wie ze is. Hierdoor is ze volledig afhankelijk van haar man Ben, met wie ze al tweentwintig jaar getrouwd is. Dankzij haar dagboek, dat ze op advies van de dokter bijhoudt, ontdekt ze echter dat Ben haar niet alles vertelt.
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Losing the memories of the last 15 years of your life every night when you go to sleep would make me reluctant to #HitTheSack 🛌 (even with Colin Firth) 🫣😉
Read the book & saw the movie.

Eggs Wow 😮 10mo
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Based on the premise I wasn‘t sure I‘d like this book due to it being repetitive. I was wrong. I loved it and thought the perspective was well written and engaging throughout without feeling like it was groundhogs day. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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What if everyday when you woke up you had no memory of anything prior?

What if you came across a mystery that could possibly solve your problem? What if 20 years have passed? Each day you expect to see a 20-something in the mirror but there‘s an old person!
Words cannot express how rapidly I devoured this book. This was without a doubt one of the best suspense novels I've ever read.

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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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🎧 Fantastic story! A fun psychological thriller.

What if everyday when you woke up you had no memory of anything prior?

How would you put your life together when each time you woke up you had no memories prior to that day?

What if you came across a mystery that could possibly solve your problem? What if 20 years have passed? Each day you expect to see a 20-something in the mirror but there‘s an old person!

Who to trust?


Twainy This was predictable but I still enjoyed the story, wondering if maybe she‘s unreliable & what time are we in … 2y
Victoriahoperose I liked this a lot, too! The movie was really good, too 😊 2y
Twainy @Victoriahoperose there‘s a movie? LOL it does read like it would make a surreal movie. 2y
Victoriahoperose Yes!! I‘m not sure what it‘s streaming on but it had Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth in it. 2y
Twainy @Victoriahoperose I‘m interested, I‘ll see if I can find it. See if it compares 😁 2y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Day 135.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Ever read a thoroughly predictable book, but you're just along for the ride? Yeah, me too. Pub in 2011 & obnoxiously chock-full of the male gaze this is very much a beach read. Lehane called it “Memento on crystal meth“ Vivastory says of it “More meh than Memento.“

Bookzombie Your blurb is great! 3y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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#conflictedworlds #memories
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @eggs

What are we, if not an accumulation of our memories?

Eggs Beautiful 🌸💐🌼 3y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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This prompt #memories reminded me of this book where the wife has amnesia and could not remember her past. When some memories started to trickle in, she realised everything is not what it seemed and her husband is the cause of it all. #conflictedworlds @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚🙌🏻 3y
Eggs Great premise - sounds good! 3y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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I enjoyed the premise of this one, the unreliable narrator made for a page-turner.
And even-though I figured out what was happening quite soon in the book,it didn't stop me form finishing this one in two sittings.

To think this was Watson's debut, makes me eager to see what he is capable of now.

Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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#Movie2BookRecs #nicolekidman 7. I did not enjoy this book, therefore I didn‘t watch the movie. So predictable & not at all thrilling. But Boy Erased is a much better option, book and movie 😜

Klou Oh dear; just got this one on our kindle. I'll have to check out Boy Erased. 3y
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Before I Go To Sleep | S.J. Watson
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There‘s something about holding a book, feeling the covers, flipping the pages, smelling the book—there‘s something about it that makes me prefer paperback books to ebooks.📖 What about you Littens? Are you into paperbacks or ebooks?

OutsmartYourShelf I like both. I do prefer the feel of a physical book, but I can store 1000s on my Kindle whereas my shelves are at capacity. 3y
Hhhjjjnsjehdhwjd @OutsmartYourShelf I get what you mean…but they look so nice & pretty on a shelf!!✨You gotta stack them all on there or maybe build another shelf!🛠 As your username says: Outsmart your shelf!📚 3y
OutsmartYourShelf @ilanakeukake They‘re already double stacked on each shelf, on top of the wardrobe & in random piles around the room. I think the only thing for it is a bigger house, with a library. 3y
Hhhjjjnsjehdhwjd @OutsmartYourShelf Sounds like the type of situation I‘m in.🦤 3y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Good thriller with an exciting finale. Although I had glimmerings of the truth, it was still unexpected.

Unfortunately, I had the American edition of this ebook. Having people in North London talking about sidewalks and the hoods of cars and using other American terms rather jerked me out of the story at various points.

The_Penniless_Author I'm American, and I find these sorts of changes incredibly condescending. First, the idea that most Americans don't understand that Brits say "pavement" and "bonnet" instead of sidewalk and hood, but even more so the idea that an American who didn't know that couldn't puzzle it out through context clues. God forbid someone learn something while reading ? 3y
Ruthiella I totally agree with @The_Penniless_Author ! It‘s ridiculous when publishers make these changes for an American readership. 3y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson

And there it was; my cue to tell him that I loved him, too. Men always say "I love you" as a question.

Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Don't we all?

Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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THE BEDROOM IS strange. Unfamiliar. I don‘t know where I am, how I came to be here.



Before I Go To Sleep | S.J. Watson
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So normally I listen to audiobooks when doing chores or cooking. The tension and twists in this one had me frozen in place completely focused on the story and what was going to happen next. I listened to the entire book over two days. Great heart pounding suspense. Now to find the movie....

Librariana Now *that* is a phenomenal way to recommend a book! When it has you glued to your seat, anticipating the next plot point. When its twists and turns keep you in suspense. Excellent! 3y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Just started

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Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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First two books of the year! Trying out reading paired fiction and non-fiction selections for the first time. Ill definitely finish the novel before the non-fiction however. #12hppofxmas

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Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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New #library book day already! Tagged is my latest #bookclub book but I‘m not quite ready to pick it up yet.

Really happy to have several of these because I placed my holds prior to the March lockdown and they‘ve finally made their way to my shelf!

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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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I even read while letting the horse graze. 🐎 🤠🤓 📖

MoonWitch94 Ohhh such a beautiful horse! 😍 4y
CaffeineAndCandy ᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏʜ ʜᴏʀsᴇʏ ❤❤❤ 4y
TheSpineView I do that too! I didn't know you are a rider. Your horse? 💙🐎 4y
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Velvetfur The horsey is gorgeous! 😍 4y
JessClark78 ❤️❤️ 4y
maich ❤❤ 4y
Andrew65 Love this book. 4y
MrBook @TheSpineView , I‘m going to say it‘s my brother‘s if anybody‘s, lol. Kinda the family horse. We used to have almost a dozen. Now Moody‘s the only one left. 4y
TheSpineView @MrBook Looks like a sweet one!🐎 4y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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I read even in a hospital! One of my brothers was life-flighted to Pittsburgh for emergency throat and neck surgery. It‘s taking much longer than they said it would. So my mom and I have been in one of the waiting areas of this massive hospital for awhile now. Hence, my lack of regular posting, it‘s been a bit crazy the past couple days.

BookNAround I hope his surgery is a complete success and his recovery is quick and uncomplicated. 4y
Pageturner1 Prayers 4y
squirrelbrain I hope that all goes well. 4y
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Kappadeemom Hope your brother recovers quickly! 4y
Leftcoastzen Difficult times , I hope he recovers soon. 4y
Scochrane26 Hope your brother gets better quickly. 4y
Jas16 Keeping you and your brother in my thoughts. I hope everything goes well. 4y
Suet624 Holding you close in my thoughts. ❤️ 4y
Jess Sending tons of positive thoughts and hope all goes well. 4y
ShelleyBooksie Sending well wishes for your brother 4y
BookishMarginalia Hope all goes well and he recovers quickly 💜 4y
Lcsmcat Sending wishes for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself, too, while you‘re taking care of your mother and brother. Hugs. 4y
TheRiehlDeal Hope your brother gets better and recovers quickly! 4y
CaitlinR A book can get you through almost anything. All best to you and your mom. 4y
Aims42 Prayers for you and your family!! I hope for a quick recovery!!❤️❤️❤️ 4y
dragondrool Thoughts and prayers for you all.
jmtrivera Prayers that everything goes well! 4y
kspenmoll I hope he recovers quickly. So sorry you are going through this. Books help us through so@much in life.live to you.❤️❤️❤️ 4y
curiouserandcurioser @MrBook Prayers to you and your family❤❤ 4y
KVanRead Hope all goes smoothly and successfully and that your brother recovers quickly! 4y
zuzia Sending best wishes to you and your family! 4y
AileenRR So stressful! Hope everything goes well. 4y
TrishB Hope all goes well. 💜 4y
eraderneely ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
Sungirl79 Hope all goes well!! 🙏 4y
batsy Best wishes to your brother and hope it all goes well. 4y
MaureenMc 🙏 4y
CoffeeAndABook Oh no, that sounds so scary. I hope & pray he‘s out of surgery by now and recovers quickly and wholly. Sending my best wishes 🙏🏼 4y
Gissy My positive thoughts are with you and your family!❤️❤️❤️ 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Sending him my best for a speedy recovery. ❤ 4y
Rachel.Rencher I'm sorry, I'm hoping he's okay!! 💕 4y
Andrew65 Hope everything is going well. 😊 4y
tpixie I hope your brother is doing well. 🙏🏻🍀💗 4y
Avanders Hope he‘s healing well 🙏🏽🙏🏽 4y
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#Scarathlon2020 #Screamathon2020 #OutstandingOctober #October20in4 (7:15/20 hours)

(5 Hours) 156🔪 for #TeamSlaughter


Loved the suspense in this one😏 Anyone seen the movie? Any good?

Clwojick Yes!!!!!! Go freaking good! 4y
Andrew65 Loved this 😊 4y
DieAReader So glad to hear that @Clwojick @Andrew65 🤗 Now, to find a way to watch it lol. Haven‘t had any luck yet with our streaming/rental options. I‘m not giving up though, also searching for the movie Just Mercy. A few ideas to look into though😉😏 4y
bookaholic1 Great book 4y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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November Book club book.

Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Day 12 - #MemoryLoss #TropesInAugust
#BeforeIGoToSleep #SJWatson

I read this book in 2011 and it was a great debut. It was also made into a film.

Andrew65 Loved this. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 Me too but Second Life, his second book, did not measure up. (edited) 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB Not read that one. 4y
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EadieB @Andrew65 2 stars - Here's my review:
Julia's sister has been violently murdered. In order to find out who murdered her sister, Julia must become involved with a dangerous stranger online. Her search will jeopardize her marriage, her family and her life. I was a bit disappointed in this book. The main character was very annoying and I did not enjoy the explicit sexual language with the online scenes. It was slow getting started and rather boring.
Andrew65 @EadieB That‘s not good! No need for the sexually explicit language. 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 I agree! 4y
Klou This one sounds so good!!! 4y
EadieB @Klou It was very good! 4y
Marydent Added to my TBR pile 4y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Christine has anterograde amnesia as a result of an accident from years ago, and wakes up every morning not knowing who she is or anything about her life. With the help of a doctor and a journal that she keeps, Christine tries to piece together her #memories, which eventually brings her closer to a terrifying truth.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This book wore me out! I couldn‘t finish it lol 4y
OriginalCyn620 I liked it @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks! That kinda thing is right up my alley! 4y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson

“We‘re constantly changing facts, rewriting history to make things easier, to make them fit in with our preferred version of events. We do it automatically. We invent memories. Without thinking. If we tell ourselves something happened often enough we start to believe it, and then we can actually remember it.”
― S.J. Watson, Before I Go to Sleep

Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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#ManicMonday @JoScho

📖 Before I Go To Sleep
✍️ Leigh Bardugo
🎬 Beetlejuice
🎤 Björk
🎶 Beautiful Day - U2

Meaw_catlady Björk! 4y
JoScho Beetlejuice 💚 4y
amber_ldsmom Great choices! 4y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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After watching the film version starring Nicole Kidman & Colin Firth, I bought the book which has languished on my shelf ever since. Finally read it & although it has some major differences to the film, I thought it was a great read. Recommended if you like psychological thrillers. 4🌟

Cathythoughts I love psychological thrillers ! Stacked 4y
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This was a compelling read! The MC wakes up every day not knowing who she is, where she is, or anything about her past. She works hard to recover her memories, but who can she trust to tell her the truth? I definitely recommend this one.

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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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#MOvember @Cinfhen

Playing catch up at the beginning of the month already.


Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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I read this book in 2016 and really enjoyed it. It was a little slow for me in the beginning, but I was really glad that I decided to push through it in the end. #beforeigotosleep #psychological #thesuspenseisthrillingme #bookworm

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Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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We‘d like to think that we‘d #NeverForget our lives when we go to sleep at night which makes that loss a creepy concept for a book. Christine lost her short-term memory after a vicious attack & when she wakes up remembering nothing, she doesn‘t know who to trust...her husband or her therapist...or herself especially when things just don‘t add up. I liked the book much better than the movie—even with my Mr. Darcy in a lead role.

arlenefinnigan Excellent 5y
Cinfhen I didn‘t know it was made into a film...its also a book that‘s been lingering on my TBR for a long long time 5y
gradcat I saw the film as well, and I agree...book was much, much better. The film was awful, imho.... 5y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Thought this was fantastic! It's quite a terrifying thought that this could so easily happen to you. Such a good story 😃

Thank you for the recommendation @Birdsong28 I will definitely be reading more by SJ Watson 😊

Currently at 17hrs 42mins for #24B4Monday & #SummersEndReadathon
@Clwojick @Andrew65 @jb72

Birdsong28 Glad you enjoyed it. The tagged book is just as good. 5y
Andrew65 Great time! 👏👏👏 This is a special book. 5y
Andrew65 @Birdsong28 Thanks for this recommendation. 5y
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suzie.reads @Birdsong28 I will definitely be reading that. Thanks 😃 5y
suzie.reads @Andrew65 yeah it was a really good book 😊 5y
Clwojick Yay! Glad you also liked this one. I thought it was fantastic! 5y
jb72 Wow great time! 5y
suzie.reads @Clwojick was very good 😃 5y
suzie.reads @jb72 thanks 😊 5y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson

Been MIA but I am still reading. Mostly recently this one has captured my attention. A slow burn, a bit repetitive, but ultimately worth it in my opinion.

Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Although not my favorite book I thought this book was good and I found myself needing to find out what was going on and what really happened. I was definitely rooting for Chrissy and I wanted her to remember her past and look forward to her future. Part of me really liked how the book ended and the other part of me wanted more. I am desperate to know if she finally can remember her past but that is just because I love a happy ending.

Before I Go to Sleep | S.J. Watson
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Starting this book today 😁 I heard it is good...we shall see!

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Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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These MCs need lots of help remembering. #remindme #springintoreading

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Excellent choices!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
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The ultimate nightmare, waking up each morning not remembering anything about who you are or what is going on in your life. The main protagonist has to leave clues to help accelerate the memory process and get to the bottom of a BAD situation. A great book, strongly recommended.
#SpringIntoReading #RemindMe

RadicalReader Can‘t wait to check out this book love having books at my fingertips thanks to Libby 5y
Andrew65 @RadicalReader Hope you enjoy it. 😊 This was also made into a film in 2014 starring Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth. 5y
RadicalReader @Andrew65 saw the movie and never would have thought that I enjoyed it as much as I did. I also loved the movie with Blake Lively All I See Is You 5y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Can you tell me the ending??? I just could finish it 😫😫😫 5y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can see why you would have struggled to finish it. 😔 Been many years since I read it so this link may help you more than my trusty?!? Memory. FOR OTHERS THIS IS A SPOILER LINK, IF PLAN TO READ THE BOOK DON‘T CLICK ON THE LINK! http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide-before-i-go-to-sleep (edited) 5y
Birdsong28 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️📚📖 5y
Andrew65 @Birdsong28 👍😊 5y
Birdsong28 @Andrew65 Have you read Second Life? That was even better 📚📖 5y
Andrew65 @Birdsong28 No I haven‘t 😔 Thanks for the recommendation 😍, I‘ve just stacked it. 5y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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Started this morning and committed to fishing before I go to sleep. Terrible joke aside, the book delivered on being a page-turner that‘ keeps you guessing. I enjoyed the diary-esque format and pacing - but found the gratuitous sexual excerpts / lines uncomfortably forced. This one just makes it over the line to a “pick”; a solid quick empty-calorie read.

Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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In the middle of one book, committed to starting another with a friend - and really should be working and not reading at all. And with that, I‘m going to do what I want and need right now. And that‘s a few untaxing, yet suspenseful, hours with this. #booked2019 7. Night-oriented title @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Well played 🙌🏻Hope you enjoy 5y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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Words can‘t even begin to describe how quickly I devoured this book. The secrets that pop up and confuse you all throughout keep you intrigued and needing to know more. This was honestly one of the best suspense books I‘ve read. I didn‘t suspect the end until I was almost upon it and normally I can guess things pretty early on. Upon finishing Before I Go To Sleep, I sat there for a minute and just let it all sink in. Amazing.

akckitty It's been a couple years since I read this book but I remember enjoying it so much!!!! Have you seen the movie yet? 5y
brilremy @akckitty I didn‘t even know there was a movie. I‘ll have to go watch it now 5y
bookaholic1 ❤ this book 5y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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So far this is great! It‘s been a quick read for me so hopefully I will finish on this beautiful snow day! ❄️☃️

Before I Go to Sleep | Steven J. Watson
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"Christine wakes up every morning in an unfamiliar bed with an unfamiliar man. She looks in the mirror and sees an unfamiliar, middle-aged face. And every morning, the man she has woken up with must explain that he is Ben, he is her husband, she is forty-seven years old, and a terrible accident two decades earlier decimated her ability to form new memories."
#forgetmenot #literarylove
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thus book!! I started it years ago, but didn‘t finish it! 😱 5y
Elma @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks According to Goodreads, I've already read this book, which I have no recollection of doing. But it's also on my library card, so...#irony 5y
Monica5 I read this book a couple years ago and enjoyed it 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Elma that‘s too funny!!! 🤣 5y
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I‘ve totally enjoyed this book! When the pace picked up, it kept me on tether hook, wanting to know if my assumed ending was right 😂

Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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Next up is this thriller that has been on my shelf for much too long.

Have you read it? What did you think?
#amreading #currentlyreading

Birdsong28 Love this!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️📚📖 5y
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Before I Go to Sleep | Steven J. Watson
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I enjoyed this thriller about a woman with amnesia who relies on her journal to keep track of her life as she forgets everything after she goes to sleep each night. It did drag a bit as it was somewhat repetitive but overall it was a good read and made you think about the importance of memory and the richness it adds to our lives. This was my B selection for the #litsyatoz2019 challenge.

SailorMoon A good read indeed! I liked it very much! There's a movie based on it, if I am not mistaken... with Nicole Kidman possibly... 5y
Ncostell @Hufflepuff16 I have not seen the movie yet but will have to check it out! 5y
BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
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Before I Go to Sleep | S. J. Watson
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A thriller about a woman who loses her memory every night when she goes to sleep and has to recreate the pieces of her life every morning when she wakes up. A quick, fairly fun read. 3/5 stars

tracey38 This sounds like a movie I saw years ago but can't remember the name of. 5y
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