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The Old Curiosity Shop
The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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The characters in this story are caricatures. There‘s the evil like Quilp and the good like Nell and Kit. Quilp is punished by drowning, like Quilp. And the good are punished by sickness, like Nell. What a horrible ending. Dickens has the longest sentences and writes about 400 pages more than necessary. It‘s baffling to me that Dickens can write something beautiful like A Tale of Two Cities or David Copperfield, and then write something like this…

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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It being Christmas, it was time to set out my grandmother‘s Dickens dishes. I‘ve used these as our Christmas dishes for many years but only read Dickens for the first time a few years ago. How marvelous that my favorite Christmas story, A Christmas Carol, was written by Dickens, on whose story (tagged) these dishes were clearly modeled.

Gissy So pretty! A treasure ❤️ 8mo
Librarybelle Lovely! 8mo
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Unfortunately after reading through 50% of the book, the story could no longer hold my attention. I found it difficult to get vested and wasn‘t enamored with any part of the book except a couple of chapters. There are redeeming qualities in the story but it just wasn‘t holding my interest. It was almost a chore to pick it up and move further along. Bail for me. I will gift my copies to my favorite Uncle as he unlike me, loved it.

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Hello everyone! This is my first time here. I'm reading Dickens with the book club. I'm really relaxing with his stories. It's always between fabulousness and hard reality. Now my reading experience is much richer and I see Dickens's traces in works of Dostoevsky. BTW, he's my icon equal with Hugo.

Did Nell's fate touched you or leave indifferent?

#Dickens #TheOldCuriosityShop

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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This was a gift from my mom many years ago.

#temptingtitles #withold

Eggs Beautiful 🤩 1y
Hazel2019 ❤️ 1y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Finds from today‘s vacation thrift! As if I needed more…😌

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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The money lender, Daniel Quilp, is certainly #malicious
#MayCharacters Day 21
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Perfect 👌🏼 3y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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I‘m joining @monalyisha in offering up some books to trade. The next couple stacks are from a huge donation for my LFL from a friend who is an English Lit professor.

Post your own stacks using #booktrade and let me know if you‘re interested in any of these. (US trade only for me due to shipping costs I‘m afraid.)

marleed I‘m having so much fun reading the titles in these posts! 3y
Gissy Many great titles!👌 3y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Day 10: #mourns

Apparently the whole nation grieved when the serial announcing Little Nell's death was published.

#maycharacters @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Well done 👍🏼 3y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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#BiblioMAYnia #Samebookdifferentcover

I‘ve started collecting antique books, which leads to multiple copies. I might have a problem! 😁

BookishMe Treasure of gems! 4y
OriginalCyn620 An awesome thing to collect! 4y
Crazeedi Those are beautiful books, very cool 4y
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CindyMyLifeIsLit @BookishMe @OriginalCyn620 @Crazeedi Thanks so much! It‘s certainly wonderful running across them in bookstores. It‘s like being on a treasure hunt and never knowing what you‘ll find! ❤️📚 4y
BookishMe I can only imagine the serendipitous delight❣️❣️ 4y
Crazeedi @CindyMyLifeIsLit such great fun! 4y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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My best bookish Christmas gift (as my dad picked up for me) was so old, the pages were falling out 😄 but the collectable feel was so meaningful; found at a Christmas farmhouse called The Cat's Meow. The shop is no longer in business, but was a pioneer beauty to visit (around 2005) with hot cider at the log iron stove. 🎄 I soon bought a new edition for reading The Old Curiosity Shop.

#ReadNosedReindeer @StayCurious 10+1
#WinterGames @Clwojick ❄️

mabell A great memory! ❤️ 5y
StayCurious Wow! I love that! Thanks for sharing:) +11 5y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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My sister's store! 😍 www.curiosasociety.com

Oryx Gorgeous 5y
DivineDiana Looks fantastic! 💗 5y
mreads Wow😮! If I'm ever in Toronto.... 5y
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readordierachel Awesome! 😍 5y
Megabooks Cool!! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
janeycanuck I have been drooling over the pics you post of her store since she opened. I have GOT to get my butt there one of these days. 5y
Bibliogeekery @janeycanuck it's honestly worth the trip! It's so magical! 5y
janeycanuck @Bibliogeekery I‘m in the big city for work today - if I finish up at a reasonable hour, maybe I can make it over and still get out of the city before rush hour hits! 5y
Bibliogeekery @janeycanuck oo! Exciting.! 5y
Bibliogeekery @janeycanuck wish I could join you! 5y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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My sister's store! 😍 www.curiosasociety.com

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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My sister's store 😍 www.curiosasociety.com

tournevis You did a booboo in the URL, fyi. 5y
Bibliogeekery @tournevis oops, thanks! 5y
Cathythoughts Gorgeous pic 5y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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“There‘s plenty more of it at the same shop,” said Mr. [Dick] Swiveller, by turns advancing and retreating in a threatening attitude, “a large and extensive assortment always on hand— country orders executed with promptitude and dispatch—will you have a little more, sir? Don‘t say no, if you‘d rather not.”

LauraJ I may name my next batch of foster kittens after Dickens characters! 5y
jveezer @LauraJ That would be classic. A whole litter of Swivelers, Fagins, Chuzzlewits, Pecksniffs, Fanny Squeers, M‘Choakumchilds, and Fezziwigs‼️😆 5y
LauraJ I challenge anyone to come up with a better kitten name than Fezziwigs! 5y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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So I have just finished The Old Curiosity Shop. I enjoyed his descriptive writing so much and it was often poetic. As for the narrative I thought it plodded along, sometimes a little to slow but picked up a pace towards the end.

My next read is staying in London though in a rather different genre!

There are certainly people #losttogether in The Old Curiosity Shop #TimbitTunes Prompt 21 @Cinfhen @TheKidUpstairs

Izai.Amorim The Aaronovich series was lots of fun. 6y
Cinfhen Impressive!!! 6y
MayJasper I have got right back in to the story. It certainly is fun @Izai.Amorim 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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I read this book purely because Oscar Wilde once said, if you dont laugh over the death of Nell, you have a heart of stone. Which kind of gave a huge part of the story away but it's Oscar. I was really surprised to have the main character killed off to be honest, but i guess i should have known better as Dickens does love to bash his characters around. Like most classics, I found it pretty hard going, but not overly descriptive as they can be.

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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#timbittunes #thatgirl

Is it just me or is #thatgirl Little Nell written as the most saccharine sweet child that ever lived? Apologies to the fans but this is my least favourite Dickens. #misshavishamforever #alsobarkisandpeggoty

TK-421 It's not just you! Dear sweet little Nell 🙄 6y
Cinfhen Have not read this one! I‘m bad when it comes to the “classics” 🙈🙈🙈🙈 6y
Centique @TK-421 😂😂😂 6y
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Centique @Cinfhen *whispers* “you‘re not missing much on this one” 😉 6y
Cinfhen 😘 6y
MayJasper I am reading this. I am struggling a bit. I love his descriptions but am not too keen on the characters especially the main ones. I struggle to have any empathy with Grandfather in particular. 6y
Centique @MayJasper good luck! I love his writing too, but yes, his main characters in this one just didn‘t connect with me either. Still it was a very influential book so I‘m glad I read it. 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Just seen this on Twitter

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens

Dickens writes, as in all his novels, beautifully, but this one is completely discomforting. The villain is a little person treated more of as a demon than a human which is extremely socially problematic. Even giving it a little levity for the time period it was written in, it‘s a little sad that an author like Dickens, who spends a lot of time writing about the misfortunes of others, showed this amount of callousness in the character of Quilp.

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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I thought I would like this more than I did. By the middle of the book my mind started wandering, but I finished. It was sad. 😔


Sace This is the only Dickens I've read. I haven't read any since. The more I think about it though I wonder if it was a bad choice. I've been told he's actually a good author. Oh I just remembered I have read a Christmas Carol. 6y
Rachbb3 @RestlessFickleBookHoarder I've read a couple of his books and liked them. This one was difficult. 😮 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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The #octoberputaspellonyou photo challenge today is #luckycharm and I bet some could be found in the place featured in my next read.
Thanks @vkois88 & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🍀🙌🏻❤️ 6y
Lcsmcat Little Nell could have used a good luck charm! 6y
vkois88 Ooooh a curiosity shop 😍 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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This book played like a twisted fantasy from the mind of the author. The book itself is like a shop displaying its curiosities, which in this case, are characters that are so completely good or evil that they cannot be real.

I‘ll select one character to make a point. Sally Brass is portrayed as being as smart as a man, and daring to function in the male sphere of law. She is ugly, mean, and ‘unnatural‘. Dickens has a serious problem with women👇

Libby1 Continued - There is a darkness in this book which I think is the author‘s attempt at working through grief. There is also some thinly veiled anti-semitism and an inability to create complex female characters. The book is like an allegory, and while it is the work of a master, I feel almost disturbed after finishing it. I‘ve never experienced this with one of his books before. There is one scene with a factory worker that shines with beauty. 6y
BarbaraBB How many Dickens‘ have you read? 6y
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Libby1 Hi, @BarbaraBB ! This is the 11th Dickens novel I‘ve read. I had already experienced some of the issues I noted in other books, but for some reason they felt more stark in this one. Maybe I‘m just in a particularly bad mood at the moment? That is completely possible! I love his work: the heart for social justice, the keen eye on social conditions, the humour. For some reason the contrast between female characters was so stark I became annoyed. 6y
BarbaraBB I think you are a real expert on Dickens after reading 11 of his novels. You are probably right in what you think. Impressive! 6y
Libby1 @BarbaraBB - not an expert at all! I‘m sure many people love this book but there were underlying themes I found to be sinister. Dickens may have been a social justice campaigner, but his record of anti-Semitism is appalling. I felt one particularly odious character was hinted vaguely as being Jewish. It bothered me, & when I looked into it the commentary on this came from white supremacists. Made me feel ill and may be the cause of my discomfort. 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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One of the joys of reading #DickensInSeptember is discovering the seriously odd names in his books.

Last year in Barnaby Rudge the winner of the Weird Name Contest was Simon Tappertit.

Dick Swiveller takes the cake.


Tanisha_A 😂 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KVanRead it‘s another one for the #Spankle list! 😂. Although honestly this one might be the best! (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think the funniest I found wasn‘t one of his weird names, but I definitely laughed when Michael Jackson made an appearance in Bleak House 6y
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EchoLogical 🤣 6y
TrishB 😂😂 6y
Velvetfur 'Dick Swiveller takes the cake' sounds like a 'specialist interest film'! 😂😂 6y
Zelma @Velvetfur 😮😂 I am loving the idea of a whole series of “special interest” films using Dickens character names. And even using Dickens in the series name would open a lot of options. #LitsyAfterDark. 😆 6y
Velvetfur @Zelma Hahaha! I think we're on a roll now...! 6y
Eggs 😂😂😂 6y
AJones 🤣 6y
Libby1 @Velvetfur and @Zelma “special interest films”? 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Libby1 @Tanisha_A , @EchoLogical , @TrishB , @Eggs , @AJones - my first thought was, “SERIOUSLY?!?!?!” 6y
Libby1 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa and @KVanRead - I missed this #Spankle list! What‘s the origin of the name. Yes, I too remember Michael Jackson incongruously moonwalking his way into that scene in Bleak House! 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Each September I choose a book written by Charles Dickens. #DickensInSeptember has been a tradition for me for the last 7 or 8 years. I was only able to start reading this one a week ago, but as the napkin says, “Better latte than never”!

Do you have any annual reading traditions?


Prairiegirl_reading Since I visited New Orleans in 2015 I read at least one book set in or about the city in April, which was the month we went. I really loved it there. 😄 6y
KarouBlue Out curiosity (hey! Ba dum bum) Why September? 😜 6y
Libby1 @Prairiegirl_reading - great idea! Which books set in NOLA would you recommend? A Confederacy if Dunces is in my TBR. Have you read it? 6y
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Libby1 @MellieAntoinete - good question! I just decided that Dickens felt autumnal! I have this weird thing about reading books in certain seasons. It stems from when I tried to start reading Wuthering Heights on a sunny June day. Nope. 6y
Prairiegirl_reading @Libby1 I have that one on my tbr too. I thought Zeitoun by Dave Eggers was super interesting. About a Muslim man living in the city during Katrina and what happened to him. I have a whole shelf of Nola related stuff, enough for a few Aprils anyway! Lol! 6y
Libby1 That is fantastic, @Prairiegirl_reading . I love that. I visited NOLA when I was 12 and it made a huge impact on me. As a midwestern girl, it was the first place I‘d visited that felt vaguely European to me. It made me want to go to Europe as soon as possible. 6y
KarouBlue @Libby1 OMG book kismet here! Totally feel the same! 6y
Prairiegirl_reading @Libby1 I loved it so much! I loved the vibe but also the history. Although I spent most of my time in the French quarter so not the more troubled neighbourhoods. I want to go back very badly. I would love to go to Europe but I don‘t think I could manage the flight! Not a good flyer. 6y
Libby1 @MellieAntoinete - glad I‘m not alone in that! My husband thinks it‘s awfully funny. 6y
Libby1 @Prairiegirl_reading - don‘t let that fear of flying hold you back! I hope you get here some day. I moved to Northern Ireland 18 years ago. 😃 6y
Prairiegirl_reading @Libby1 it‘s fear which I can control but it‘s also my ear, which I can‘t. 😕 I hope to get there too! What made you move to Ireland? 6y
Libby1 @Prairiegirl_reading - oh no about your ear. 😟 I came to NI to study for a masters and then stayed. A perk of living here is that when possible I‘m able to travel to a diversity of places so easily. I‘m really grateful. 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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📚 84
📚 100
📚 The Broken Girls or Caraval
📚 The Old Curiosity Shop


The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Look what I found, look what I found! I‘m so thrilled that I managed to find a copy of this Out of Print edition of ‘The Old Curiosity Shop‘. It was one of my favourite designs from the series and I had almost lost hope in ever getting a copy! #happybooklover
#penguinenglishlibrary #penguin #bookstagram #booklover #coverlove

Libby1 I read one Charles Dickens book each September and this is my choice for 2018! 6y
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Discovered a new recipe: Miso Butter Shrimp with some Garlic Fried Rice! So delicious.

Also, here is my PEL edition of Charles Dickens' The Old Curiosity Shop. I have only read two Dickens novels and wasn't a huge fan, but I do want to give him another chance. This one seems promising.

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Getting back to my old friend Boz. My plan is to at least read all his completed novels before I die. Reader‘s have very different bucket lists from normal folk. 😁

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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“The child looked around her, with that solemn feeling with which we contemplate the work of ages that have become but drops of water in the great ocean of eternity. The old man had followed them, but they were all three hushed for a space, and drew their breath softly, as if they feared to #break the silence even by so slight a sound.” #QuotsyJuly18

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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"The glare and hurry of broad noon are not adapted to idle pursuits like mine; a glimpse of passing faces caught by the light of a street-lamp or a shop window is often better for my purpose than their full revelation in the #daylight; and, if I must add the truth, night is kinder in this respect than day, which too often destroys an air-built castle at the moment of its completion, without the least ceremony or remorse.” #QuotsyJune18

TK-421 Image from cover of Wordsworth Classics edition 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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“Kit was a shock-headed, shambling, #awkward lad with an uncommonly wide mouth, very red cheeks, a turned-up nose, and certainly the most comical expression of face I ever saw." #QuotsyMay18

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Quilp is the ultimate #villain, preying on the weak and the poor. #litsyclassics @Sarah83

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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“She told him all—that they had no friend or relative—that she had fled with the old man, to save him from a madhouse and all the miseries he dreaded—that she was flying now, to save him from himself—and that she sought an #asylum in some remote and primitive place, where the temptation before which he fell would never enter, and her late sorrows and distresses could have no place.” #QuotsyApril18

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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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I am a moody reader and I was craving for a classic, preferably Dickens. I am glad I picked it up.

Which was the last classic you read?

Lreads I've been reading Nicholas Nickelby for a loooong time. I really like it but I also don't want it to end. 7y
BiblioLitten @QuietlyLaura That's why I sometimes prefer one looongg book. I was confused between Nicholas Nickelby and The Old Curiosity Shop. Somehow the former seemed daunting. 7y
Lreads Nicholas Nickelby is actually a really interesting story where the characters go from one situation to another. I found myself unexpectedly laughing over some of the antics! I've never read The Old Curiosity Shop. 7y
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BiblioLitten @QuietlyLaura Sounds interesting! The... Shop isn't funny but I picked it up because I wanted to revisit the Dickens' style of writing. It's kinda sad, esp the ending. 7y
TheBookKeeper Great Expectations - I loved it. Now am reading The Magic Mountain which is going to be a long haul for me. 6y
BiblioLitten @TheBookKeeper I sure took my time with Great Expectations but it was worth it. 6y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Even though I didn't like this story, I do love Dickens' writing, especially in descriptions like this one. #Drift #QuotsyJan18

MayJasper Love the quote 💙 7y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Feeling the Charles Dickens love this season. Also this is one of my #Litsyclassics books to read. 👍🏼

Sarah83 Such a cute cover 7y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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One of the few times I kind of got mad at Dickens. Why did #LittleNell have to die just when things got better for her? #dickensianDecember @jenniferw88

The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Any Philly Littens familiar with this statue of #LittleNell and Dickens? According to Wikipedia it was one of the most famous American statues of the late 19th Century. #DickensianDecember #Philadelphia @jenniferw88

JanuarieTimewalker13 Philly is so underrated...love that city! Great photo! Don‘t remember ever seeing this! (edited) 7y
KVanRead @JanuarieTimewalker13 Yes. Apparently it‘s in a place called Clark Park. Looks lovely. 7y
LeahBergen Cool! 👏🏻 7y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Ich weiß, ich bin ein wenig spät, aber @Kalalalatja wollte einen brauen Bücherstapel. Hier ist er... 😉

I know, I'm a bit a late but @Kalalalatja wanted a brown stack, so here we go... 😉


So maybe @DeborahSmall @ScorpioBookDreams @Bambolina_81 or @scripturient wants to show an orange stack? 😉

Bambolina_81 Orange 🤔 I'll see what I've got! 7y
Kalalalatja So pretty! 7y
Sarah83 @Kalalalatja Thank you. 😉 It wasn't easy. 😉 7y
Sarah83 @Bambolina_81 Or you do a rainbow stack 😊 7y
JazzFeathers 😍😍😍 7y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Scribd. Anyone else use it? Worth it?

Dogearedcopy I used it for a year; but canceled my subscription after that. Originally unlimited number of books and audiobooks, it became 3 ebooks + 1 audiobook only; and the selection became *much* more limited. Not worth it for me; but I think the first month is a free trial period so you can check it out that way. 7y
Sace @Dogearedcopy I'm trying 30 days. Wow. Unlimited would have been a great deal. 7y
bookwrm526 I still use it, even after it went to the limited credits, but I burn my way through a LOT of audiobooks so it's worth it for me 7y
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xicanti I had it for over two years, and even after the credit system came in I found it more than worth it. There're a lot of smaller presses on there, and their titles are expensive to buy even as ebooks so the math was solid. Lots of pubs also make omnibus editions available, so depending on what you're into you can get far more than 3 books per month. I cancelled so I could finally read some of my own damned books. 7y
Sace @bookwrm526 the audiobooks option is something I need to look at. 7y
Sace @xicanti cool! I still haven't really explored it much. I like the idea of doing more small press reading. Though I do need to read my own damn books too 😂 7y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Little Nell's grandfather would have served her better if, instead of trying to raise money for her by gambling had said to himself, I'm #myownworstenemy. #90sinJuly @Robothugs @Cinfhen

Robothugs Nicely done! 7y
Cinfhen Haven't read this one😕 7y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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Texreader Gorgeous books 📚❤️ 7y
rubyslippersreads Scrumptious! 😍 7y
SharonGoforth 😍😍 7y
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LeahBergen There's that North and South you MADE me buy. 😉 7y
Kalalalatja Beautiful 😍😍 7y
elkeOriginal Beautiful 💕📚💖 7y
Moray_Reads @LeahBergen I was there terrifying your arm in spirit 😉 I have the matching Wives and Daughters edition too 7y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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I'm so behind with my prompts! Does anyone do a heartbreaking and sentimental death like Dickens? Little Nell always has me weeping. #whendovescry. Does it count as a spoiler if the book is 176 years old? Posted under the spoiler tag just in case. #lyricalapril

Sarah83 Dickens is an enormous writer. 😍 7y
LeahBergen I ALWAYS like a spoiler tag, even for the "classics". I don't read introductions until after I'm done now because they always assume everyone knows the major plot points. ? 7y
Cinfhen Good question @Moray_Reads I always think thrillers = spoilers but that's not the case🤓 7y
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The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens
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I confess that I love Dickens, in all his wordiness and moralizing, and have since I read Oliver Twist when I was eight. I realize he's not everyone's cup of tea, but he can spin a yarn! This is not my favorite Dickens - I mean, he could have let Nell live! - but an enjoyable read nonetheless. (I started this in 2016 so I'm not counting it towards any of my 2017 challenges.)