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The Umbrella Academy 1
The Umbrella Academy 1 | Gerard Way
138 posts | 175 read | 2 reading | 62 to read
As six superheroes unite to attend their adopted father's funeral, they must deal with their individual problems and team up to save the world from different foes.
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This is going to be difficult for me to write: but the show is better than the graphic novel. Maybe the writer felt the story needed to be hastened because it was a limited run series, but the show definitely delves further into everything. My hope is that the story lines in the subsequent volumes of the Umbrella Academy are fleshed out more fully. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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So very different from the Netflix tv show- I love the loose story telling and the fact that plot lines can be so twisted. Comic art work that can truly push outside the fence of reality! Yay art!

Umbrella Academy | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way
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I'm so far behind ... #Alphabetgame


Watched the series first, then read the comics in between seasons. Now watching the latest season with my husband, who binge watched the first two after I suggested he'd like it. Only five episodes in, but holy cow. Love Viktor in this season. Hate the Sparrows. Seriously hate Ben, but I guess that's the point?

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July was a solid reading month but didn‘t have many stand outs. I did love the first book in the Umbrella Academy series and it was a great introduction. I wished there were more stories of Klaus, Five, and their siblings. 🧐


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My new obsession!!! We recently watched the latest season. I love love love Klaus! Plus the actors accent is amazing.

TheBiasedBibliophile I love The Umbrella Academy! Klaus and Five are the best! 😍 2y
5feet.of.fury So good! 2y
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I decided to finally check out the source Mary for the Netflix series. There were some noticeable differences but I really enjoyed this first entry in the series. It has a very Watchmen feel to it but with cleaner break between story lines. I like the dark humor and dysfunctional family relationships. #graphicnovel

The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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A dysfunctional family of superheroes with psychological realism in the interactions between adopted siblings; a macabre punk/horror aesthetic; and a darkly satirical story about saving a world which may not merit the effort. This graphic novel is continually surprising and deeply compelling. Gabriel Bá‘s art is ultra cool. The violence is kept surreal to the point of ridiculous, even the exploding brains. Loved it all. #comics

TrishB My daughter is a massive Gerard Way fan and we got tickets for her few years ago to meet him at a comic con. She was really cool until the very end but then when he shook her hand to say thanks for coming, she declared her love and burst into tears ❤️ She was 16! 3y
Lindy @TrishB What a great anecdote! Is your daughter also a fan of his band My Chemical Romance? I was long past my punk phase by the time they entered the scene. 3y
TrishB Yes she is- we are going to see them in May hopefully- postponed from 2 years ago! 3y
Lindy @TrishB 🤞 3y
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The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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What do you think of the decision to colour the walls/ceiling/floor red in this panel, and the blood splatter black? I find it striking, yet easier to take as fantasy, done this way. Also, the edges of the panel pool outward like broken glass—I like that too.

The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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I just mentioned the humour in this graphic novel… I should have said DARK humour.

The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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Lots of funny parts in this series, including the notes at the end of each chapter.

The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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Sir Reginald Hargreeves, aka The Monocle. World-renowned scientist and wealthy entrepreneur. Inventor of the Televator, the Levitator, the Mobile Umbrella Communicator, and Clever Crisp Cereal. Olympic gold medallist and recipient of the Nobel Prize for his work in the cerebral advancement of the chimpanzee. Space alien.

The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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—And you were awarded the Oppenheimer Prize for Villainy at last week‘s annual Summit for Dastardly Deeds—what are you going to do with all that money?
—Well, I‘m SO glad you asked that—because I spent all the money on this giant Murderbot, and I‘ve been dying to show it off.
—Wow! That‘s impressive! So what does it do?
—Well, Mr Clark… it murders people.

The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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“Isn‘t this worth saving?”

[Just one panel from an entirely tongue-in-cheek graphic novel]

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The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse suite | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way, Dave Stewart
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Reading my way into the new year with one of my Christmas gifts.

(Please ignore the messy desk background!)

Happy New Year to all!

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There have only been a few instances in my life where I prefer a movie or TV adaptation to the book, but The Umbrella Academy is one of them. Gerard Way created a pretty cool world and my hat is off to him; but the Netflix adaptation sharpens the characters and gives us the space to explore their relationships. I highly recommend the TV series, but in my view, you can feel free to skip the graphic novel if that format isn't typically your jam.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟 The Umbrella ☂ Academy, a dysfunctional family of superhero‘s with bizarre super powers. Trying to save the world from the apocalypse. #graphicnovel #comics #fantasy #superheros

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Apocalypse Suite | Gerard Way
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Was not charmed. At all. #BBRC fiction graphic novel @LibrarianRyan @Sarahreadstoomuch

LibrarianRyan Really. Love the tv show based on this book. Hummmmmm 3y
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Thanks to @Mavey for the tag!
My favourite graphic novel is Umbrella Academy! I love the design, the story, the colors!
I've been attracted to it because it's written by Gerard Way, then I fell in love with all the story and especially I truly love Number 5 ❤

Share your favourite graphic novel!
@Bubisaur @ozma.of.oz @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @MySharonaK @xicanti @Kenyazero @TheNeverendingTBR

TheNeverendingTBR Thanks Val! 🙋‍♂️ 4y
Ast_Arslan @TheNeverendingTBR 👍 you're welcome! I like this kind of bookish game 🤣 4y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Unfortunately, I don't have too much experience with graphic novels. 4y
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MySharonaK Thank you ❤️ 4y
Ast_Arslan @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego maybe you can use an illustrated book if you want to partecipate 😉 4y
Kenyazero Thanks for the tag! Good pick 😉 4y
mavey Thanks so much for sharing!💕Number Five is my favorite too! The Netflix Series is indeed a very good adaptation! 4y
Ast_Arslan @Mavey thank you for the tag!! I totally agree with you 😍 4y
mavey @Ast_Arslan 🤗The actor who plays Five is just brilliant! The soundtrack too! The Siblings Dance Scene in S1 moves my feet everytime!🤩 Could you please tag it under ComicComfort so many more could enjoy the pick💕 4y
Ast_Arslan @Mavey everything is just perfect in S1 😍 but I still have to see S2 😅 regarding the tag I think I did it 😉 4y
mavey 😊 The second season was good too! I felt that it was teeny tiny bit, slightly different kind of a gripping thrill! 4y
mavey Thanks again @Ast_Arslan !💗 4y
Ast_Arslan @Mavey I think I'll see it soon 🤣 I hope to see the Dallas part 😍 4y
Ast_Arslan @Mavey I put the tag even on the pic! Sorry but I was in hurry at the first edit and I didn't notice it 😅😅 4y
mavey 😊I'm sure you'll love it! 4y
mavey @Ast_Arslan Oh not at all! It's okay! I'm glad I found a fellow UmbrellaAcademy fan in you and more Comic Lovers because of you! Sending an inaccurate bloodpump your way❤😅😂 4y
TheNeverendingTBR I've put this on my stacked list, sounds awesome. 💫 4y
Ast_Arslan @Mavey ahahahah no prob 😘❤ 4y
Ast_Arslan @TheNeverendingTBR it's a great one! Plus, I did the same with It's a new title for me but it's quite interesting! 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Ast_Arslan Absolutely! 😌👌 4y
BookmarkTavern I‘ll have to think about this one! Thanks for the tag! 4y
Ast_Arslan @ozma.of.oz ❤😉 4y
DogMomIrene Sunny Rolls the Dice and all the other Sunny stories🤓 4y
Ast_Arslan @DogMomIrene I don't know it 🤔 maybe I'll check the comic shop soon xD 4y
DogMomIrene @Ast_Arslan It‘s a middle school graphic novel set in the 70s. Celebrates nerd culture really well. Sunny‘s a great kid🙂 4y
Ast_Arslan @DogMomIrene it seems really nice! Thanks for the advice! 4y
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Umbrella Academy | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way
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The intro alone got me hooked, the premise of these 7 kids piqued my interest, but as I kept going, I was along for the entire ride. I need to go read vol.2 as this volume left me with so many questions that I'm wondering if are explained such as their sibling relationship, what exactly has been going on with no.5, the anger of no.2, and what else is 7 capable of...

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Great action illustrations and story, on my first try with reading The Umbrella Academy. 🤓 I'll see if my dad is up for watching the Netflix show. He tends to find these superhero stories over-the-top wild ☕️🐵 but he did like Hellboy and Doom Patrol.

DieAReader Awesome! I‘m still curious about the series but, haven‘t been much in the mood for tv lately☹️ I think we‘re gonna start binging The Big Bang Theory ‘cause some laughs are about all I think I can handle🤣 4y
Dan_SpiderCrafts @Squidget I've seen every Big Bang episode, as ultimately my parents favourite show. We're just starting to watch the new Call Me Kat show, with (Amy character) Mayim Bialik. 4y
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Waited months for my #Overdrive hold to come in and the book will not load onto my Kindle Fire! No error messages. It says it's downloaded, but it will not open and still has an x on it. I can't really read it in my browser, because the print is too small and I can't zoom in. I need the Kindle book to load. Damn it!

Apocalypse Suite | Gerard Way
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I probably shouldn't love Seance as much as I do 🤣🤣🤣

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Apocalypse Suite | Gerard Way
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Next up: This is a reread, but I only just got my hands on volume 3 and it's been years since I read this and Dallas. Time to refresh.

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Belated birthday present from the other half 🥰🥰

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I don't often read graphic novels, but when I do, I usually find them very entertaining. There's so much more than just a story, it's truly art. I will admit, I do like some of the changes that were made for the big screen. That said I always have a fond appreciation for the original concept. #bookspinbingo


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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I'm not a huge comic or graphic novel reader, but I love Netflix's adaptation of The Umbrella Academy and wanted to check out the source material, It was great! 😃 I will hopefully get to the other volumes sooner than later.

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Up next... thought I'd wrap up the month with some light reading. This should be fun. #bookspinbingo

Umbrella Academy | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way
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Best b-day gifts ever! ✨
As a huge fan of the netflix adaptation I can't wait to read them!

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This was a quick re-read, from last year.
I remember reading it and wanting to get my hands on the rest of the volumes and then life happened...
So getting all 3 volumes at once seemed to be the best solution to my problem.

I must say reading this the second time was way more fun. I remember the first time there was a lot of going back to check and refresh my memory. This time I knew all the characters and just enjoyed the ride.
And what a ride..

Family, you have to love them, right? Or you can try and kill them.

Now one to the next one...
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Umbrella Academy | Gabriel Ba, Gerard Way
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September 5th
☂️ spinach quiche and pumpkin spice coffee
☂️ season 2 of umbrella academy (virtual date with hubby)
☂️ some #LitsyLove catch up

@mollyrotondo , @Squidget , @Jessinikkip , @jb72, @pareads , @allylu, @cheshirecat913, @originalCyn620 , @hazel2019, @Crazeedi

OriginalCyn620 Awesome! I love The Umbrella Academy! 🖤 4y
AkashaVampie We just got done watching episode 9 of the 2and season. We are gunna hopefully watch the last episode tomorrow before the hubby goes to work. 4y
Allylu I‘m adding Umbrella Academy to my list for when I‘m done with Grey‘s. I know I‘m going to have a Netflix hangover after 16 seasons. 4y
ElizaMarie @Allylu it so so good! 4y
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I read this volume before the first season came out on Netflix and didn‘t enjoy it so I skipped the show - until recently. Some online friends and I have been watching shows and chatting about them and they chose Umbrella Academy. Another friend encouraged me to watch it and I have to say that the show is superior to the comic. If you‘ve skipped the show because you found the comic lacking, give it a try. Also, #TeamKlaus.

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Been feeling crappy for the past couple of days (tired AF). So been just laying around watching some shows. The Umbrella Academy being one of them. Just finished the first season of this show!!! 💞 💞 💞 I would so recommend this show. One of my favorite characters is Klaus!!!

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Meaw_catlady I love Klaus! 4y
ElizaMarie I loved it too!!! I need to see the second season! 4y
Sweetkokoro Omg I love this show! I actually enjoyed Season 2 way more but they are both so enjoyable. Deigo, Luther and Ben are my favorites!! 4y
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JamieArc I enjoy season 2 more as well, especially Klaus. 4y
wanderinglynn I‘ve been putting off watching season 2 until Labor Day weekend when I will have plenty of time to binge! 4y
TheBookStacker Season 2 definitely was better in my opinion. Klaus is my favorite 😊 4y
EmberIvyRose Such a good show!!
Jesstifies Sorry about feeling bad! But I see that you‘re treating yourself right! Season two has been great also, I‘m almost done! 4y
AkashaVampie @Meaw_catlady @ElizaMarie @Sweetkokoro @JamieArc @wanderinglynn @TheBookStacker @EatSleepRead @Jesstifies thanks for letting me know that 2nd season is even better. We as a family have been trying to watch as much as we can. I think we watched like 3 episodes today. We have seen the trailer for the second season and Klaus and Diego look so weird. Hoping to watch more tomorrow. 4y
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This was epic, I can't believe I waited so long to read this!

Art: Amazing
Story: Epic
Characters: Exactly what I wanted them to be!

I'm glad I decided to pick this up and read it, its fast, fun, and full of adventure, now onto the tv show! I can't wait to read the next comic in this series.

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I know this is like sacrilege... but I thought the Netflix series was way better. Even though some of the acting left much to be desired (cough cough Numbers 1 & 4), I thought it was richer with better history. And some of the acting was 🔥. If I hadn‘t already seen the series, I also felt I would have been confused by a lot in the GN. 🤷🏽‍♀️ #kindle

vlwelser The Netflix series is awesome. I totally agree. 4y
BethM You‘re kicked out lol. 4y
Books88 I felt the same. 4y
Avanders @bethm 😂😁 4y
jpmcwisemorgan I finished season two of the show last week and it‘s far superior to what I read in volume one that I‘m ok with not finishing any of the comic. 4y
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I read this On Feb 21 and rated it 3 ⭐️. I really wanted to love this one. I have been looking at buying it for a few years now but I just felt disappointed. I think it‘s over-hyped because of who Gerard Way is. I am not saying that the story isn‘t great but a bit of this felt rushed and fell flat. The art, while nice, wasn‘t amazing. In some cases, I prefer Way‘s concept art. Has anyone read the next volume? Should I continue?

Books88 Same. I watched the Netflix show after and it was much better. 5y
Aaronlisa @AJBowers good to know. I might give the series a try then 5y
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So I absolutely loved the art work in this, however I didn't get a good sense of the characters in this one.

I decided to start watching the series on Netflix and the characters became so much more fleshed out and likable, but I just didn't get that in the book.

It felt more like a layout for something with the potential to be great.

Catherine_Willoughby A book or graphic novel ? Only seen the first 15 minutes of this show last year 5y
Books88 @Catherine_Willoughby It's a comic book 💕 5y
LoveToReadLiveToRead I haven‘t read this but really enjoyed the Netflix series when I watched it last year. There‘s a great dancing scene in the first episode! 💃🏼 5y
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Blueberry @LoveToReadLiveToRead I also loved the dance scene around episode 8 or 9 with Allison and Luther. 5y
readordierachel I really love the Netflix series. I tried to read this one and ended up not finishing, for exactly the reasons you describe. 5y
readordierachel @Blueberry That dance 💕 5y
reader_in_april The show was awesome! I never read these though. 5y
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My inner teenager is so excited about reading this.
Brb joining the Black Parade.

Mrs_B Love it!!! 5y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I love this comic so much! This is a re-read, I first read it four years ago when I was in the middle of an intense MCR fan phase lol. This comic is incredibly weird and a little disjointed, and I do have to say that I like the TV show better for characterization and plot, but this is a lot of fun!

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I try not to compare mediums because I think it's really unfair, but the TV series was just so much better.

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I somewhat enjoyed this comic. It was compelling, and had a lot of potential. I didn't really get a feel for any of the characters, who felt very flat overall. I also didn't fully understand the motivation if the villains other than "they're crazy, crazy people are dangerous". #comic #superhero #timetravel #music

jpmcwisemorgan I didn‘t like this one very much either. It didn‘t live up to it‘s hype, I guess. (edited) 5y
Kenyazero @jpmcwisemorgan Oh I imagine not! I picked this one up before I learned about the hype from the Netflix show, and was still disappointed 🤭 5y
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Apocalypse Suite | Gerard Way
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This was excellent but FAR different from the Netflix show. The characters are all there but with differences, some small and some drastic. I prefer the show so likely won't read any more.

jpmcwisemorgan I read this and it was kind of meh so I‘ve not read anymore and I skipped the show too. Is the show better? 5y
bookishbitch @jpmcwisemorgan I think the show is much better. 5y
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This has been on my #tbr for AGES. I was a MCR fan back in the ole Three Cheers days. But it ended up not being my cup of tea. I bailed halfway through and there goes one of my #hoopla checkouts so early in the month.

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My morning outing left me feeling kinda nauseated. (Thanks, jerky traffic conditions.) I‘ve been drinking lots of water and I think I‘m about ready to put some food in my belly.

I finally finished SWEET DISORDER, so it‘s comics time! I think I‘d like this one more if I hadn‘t watched the show, which rejigs and deepens a lot of the character dynamics. Still, it‘s pretty good. I‘m 1.5 issues from the end. #deweyoct #readathon

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Seriously?!? How has it taken me this long to get around to reading this fabulousness?!?

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marleed Oh wow! 5y
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I saw the Netflix miniseries before reading this. I still thoroughly enjoyed it, this interesting group of powered adopted children, kind of a cross between the X-Men and Doom Patrol, with extra quirky accents. Recommended.

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Oh God! As if I didn‘t have enough already! I want them all! 😂😆😆😆 #FunkoPop

LibrarianRyan Have you seen the christmas village yet? Or Jack Skellington and his house? OMG. Plus all the new Dark Crystal pops that come out next month!! 5y
GypsyKat @LibrarianRyan Ugh! Yes! I‘ve seen some of them! I need a bigger house for all my books and Funkos! 🙈 5y
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Definitely a must read! I‘ve heard such good things about the show but I wanted to read the series before watching the show. After finishing this volume, I can‘t wait to read the other volumes and watch the series. The classic superhero feel to it is just so great. And I love the art style and storytelling! On to volume 2! #comic #graphicnovel

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Been wanting to give this a go before watching the show. Stoked to dive in! #graphicnovel #comic

wideeyedreader Ahh it‘s so good! Read this one a few years back and loved it! 5y
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Book 3 is done for the July 2019 #24in48 #readathon. This one got me off to a great start for Day 2 of the ‘thon. Loved the artwork. And the story made for an enticing intro to the main characters and their world. I‘ll definitely continue reading the series. But I may start watching the Netflix version before I read more. Looking forward to both! 4/5⭐️

UwannaPublishme 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻📚📚📚 5y
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