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Secret of the Old Clock (Anniversary, Limited)
Secret of the Old Clock (Anniversary, Limited) | Carolyn Keene
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A special treat for Nancy Drew fans! Out just in time for Nancy's 80th anniversary, we're releasing a limited number of copies of "The Secret of the Old Clock," the first book in the series. It's the exciting mystery that readers have fallen in love with for 80 years, with a terrific new look and bonus material! Collectors won't want to miss this.
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Even though he gets called away A LOT, to me, Nancy Drew can't exist without her father, Carson Drew. 🕵🏻‍♀️

Karisimo Love Nancy Drew! Thanks for playing! 3mo
dabbe @Karisimo 🤩😀🤗 3mo
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Loving these figurines I got from a Kickstarter! #nancydrew #nancydrewbr

AnnCrystal 🤩👍💝. 4mo
kwmg40 Those are great! 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Gissy Beautiful 😍👌❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
KadaGul Absolutely 💯 Adorable 🥰 4mo
Ruthiella Classic! 😍 4mo
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I thought I‘d read the original Nancy Drew novels, but I think I‘d only read the reimagine version from the ‘90s. I liked that Nancy solved the case on her own. She didn‘t need to be rescued, she was clever (and sometimes lucky), and she stood up for the underdogs who had been unexpectedly disinherited. I do wish the title didn‘t give away so much of the plot. My daughter and I are both interested to read the next one.


#NancyDrew #NancyDrewBR As I was unpacking a box of old books I found four old Nancy Drew books. The copyright is 1959 but I have no idea when these were released. My parents gave them to me as a Christmas gift in the early 1970s. My brother suggested that I try to sell them on eBay in stead of donating them to the Humane Society‘s thrift store. If anyone sells them on eBay it will be my brother. Does anyone know if they have any financial value?

Librarybelle I don‘t know if this will help you, but the Nancy Drew Sleuth site has selling tips, including how to describe the books: http://www.nancydrewsleuth.com/collect.html 6mo
CatLass007 @Librarybelle Thank you so much!😘 6mo
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Fellow #NancyDrewBR I need your help! My mother read ND as a girl, which would have been late 60s/early 70s & remembers a part of a book that she read, but can't find now. It's likely because of the updated editions, but she wants to see if she can find the title of said book. If anyone encounters this snippet, during our rereads, please let me know! 😊
This is what she recalls: (see comment below)

Born.A.Reader Nancy is dressed in a fancy dress with a train for some type of fashion show, she runs out to catch a bad guy and ruins the train. Bess & George have to help her sew on a new one.
TheKidUpstairs That sounds incredibly familiar, and I've got some old Nancy Drew's in my collection, will check them when I get home... 6mo
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DebinHawaii @Born.A.Reader I think it might be this one—there‘s a fashion show & Nancy chases a pickpocket & the dress‘s train is damaged: 6mo
Born.A.Reader @DebinHawaii I think that might be it too! I'll check with her tomorrow and see if it is. Thank you! 6mo
mrp27 This is my first time reading ND and so far isn‘t in the first 5 books. 6mo
Born.A.Reader @DebinHawaii She said that's it! Thank you so much! 💕 Love how quick the response was for this. This group is amazing! ❤️ @Librarybelle 6mo
DebinHawaii @Born.A.Reader Yay! 🎉 I‘m glad to help. And yay to Google! I get great satisfaction in finding information! 🤣🤣🤣 6mo
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I remember reading a lot of Nancy Drew as a child. I also remember liking the Nancy Drew Files that came out in the mid-80s better than the originals, thinking they were more readable. That still holds true. I find the prose here clunky, but there‘s a Scooby-Doo “meddlesome kids” vibe to Nancy that I adore. This gets points for nostalgia if nothing else.

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Loved Nancy Drew growing up. I was looking for an audiobook to listen to while I was cleaning house today and came across this. Nancy Drew books got me into reading mysteries and I still love this genre.

While listening to this audiobook, I laughed bc when the book was written in 1930 the amount of things were so cheap compared with today prices. I still love Nancy Drew but I now consider it a cozy mystery.

#classic #bookspinbingo

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I loved Nancy Drew growing up. Was looking for an audiobook to listen to and came across Nancy Drew.

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So, a few months behind the Litsy discussion group I finished the first Nancy Drew novel. The ebook I bought seems to be the older 1930 version and I stumbled across the portrayal of Jeff Tucker. Anyway the story tries to build suspense and I think this is okay for the target audience of teenagers. But as an adult it strikes me weird to give away the major clue in the title. 🙈

Librarybelle Haha, so true - the title says everything! 8mo
MariaW @Librarybelle I am also not satisfied with the titles of some of the Agatha Christie novels, but at least she is not giving away the clues - well, most of the times. 🙈 8mo
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The German kids have been using the English word „cringe“ a lot lately. I have to admit that it expresses the feeling perfectly I got while reading the first of the Nancy Drew novels. I know it was published in 1930 and back then it was a different time, but it makes me cringe to read the stereotypical portrait of Jeff Tucker.

Ruthiella They totally changed that in the 1950s version. 8mo
MariaW @Ruthiella I read about that in the discussion group, but the ebook version I bought seems to be the old one. 8mo
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Shocker! I‘m behind on reviews. Picked this up for the #buddyread. Totally forgot to comment on the discussion. 🤦‍♀️

This photo was taken a bit ago because my Thanksgiving cactus has bloomed a lot more.

I haven‘t read all of Nancy Drew, so this was a first time read for me. I really liked how Nancy got into solving her first mystery.

Librarybelle Hooray!! 10mo
Aims42 My mom gave me a Thanksgiving cactus this year. I‘m hoping I don‘t kill it by next Thanksgiving 😬🤞 10mo
Laughterhp @Aims42 I‘m so bad at plants and mine has lasted a year! And I‘m thinking the blooming is a good sign! 😊 10mo
Aims42 @Laughterhp Yay!! There‘s hope for me then 🤗 I think blooming is definitely a good sign! 10mo
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The book finally arrived from the library. I haven‘t read Nancy Drew since my teens so this was a trip down memory lane

Nancy gets interested in a missing will since this will stick it to two sisters from school she doesn‘t like

All the cliffhanger endings kept the story moving and I had to read on. It probably wasn‘t as scary as it would have been in my teens, but still an enjoyable read

#1930 #192025

Librarybelle Glad your copy finally arrived! 10mo
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With foreboding, Nancy stopped and got out to make an inspection. As she had suspected, a rear tire was flat.
“Oh dear!” she murmured in disgust. “Such luck!”
Through Nancy was able to change a tire, she never relished the task. Quickly she took out the spare tire from the rear compartment, found the jack and lug wrench, and went to work.

(This must have been quite progressive in 1930. I also love these illustrations that show up occasionally)

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Well, I can totally see why I was into this series as a girl. Nancy is resourceful, bold and tenacious. Not to mention kind and stylish. Reading it again after 30+ years was a lot of fun.


kspenmoll Is this a copy you had as a child? 10mo
jlhammar @kspenmoll Yes, this was the copy I read as a girl! Originally belonged to my mother. 10mo
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dabbe @jlhammar 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
robinb I need to do this. She was a fave of mine too. 😊 10mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! It has been so much fun reading these again! 10mo
Readerann I read one or two of these a year in homage to my childhood. 😊 10mo
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Thanks to the #NancyDrewBR & #childrensclassicread2023 I was able to revisit this book. It‘s been a very long time since I‘ve read this series and it was wonderful rereading book 1.
#BookSpinBingo #childrensclassicread2023 #NancyDrewBR #RushAThon #SeriesLove2023 #35by35 #TBRtarot

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
TheBookHippie It was wonderful nostalgia! 10mo
Librarybelle Hooray! So glad you enjoyed the reread! 10mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 10mo
CBee Awesome 👏🏻 10mo
MatchlessMarie 🙌🧁 10mo
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When I was young, I loved this series, as well as the TV adaptation with Pamela Sue Martin. It was fun to revisit this first book for the #NancyDrewBR and #ChildrensClassic2023. @TheBookHippie @LibraryBelle

#RushAThon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Librarybelle This was so much fun to revisit Nancy! 10mo
TheBookHippie This was a lot of fun, I agree! 10mo
Ruthiella I remember being SO EXCITED about the TV show with Pamela Sue Martin! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 10mo
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This artwork is on the page following the title page.
 @librarybelle is hosting a #NancyDrewBR
We discussed book one yesterday. We‘ll talk about book two on 12/15.
I loved getting these from the library at my elementary school and it was fun to read it now.

Librarybelle That‘s amazing artwork! 10mo
BarkingMadRead I will be joining in for book 3, can‘t wait! 10mo
tpixie Fun artwork 🖼️ 10mo
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Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 10mo
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Okay, fellow sleuthers...I'm so excited to start the Nancy Drew conversation for #NancyDrewBR ! A huge thank you to @thebookhippie to allow me to start this during the #ChildrensClassic2023 discussion month for the book!

I've posted 6 questions under spoilers. Take a look whenever you wish to take part in the conversation - that's the beauty of online conversations, hop in whenever!

On December 15th, we will discuss The Hidden Staircase!

dabbe Did you post the 6 questions in another post? I don't see them here. 💜🖤🧡 10mo
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Librarybelle @dabbe They‘re on separate posts - you can see them either on my feed, the book‘s feed, or searching #NancyDrewBR ! Sorry for the confusion! 10mo
dabbe @Librarybelle No worries. I'm just glad I found them because I'm excited to read them! 🤩 10mo
Pageturner1 can i jump in on this? loved Nancy Drew 10mo
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6. Anything else you wish to discuss with the group? #NancyDrewBR

Bookwormjillk I loved the descriptions of her clothes! I‘m now on the lookout for a Nancy Drew inspired holiday outfit. 10mo
Ruthiella I actually enjoyed the dated aspects of the book. I didn‘t notice or care about that kind of thing as a kid, but it is fun to note as an adult. 10mo
peanutnine @Bookwormjillk same! Love her wardrobe and the style of that time period 10mo
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kspenmoll The dated aspects were fun to visit as an adult& her extensive wardrobe was a distraction!!! 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement I was entertained by how capable she is - changing a tire, driving a boat, fiddling with the boat motor, doling out medical assessments (no broken bones for Judy, no broken hip for Abby). ND is brave and helpful, I see why I liked her so much and why she is a character that continues to be retold in books, movies, and tv. I always think of her as incredibly stylish though I wasn‘t sure why, but now I see. 10mo
dabbe I loved that when I read it and was taken back a few decades, it still held up. I didn't once think “smartphone“ when she actually had to go somewhere to use a phone. Maybe because I remember having to do that, it didn't phase me at all when I read it. I wonder if a young kid reading this for the first time would see that as glaring issue. 10mo
lauraisntwilder @dabbe So many classic mysteries would be terrible set in modern day, wouldn't they? Just think how boring it would be if Sam Spade could Google "Maltese falcon." 10mo
mrp27 I hope to read more Nancy Drew and really get to know her character. 10mo
kwmg40 I too loved the descriptions of Nancy's outfits! 10mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe SAME!!! I think that‘s why I loved it. Simpler times. 10mo
tpixie lol just like every book where children have adventures- the mother is always dead! 😵 it was fun remembering what it was like not having a cell phone! 10mo
jlhammar I also loved all the style details. And the food! I wish I had a Hannah around cooking for me. “As the two prepared a chicken sandwich, some cocoa, and Hannah cut a large slice of cinnamon cake over which she poured hot applesauce, Nancy told of her adventures.“ 10mo
tpixie @jlhammar that was a great scene with good company and tasty food! 10mo
Roary47 I‘m just excited to be finally reading through this series with you guys. 🥰 10mo
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5. Let's think about the characters, other than Nancy, in the book. The original 1930 edition really played up the socioeconomic divide between everyone, but this is toned down a bit in the revised 1959 edition. Think about character interactions, statements, and motivations. Any standouts to you? Any characters you really wish to discuss?

Bookwormjillk Hmmm hard to answer this one. The background characters were really in the background. I look forward to seeing what everyone else has to say. 10mo
AnnR It seemed every character had a lot to say about their socio-economic situation, even when Nancy first interacts with them. It kinda sounds odd in the dialogue, by today's standards anyway. 10mo
Ruthiella I definitely liked the comparison of the snobby Tophams versus the other heart of gold heirs to the will. Not subtle, but this is a kid‘s book. 10mo
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AmandaBlaze There seems to be a stark difference between the way the “haves” (Tophams) interact with everyone else. They even find Nancy and Carson Drew to be beneath them. The “have nots” are the total opposite of the Tophams and would give what was dear to them if it meant helping someone. 10mo
peanutnine What struck me as the most obvious nod to status differences was the comparison of Nancy's girlfriends who can afford attending that camp and the two sisters who are working hard to make ends meet. Since they are the same age, it is a bit more apparent that it is a class difference 10mo
kspenmoll @peanutnine yes, the contrast between Nancy‘s friends at the camp(could afford it) & the two sisters working just to survive, showcased their difference in class. The Tophams were blatant snobs who got their comeuppance in the end. @AmandaBlaze I like how u characterized their snobbery. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I wonder if that was a bigger plot point in the 30s because of the Depression? 10mo
lauraisntwilder I was struck by how odd it was that Josiah Crowley kept promising everyone an inheritance rather than helping them outright. Why wait until you're dead to help people you know are in need? 10mo
mrp27 I agree, I found it odd that Josiah promised lots of money to lots of people but only after he died. 10mo
kwmg40 The focus on the class differences was interesting, though the portrayal of the Tophams did seem exaggerated. 10mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks I thought similarly. Also snobbish girls with money are timeless. There‘s always one, or four. 10mo
tpixie I agree with all above. I also thought it was interesting how Nancy is one of the “halves” but she is equally as comfortable around the “have nots” as the “haves”. 10mo
Deblovestoread I, too, thought it was odd that Josiah promised an inheritance rather than immediate help but then there wouldn‘t have been a mystery. I agree with the comments regarding class distinctions and the behaviors that were displayed in the haves and have nots. The one that really struck me is the older woman who did not want to accept Nancy‘s charity. 10mo
jlhammar I had many of the same thoughts as all of you. I especially enjoyed the department store scene. Great contrast between the terrible Topham girls and Nancy. 10mo
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4. Aside from the big clue in the title, what did you think of the mystery? Was it suspenseful? Did it keep your attention? Was it a plausible mystery? #NancyDrewBR

Bookwormjillk Not the greatest mystery but I can see why kids like it. 10mo
Ruthiella The mystery is a little silly and the plotting clunky, but I didn‘t notice things like that as a kid. 😄 It definitely had a “meddling kids” vibe to it. 10mo
Read4life Even as a kid I remember thinking it wasn‘t a great mystery/sleuthing story. It did help me realize what I wanted in a book and I remember talking to my teacher about it. She didn‘t care about my age but rather focused on my reading and introduced me to Sherlock Holmes. My mom was the same way and started buying me Holmes books. I owe them and Nancy Drew for my Holmes addiction. 🤓 10mo
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AmandaBlaze This was definitely not my favorite Nancy Drew mystery. It does do a good job setting up the characters. 10mo
peanutnine @Read4life oh I love that! What a great teacher! @AmandaBlaze I agree, it was a good introduction to the characters. The mystery was a bit simple but the adventurous spirit driving it was fun 10mo
kspenmoll Yes, simplistic but I don‘t remember thinking that as a kid. Agree w @AmandaBlaze regarding a good intro to the book‘s characters. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks There are definitely some coincidences that are harder to overlook as an adult reader 😂 But I still really enjoyed this one. 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement I read it knowing it is for children, so I wasn‘t too critical. 10mo
Bluebird Definitely a ‘tweens‘ book it doesn‘t hold up too well today, but a nice nostalgic visit to the 20th century small town of River Heights. Mystery was ho-hum, but agree it sets up the series well 10mo
lauraisntwilder There's not much of a mystery, but I didn't mind. 10mo
mrp27 The mystery wasn‘t interesting to me at all and I‘m not the target audience so I found it ok. I just enjoyed reading about Nancy, her adventures, clothes, friends etc. 10mo
kwmg40 The mystery was so-so, but I enjoyed reading about Nancy's interactions with the various characters. 10mo
bookandbedandtea It's not the greatest mystery but reading it takes me right back to my childhood when I wanted to be Nancy! These books have a huge nostalgia factor for me. 10mo
TheBookHippie I like all the parts except the mystery which didn‘t matter to me, it was just fun to be in it. Very nostalgic feeling. 10mo
inthegreensandblues I bet it's pretty suspenseful for a lot of kids when Nancy's getting herself locked in a closet in the middle of nowhere! 10mo
tpixie @inthegreensandblues I agree. I think it was appropriate mystery and suspense for the target audience. I was interested in how the mystery played out, but like @mrp27, I loved reading about her clothes, adventures, and friendships. @Readforlife what a great teacher and mom to help you find the right books for you! 10mo
Deblovestoread Although not a big mystery there was some tension. I enjoyed her interactions with all the characters. Definitely a fun read for the targeted age group back in the day. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes I forget how a person's sense of proportion changes as they get older - I was reading a book with a similar layer of suspense/mystery (i.e. very obvious to me haha) with my niece when she was about 10, and she was literally bouncing on the couch with the need to know how/if everything was going to be okay! I was definitely into the mystery part of these books when I was younger and enjoyed trying to “solve“ them before Nancy. 10mo
jlhammar I wasn't really feeling the suspense rereading it as an adult, but it definitely kept me turning the pages as a girl. 10mo
tpixie @TheAromaofBooks that‘s fun- seeing the different perspective with age. I remember as a child being always amazed at how mom could always solve a mystery when we were watching shows/movies on TV. 10mo
Roary47 I agree with @kwmg40 I also liked her interaction, but like many said it wasn‘t much of a mystery. As a kid I remember being proud of myself for solving the mystery “on my own” I‘m sure that is what it was going for. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @tpixie - Right?? Mom was definitely clever! 😂 10mo
MariaW I habe been listening to a lot of Agatha Christie murder mysteries lately, so the clues in plain sight weren‘t that suspenseful. But keeping the target audience in mind there is definitely a rise of suspense. 8mo
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3. It's time to dive into the story! First, we are introduced to 18 year old Nancy. What do you think of her and her detecting skills in this story? If you have read this before, do you remember your first impressions of Nancy? Have they changed? #NancyDrewBR

Bookwormjillk I was impressed by her confidence. I like her. 10mo
Ruthiella I really don‘t remember my first impressions. I did like Nancy‘s courage and smarts in this book and I suspect that is what I also liked as a kid. That and her “strawberry blonde” hair. I don‘t think it‘s called out in this book, but I know it is in others. I remember being intrigued by the description. 10mo
Read4life I like Nancy and did back then. I remember loving the relationship she had with her father. 10mo
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AmandaBlaze 3. I thought Nancy was pretty slick with her detective skills back then. In fact, for awhile, I wanted to be a detective.
I think her skills still hold up to today‘s standards.
peanutnine Definitely love her confidence. She is also very good at reading people. I found it cute how optimistic she was that everything would work out if she just sleuthed enough 10mo
kspenmoll @peanutnine I also enjoyed her confidence & independence which I find unusual for 1959. This series got me into mysteries for life! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I loved how there were times that she admitted that she was scared, but then talked herself through the situation and found a solution. I really admired that kind of practical problem-solving when I read these growing up as well. 10mo
Bluebird ‘Spunky‘ young woman! Smart and confident. I think that all comes ftom her upbringing. Back then, and still now…I‘m impressed with her supporting and loving father. Really enjoy their collaboration! 10mo
dabbe I remember thinking as a kid how jealous I was of her! She's pretty, she has the convertible, she's wickedly smart ... she kept me reading. 10mo
lauraisntwilder I don't remember my first impression from when I was a kid, but on this reading, I was struck by how kind she was. She makes friends with little Judy and her aunts first, then all the others. But she's not a pushover, and not above being glad to see the Tophams get what they deserve. 10mo
mrp27 Both times I liked her. I think her courage and kindness is timeless. 10mo
kwmg40 I've always liked Nancy's resourcefulness and her courage. 10mo
inthegreensandblues I remember as a child I admired her brains, I wanted to be able to solve mysteries too. On this read, I noticed her kindness to all of the relatives and she was most driven by the desire for justice. 10mo
TheBookHippie I like her tenacious nature! Also she seems fun and her home life is sweet. 10mo
tpixie I loved how Adventuresome & brave she was when I was a child reading it. I agree with everyone else‘s thoughts of her. She was kind, resourceful, confident, and had great relationships with her father & Hannah and was quick to make friends. 10mo
Deblovestoread I loved her desire to help and her kindness. 10mo
jlhammar Well, she's certainly persistent! She lives quite a charmed life. I can see why I was taken with her and her world as a girl. Has quite a bit of freedom/independence, her own convertible and is curious and adventurous, clever and kind. I had to laugh at how often she would think/exclaim/mutter/whisper aloud to herself. That really stood out to me this time around. 10mo
Roary47 @TheAromaofBooks I agree I also liked her problem solving abilities. Considering how often she gets herself into trouble it‘s a good thing too! I also like how kind she is and how willing to help. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @Roary47 - Yes! It feels like her first thought is always for other people instead of herself. 10mo
MariaW In the 1930 version she‘s even only 16. Since I am reading the novels for the first time I didn‘t expect much. What I really liked so far is that she doesn‘t have any annoying character traits. This sometimes makes it hard for me as adult to read teenage literature. 8mo
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2. Is this your first time reading Nancy Drew? If so, what drew you to the story?

If you have read Nancy Drew before, how did it feel to revisit Nancy and River Heights? A few reviews already posted on Litsy discussed nostalgia!


Bookwormjillk It is my first time. I somehow missed these as a kid. I‘ve been trying to fill in the gaps as an adult. 10mo
AnnR I owned and read a few of these books as a kid but I cannot remember the titles. I do recall liking the idea of a teenage sleuth/detective, although the stories were already dated by that point. 10mo
Ruthiella I loved these books as a child and read all that were available in my local library at the time, which was maybe tops 10 - 20 books. I would always check to see if there was a number I‘d not yet read. . I also read Hardy Boys books too. They never felt dated to me. I liked the mystery aspect and just accepted the rest at face value. 10mo
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Read4life I read some of these as a kid. I read the Hardy Boys first and they led me to these. When my daughter was younger, we read the Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew series together. 10mo
AmandaBlaze I had to get special permission from the school librarian to read these books in second grade. She thought they were too advanced for me.
I loved revisiting River Heights. It was fun to see how much I remembered.
peanutnine I've read the first five or so I believe as a child. I own the first 20, they were gifts from family who knew I loved to read. I don't quite remember my experience reading them. I know I enjoyed the ones I did read but I was very into fantasy books in middle school and often overlooked Nancy. I definitely feel like I appreciated the story more now. I'm glad to be revisiting them 10mo
kspenmoll I discovered Nancy when recuperating from measles in a room dedicated to 3 of us who contracted it. I was in 1st grade, had read Bobbsey Twins but my sister was reading ND & my brother HB so I wanted to read them as well. I wish we still had our original copies! I remembered the major characters but not the plot. Such fun to reread as an adult! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I read these repeatedly growing up, along with the Hardy Boys ( ❤ Frank!!) and have been meaning to reread them again forever, so I'm super excited to have the motivation to do so!! 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement I borrowed them from my elementary school library. I have no idea how many I read. My daughter owns a few which she earned during a summer reading program at the public library. She was also gifted some Clue Crew which we read together. I‘ve always thought of ND as kind, clever, and stylish, with loyal friends. Rereading them with a group just seemed fun. 10mo
Bluebird I read as many of the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries as I could get my hands on growing up. I loved them…but I recall very little now. It‘s going to be fun rereading these with the group, but it‘s almost like reading for the first time. My memories are quite hazy! 10mo
lauraisntwilder Like @CogsOfEncouragement , I checked them out of my school library. I don't know how many I read, but I do remember one of them was The Secret of Red Gate Farm. 10mo
mrp27 My second time reading this book, the only Nancy Drew title I‘ve ever read. 10mo
kwmg40 I'd read many of the series when I was a child. Then I reread a few of them when my daughters were going through their own Nancy Drew phases. I remember watching the TV adaptation with Pamela Sue Martin in the late 70's. 10mo
bookandbedandtea I read this series over and over and OVER as a kid. And a few times as an adult! 10mo
inthegreensandblues I read and enjoyed some Nancy as a kid but don't remember if I read this book before. I was a little more into the Nancy Drew Files. 10mo
TheBookHippie This is my first time through! It was fun! 10mo
tpixie @kwmg40 I also enjoyed watching Nancy Drew with Pamela Sue Martin and the Hardy boys with Shawn Cassidy! (edited) 10mo
tpixie I read several Nancy Drew books as a child. And I had a few of them with the blue book covers that were my older sisters , which I think might have been the 1930s version. I also love the Bobsey Twins and the Happy Hollisters. They Happy Hollister came to me in the mail and that was exciting! 10mo
Deblovestoread I don‘t think I read all the series when I was young but read several and I read a few again when introducing my daughter to them in the 90‘s. 10mo
jlhammar I loved these books as a girl. I remember being very eager to finish with the school day so I could get home and back to my Nancy Drew mystery! 10mo
julieclair I loved these books as a child, and read as many of them as I could get my hands on. I also read the Bobbsey Twins, but not The Hardy Boys, because those were for boys, lol! I remember almost nothing of the plots, though. One thing that really surprised me this time was how "upper middle class" Nancy was, going to dances at the country club and such. I know that as a kid, I didn't realize she was that different from me. 10mo
Roary47 @AmandaBlaze I remember school my amazing school librarian saying something similar. Maybe it‘s a trick to challenge us. 😍 I read the first 13 and 2 of the Nancy Drew with the hardy boys. Those were my favorites to read both iconic sleuthing characters working together. My dad bought me all the 50 something titles that came in the yellow covers. 10mo
tpixie @Roary47 what a great gift from your Dad! 10mo
MariaW I don‘t think the Nancy Drew novels were this known in Europe. I actually never heard of them till they were mentioned in the Netflix movie „They cloned Tyrone“. One of the main characters, YoYo, draws out the motivation to fight the evil cloning company from her complete set of Nancy Drew. This is how I came across them. 8mo
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1. Let's start with the basics! Check out the link in the comments section that looks at The Secret of the Old Clock and its edits over the years.

What edition did you read? #NancyDrewBR

Bookwormjillk That‘s so interesting! I read the updated version with the convertible. 10mo
Ruthiella I also read the 1959 version and I‘m pretty sure that‘s the version I also first read as a child. Interesting to know of the revisions, especially in light of all the controversy about the changes made to the Roald Dahl books earlier this year. 10mo
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Read4life I also read the 1959 version as a child and again this time. 10mo
AmandaBlaze I believe I read the the 1959 edition with the extended wardrobe and convertible. I kept looking for Bess and George because I thought they were there from the beginning. I didn‘t realize as a kid they came in several books later. 10mo
peanutnine Wow! I also read the 1959 version. It's interesting the changes they made to Nancy's character by altering the plot a bit 10mo
AnnR Wow, I didn't realize there were multiple versions before looking at the link. Thanks for posting that @LibraryBelle. Since Nancy had a convertible, I must have read the updated version. I didn't feel like the convertible car fit the story, meaning I don't think her Dad would buy her one, especially since she was on a budget otherwise, especially for her wardrobe. It would be fun to read the original version in comparison. 10mo
kspenmoll I read the 1959 edition. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I read the newer edition. I believe the Hardy Boys and Bobbsey Twins books may have received similar revamps during this era? 10mo
CogsOfEncouragement The cover is the original, the copyright is 1987, 1959, 1930. Thanks for the link with interesting info on the updates that were made. 10mo
Bluebird Wow! I had no idea the books were re-written. And had no idea several different authors wrote the books! Thanks for the link! I must have read the 1959 version since I had several of the matte yellow spine editions, but honestly don‘t remember anything from my original read back in the day, so am not sure. 10mo
dabbe I read the first version. It greatly differed from what I remembered, so I must have read the newer on as a kid. Thanks for that info @ Librarybelle! I love learning new stuff! 🤩 10mo
lauraisntwilder I read the 1959 version because that's the one my library had! 10mo
mrp27 Both times I read this book I read the 59 edition. I was aware of the story behind the authors and have been interested in reading this book that discusses that topic. 10mo
kwmg40 I'd also read the 1959 edition. 10mo
bookandbedandtea I have both the 1930 and the 1959 versions. I read the 1959 this time and I prefer that one. 10mo
inthegreensandblues I had also read that the rewrite aged her up from 16 to 18, which I think was a good move. I read the 1959 version. Those pictures in the 1930 are cool though! 10mo
TheBookHippie I read the original! How fun! @dabbe and I even discussed some parts!!! 10mo
tpixie Fun article! At the bottom, while reading the 1930‘s version, i see Nancy was 16 yo. I read the 1959 book. In the newer version, she was 18 yo. I remember later on as a teen/Younger adult, I thought it was just scandalous when I found out there really wasn‘t a Carolyn Keene! (edited) 10mo
tpixie @mrp27 ooh thanks for the book info! 10mo
Deblovestoread Thanks for the article. I do not remember which version I read as a kid. This time was the 1959 version. 10mo
jlhammar Mine is the 1959 version. Belonged to my mother first. I'd be interested to read the 1930 version though, see what changes were made. 10mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie 🤩🤗😘 10mo
TheBookHippie @tpixie I was so mad when I found out it was several authors 🤣 10mo
tpixie @TheBookHippie yes!!!! 10mo
julieclair What an interesting article! I had no idea there were multiple authors! For some reason, I always thought Carolyn Keene was a pen name for a male author. 🤔 I read the 1959 edition. 10mo
Roary47 @tpixie There isn‘t a Carolyn Keene? Makes sense though since so many were made. I‘m learning so much from the link and reading everyone‘s comments. I must have also read the newer version with the yellow cover. 10mo
tpixie @Roary47 Right! They used multiple ‘ghost‘ writers!! 10mo
MariaW I know I am a few months late. 🙈 I bought an ebook without any hint of the version, but realised while resding that it must be the 1930 one. 8mo
Librarybelle @MariaW No worries! That‘s the beauty of these discussions…you can join in whenever. I think it‘s interesting to see how varied the versions are. Some of the changes definitely better align with political correctness, and others just make for a different look at the mystery. Thanks for joining! 8mo
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I know I read at least one Nancy Drew book when I was young, but it might have just been the one. My goodness, Nancy is gutsy, zipping around in a convertible, nearly getting herself killed! I enjoyed the side characters and how easy it is for graceful Nancy to make friends with everyone (well, almost, sorry Tophams). #NancyDrewBR

TheBookHippie What a pretty copy! 10mo
Librarybelle I like this edition‘s book cover!! 10mo
lauraisntwilder @TheBookHippie and @Librarybelle -- Isn't it pretty? It's a library book, but I may have to collect these. 10mo
tpixie @lauraisntwilder great cover! Yes! All the characters were great! 10mo
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This was a fun trip down memory lane. As mentioned by others the title is too on the nose to have much mystery but it was an enjoyable read and a reminder of why I wanted to be like Nancy when I grew up. I look forward to reading these with the #NancyDrewBR group.

@TheBookHippie @Librarybelle

TheBookHippie It was fun! 10mo
Librarybelle This will be a fun discussion! 10mo
tpixie This is a great cover! Hmm…. Could the secret be in the old clock? ☺️ it was a fun read! 10mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 11mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!💙📖📚 11mo
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What a fun re-read! It held up over time. Nancy really is a great female protagonist for young girls As another Litten mentioned, she is spunky!
Great choice for #ChildrensClassicRead2023 & #NancyDrewBR

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#Rushathon #SeriesLove2023

I confess that I was always slightly more a Trixie Belden than a Nancy Drew girl, but it was still fun to take a trip back through #ChildrensClassicsReads2023 & #NancyDrewBR A little fashion (we always get to hear what outfit Nancy is wearing) & a good mystery thrown in. I‘m convinced these YA mystery series helped set the tone for today‘s adult cozy mysteries. Good fun! 🔎 🩶

Librarybelle Yay!!! 11mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 11mo
TheBookHippie Good fun indeed! It‘s my first time through! I read Beverly Clearly YA 😂 and Judy Blume 11mo
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TheSpineView Well done! 11mo
tpixie Yes! It was fun hearing about her fashion choices!! 11mo
GHABI4ROSES OMGosh!!!! Just yesterday I was going to post about Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys- I had looked here and there- did not seem to be a big group. Now I gotta read them as planned! 11mo
Andrew65 A brilliant series, well done 👏👏👏 11mo
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Thanks to @Bookgoil for returning my Slam v. 2. It started its journey in England in October 2022 with @Mitch before heading back across the Atlantic to the States where it visited with @Soubhiville @AmyG @dabbe @catiewithac @readwithcori @iread2much & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Thanks so much for participating!

Soubhiville It was a fun idea! 11mo
BarkingMadRead So cool!! 11mo
readwithcori Loved this! 11mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
iread2much Very cool! I‘m glad I was able to find participate! 11mo
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What a wonderful trip down memory lane! I‘d forgotten how much this first one stands out from the formula that creeps into later books. It really has a charm that makes you want to stay in Nancy‘s orbit. #NancyDrewBR

mabell That‘s an interesting point about the formula (it‘s definitely there.) I‘ll have to reread this one! I‘ve read a few over the last couple years, but they‘ve been mid-series. I do love them though! I also loved Trixie Belden, and I haven‘t read any of those since I was young. I‘m scared to revisit 😆 11mo
IndoorDame @mabell I love them too! And I know I found formula series comforting at the age I was first reading these, so it‘s interesting to look back and see how that‘s built out of elements from the first few books 11mo
kspenmoll What a gorgeous edition!!! 11mo
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tpixie Great cover! I‘m about 1/2 way through. 11mo
IndoorDame @kspenmoll @tpixie I love these editions! They only released the first 8 with these covers, but I just had to collect them ☺️ 11mo
dabbe I'm almost done and I'm loving going back to my childhood, too. I collected them back in the 70s and gave them away (I still can't believe it) to my sister's 2nd grade classroom. Wish I still had them but am glad they moved on into the world. 🧡🖤💜 11mo
IndoorDame @dabbe a second grade classroom is a perfect second home for them 💛 11mo
tpixie @dabbe it‘s hard to give away well loved books, but I‘m sure the second grade loved 🥰 them! 11mo
tpixie @IndoorDame ♥️ 11mo
dabbe @tpixie I'd like to think they did! 🤩 11mo
dabbe @IndoorDame 😘 11mo
CogsOfEncouragement I adore that cover! 10mo
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This was a fun trip down memory lane. As a young reader, I remember loving Nancy Drew for her independence and the spirited girl she was. On rereading as an adult, I find the story too predictable but still admire her independence and determination. The fast paced story kept me turning the pages.
Read this for #ChildrensClassicRead2023 and #TBRtarot
Coincidentally it ties nicely with #NancyDrewBR this month. 😊

Librarybelle Totally agree! 11mo
TheBookHippie So agree! It‘s a lovely read! 11mo
CBee Perfect! Love Nancy ❤️ 11mo
Ruthiella I love how second hand furniture was a criminal racket in the‘30s. 😂 11mo
tpixie @Ruthiella lol 😂 11mo
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What an absolute delight revisiting Nancy Drew! I last read these roughly 30 years ago, and I can see why I enjoyed reading them with my mom. Nancy is daring and gets herself into a few nail biting scrapes. #CuriosityKilledTheCat …or very nearly. #MiddleGrade #BBRC #NancyDrewBR

Ruthiella If someone had told me at 10 years old that I would be re-reading Nancy Drew 40 + years later on an electronic device…my little mind would have been blown. 😆 11mo
Librarybelle @Ruthiella I know!! 11mo
LibrarianRyan I love these. I am so interested to she how the original versions different from the newer version. I have the first 8 but haven‘t gotten to a read read yet. 11mo
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Librarybelle @LibrarianRyan I‘d be curious too! I‘m sure there are some changes! 11mo
tpixie It was fun reading this for both #ChildrensClassicRead2023 & #NancyDrewBR Our 10-year-old selves would be in awe of ereaders, audiobooks, and Litsy! @Ruthiella (edited) 11mo
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Such a joy to relive my childhood with this one! Haven't read this since elementary school and I loved reading about plucky Nancy as she solves her first mystery.
#NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

Beachbum The book that made me fall in love with reading 🥰💯 11mo
dabbe Plucky is the perfect word for her! 🤩 11mo
Librarybelle Hooray! Great photo! 11mo
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I haven‘t read this series since I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. The action, adventure, and mystery still hold up to time. A fun, fast read.
@Librarybelle #NancyDrewBR

Librarybelle Hooray!!! I‘m sure 2nd or 3rd grade was the last time I read this one too. 11mo
MissyD These books are the reason I love cozy mysteries. 11mo
peanutnine Oooh love this cover! 11mo
tpixie This is a great cover! 11mo
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CBee Nancy Drew rocks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 11mo
Librarybelle Yay!!! 11mo
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Nabbed this from the biblioteca yesterday so I could join in the #ChildrensClassicRead2023 challenge. Haven't read Nancy Drew in over 20 years. Looking forward to some good old-fashioned nostalgia. 🕵🏼‍♀️

#NancyDrew #MysteriousMysteries

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I don‘t think I‘ve read any Nancy Drew but I enjoyed the CW series 🫣 don‘t think it has a lot in common with the books (it had a lot of supernatural references) 11mo
reading.rainb0w @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I had no idea there was even a TV series! Gonna have to look into it 11mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @reading.rainb0w, it has 4 seasons and finished up this year. It‘s pretty fun. 11mo
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tpixie @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I was surprised at how spooky the show was! 11mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @tpixie, I‘m a sucker for a jump scare… every time I knew one was coming I had to put my tea down 😂 11mo
tpixie @thegirlwiththelibrarybag 😂 ☕️ 👻 11mo
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Afternoon tea with Nancy. #childrensclassicread #buddyread #NancyDrewBR

The pace is fast- I feel like I am zipping around with Nancy in her new dark blue convertible! I have not read this series since 1st, 2nd grade- such fun!
Thanks to. @TheBookHippie @Librarybelle

Librarybelle That looks like a very cozy afternoon! 11mo
kspenmoll @Librarybelle It is! Rain has been pouring down all day, so there is a chill to the air. What is not pictured is the cat on my lap! 11mo
Librarybelle 😊 11mo
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TheBookHippie Oh how very lovely! 11mo
LeahBergen This looks like a lovely afternoon! 11mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
tpixie Live this photo! Plan to start Nancy tonight or tomorrow. I‘m finally finishing up a good but long book on my kindle 11mo
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Repost for @Librarybelle

Who‘s excited for the #NancyDrewBR ?

For the first book, we are taking part in #ChildrensClassicRead2023 , hosted by @TheBookHippie …join her for a monthlong #BuddyRead . I will post discussion questions on November 15th…feel free to answer at any time!

Each month, we will read the next in the series, with discussion on the 15th of the month.

If you would like to be part of this first month visit her page.

Librarybelle Thank you for reposting! 11mo
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@Librarybelle is hosting #NancyDrewBR

For the first book, we are taking part in #ChildrensClassicRead2023 , hosted by @TheBookHippie …join her for a monthlong #BuddyRead . LibraryBelle will post discussion questions on November 15th…feel free to answer at any time.

Each month, we will read the next in the series, with discussion on the 15th of the month.

If you would like to take part comment here - https://litsy.com/p/Z2Y1Q0MzQXZq

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 11mo
TheBookHippie Yay!! 11mo
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Who‘s excited for the #NancyDrewBR ?

For the first book, we are taking part in #ChildrensClassicRead2023 , hosted by @TheBookHippie …join her for a monthlong #BuddyRead . I will post discussion questions on November 15th…feel free to answer at any time!

Each month, we will read the next in the series, with discussion on the 15th of the month.

If you would like to be part of this first month, along with those who already tagged, comment below!

kspenmoll I am excited! 11mo
jlhammar Looking forward to it! 11mo
dabbe Can't wait! 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
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Deblovestoread Yay!! 11mo
Bookwormjillk Looking forward to this! 11mo
AmandaBlaze I would like to be tagged in this. 11mo
julieclair This will be fun! 11mo
TheBookHippie I‘m so excited for this!!! 11mo
Read4life Looking forward to this! 11mo
MariaW I‘m in. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ 11mo
Ruthiella Please tag me. Thanks! 😃🙏 11mo
Enchanted_Bibliophile Please add me to the list 🤩 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I have been meaning to reread these books forever!! I'm super excited!! 11mo
Laughterhp Please tag me! I just have to figure out if I can find the books! 11mo
Librarybelle @Laughterhp Hooray! I‘m still looking for my copies at my parents‘ house! At least I can get them from the library if need be. 11mo
Roary47 Excited! For some reason I thought it was this month. 😅 11mo
Librarybelle @Roary47 I had initially pitched this to start in October, not realizing there was already a buddy read for it in November! It gives a little bit more time for me to find my copy! 😂 11mo
Librarybelle @catiewithac @rubyslippersreads - I know you had express initial interest in the group forming. Would you like to be tagged for the group? 11mo
bookandbedandtea Oooh! Please include me! 11mo
tpixie @Librarybelle Let the Mysteries begin! 🕵🏻‍♀️ 11mo
Librarybelle @tpixie Hooray!! 11mo
lauraisntwilder I just realized I never asked to join. Can you add me? Thank you! 10mo
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