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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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For fans of Miranda James and Jenn McKinlay comes an enthralling series debut featuring a librarian who solves mysteries with the help of a ghost in the stacks.
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Fun cozy mystery listen for “mystery” daily prompt challenge! #scarathlon #teamslaughter @Clwojick

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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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I wanted to love this one, but I was a bit…underwhelmed? The presence of the ghost didn‘t seem to add that much to the story, and I didn‘t warm much to the main character. I wouldn‘t seek out another in this series unless someone promised me they get better!

ElizaMarie AWe this baby is so beautiful! 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Got my #cbbc back! Excited to read all the comments and more excited for round 5 ;) #coffeebeanbookclub

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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At first I wasn't very interested in this book. But then she got a cottage on the river and a cat showed up and I mean 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 it isn't my favorite ever by any stretch, but a decent beginning!! I already have the second from a Kindle deal so I'll be reading the next installment. Carrie works in a small town library where she is one of two people who can interact with a ghost. Two murders to solve, two love interests, oh my!

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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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I certainly could not pass up a cozy mystery set in a haunted library! While I overall enjoyed the book, I was not a big fan of the MC, Carrie. Her attitude, though understandable given her backstory, is still off putting. She does get better by the end. And, I‘d love to work in a public library that has the ability to host as many programs as this tiny library does!

I‘m interested in trying the next in this series. #Xander #CatsOfLitsy

ferskner I had the same thought!!! How do they have so many professional librarians?!?! 3y
Librarybelle @ferskner And assistants too! It‘s like the dream library! 😂 3y
Leftcoastzen 😻cutness 3y
Librarybelle Thanks, @Leftcoastzen ! 😻 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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This was my first cozy mystery, and I enjoyed it. At first Carrie annoyed me, but she grew on me as a character, and the mystery was just twisty enough to keep my interest. I think I'll continue the series, I enjoyed the romantic (gasp!)possibilities of Carrie and the mysterious Dylan.
4th book for #ReadWithUs @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader Nothing wrong with a little (or a lot😏) of romance😉 Great job!🎉🎉 3y
BethM I enjoyed this one! That being said that are many cozies that are much better! Welcome to your new favorite genre! 3y
SamanthaMarie @BethM Hahaha I laughed at this because I snubbed cozy mysteries forever and then when I read my first one by Bailey Cates I was hooked forever and I LOVE the genre now!! 3y
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BethM @SamanthaMarie same! I was worried they‘d be too much like regular mysteries but they‘re not! 3y
LeahBergen I don‘t read too many cozies but this sounds fun. 😄 3y
kremi It's sound so good!!!😍 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Cute cozy mystery! I wish there was a little more spookiness and more to the mystery but it was enjoyable. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Nope. Not for me. Four chapters in (30-ish pages) and I‘m already not a fan of the main character. She already seems mean to her coworkers and thinks of them as beneath her, plus the writing is kind of clunky. Too many good books out there to waste time on this one when I can clearly tell that I‘m not going to be a fan. #bookspinbingo #scarathalon2021 #screamathon @TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick @4thhouseontheleft

RamsFan1963 I'm currently reading this too. I agree to an extent, and I might end up bailing also. This is my first cozy mystery so I'm going to try and stick it out. 3y
RainyDayReading @RamsFan1963 I hope you wind up enjoying it if you do stick it out! The MC just rubbed me the wrong way way too early into the story. If you do bail, I hope you try another cozy. There‘s a lot of good ones out there! 3y
TheAromaofBooks The cozy mystery genre is kind of like romance - there are just soooooooo many and some of them are delightful and others I can't understand why someone wrote this AND published it?! 😂 Hopefully you find something better for your next read!!! 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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I expect cozies to be like “murder she wrote“ or a Hallmark murder mystery - this one was more Scooby Doo -I enjoyed it (the cat does finally appear) but..... the MC was just too much at times (accepts things too quickly, jumps to too many conclusions, even her love interests were quick decisions) -

I have done a lot of reading this first week - this year better than last year -
#Scarathalon2021 #TeamSlaughter

make a great day everyone

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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I'm in for #AnyWayYouReadathon @kimmypete1 @Eggbeater @MidnightBookGirl
My goal is to finish tagged book and read a lot of hours!! for #Scarathlon2021 and #TeamSlaughter -

Still waiting for the cat to appear in tagged book - I was promised an unsolved murder ✔ghost ✔ cat ? This is the coziest cozy I have ever read - is it too cozy? Hopefully a review by end of weekend (and a cat)!

Make a great day everyone -

MidnightBookGirl Hoping the cat shows up soon- is it even a cozy if there's no dog or cat? 3y
Eggbeater Yay! Glad to have you with us! 3y
bthegood @MidnightBookGirl cat just showed up😸 3y
kimmypete1 Thanks for joining us! 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Here is my take on Zombie for @linsy #scarathlonphotochallenge


Make a great day everyone -

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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A light, easy breezy very pleasant cozy. I like the characters for the most part- especially the cat. I also wish my library had all the fun events this one has. #cbbc @BookwormAHN will be on its way to you by Wed.

BookwormAHN Okay, cool 😺 3y
catebutler This looks like a fun read. And perfect for the spooky season. 👻🎃🦇 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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@Pogue my box came yesterday, thank you!
@Callemarie I sent your package yesterday as well.
#CBBC #coffeebeanbookclub

Callemarie @MommyOfTwo sounds good!! 3y
BethM Those stickers and keychain are awesome! 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Sneak reading at work and wishing I was living Carrie‘s life instead of my own. TGIF. 😜

Avanders Ugh right? 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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“Time to move on.“
I need to take this line to heart.

I just started this book last night and am loving it so far. As of page 19, the MC has been offered my dream job and met a friendly ghost. Can I switch places with her?

@ShyBookOwl #FirstLineFridays

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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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After the last few books I‘ve read (I just finished Severance a few minutes ago) I need something light and fluffy. Did I hear cozy mystery? One with a library, a cat, and a ghost?
I‘m all in!

pigeonsandcrows I understand that reaction to Severance!! 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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This was super cute. Just what I needed when I needed it. I say I want to keep going with the series, but.. when!? WHEN!? Ha.. Anyway. Yay for our little book club! I love it and I am so glad I joined! Thanks again everyone! @Mommamanzi @Avanders

Avanders I really liked this one too!! I think I really do have to read the next one soon... though I‘ve been finding myself a little more drawn to Three Pines lately.... 🌲🌲🌲 3y
Tera66 I liked this one too. 3y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Reading this one while the hubby plays football (love to look over and see the cute little touchdown dance)

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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This was just the right kind of cozy fluff I needed right now. Not a shocker of a reveal, but I‘ll definitely continue the series! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

BookishMarginalia Love me sone cozy fluff! 4y
Avanders @BookishMarginalia me too!! ♥️😘 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Picked 3 cards for #TBRDeckofCards this month. I‘m combining it with #LitsyAtoZ (I chose to do all TBR books for this challenge).
All 3 of these are on my #BookSpinBingo, #Stackingtheseries, & #SeriesRead2021 as well.
Win 💙 Win 💙 Win 💙 Win 💙 Win 💙

TheSpineView 👍📖📚 4y
Clwojick Woohoo! ♥️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Love stacking challenges!! 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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My first read of 2021 and it was a good one! I enjoyed the premise of the book and many of the characters... I will for sure be reading more of this series!

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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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1. Tagged
2. Not really... other than some of my book clubs now meet virtually
3. News of the world ... The movie was excellent and want to check out the book!

#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

BookmarkTavern I enjoyed News of the World, although I haven‘t seen the movie yet! Thanks for posting. 4y
ChasingOm News of the World was great on audio if you enjoy books that way. 😄 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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This was an Impulse Read because book 2 is a Christmas read and I thought I'd try book 1 first- and I'm glad I did! I really liked this cozy mystery and can't wait to read the next one! #WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders #ImpluseRead @Clwojick

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Didn‘t quite have the same charm as the two Jacqueline Frost cozies I recently read. #WinterGames2020 #ReadNosedReindeer

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Death Overdue was a bit of an Impulse Read, but only because book 2 is set at Christmas. Started my re-read of The Inheritance Games for book club this weekend. #WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders @Clwojick 661pts

Clwojick way to go! 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Here‘s my #cbbc bingo card - not sure what will count as bingo though bc it‘s not the standard size?

Mommamanzi 🤦🏻‍♀️ haha good point, maybe whoever gets 4 down and 3 across first? What are your thoughts? (edited) 4y
BethM @Mommamanzi sure sounds like a plan! 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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First physical book I‘ve finished since giving birth! Im@exhausted but feel good about it. Entertaining story that I didn‘t see coming. I‘ll definitely read more.

Chrissyreadit Awesome! How are you feeling? How was Wesley‘s first Thanksgiving? 4y
BethM @Chrissyreadit soooo tired. But tomorrow the hubs is taking over for a few hours so I can run errands and feel normal out of the house and ALONE lol. Thanksgiving was good. We‘re dealing with reflux for him so that‘s been a struggle. 4y
Chrissyreadit Yes. Poor baby. Reflux hurts. Hope you enjoy some time for you tomorrow ❤️ 4y
BethM @Chrissyreadit thanks I will! Yeah it‘s hard bc I know it hurts and there‘s nothing else I can do to make it better :/ 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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A few moments of peace. Wes to my left, Chappie to my right. ❤️ Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Im eternally grateful for the love, support, and community that I‘ve found here. Hugs to you all.

Avanders 🦃♥️ Happy Thanksgiving! ♥️🦃 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Trying to figure out some self care.

LiteraryinPA I‘m with you. This looks like a good try, and I hope it works! 4y
Chrissyreadit Hope you are feeling cozy and comfy! ❤️ 4y
Avanders It‘s so hard, some days, when we‘re seeking self-care in the home, but we‘re stuck in the home. Hope you‘re finding just what you need! 🤗🥰 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Well, I liked the setting and having a ghost help solve the mystery was fun, but I have to admit I struggled to finish. I think there was more written about what foods the main character ate (and how much) than about the murders and mystery. 😬 I'm all about characters and I liked Carrie but how the characters interacted was odd to me. Bottom line: cute Halloween mystery, no surprise who the murderer was, quick read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Happy Halloween 🎃💖

Gissy 🎃🖤👻🖤💀🖤 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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4 hours spent with this cozy mystery tonight. I like it so far! Can‘t wait to finish after work tomorrow. #TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon2020

Clwojick 👏 👏 WOOP woop! Way to go! 🎉 🎉 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Happy Sunday. 🐶💙 #rainyday #reading #cozy

Moonprismpower Comfy! 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Cloudy Saturday and all day to read. Pure heaven. 🤓☕️☁️📚

Megabooks It‘s cloudy here too. 4y
SheReadsAndWrites @Megabooks I keep seeing people post about snow and I get a little jealous. But I live at the beach so I can't complain. 🤭 We get foggy, overcast mornings like today which I love. 4y
Megabooks I‘m jealous about snow too, but I‘m definitely glad it‘s gotten cooler! 4y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ Another fun Halloween cozy with a ghost that haunts the library and helps the new plucky librarian solve a murder mystery. l liked it enough to try another one in this haunted library series.

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Book 147 of 2020.

#scarathlon2020 #outstandingoctoberreadathon #read-matereadathon #teamslaughter

81 points

Clwojick 🌟WooHOO! Go #TeamSlaughter!! 👏 🎉 4y
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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I love a cozy, especially one with a Halloween party! +26 #TeamHarkness #Scarathlon2020

Bookzombie I enjoyed this too. 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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You would think with how many cozies I've read I'd be better at figuring out the solution, but sometimes I just like to have the story unfold and not think too hard. This was one of those times. I enjoyed it and will read the book in the series.

#TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon2020 #Screamathon2020 @Clwojick @4thhouseontheleft
Points - 25+1 (part of the story takes place around Halloween)

Clwojick Woohoo! Go #TeamSlaughter! 🎃🎉🔪🖤👻🔥🎉 4y
alisiakae I have this checked out from the library! 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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I picked this one because of the cover. At times the dialogue was a little cheesy and sometimes the food descriptions were too detailed, but I enjoyed this cozy mystery. I think I let the red herring distract me as I didn‘t figure out the killer before the reveal. I‘m sure I will continue with the series when I want something light and easy. #Screamathon #BookspinBingo #Freespace

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
alisiakae I was looking at this one at the library! It‘s rare that a cozy mystery series starts with a Halloween themed read, which drew my eye! 4y
Bookzombie @4thhouseontheleft The story ends up playing out over Halloween through Thanksgiving and ends in early December, but there is a library ghost. 👻 4y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Challenge 10 of 50: A book that has a book on the cover

It is unsurprising that a book about a library would have books on the cover, but here we are. In my defense, I read a lot of books about books. Very meta.

#popsugar #readingchallenge #2020 #booksonbooks #librarybook #libby #litsyloveslibraries

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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This is so cheesy, but it‘s a nice popcorn read! 🍿🐛

#audiobook #libby #audio #library #cozymystery

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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook

I picked this book up because I liked the idea of a library mystery but while I enjoyed the story the writing style was awkward and often cringey. It seemed fan fictiony somehow. I felt like the dialogue wasn‘t natural and neither were the constant descriptions of food and clothing. I did like the story and the characters, just not the delivery. I still want to read another library mystery if anyone has suggestions of ones they‘ve enjoyed.

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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This book was good enough to pass the time, but not great.

#scarathlon #teamslaughter

2 points theme
5 points Halloween

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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#CurrentlyListening to this first-in-series #cozymystery featuring a novel sleuthing duo: a librarian and a library ghost. Thanks to @WanderingBookaneer who checked it out of the library for me!

GypsyKat That looks delightful! 📚🎃👻 5y
BethM That sounds lovely! 5y
Gina That looks like a fun Oct read! 5y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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I loved this book. Mostly because of the theme and the Ghost but this was fun and easy going. Quick whodunit and a great vibe. I'll be continuing the series for sure

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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May Wrap up
Total books: 12
Fiction =10
Books of Essays =2
Library books = 11
Money saved by using library = $167.24
Faves: Chiefs, My Best Friend‘s Exorcism

DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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One thing that helps me out of a reading slump is a gool ol' cozy mystery. The cornier the better. I listened to this one on audio. It was enjoyable and I didn't guess the killer half way in. Also it takes place in a library...with a library kitten🐈🐾

JoScho I love anything set around Halloween 🎃 6y
Tera66 @JoScho Mee too, its my favorite holiday! 6y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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Overall I liked this story and the characters. But... the scenes with the Foster family with their endless meals and outbursts were annoying. I liked the #ghost a lot though. It's also my first book completed this weekend for #litsypartyofone


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Super cute free little library 📚 ❤️ 7y
tammysue Love the creativity put into it! 7y
DivineDiana Is that your Little Free Library? 7y
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Debiw781 @DivineDiana yes it's one here locally 😊 7y
DivineDiana Love! ❤️ 7y
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DEATH OVERDUE | Allison Brook
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#currently reading

guinsgirlreads Oooh I just picked this up at the library!! 7y
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