#AboutABook #Published100YearsAgo
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Still catching up on September reviews... Read this with the #pemberlittens
It was an interesting depiction of the British and Indian relationship through colonisation but the characters weren't very likeable and the ending was disappointing. The daily discussions with the #hashtagbrigade were always enjoyable though
The image above sums up my feelings about this book; they were all over the place. Forster's writing is gorgeous as usual, but I had a difficult time caring about any of these characters, British or Indian. The motives behind the characters' actions were vague and noncommittal. The so-called exotic atmosphere was tainted--similar in a way to Joyce's “Araby“. I walked away unenlightened and depressed. Thank goodness for @BarkingMadRead's hashtags!
I've always loved E. M. Forster's writing. I enjoyed rereading this novel and seeing the commentary from the #PemberLittens and #HashtagBrigade. @BarkingMadRead. It's sad that Forster's observations about racism, classism and sexism still seem so relevant today.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#SummerEndReadathon @TheSpineView
#RushAthon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES
I finished my 9th book of #SummerEndReadathon. I can honestly say that I didn't enjoy this one even remotely close to how much I enjoyed A Room With A View. I didn't like the characters and how women were portrayed. @TheSpineView
#hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead
Forster‘s look at British occupied India in the 1920s certainly scratches the surface of culture & caste clauses, not to mention imperial rule and the desire to break free. The novel also examines friendship and betrayal and in a way redemption. Admittedly, I struggled through parts of this…I‘m not as well versed in my history of India, especially during British rule. However, I‘m glad I read this! #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade #192025 #1924
I‘m so glad to have read this one with the #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade because it just wasn‘t the classic for me. Without the group, I would have powered through this audio in a few days and missed a lot of the details that I did appreciate.
#audiobook #1001books
Ch 36-37: the writing is stunning, I‘ll give you that…..
#andtheyalllivedeverafter #azizmeetsralphwhilespying #azizissorudeatfirst #findingithardtolikehim #hecollectshimselfthough #timeforaboatride #collisioncourse #fieldingandazizkissandmakeup #stillnotfriendsthough #andthereyouhaveit #meh #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
What an exquisite book. I think I‘d like to start over and read it again. I learned a lot!!
#hashtagbrigade hasn‘t discussed this one yet, so that‘s it for now.
Ch 34-35: Fielding arrives #ripRajah #azizandhiskidsaresocute #hethinksfieldingmarriedadela #thatbrotherbitmademewonderthough #azizgotitwrong #heshouldhavereadtheletters #heisstillmadatfielding #boysaredone #fixthebromance #staytuned #onemorday #atleastfieldinghasaHEA #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 32-33: Aziz and Godbol are celebrating Janmashtami in their new home. #thesecelebrationssoundamazing #fieldingistravelingtheworld #almostthere #endinsight #willtheygettheirHEA #seemsunlikely #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 30-31: Aziz is in a bad place #hedoesnttrustfielding #mcbrydewascheatingwithmissderek #soobviouslyfieldingcheatedwithadela 🙄 #azizthinksfieldingcheatedhimoutofmoney #fieldingisofftoengland #azizisofftomisery #staytuned #almosttothefinishline #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 28-29: Quested finds her quest #butfirst #ronnydumpsher #questedandfieldingbecomefriends #timeforhertosailhome #antonytriestobribeher #amateur #peaceoutmydude #amissionaryhelpsherfindherquest #timetofindmrsmooreskids #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 27…. Because y‘all. I‘m so sorry, I read chapter 26 last night! The chapter heading was at the very top of a page, and it just sort of ran together 🙄 #anyway #fieldingasksaziznottoaskadelafortoomuchmoney #azizandibothsayhellno #fieldingworriesitwillruinher #umdude #azizisruined #azizwantsanapology #fieldingtellsazizaboutmrsmoore #azizdoesntbelievehim #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 24-25: of course when we go to two chapters a day, they are the longest chapters everrrr #ahem #courtisahotmess #adelafinallyseesthelight #thebritslosetheirdamnminds #thatdidntendwell #riotsbegin #thebritscutoffadela #everyonehateseachother #fieldingrescuesadela #notthathewantsto #hegivesuphishouseforher #ronnyshowsup #ripmrsmoore #mybrainhurts #myhearthurts #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
🇮🇳Still plugging away at A Passage to India for #Pemberlittens #Hashtagbrigade
🇺🇸 The Turquoise Shop must be finished by Sunday morning for the #GoldenAgeCrimeClub pick.
🇷🇺 I hope to at least get a chapter or two in from City of Thieves in between.
#bookreport @Cinfhen
Continued A Passage to India
Finished The Medici Murders, The Poet X, The Seven Ages of Death, and Binti
Started Golden Hill
Ch 23: another short chapter! Tomorrow we start reading two a day. #mrsmooreispeacingout ✌️ #sheisjealousofadela 🙄 #shegetstoseemoreofindiaassheleaves #asirgarhispictured #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
#HashtagBrigade I wanted to love this, since I loved the first three books by Forster that I‘ve read. And sometimes I did love it. The language is lush and beautiful. The descriptions of the Hindu and Muslim faiths were entrancing. The prejudices of the different races and religions were very apparent. Except I‘ve never understood racism and religionism. The exchange between Aziz and Mrs. Moore in the mosque and the exchange between (cont)⬇️
Ch 22: so many feels in this chapter. Hang onto your hats! #adelaandthatcactus #ouch #thecactusdidthemostphysicaldamage #shesfinallyabletovisitmrsmoore #shemaybeshouldhavestayedhome #mrsmooreishellacranky #shejustwantstogohome #thevisitclarifiesthings #adeladoesntthinkazizdidit #ronnyloseshisshit #dontgetmestartedonronny #thisdidNOThappentohim #mrsmooreagreesaboutaziz #ronnyisnthavingit #somessedup #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens #whew
Ch 21: one whole page 🤣 #mohurram #thatsallireallyhavetosay #godbolepeacedout #notmuchhappened #azizmightgetbail #sothatssomething #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #dontforgettovotefor2024 #doublechaptersstartonthe24th #seewhatididthere #okimdone
Ch 20: time to start playing the blame game #dontgetmestarted #thisdidNOThappentoronny #everyoneispanicking #sendingawaythewomen #pointingfingers #fieldingstandshisground #thisdoesnotlookgoodforfielding #therumorsareinsane #accusingazizofplottingthis #itsoundaridiculous #itsthepanictalking #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
“The had started speaking of 'women and children'--that phrase the exempts the male from sanity when it has been repeated a few times.“
Part of the fascination of reading older books is seeing how little human nature actually change over time.
Ch 19: Fielding tries to rally support for Aziz #idontthinkitworked #goodvsevil #racewars #whatcouldgowrong #everything #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 18: Fielding is trying to investigate what he thinks is the truth #pooradela #soscary #ithinkitwastheservant #thatheadtilt #maybetocoveramark #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Also, ladies, so that we can finish in time, we will start reading two chapters a day on the 24th. I‘ll post a heads up again in a few days
Ch 17: Adela was attacked in the cave #shesaysitwasaziz #coulditbe #pooradela #anger #looting #fieldingsupportsaziz #nowfieldingisintrouble #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
#bookreport @Cinfhen
Continued Passage and Medici
Finished The Paper Chase
Started & finished People Love Dead Jews
I am taking some time today to catch up on this read with the #pemberlittens ! I got a bit behind this week. @BarkingMadRead
#SummerEndReadathon @TheSpineView
Ch 16: Aziz loses Adela #whichcave #ohwait #acararrives #heseesadelaatthecar #fieldinghasarrived #timetogo #thatbrokenfieldglassesstressmeout #isshesafeorisshelost #azizisarrestedatthetrainstation #whyyyyy #somanyunansweredquestions #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 15: Adela stresses about marrying Ronny #iwouldtoo #shealsooffendsaziz #andyetdoesntevenknow #shedoesntloveronny #ohwell #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: Mrs Moore does not like the cave #sunrisefail #followedbyanelephantride #assoonashementionedbubarthiswasallicouldsee #babartheelephant #intothecaveswego #literallyeveryone #mrsmoorewasnotthrilled #haveimentionedthatmrsmoorehatedthecaves #becauseshedid #ameliaandazizgooffalone #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: the trip to the caves has finally been planned #timeforatrainride #fieldingmissesthetrain #azizisonhisown #whatcouldgowrong #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 12: the Marabar Caves that @jenniferw88 is so excited about 🤣 #letthedramabegin #beautifullydescriptive #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 11: Aziz asks Fielding to come back in #nomoretalkingaboutheat #azizshowsfieldinghiswifespic #theyretruebrosnow #ilovetheirbuddingbromance #theystilldonttrulyunderstandeachother #azizlearnsabouttheengagement #hethinkshesoffthehookforthecavestrip #butishe #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
#weeklyforecast @Cinfhen
Continue A Passage to India
Finish Medici Murders and The Paper Chase
Ch 10: it‘s hot 🥵 #thatsit #thatsall #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Today's weather in India, as today's chapter is a good one to talk about it.
The heat makes things quite unbearable & influences behaviour of those who live there.
The British don't appreciate the sun.
#theweatherisacharacter #mentionsof #thunderstorms #hotweather #coldweather #rain #sun #rereadingthisshowsme #thatsomeofthesechaptersareunnecessary #likethisone #andtheweirdones #justgettothecavesforster! #hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead @dabbe
#bookreport @Cinfhen
Continued Passage, Medici & Paper Chase.
Started & finished The Key to Rebecca.
Ch 9: Dr Aziz has a “sick day” #shammer #thewholeworldvisits #apparentlynottheonlyone #liveyourbestlifemydude #howcanhepossiblybeexpectedtoworkonadaylikethis #bueller #deeptalkonasickday #poorfielding #weirdchapter #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: Adela and Ronny bond over a car accident #wasitananimal #wasitaghost #youdecide #engagednow #seemslikeamistaketome #mrsmooreisnttoothrilled #azizisntwell? #interestingdevelopment #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
#hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead @dabbe
Up to the semi-colon represents India before the British occupation, it only got confused once we invaded.
Other thoughts:
The accident awakens their feelings of love, or at least lust. #theywillmarryafterall
Aziz - believing in superstition & evil is a defect of the East. The West has advanced because they believe in reason & logic.
Question for @jenniferw88 and anyone else who‘s read this before… #Hashtagbrigaide is about 1/4 of the way through now and I‘m excited about reading something written in ‘24 that was already exploring race relations and colonialism, and there are passages of exquisite writing that pop up occasionally and make me happy, BUT most of the time this just makes me angry,⬇️⬇️⬇️
'He had discovered that it is possible to keep in with Indians and Englishmen...' - Fielding contends that English women can never be friends with Indian men, as disasters happen.
Fielding & Aziz forge an instant friendship despite racial differences.
Adela's not going to marry Ronny - 'I'm afraid I can't do that'.
#hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead @dabbe
Ch 7: Ronny ruins Fielding‘s tea party #fieldingandazizarebestiesnow #adelaslipsup #mrsmoorewasunthrilled #ronnyissorude #notafan #aziztooknoshit #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade