What a big fat historical adventure story. Just loved getting enbeded into 1560s France. If you are in the mood for historical adventure, this is a great pick. 4.5 🌟
I am on to book #2.
My #5JoysFriday include afternoon tea celebrating my niece's 30th birthday, my lil sidekick RubyRoo, having time with my children, and about to embark on a new series.
My apologies to any Trump fans, but this meme made me cry with laughter 😅
I've avoided Mosse for years to avoid hype induced disappointment. But after a recommendation, I decided to try one that wasn't Labyrinth.
Minou's story starts slow but Piet's arrival on the scene by comparison is explosive. Maybe Mosse should have started with him.
Mosse's characters are well developed, and you feel like you're getting a snapshot of longstanding relationships. I'm looking forward to reading the second in the series.
Absolutely fantastic historical fiction. The complex story of the history of religious war in France intertwined with a family's personal story, secrets and some very exciting adventures. Had me hooked right through to the final page.
I‘ve been enjoying this as a slow read with my morning coffee each morning, until today when I felt compelled to finish. I learned so much about this period in French history I did not know but the themes were familiar. Conflicts over religion, classism, racism and above all, the thirst for power by those who use these for their own advantage. History always repeats, no matter the country, no matter the year, and human nature will out ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is a wonderful piece of historical fiction. It‘s well researched and beautifully written. The French war between the religions is vividly and powerfully portrayed. There are some strong and courageous characters. All these factors combine to make a gripping, exciting and magnificent tale of love, hate, betrayal. family secrets and adventure. I loved it! #Pigeonhole
Just registered to listen to this on Thursday 👍🏻
I ventured into an era of historical fiction with which I'm unfamiliar: 1560s France during the conflict between Catholics and Huguenots. I had trouble getting into the story in the beginning, but when the pieces started coming together near the end, I enjoyed it.
I don‘t have a problem!! I can totally handle the number of library books I currently have checked out! #libraryhaul
I have to bail on this one; it‘s moving too slowly for me and has too much historical detail that is bogging me down. If you like a slow burn (ha!) and love European religious and political history you might try it. Mosse is a great writer who tells good stories.
Finished Day 2 of the #24B4Monday #Readathon. Read 9 hrs 3 mins today (2 minutes less than yesterday) and finished 2 books - The Burning Chambers And Foundation and Empire. During the day I read from 6 different books!
Overall total : 18 hrs 8 mins. Should make 24 hours but not sure I‘ll make the 30 hours target, currently 1 hr 58 mins off track.
1. Talking down to people
2. I got my one and only baby boy on my 42nd bday- dies that count? (After 4 girls)
3. By happiness or contentedness with their life- my friend Elodie
4. @AuntDawnWalker @breanacamel
I‘m happy I met my distance goal and next week I plan to focus more on eating at home and less fast food. I still need to adjust my bike so that‘s holding up the bike rides for the moment. So here‘s to making next week even better!
@Clwojick @Peddler410 @wanderinglynn @Mynameisacolour @RainyDayReading @thereadingunicorn @jen_the_scribe
Perfect book for camping?
🍭🍭🍭🍭 review is up on my blog. Stop by and say hi! https://reecaspieces.com/2019/06/18/the-burning-chambers-by-kate-mosse-minotaurb...
Excellent evening!
I am off this weekend so I won‘t be walking 16k steps! I will be reading!! I have lost 5lbs. Not as much as I wanted but still progress. #bfc #bookfitnesschallenge @wanderinglynn
My new books were delivered today! Has anyone read these titles before and if so what were their thoughts? 💭
I couldn‘t resist!
What book mail looks like when you have friends in high places. 💕💕💕
This was nothing groundbreaking, but I enjoyed it. Mosse does French historical fiction well and brings the large scale dramas to a small family scale.
Reading with a migraine isn't the most sensible thing I've ever done but it's definitely in my top 10. I can't renew it, and it's due in two days so let's just finish it.
Just a few chapters before I nap. I have to finish this soon, it's due to be returned to the #library at the weekend
A very small amount of reading before sleep. I've been returning to cross stitch for the first time in almost 7yrs so I've let my reading slip. Let's change that. The picture is Madame la Kitty as a friend called her, and this is my progress after twenty hours of stitching
#library #stitching
When you put off reading the last 100 pages or so because you are worried about the fate of your favourite characters
#currentlyreading #amreading #bindidog #atleastthedogsarehappy #nervousreader
Definitely epic. But enthralling from beginning to end! Happy to know this is the first in a planned trilogy!
Only 3 pages in but loving Mosse's writing.
"The history of injustices done in the name of religion..."
I think after I finish the really slim Vi, I'm going to dive into the big fat fatty that is The Burning Chambers.
It's always so hard to figure out what to read next!! 🤔🤔
Also picked up this chunkster from the library! I so want to read it! When will there be time to read all the books?!?!
Usual high quality historical drama from Mosse 👍🏻
If you like her other stuff you‘ll like this. Took me longer to finish than normally would have as it‘s been a very busy week- but I wanted to get back to it all the time!
Quick bit of train reading! I‘ve signed up for a project called Inspiring Futures, where you help 15-18 year olds get ready for work or uni. I‘m doing a day of mock interviews today with some 16 year olds!! Hopefully will be a good day 😁👍🏻
I would love to stay up and carry on reading but it was a crappy work day and I need my bed/sleep!!
Enjoying it so far.
I loved the original Languedoc trilogy so much that I persuaded my husband to Carcassonne on holiday. It was wonderful!
This book is set in some of the same locations as the original series, so there feels to be some continuation.
The characters are well written and I felt a strong empathy for the main character. Although the book starts a little slowly, the plot unfolds well & isn‘t predictable. I can‘t wait for the next book in 2020!
New in. I love this poetry.
So excited to be starting to read this whilst taking the train through the Eurotunnel! We visited Carcassonne last summer after reading and loving the Labyrinth trilogy, so I‘m super excited about this one 😀
This was such a good read. It's a long read but well worth it. A little slow in the beginning but it picks up and the end is brilliant. The plot is really good and truly takes us on a journey. I really enjoyed the story and I definitely want to read more of the authors work.
Think this is my first readathon but sounds like fun and three days off so I might just be able to do it. #13inThree.
What a great idea @Samplergal . Good luck all.
Hubby asked me last night if I had the new Kate Mosse....I said not yet, look what turned up today from hubby 😁❤️
I was brave. I requested this from NetGalley, the first time I've ever done it. No idea if anything will come of it, but I will be buying the book either way. I love the series and I'm excited for the next installment.