Random book from our home library:
📖 Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, introduction by Marcelle Clements (Signet Classics)
Random book from our home library:
📖 Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, introduction by Marcelle Clements (Signet Classics)
#ThreeListThursday #tlt
Finally, a score I can (sort of) live with. I definitely need to up my classics game!
Three favorites include:
1. THE SECRET GARDEN. A favorite since childhood.
2. TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES. Read this with #hashtagbrigade, and it was my favorite book of 2023!
3. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. Since I was required to read it in high school. A favorite to have taught as well.
'I am ready' ugh, absolutely gutted by that line. This novel is all contradiction for me - I hate humanity, I love Tess, I hate men, I love Hardy. It pulls at my every prejudice and every compassion. Beautiful writing describing horrific treatment. Irony and hypocrisy on open display. Oh, I love it so.
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy (I collect editions of Tess, my favourite novel, and this Christmas gift from my daughter is my 32nd)
📖 Cathedrals, Abbeys, and Churches of England and Wales: Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial (1898) by T. G. Bonney
Recent acquisitions:
💿 Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy (my favourite novel), audiobook read by Simon Vance
#UniteAgainstBookBans #LetUtahRead
Love when one book I‘m reading references another…
Reading Tess of the D‘Urbervilles…and I‘m also reading Peter the Great‘s biography. Happy coincidence!
(And, working the middle school book fair! 💃)
Up next: my February #bookspin and one of the classics on my list! @TheAromaofBooks
My February #bookspin and #doublespin.
Excited for a great month…thank you for hosting, @TheAromaofBooks
#12Booksof2023 @Andrew65
This one also turned out to be my favorite read of the entire year. 🖤💙🖤
On the tenth day of Christmas…
Even though it was sad, I loved this book when we read it with the #hashtagbrigade in October. #12booksof2023
I have to say I'm a bit surprised to find that TESS was my favorite read of 2024. That's why I love this bracketing template; I really had no idea until the end what would come out on top. I loved the contemporary reads, but perhaps I am a classicist at heart. And thanks to the #hashtagbrigade, or this book might have stayed on my #TBR indefinitely. Can't wait to see what 2024 has in store. 🤩
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy (Norton Critical Editions) - I collect editions of Tess and this is my 28th
📖 Stockholm (English Edition) by Per Anders Fogelström, photos by Åke Mokvist
#UniteAgainstBookBans #fREADom
Thanks for the tag, @TheSpineView! 🤗
1. Believe it or not, TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES was my favorite for October. While I loved all the spooky reads, this one gut-punched me and will stay with me for a long time.
2. Since our GSDs are quite excitable (still at 3 years of age), we'll put some candy out front and hide in our backroom watching Halloween movies and our AZ Diamondbacks in the World Series! ⚾️🎃⚾️
Tess is really the saddest novel. This was a reread of a favorite from high school lit, it hit differently as an adult. I remember thinking that Tess had the worst plight of all women, I now think of variations of her story as standard female experiences.
Part of me is impressed that a man in 1891 was able to capture the contradictions and difficulties of the female condition this well; part of me is just mad for Tess. Either way, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ from me.
Infuriating and heartbreaking. Surprisingly modern, though not as much as I hoped—I kept thinking the characters would actually learn their lesson, that Alec is the only one to blame for the “sin” for which Tess suffers the consequences, and they never quite seem to. As always, reading this with the #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade made it more fun!
A reread for me, and no less devastating, Hardy‘s book focuses on Tess. Tess has no luck in any facet of life, receiving turmoil and anguish just about at every turn. It‘s a sad read, and one cannot help but hope she received her HEA. This book made me sad, angry, and very sympathetic toward Tess. Thanks to @BarkingMadRead and the #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigadr for this #BuddyRead .
While this book was an unrelentingly sad, I definitely have discovered the wonderful Thomas Hardy. His themes are quite modern, and I will definitely be reading more of him. Thanks to @BarkingMadRead for being her wonderful self and guiding us through each chapter!❤️❤️
#hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Heartbreaking and still eerily relevant today. Domineering men, double standards, obsession, and all this written by a man in the 1800s -- just wow. Also beautifully written and the details of farm life nicely captured. Loved it.
Thanks for leading the buddy read @BarkingMadRead and thanks for all the opinions, insights and laughs #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade , I love reading with you all 💕
If you would have told 10th grade me that I would be willingly getting up pre dawn on a weekend to finish Tess of the D‘Urbervilles I would not have believed you. This book touched me in ways teenage me would never have imagined. Thank you @BarkingMadRead for leading us through this one so I wasn‘t stuck with my teenaged eye view of this classic.
Sunday ch 57-58: Tess and Angel play house #ontherun #itsonlyamatteroftime#angelhidesheraslongashecan #stonehenge #whataplacetogetbusted #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
As there was only 1 extra chapter, I finished today.
@BarkingMadRead #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
I prefer Far From the Madding Crowd!
Continued Tess
Started Lost Realms
Finished Babel & The 🐧 📖 of 🧙♀️!
This book was almost continually frustrating because I so wanted things to be different for Tess. She tried hard to do what she felt was right or what she had to do, and it never went her way. After recently finishing Clarissa, I didn‘t think I would soon read another book with a man that made me so angry, but Hardy managed to make me detest multiple male characters. Yet, he wrapped it all up in absolutely beautiful and descriptive writing.
Saturday: ch 55-56: Angel finds Tess #poortess #alecusedherfamilyasleverage #tesstellsangeltogoaway #karma 🔪 🩸🩸🩸 #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #ivebeenwaitingdaystousethismeme #iwishitwastentimes
If ever I feel even remotely sorry for myself, I will think of Tess and realize how incredibly lucky I am, especially as a woman not living during Victorian/Edwardian England. A beautifully written, yet hauntingly heart-wrenching story of a pure-of-heart woman who is preyed upon by pretty much every person she encounters, especially the Draculean Alec d'Urberville, Tess, you'll stay within my heart for a long time.
Friday: ch 53-54: Angel is back and on the hunt for Tess #ishetoolate #hermomsaysheismarried #sayitisntso #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Thur: ch 51-52: Tess is homeless again #alechasofferedherfamilythecottage #shewontgo #noroomattheinn #alecishangingaround #coincidenceordesign #angelneedstocomehome #marianandizztrytohelp #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 49-50: Tess can never escape home! #angelisstillanass #momissick #tessgoeshometohelp #alecshowsup 🙄 #justintimefordadtodie #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
I am not bringing this misery to Disney with me, so I read ahead in preparation… and then there was only own chapter left, so I finished it 🤷🏻♀️ #scarathlon #teamcryptkeepers @LiseWorks
Ch 47-48: #blahblahblah farming #blahblahblah Alec #blahnlahblah SLAP! #yesgirl #heneedstobackoff #thatletterbrokemyheart #angelneedstocomehome #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 45-46: this freaking guy 🙄 #alecisback #hewantstomarrytess #asif #shockedwhentesssaysno #convincedhecanchangehermind #andobviouslythisisallherfault #boysaredumb #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 43-44: Tess has a crappy month #thefarmerisanass #shefoundoutaboutIzz #aheoverheardtheclarebrotheratalkingshit #sheseesalecpreaching #youcantmakethiscrapup #well #hardymadethiscrapup 🤷🏻♀️#staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
This quote caught my attention in chapter 40. It‘s an understatement, to be sure, but I was a bit surprised at this point to see any recognition of the men being the ones at fault. Yet, it just made me even madder at Angel, that he could acknowledge this and still not forgive Tess.
#PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade #quote
Ch 41-42: Tess wanders from job to job #angelissickinbrazil #karma #tessstillworshipshim #everythingshedoesisforhim #sadbuttrue #sheendsupwithmarianagain #thiscantendwell #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
#Scarathlon #HHC @Clwojick @StayCurious
#pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
I hear/see the word “vampire“, I immediately think of this jerk in the tagged book the #pemberlittens is currently reading. He's the epitome of a literary vampire without technically being a vampire.
Ch 39-40: two whole chapters to reiterate why we hate Angel Clare 🙄 #atleasthedidnttellhisparents #allthedairygirlsarebroken #imean #hescutebutletsnotgocrazy #izztellshimsheloveshim #angelinvitesizztoliveinaininbrazil #dude #hypocritemuch #icantevenwiththisguy #izzisthebetterhumanforsure #andyetangelstillwontforgivetess #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 37-38: ok the sleepwalking was freaky #theycouldhavedied #problemsolved #poortess #offtotheoldhomestead #ofcourseherdadisstillusingher #noroomatthehouseforher #sheshouldhavekeptthatmoney #ontheroadagain #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 35-36: two chapter of Angel being a dumbass 🤷🏻♀️ #isaidwhatisaid #andnowheislettingherleave #noooooooo #sodepressing #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 33-34: it‘s wedding day! #tesswritesaconfessional #angelneverseesit 😳 #thisgirlcantwin #married 👰 🤵 #weddingnightisubercreepy #butdiamonds 💍 #thatnotethough #passiveagressive #theyhearaboutthedairymaids #yallhesjustadude #suicideisnevertheanswer #iwanttohugthemall #confessiontime #angelisntpureeither #didntseethatcoming 😳 #tessconfesses #curtaindrop #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 31-32: Tess finally sets the date #newyearsevewedding #ihavesomuchstress #justdoit #twochaptersofnothingness #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
#weeklyforecast @Cinfhen
Continue Tess & Babel
Finish Witches
Ch 29-30: Tess tells her secret #exceptnotreally #shewimpsout #shealsosaysyes 💍 #whatcouldgowrong #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade