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Wife | Meg Wolitzer
Meg Wolitzer brings her characteristic wit and intelligence to a provocative story about the evolution of a marriage, the nature of partnership, the question of a male or female sensibility, and the place for an ambitious woman in a man s world. The moment Joan Castleman decides to leave her husband, they are thirty-five thousand feet above the ocean on a flight to Helsinki. Joan s husband, Joseph, is one of America s preeminent novelists, about to receive a prestigious international award, and Joan, who has spent forty years subjugating her own literary talents to fan the flames of his career, has finally decided to stop. From this gripping opening, Meg Wolitzer flashes back to 1950s Smith College and Greenwich Village and follows the course of the marriage that has brought the couple to this breaking point one that results in a shocking revelation. With her skillful storytelling and pitch-perfect observations, Wolitzer has crafted a wise and candid look at the choices all men and women make in marriage, work, and life."
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Wife | Meg Wolitzer
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I was so disappointed after all the praises to this book. Totally mediocre and wearying book about practically nothing. Characters were unlikable people, their behavior was stupid and incomprehensible...

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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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12-5-20: My 102nd finished book of 2020! The Wife follows Joan Castleman as she contemplates the life she has led with her husband, the famous novelist, Joe. Their meeting in 1956, the ups and downs before fame took hold, the raising of their kids, all leading to the trip they are currently on to Helsinki, where Joe is to receive a major award. Joan is coming to terms with what she has given up and what she still wants. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👍🏼📖1️⃣0️⃣2️⃣

Come-read-with-me I really enjoyed this book! 4y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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I actually finished another book I own this time 😅
This was a good one. After seeing Glenn Close's acceptance speech on the Golden Globes and seeing my mother cry as Close talked about her mother saying she felt she hadn't accomplished anything, I knew I had to read this book and see this movie. I was not expecting the ending it had, and I don't know how I feel about it, but I know this is book I will reread because I liked it that much.

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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Made a run to the next town over's library as mine is closed for 3 months. Came home with all this. 😀📚❤

Tamra Smith! 💜💜 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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On Chapter 3, and it is 11:30 pm in Ireland.
Time for bed 😴

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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#wintergames #thefilthyanimals #24B42020. I finished these four from my TBR stack. Surprisingly my least favourite was “Behold the Dreamers” because I‘d great things about it. My favourite was the tagged book. It made me angry, frustrated, and outraged. The story unfolds slowly but the conclusion is worth the wait!

rather_be_reading 61 for the books. ill be back for ur reading time. 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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👏Wonderful voice, great pacing that moves back and forth in time to show Joan and Joan in the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of a marriage, a literary career and an examination of men and women and the creative process. Great book 👏

Cathythoughts Nice review! I really enjoyed this one too 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Clever & witty

Cathythoughts It‘s a good one 👍🏻♥️ 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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My first Meg Wolitzer book and I REALLY enjoyed it! Excellent story and I really like her writing style, especially the time line and when/how she executed the the big, awe type events. I heard her speak last year and I‘m so glad I did!

Ruthiella I like her style too. I‘ve only read two books so far however! 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer

I enjoyed the book but it was rather depressing. Does that make sense?

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: I had seen the movie, and this is my first Wolitzer. Her writing just swept me away. Really enjoyed revisiting this story in book form. #BookToFilm

Cathythoughts Great writing! I really enjoyed this book too 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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A good read 👍🏻 Marriages are full of secrets aren‘t they, big and little. Joe is a first class arse though isn‘t he.
#booked2019 #booktomovie
Summer done - now I need ideas about POC/MC paranormal and public domain my remaining ones.

Cinfhen I “enjoyed” the movie but couldn‘t read through the book! Glad u enjoyed!!! For MC Paranormal I read 5y
Cinfhen And any book on @SerialReader app is #PublicDomain 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen it was a quick read so I didn‘t dwell on my annoyance! I‘ve read Kindred already and liked. Do you have to download serial reader to see what‘s on it? I‘ll search #publicdomain and have a look. Thanks 😘 5y
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Cinfhen Serial app is free as are all the books but u have to download the app 5y
Cinfhen For public domain I choose 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen thanks - I may have a look at serial app. Aww Little Women, I could read again as it was so long ago I‘ve probably forgotten everything.... 5y
Cinfhen I loved it!! I had never read the whole book before. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage You can always search the #pocparanormal hashtag. And here‘s a list from GR. Not all are paranormal, but a lot are. https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/11395.Non_Caucasian_Protagonists_in_Science_... 5y
TrishB @BarbaraTheBibliophage thanks 👍🏻 I‘ve checked the hashtag and not been inspired as yet (or read) I‘ll have a look at the GR list - I‘m not desperate yet 😁 5y
Reggie I‘m shocked you read this!!! I‘m so glad you liked it, though. Yeah, the husband was such an a-Hole and I just felt so bad for the kids because subconsciously, they knew he was a prick. Also, its never too late to take a step in the right direction. 5y
TrishB @Reggie it was a gift and I try to always read gifts 😁 I think you need to do a positivity post for me every day to turn my thinking around!! I thought what a waste of your life and you thought it‘s never too late, I need more of that thinking! 5y
Reggie 3 years ago, I picked my Grandma up so she could stay with us for a week. The drive was 4 hours. When we left her house her new husband was so cute telling her bye and then he called an hour into the ride asking if she was ok. She talked him up so much saying he was the best husband she ever had. I said gah grandma what about grandpa? She told me that when they were younger, she would stay home and watch the kids at night and he would take off👇🏼 5y
Reggie take off to the bar. She said, “Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your comadres (woman friend) call you the next day asking you where you were last night because compadre was here, dancing with a woman. She told me that when they worked the farm for a rancher she caught him more than once with another woman in the barn. That my mother and her siblings have a half brother they don‘t know that exist in a town an hour away. That even 👇🏼 5y
Reggie though he was a good dad and a great grandfather, he wasn‘t the best husband. I never told my mother or anyone else that story. Lies, I told my brother. But we‘ve never told anyone in the family. I think about my grandmother and how she had an 8th grade education and what options there were for her out there. She had almost none. When he passed away she started living for herself. I see a little bit of her in Joan. Sorry for the long story. 5y
TrishB @Reggie thank you for sharing. My mum had similar in that my dad just treated her like part of the home furniture and I had to accept my Dad was a good dad but a lousy husband!! She remarried 10 years after he died and had 3 years of being treated like number one. You‘re right - it‘s never too late and I wish your Grandma many happy years of being treated like a princess ❤️❤️ 5y
Reggie ❤️❤️ 5y
Cathythoughts Oh I read this one too for #booktomovie 👍🏻 I thought it was great 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts did you watch the film too? 5y
Cathythoughts I didn‘t see the movie ... sinse I joined Litsy I never watch telly anymore .. only if a match is on I want to see . Did you ? 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I‘ve never really watched telly (except the match like you!) so I haven‘t seen. Most films I have watched are generally when the kids have made me 😁 Charlotte made me watch Captain Marvel this week as she said it‘s the feminist film of the year! It was good fun and feminist 😁 5y
Cathythoughts That sounds like fun ! I‘d watch a movie with my daughters too when they are home or maybe a cartoon with my granddaughter... but otherwise I‘d rather be reading. I hope you feel better & have a lovely lunch with your friend X 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts thank you 😘 5y
Reggie @TrishB I‘m just throwing this out there but I think you would love this book. Not cause you need therapy but cause there‘s a little correlation of what was said here. Just have tissues handy. 5y
TrishB @Reggie thanks Reggie- self help books are my worst nightmare so I have pretty much avoided this! But you never know, if an offer appears 😁❤️ 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Meh. It‘s a well written book. And the character development is great. But I kept asking why? Why did she put up with being disrespected like that? Why didn‘t she leave him sooner? Why didn‘t she like herself? It left me feeling frustrated.

Tamra I want to see the movie just because Close is in it. 5y
Palimpsest I haven‘t read the book, but I liked the movie. I understand the frustration though. 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer

“Genitals like marzipan fruit.”
That‘s some descriptive writing. 😂

Megabooks Wut!!?? 🤣 5y
JacqMac @Megabooks That‘s what I said! I‘m listening on audio and I had to go back to make sure it‘s what I heard. 😆 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Currently reading for movie/bookclub.

Cathythoughts I just finished this last week ... I thought it was really good 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Macnjen Movie was really great!! 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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#Booked2019 #BooktoMovie An interesting read on fame & fortune & love .. The relationship of Joan , &
Joe ( her famous writer/husband ) great story as she looks back on their 45 + years of marriage. The ending was So-So for me , but I don‘t always put too much pressure on the ending ... so it‘s a winner for me 4⭐️ Another one done ✅ & enjoyed ♥️👍🏻

AmyG I thought this was a very good movie. 5y
Cathythoughts @AmyG I havnt seen the movie ... loved the book 5y
AmyG Ha...I didn‘t read the book. 5y
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Tamra I want to see the movie because I love Glen Close‘s acting! I haven‘t read the book. 5y
Cathythoughts @Tamra I‘d like to see the movie too ... 👍🏻 5y
Cinfhen I saw the film and I thought Glenn Close was brilliant!!! I had started the book a few years ago and wasn‘t enjoying it. Saw the film on my last flight to the States 😂😂 5y
Cinfhen Nice way to kick start your summer prompts!!! 5y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen I really enjoyed the book. Yes Im on my way in the summer part of our challenge 👍🏻♥️🥳🥳 5y
Caroline2 I enjoyed this one too. I know what you mean about the ending, bit of an anticlimax. It was kinda apt though, given the rest of the book. 5y
dariazeoli I saw the movie a couple weeks ago! Stacking... 5y
Cathythoughts @Caroline2 it was very apt. It was just a bit predictable... but I enjoyed the journey of the book - that‘s the main part for me 5y
Cathythoughts @dariazeoli I imagine the acting is excellent 5y
dariazeoli @Cathythoughts Yes - the climax was well-acted by both! 5y
Caroline2 Yeah it was very predictable. I‘m looking forward to checking out the film, will you watch it do you think? 5y
Cathythoughts @Caroline2 I might ... I‘d rather be reading. Not a big fan of telly. I like the cinema though 5y
youneverarrived Glad to hear you liked this one. I have it on kindle. 5y
Cathythoughts @youneverarrived it‘s good Katie, it had me straight away & until the end 👍🏻 I hope you like it when you get there 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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#booked2019 I wouldn‘t be reading this otherwise & I‘m so enjoying it 👍🏻📚

BarbaraTheBibliophage What prompt are you reading it for? I‘ve always heard she was such a good writer, and reading this passage explains why. 5y
Cathythoughts @BarbaraTheBibliophage it‘s #BooktoMovie I havnt seen the movie ... but the book is ✨ 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cathythoughts Oh, of course! I‘m looking forward to your review! 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Great weather here today & Great book , and The quote is the main character at her Bookclub ... ♥️what could be finer ...

Lindy ❤️close reading. 5y
Cathythoughts @Lindy close reading ♥️ 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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I was finding it hard to settle into a new book .. but I‘ve landed, this one is good & it‘s for #Booked2019 #BooktoMovie ... the writing, the story, the characters, loving it 👍🏻♥️

MicheleinPhilly That was what I read for this prompt too! 5y
Cathythoughts @MicheleinPhilly it‘s so good ♥️ I never saw the movie. Book is a fine read 5y
MicheleinPhilly I haven‘t seen the film yet. It‘s on our DVR as it has been playing on one of the movie channels. I absolutely loved the book! 5y
Cathythoughts @MicheleinPhilly I love her writing style, I‘m already looking for more books by her 👍🏻♥️ 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Oh this was good! Following the wife of a successful writer through decades of marriage, children and disappointments. This was right up my street! Truly terrific writing and fantastic characters, I was sucked in from page one. What stops it being a 5 star read for me was the dragging out of the, oh so obvious, reveal. But still a solid 4 stars and would defo recommend. 👍🏻

TrishB That shelf looks fab ❤️ 5y
BarbaraBB Echoing @TrishB 😍 5y
Caroline2 @BarbaraBB @TrishB thanks ladies! I do love my rainbow shelves! 😉 5y
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squirrelbrain Also echoing @TrishB and @BarbaraBB - looks amazing! 5y
Caroline2 @squirrelbrain thanks! 😀 I love organising my shelves by colour now!! 😆 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I think you tagged the wrong book, fyi - but I loved The Wife! Such a thrilling read. Shelves look 🙌 amazing! 5y
Caroline2 @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled oh yeahhh!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ thanks for the heads up! 👍🏻 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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#WanderingJune #FlyAway
"The moment I decided to leave him, the moment I thought enough, we were thirty-five thousand feet above the ocean, hurtling forward but giving the illusion of stillness and tranquility. Just like our marriage.”
The 1st line of the book sets up the story of Joan, self-proclaimed King-maker and Wife to her narcissistic novelist husband. I think this is Wolitzer‘s best novel, with sharp writing full of bitterness and regret.

suzisteffen I need to read the book because her character in the movie made me so angry. 5y
suzisteffen I mean he‘s an ass and of course he was infuriating! But what the HELLLLLLL was she doing the entire movie?!?!!! Her entire life? Ugh! 5y
Cinfhen I thought the movie was good but I‘m definitely NOT a fan of Wolitzer 5y
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Cinfhen Great pick!!! 5y
BarbaraBB I have this one stacked and I think the first sentence is great! 5y
KarenUK @BarbaraBB Isn‘t it! Her POV has that same edge all the way through.... Our book club loved it and had a great discussion too... 5y
KarenUK @suzisteffen I liked the movie but I liked the book way better. I think as reader it‘s easier to see why Joan led the life she did, how different both marriage and the publishing world would have been for a young woman like her in the 50‘s.... 5y
KarenUK @Cinfhen I‘ve only read three by her.... the others were just OK, but I thought this one was great.... (edited) 5y
suzisteffen @KarenUK thank you! 5y
RaimeyGallant Great quote! 5y
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The Wife | Meg Wolitzer
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Latest scores from my building‘s book exchange. I heard Meg Wolitzer speak at the Sydney Writer‘s Festival so I am looking forward to her one. There must be at least one other avid reader in my building as the other book is an ARC of a book I wanted. I love the cover. Of course the author is a dancer who teaches adults ballet so now I am following her on Litsy. It‘s the first book I‘ve opened that mentions Litsy. Woo hoo!

TheCuriousHousecat The wife is one of the best books I‘ve read this year. 5y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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This book by the end made me angry. I wanted Joe exposed for the fraud he was. It didn‘t quite happen like that but in my imagination I have Joan writing and being published long after Joe is dead. An exposure of sorts. You‘ll know what I mean if you‘ve read the book. I haven‘t seen the movie yet but it‘s on my list to watch. I hope it doesn‘t disappoint but alas most movies aren‘t a patch on a brilliant book. I‘m giving this ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌛.

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Even though this was a predictable read the writting style flowed nice & quick. I really enjoy Wolitzer's character development in her writing style. She goes back & forth in time in a perfect way it's not too long or drawn out. She gives the reader the perfect amount of detail that keeps you interested in turning the pages wanting to know more.
Full review:

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Oh my gosh, whyyyyyyy am I choosing super depressing books about marriage this month? I love this author. That is why I had it on my to-read list. It just happened to become available on Overdrive, so I snatched it quick.
I cannot STAND how the women in this book put up with such ***holes for YEARS. To be married in that day and age was like being trapped. Once again this is a book in which every male sleeps around. Ugh. 😩 I need a new genre.

Tamra I wonder how the movie is? I love Glen Close. 6y
ItsAnotherJen @Tamra I love her too! Since this is the cover I first saw for the book, I imagined her as the character throughout. 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Getting some backlist in; looking forward to seeing Glenn Close portray Joan Castleman, now that I‘ve finally caught up and read the book first!

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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I tried to rave about this book, halfway through reading it, to my book club; we read “The Interestings” together a few years back. One friend immediately asked, “Does it have a plot?” 😅 And the answer is: “I mean, no. Not really.” Here‘s the outline: The wife of a renowned male novelist (of debatable talent) reflects on their lengthy courtship on the cusp of her decision to leave him.

The plot *isn‘t* what makes it good.

*Cont‘d below 👇🏻

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ever since I saw the movie, I want to read this one now. 6y
monalyisha 1/1: What makes any Wolitzer novel good is her writing: the way she describes orange juice; walnuts; Sno-Balls. The way she *notices* the small details of living. The way her characters relate to one another (or don‘t). The way she‘s so fucking funny, sometimes in a painful way. This particular book is no exception. It‘s my second-favorite of her books. Although, I have to say: I have NO idea how it would translate well to film. 🤷‍♀️ (edited) 6y
monalyisha @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘ve gotta watch it. I saw the trailer &, based on the small snippet, the whole mood & tone feels *completely* different. 6y
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monalyisha I‘m interested to read “The Female Persuasion” now, & compare the ideas about gender in it vs. in this book (published in 2003) vs. Wolitzer‘s own, observable, lived experience. (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @monalyisha oh interesting... now I‘ll really have to read the book. 6y
monalyisha @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Haha okay. We each have our missions & shall report back. 😉 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @monalyisha Sounds like a plan! 6y
8little_paws She definitely has a way of observing things. I still remember a scene in the interestings where one character observes the butthole of another naked character climbing a bunk ladder 🙈 6y
monalyisha @8little_paws Ha! I don‘t remember that one, in particular, but that sounds about right. 😅 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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“Bone did literary profiles and book reviews, commentary on different topics from both high and low culture, the kind of pieces in which he somehow managed to mention the names Jacques Lacan and George Jetson in the course of a single paragraph.”

What a dream career! 😉
I don‘t know about George Jetson, but I once wrote a paper for my Critical Theory class about Lacan & #buffythevampireslayer (“Restless,” s.4, ep. 22) featured prominently). 🖤⚰️

lorannen This was just going to be a test comment, but seeing the Jetsons illustration totally brightened my evening! 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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3/5 🌟

Well written book but I don't understand why it took her so long to leave him - he was a selfish, arrogant cheat. The ending was not surprising nor satisfying.

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Things Meg Wolitzer has me worried about:

“Shit. My hair isn‘t the color of a manila envelope...is it?”


cariashley 😂 (definitely not, by the way) 6y
tournevis Is she describing a woman the way a white male novelist™ would or is it just me? 6y
monalyisha @tournevis Ha! It‘s a one-time observation of a woman who‘s flirting with her husband in a crowded room. But also...maybe! 😆 6y
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tournevis @monalyisha She's good enough a writer for this to be intentional! 😁😁😁 6y
monalyisha @tournevis I just love her. 6y
monalyisha @cariashley That‘s reassuring. 😅 Thank you! 6y
tournevis @monalyisha 👍👍👍 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Betrayal. The Wife, which is excellent. #bookishbingo

KarenUK Such a good book. 💕 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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“Everyone knows how women soldier on, how women dream up blueprints, recipes, ideas for a better world, and then sometimes lose them on the way to the crib in the middle of the night, on the way to the Stop & Shop, or the bath. They lose them on the way to greasing the path on which their husband and children will ride serenely through life.”

Excerpt From
The Wife
Meg Wolitzer
This material may be protected by copyright. #womenshistorymonth

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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#itme 💕

TimSpalding I've become a little less proselytic as I've aged, but this is me too. I write in everything and let people borrow. At one point I decided to start buying extra copies of cheap favorites just to give out. For fiction that's Nabokov's Pnin and Pale Fire, Davies' Fifth Business. For Classics it's books that—not having become a professor—I have less occasion to give out now: Herodotus, Thucydides, Moses Finley, Arnaldo Momigliano, Daphnis and Chloe. 6y
monalyisha @TimSpalding That‘s a smart idea! (I‘ve only read Nabokov‘s “Lolita” - in a “Beauty & Desire in American Novels” course in college. I loved it. Sounds like I need to read some more!) 6y
TimSpalding @monalyisha Pnin is the most accessible and appealing of his novels, with—finally—a main character who's not a monster. People err when they say Nabokov is trying to show off and trick you—he was happy with whatever people "got." But it feels like a "relaxed" Nabokov. (Someone once did a great commentary on it, though; it's as bottomless and intricate as any of them.) 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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I freaking love Meg Wolitzer. 💕 And Drella.

wordzie 😁😂❤❤ 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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It‘s Sour Power Hour. 💪🏻🍓🍺📖

I‘m really hoping tomorrow will be a snow day. 🤞🏻We‘re expecting 7 inches but y‘all know that the library closes for (almost) NO act of god!

Pruzy This beer sounds amazing 👌 6y
monalyisha @Pruzy It‘s so freaking good. 🤤 6y
Pruzy @monalyisha And as to your current read, have you seen the movie or are you reading the book first? 6y
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monalyisha @Pruzy Reading the book first! Have you seen it yet? 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf I‘m hoping for a snow day too. 🤞 6y
Pruzy @monalyisha I have. And I felt like the movie was missing something. Seemed like the book would be much much better 6y
monalyisha @Pruzy I have now read about half the book & watched the trailer for the movie (despite being worried about spoilers). It seems like the movie has a completely different tone. Was it funny? Because the book is hilarious. 6y
monalyisha @irre Did your wish come true? (I ended up taking half a vacation day & then going in for the second part of the day, once it finally stopped snowing & I shoveled myself (or, rather, my husband shoveled me 😆) out. We got about 13 inches where I live. The library opened at 9:30. 😣) 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf No snow day but a delayed opening. I only had 10 students so a calm day. I was hoping to stay home and read though. We got about 6.5 inches. 6y
monalyisha @irre The thing we‘re *always* hoping for... 🙏🏻😇📚 6y
Pruzy @monalyisha The movie was very serious in my opinion (edited) 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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I enjoyed this book. The writing was beautiful. A glance into the power trade offs within this marriage and the concept of the wife as a caretaker.

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!! :) 6y
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Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💖 6y
Bklover Welcome to Litsy ! 6y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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1. I stop by every week on my way home from handbell practice, plus special trips for events or to pick up a hold.
2. I have 14 items checked out from four libraries.
3. Fiction, travel, poetry, ebooks, and one lonely audiobook that‘s waiting patiently for me to catch up on some podcasts.
4. Not yet!
5. I‘ve got 17 items on hold at two libraries, unless I‘ve forgotten something.
6. Movie for the tagged book.

monalyisha I live under a rock & didn‘t know there was a movie coming for a Wolitzer book! I love her! 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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A re-read on Audio for a bookclub.
I just love the character of Joan (played by Glenn Close and her daughter as the young Joan in the movie!)
I really love the writing - so sharp edged, bursting with bitterness and regret. Joanie is a self-proclaimed “king-maker” yet this is HER story - full of choices made in different time, defining the life she lives.
Easily the best thing Meg Wolitzer has written. Really compelling, even second time around.

HippieChickHomeschool I LOVED the movie and thought Glenn should have won the Oscar! I saw mixed reviews of the book, so I wasn‘t sure if I should read it. I think Glenn Close is the only person who could make me wonder if the movie was better than the book! 😂 6y
KarenUK @HippieChickHomeschool I loved the movie too.... Glenn was amazing! But I thought the book was better. It‘s all from Joan‘s POV.... and really captures all her frustrations... 6y
HippieChickHomeschool I‘ll put it on my TBR- thanks! 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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I watched this one earlier this week and I have to say I wasn‘t expecting much from this one, it isn‘t up for best picture, but it is for Best Actress. Such a twisty and timely moment for this movie as Women‘s Marches and #MeToo are currently news . Definitely a good one about writers and writing as well, and one whose book it‘s based on I will be adding to my TBR list.


BooksForEmpathy I loved this movie!! And book! 6y
Cathythoughts I hope it comes to our cinemas soon. Sounds really good & there hasn‘t been a decent movie on anywhere in ages 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Cathythoughts It‘s out to rent or buy already, that‘s how I saw it. At home through Vudu, sadly if it was ever in my theater it wasn‘t there long and I missed it. 6y
Macnjen Glenn Close did a fantastic job in this movie. I‘d like to read the book now. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Macnjen I thought the same after I saw it! 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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I didn‘t read the book, but I just watched the movie,what a powerful story. To me it was about a woman who wanted to write,but this was the 50/60s when like ever other industry woman were not taken seriously,and she did fall in love.I don‘t want to give the story away,but I think Glenn Close well deserves all the accolades she is getting for this movie.

JHSiess Agreed. She was phenomenal. 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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Enjoyed this story about an older woman‘s decision to leave her husband of 40+ years. The author writes in a way that draws you in and let‘s you feel you‘re there watching as the story unfolds. I‘m curious about how the movie turns out.

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer

Watched the movie tonight and it was just as infuriating as the book. Glenn Close did a great job.

The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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#anewchapter #wife

This one has been on my tbr pile for quite awhile now.

Itchyfeetreader I love this cover 6y
readordierachel Ooh, pretty edition! 6y
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The Wife: A Novel | Meg Wolitzer
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So, out of the four books I‘ve tackled this month, 3 of them have a red cover, weird. All have been great, and it got me thinking about the whole “judging a book by its cover” wisdom. I‘m interested friends, what are your thoughts about cover art and it‘s value to the story it wraps around? I‘d love to hear y‘alls thoughts! 💕

Birdsong28 I think you will like this song! https://youtu.be/YPeKupbzgKw 6y
Birdsong28 The song is called The Cover Is Not The Book from the new Mary Poppins movie 6y
rambiepaige @Birdsong28 I‘ll have to check this out! Also, how‘s the new Mary Poppins? I really want to see it! 6y
Birdsong28 @rambiepage Excellent!! 😀📚📖 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌺 6y
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