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Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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USA TODAY AND LA TIMES BESTSELLERFinalist for the LA Times Book Prize!"The Cartographers is one of those brilliant books you have to read twice." -- Washington Post"There are echoes of Borges and Bradbury, Pynchon and Finian's Rainbow, but Ms. Shepherd's exhilarating and enjoyable work casts a magical glow all its own." -- Wall Street JournalFrom the critically acclaimed author of The Book of M, a highly imaginative thriller about a young woman who discovers that a strange map in her deceased father's belongings holds an incredible, deadly secret--one that will lead her on an extraordinary adventure and to the truth about her family's dark history.What is the purpose of a map? Nell Young's whole life and greatest passion is cartography. Her father, Dr. Daniel Young, is a legend in the field and Nell's personal hero. But she hasn't seen or spoken to him ever since he cruelly fired her and destroyed her reputation after an argument over an old, cheap gas station highway map.But when Dr. Young is found dead in his office at the New York Public Library, with the very same seemingly worthless map hidden in his desk, Nell can't resist investigating. To her surprise, she soon discovers that the map is incredibly valuable and exceedingly rare. In fact, she may now have the only copy left in existence...because a mysterious collector has been hunting down and destroying every last one--along with anyone who gets in the way.But why?To answer that question, Nell embarks on a dangerous journey to reveal a dark family secret and discovers the true power that lies in maps...Perfect for fans of Joe Hill and V. E. Schwab, The Cartographers is an ode to art and science, history and magic--a spectacularly imaginative, modern story about an ancient craft and places still undiscovered.And don't miss The Book of M!
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Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Dark academia at its finest. Maps have always contained magic for me, maybe that‘s because I‘m Gen X and I grew up with them crammed in my parents‘ station wagon glovebox. Peng Shepherd revives that magic in this incredibly complex, beautiful novel in this age of digital cartography in our pockets. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Awk_Word_Smith Nell is inexplicably fired from the NYPL (my favorite library system in the world) by her own father, but his untimely death starts a series of events that unlock secrets buried deep in the very map that led to her professional ruin and truths about the death of her mother when Nell was a child. 2mo
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Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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“Advanced Reader Copy” — whoops. Finally unboxed that stack of books from our move more than a year ago. Better late than never, I suppose.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Well, I don't know what to say. I think it was the cover that drew me in first (so pretty), and the whole premise was really interesting, but then some major plot holes started to appear and I wasn't really satisfied with the ending. ☹️

tpixie That‘s disappointing…. 5mo
starlight97 @tpixie yeah 😔 5mo
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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This lived up to the hype, which in my mind was considerable, as it had come highly recommended from sources I love. A mystery with some magic woven in, a New York story involving the NYPL, I saw some things coming but couldn‘t guess others. Loved it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Started The Cartographers as I was working on a Christmas puzzle.

#mystery #puzzles #maps #antiques #audiobooks #readky #December #Christmasspirit

GondorGirl I loved this book! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 9mo
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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This was published last March and I remember being intrigued. I finally got around to reading it and I‘m absolutely gripped! An academic mystery featuring maps that can take you to hidden places - only contained in the map itself but made real when you possess said map. I love the family secrets elements as well. This is one that many on litsy will love. Can‘t wait to see how it ends. #recommdended

emz711 Had it on my tbr for a bit. Maybe I should move it up 10mo
PatriciaU I adored this book, especially because the catalog record for one of the maps was from my library!!! 10mo
annahenke @PatriciaU very cool - I‘m loving all the library details. It‘s really making it so fun to read! 10mo
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Nell hasn't spoken to her father in 7 years when he is found dead at his desk at the NYPL. When she discovers his portfolio contains the worthless map that caused their massive fight, she knows there is more to his death. As mysterious break-ins keep occurring at the library but nothing is stolen, she must reach out to people from the past to find the truth
This was very engaging and I really liked the flashback chapters & how it all came together

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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Bailing, there were problems I could overlook but plotwise this just blew my suspension of disbelief out of the water.

julesG Agree about the book. But actually wanted to comment on the cute frog you caught on camera. 11mo
REPollock @julesG a drainage creek runs through the woods by our house and into a pond/culvert so these frogs climb our patio door windows every year about this time! I see them eating the flies and moths drawn to the light inside the house. I don‘t name them but I do think of them as neighbors! 11mo
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd

This is a failed book about interesting things: maps, magic, the NYC library. The plot has too many holes and events that are inexplicable. The main character is idealized and idolized for no reason other than she was a cute baby. I don‘t know how this got published. Please read something else.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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This one is so different and imaginative…it was almost refreshing to read something unique! I did find Nell slightly annoying at times - I wanted to shake her and say don‘t be so stubborn - but as the story unfolded, I had to keep reading. Secrets and greed aplenty. And, there were parts to this that had me grab a tissue or two. I had been a little reluctant to read this - not my typical reading choice - but I‘m glad I picked it up.

Cinfhen I‘ve been on the fence about this book too, but your review makes me want to pick it up!! 12mo
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Librarybelle @Cinfhen I‘m curious what you‘ll think of this one! 12mo
squirrelbrain Sounds great - stacked. 12mo
Bluebird I‘ve seen mixed reviews about this one, but your review makes me think I should give it a try. 😀 12mo
Librarybelle @squirrelbrain @Bluebird I was surprised how much I liked this one! 12mo
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Picking a favorite book for July is going to be tough!! There‘s lots of good choices here as I continue to whittle down my BOTM TBR, but I think I‘m going to have to go with The Cartographers.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Our family left our home in Tokyo to embark on an epic 13-day vacation, with part one consisting of a South Asian cruise. 🚢 It took us two days, but my daughter and I finally found the ship library. It seems fitting that I‘m in the middle of The Cartographers 🗺️. #readingatsea

AmyG Wow! Have a wonderful trip. 13mo
marleed Oh have fun! 13mo
theokiereader @AmyG @marleed Thank you!!! ♥️ 13mo
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I actually did enjoy this book as a quick read I didn't have to focus too hard on.

Nell is a cartographer who finds a mysterious map after her father's death and...figures out what is up with the map. Basically. It's not mind-blowing stuff.

I already knew about trap towns on maps, even Agloe, NY specifically, and because of that, I found the plot incredibly predictable. But I had fun reading it & liked the NYPL setting so 🤷‍♀️

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I really enjoyed this book. It's about a young women called Nell Young and she loves maps. Her father was a important person in the field of cartography. He is found dead with a cheap map in his possession. But this isn't a straightforward map. The story unfolds has fantasy, mystery and totally gripping.

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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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book nine of summer

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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So as I keep crying without much warning, I have decided I need to go elsewhere. Thankfully I have a multitude of options to peruse, some on bookshelves and some stacked precariously all over my apartment.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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This was a very cool read!
I really liked the main character, Nell.
I didn't read the description, so I was surprised there was a little bit of magic in this story.

#aapi #aapiauthor #thecartographers

Crazeedi I've had this on my to read list for a while 1y
bookish6 @Crazeedi it's good! It's definitely worth a read. 1y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I thot this was fun. I wanted more magic. it was a fast read. 😄

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I have a bunch of catching up to do on finished books. May hasn't been a great reading month so far. The end of the school year is kicking my ass. I've managed to get a few books read, though. 5 more school days... I'm crawling to the finish line this year 😞
This was an old BotM that I pulled off my shelf to try to get out of my reading slump. Great characters, a fun premise, and magical realism that actually worked for me. Definitely a pick.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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So … #BOTM … I paused my membership last year & I guess after 6 months they automatically reinstate you … nothing appealed to me for april so I skipped … then they asked me if I wanted to use my credit for an audiobook … 🧐 … why yes, yes I do. I have the Goldsboro special edition of this book and the library hasn‘t bought an audio copy yet. I haven‘t looked into this but I believe if you buy 4 you get one free so I might do this for awhile.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd

If Goodreads allowed for half stars, I would give it 3.5. The premise was so interesting. The distinction between art and mapping was something I had not thought about before, and I did learn something. The pacing was inconsistent, as was my engagement. The magic realism was cool. I didn't fully buy into the characters' motivations or the stakes. Then the ending was maddening to me before offering just a glimmer of hope. I'm torn.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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There was a lot to love about this book - fast-paced, engaging main character, an interesting mystery that keeps opening and unfolding. Unfortunately, those perks, for me, could not overcome the nagging feeling that characters were making decisions in service to the plot, not in alignment with their actual priorities. (Cont...)

Tea_and_Starstuff Also, there are some fascinating world building implications that went unexplored by the characters, again, in a way that did not feel true to who they were. I could maybe forgive it, if there weren't a twenty year period between the origin story and the fallout. That's enough time to try some things! I finished the book, and even enjoyed the process of reading it, but my lingering emotion was frustration, not satisfaction. 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I was sold on reading this as soon as I saw the cover.😍 The insides were good, too! I loved the characters, and enjoyed puzzling out the mystery of the Cartographers & the innocent little gas station map, even though I saw most of the reveals coming. I was disappointed that the magical part of the story wasn‘t fleshed out more, and there were a few too many smart people making dumb choices, but still—I really enjoyed the story. ⤵️

BarbaraJean Thanks to @Karisimo for the #AuldLangSpine recommendation, which pushed this one up on my list! 2y
peanutnine "The insides were good too" ? love it! 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I finished the final pick for #LMPBC I really enjoyed this one. The mystery, the maps, the ups and downs between the characters, and a touch of magic! I‘ve always liked maps and always wanted to learn to draw fantasy ones for stories I write, and this book made me want to dive further.

I‘ve really enjoyed reading these books with you ladies! Lynn, I‘m sending this one back to you first thing Monday ❤️

@wanderinglynn @Laughterhp @Chrissyreadit

Chrissyreadit I‘m glad you were part of this round- I do think most people are better with time than I am and hope it wasn‘t too frustrating. 2y
jen_the_scribe @Chrissyreadit It wasn‘t! It helped that everyone in our group was very patient and understanding, so no worries! I had fun ❤️ 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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My Sunny boy would like to share his thoughts on The Cartographers for #LMPBC if you ladies don‘t mind… he says it smells lovely lol

@Laughterhp @Chrissyreadit @wanderinglynn


Chrissyreadit OMG!!! Can he smell my 5 cats????? 2y
jen_the_scribe @Chrissyreadit Ha! Maybe! He‘s never done this before so it‘s a strong possibility lol 2y
Leftcoastzen 😂📚😻 2y
marleed That‘s hilarious! 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Didn‘t get a chance to post yesterday, but I received this #LMPBC pick! @Chrissyreadit

Excited for this one, it‘s been on my TBR for a while.

@Laughterhp @wanderinglynn

Chrissyreadit Great!!! I‘m glad it arrived! 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I enjoyed this #lmpbc choice so much! Multiple viewpoints, a little fantasy, NY, and maps. Sending priority mail today.

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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I saw “Nell Young” and I read it as “Neil Young” and now I can‘t unsee it. I keep reading the main character as Neil. 😂😩

ShyBookOwl 😅 I did this one on audio so didn't have that issue, but seeing it in writing I totally get it! 2y
AmyG Ha, I just read this as Neil Young, too. 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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This was a fun mystery with a touch of fantasy. I can‘t say I appreciated the ending.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I don‘t want to give all my thoughts on this book, because I don‘t want to influence the other 2 #LMPBC readers.

Nell drove me nuts. She‘s so stubborn and I don‘t think that‘s always a good thing. And I was confused by a lot of things. I‘m not sure if it was me or the book.

I‘m sending this out priority tomorrow to Chrissy! Hope you like it more than I did!

Laughterhp #52Books23 - includes a funeral 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I‘ve always found maps fascinating, so I enjoyed the theme and story that Peng Shepard created. This was a solid novel filled with flawed yet lovable characters, and I appreciated the few map excerpts that were included throughout the book.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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#12BooksOfChristmas2022 Day 2 - #February2022

The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd - I devoured this book in one night! There‘s adventure, mystery, danger, and daring imagination here all spun into one of the best stories I‘ve read in ages. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Second nomination of that one today. 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Nell Young had never wanted do anything but work with maps. As an intern at the NYPL, working with her gifted father, she was on her way. Then she found the “Junk Box”in the uncataloged collection, infuriating her father, and losing her position. Years later, someone wants a map from the that old box enough to kill for it. To survive, Nell has to investigate and confront the past. A great fantasy thriller, based on cartographic fact.

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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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This novel was phenomenal! Excellent, magnificent and so inspiring! As a cartographer myself I loved what the author had to say about my craft and why people make maps and the purpose of a map. Beautiful execution and a excellent story line that keeps you engaged the whole time. I wish I could go back and reread it and experience it like it was brand new.

Crazeedi I have a hold on this! 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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As a cartographer I am so excited about this book. This is my first book for #DecemberReads #WinterReadathon

Andrew65 Loving the sound of it. 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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1. Tagged is the last new book I‘ve read. I‘ve also been doing a lot of rereads & the Governess Game is the actual last book I finished.

2. I‘ve subscribed to both LitJoyCrate and OwlCrate. I still get OwlCrate as I like it a bit more. LitJoy was a bit too HP focused. Although I did like LitJoy‘s special editions of classics.

3. Not a book but a poem, I always read A Visit from St. Nicholas by Clement Clarke Moore

Eggs Thanks for your input🙏🏻📚💙 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Mikala - my #LMPBC pick is on its way to you!


Laughterhp Awesome! I‘ll be on the lookout. 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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This soooo has to be a series!!! 😍Love it! Cannot say too much without giving it away. Makes one think about the adage that we affect what we observe by the simple act of observing it.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I loved the premise & it gave me an idea for a story (given that it‘s NaNoWriMo month and I haven‘t written a thing!). I mostly enjoyed the story & read it fairly quickly. But I did have to just read & not think too hard about whether things made sense. But in end, a few things, including some character development, bugged me. So a soft pick.

Thanks again Lisa for sending me this book! 😘

TracyReadsBooks I also loved the premise and thought it had great potential…which ultimately wasn‘t realized. When I finished, I was definitely left wanting more from the story than we got. 2y
TheSpineView You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed 2y
Karisimo I enjoyed it too, but had to consciously overlook some plot holes 😕 2y
wanderinglynn @TracyReadsBooks agree. The story could have used a good editor or beta reader to flush it out a bit more. 2y
wanderinglynn @Karisimo yep, I just had to read and not think about it. 😉 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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To be clear, I am a nerd. But my nerdism does not encompass enthusiasm for cartography. I just cannot care about the drama of Nell, passionate but disgraced (a map scandal!) historic map expert, not even when a murder mystery possibly involving an old highway map is involved. If I am going to follow the adventures of New Yorkers with nerdy jobs, I far prefer Notary Publix! https://youtu.be/LncpjIzsnww

SamAnne LOL. I was a member of BOTM for 2 months. Some promo deal. This is one of the books I received. Sounds like a hard pass, perhaps. 2y
LitStephanie @SamAnne my quick search showed mixed reviews. Some people really enjoy the map geeking out. I thought it was boring. Also, Nell's father is a jerk who ruined her career, and I got the sense that there is going to be some crap about his character being redeemed because he was protecting her. I am sick of books trying to justify the behavior of garbage parents. 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I've been doing a pretty poor job reviewing books lately, but I wanted to thank @IndoorDame for the great #TrappedonanIsland picks!! I did read two of them this month - The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, & the Horse was a delight with such beautiful illustrations and gentle words. I also really enjoyed The Cartographers, although I was frustrated by the way a lot of the world-building didn't match/wasn't explained, which left me feeling a little ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) unconvinced about the villain's motivations. It was still a really engaging read, though, and I LOVED the concept. The other three are back on the shelf for now, but I'm sure they'll picked for a different month sometime!!

Thanks for hosting this challenge @aperfectmjk - I'm already excited about December!!
IndoorDame Yay! 2y
CarolynM I haven‘t read that Georgette Heyer yet, but based on the other mysteries of hers I have read it will be wonderful! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @CarolynM - Despite loving her romances, I have somehow never read one of her mysteries!!! I've had this one forever! 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I was bored with this for the first half. But then it got a lot better. This is not how these things normally go. I like maps so I kept going. It's a thriller but also fantasy.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I had such high hopes for this but in the end it fell flat.
The book was much too long, there were giant holes in the plot, the characters were flat and boring. There is so much drama for a story that just doesn't fit with a dramatic storyline.

The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Pretty slow burn with a lot of academia but I really enjoyed this story. I highly recommend!

#thecartographers #pengshepherd

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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView 1. The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd hands down! 2. What drew me in in the first place was the NYPL (New York Public Library). I really want to go there someday. What kept me turning pages was the mystery and the characters.

Cinfhen Thanks for the tag ☺️I already added this book based on your previous suggestion!!! 2y
TheSpineView I enjoyed this book also! 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I really want to read all of them! But 8 is my monthly average. Gonna try to pick up my pace this month and read 10. #BookSpinBingo #BookSpin #DoubleSpin

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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I finished The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd - the first of my goals for #20in4. I was hooked when I discovered it was set in and around the New York Public Library and there were maps! The characters are extremely nerdy about what they do which is great, and there are lots of surprises. Could be unbelievable, but I really want to believe it. Anyway, definitely a worthwhile read! I will be checking out Shepherd‘s other novels soon!

wanderinglynn This is on my TBR! 🙌🏻 2y
Andrew65 Looks good, stacked! Well done 👏👏👏 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! That one is on my shelf as well - it looks so good!! 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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This was so good! Mystery, adventure, friendship and love. Read it!!
Has anyone read her other book, The Book of M?

Nebklvr I loved the Book of M but it was kind of strange 2y
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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If you didn‘t think I had eclectic taste, you will know it now! #manicmonday #LetterC @CBee 📕 - The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd
✍️- C. S. Lewis
🎥 - Catch Me If You Can
🎤- Crosby, Stills & Nash
🎶 - California Dreaming

CBee Thanks for playing! 😊 2y
Cinfhen Hahahaha!!! Love your choices🤩🤣🤣Definitely all over the place in the best way 2y
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag!😘🌞❤️🏷 2y
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