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The tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Anne Bront
The tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Anne Bront | Emily Bront, Charlotte Bront, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Anne Bront, Mrs. Humphry Ward, Patrick Bront, Clement King Shorter
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Just seen a fab play called Underdogs at the National it‘s all about the Brontë sisters, sibling rivalry, being a woman in a man‘s world alongside a heavy dose of who gets to tell the story type vibe. Also really funny. I suspect a rereading of the collected works of the collected Brontes is in my future. London accessible Litsy folk this finishes Saturday but I suspect will be back and I would recommend SO SO much. Playwright is Sarah Gordon ?

CaramelLunacy This sounds incredible 4mo
Itchyfeetreader @CaramelLunacy it was so good. Actors (and accents) were great and the script was on fire. So wish I had seen it earlier in the run as I would have squeezed in a second viewing. The YouTube trailer does it nowhere near the credit it deserves but https://youtu.be/edObR-45DrI?si=2f-RWGnsQqXMPRbs (edited) 4mo
CarolynM Sounds good. Do you think it will be on NT Live? Otherwise I‘ll look out for a local production. 4mo
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LeahBergen This sounds great! 4mo
Itchyfeetreader At @CarolynM I asked if it had been recorded and they said yes so 🤞 4mo
jewright That sounds amazing! 4mo
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#april good month
#bookspin The Tenant of wild fell Hall
#doublespin Jane and Prudence
#bookspinbingo 2

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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚🖤💚 5mo
Aimeesue Coralie cover! 💚💛💚 5mo
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dabbe @Aimeesue 🖤🖤🖤 5mo
Eggs 🌱🖤🌿 5mo
tpixie I love Anne Brontë ??? (edited) 5mo
dabbe @Eggs 🖤💚🖤 5mo
dabbe @tpixie #ditto! 🖤💚🖤 5mo
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Over the top and painfully drawn out finale. Today this likely would have been edited down for the better, but that‘s 21st C me!

This was a reread after many years & was still delicious for all of the poking & prodding at 19th C conventions about love, marriage, and expectations for women. I could quibble with Helen cast as martyr, but it is what it is…….Abused women sometimes stay or go back to their abusers, no matter the era.

Tamra I have yet to read another Brontë novel that beats Wuthering Heights! ? 8mo
batsy I love this! Can't beat the Brontës for the melodrama 😍😆 8mo
Tamra @batsy 😁 yes indeed! 8mo
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Battered Woman Syndrome. Lack of autonomy for women (gender inequality). Social isolation and class distinctions. The effect of alcoholism, not just on the alcoholic, but the ripple effect as well. This is a relevant work of fiction and I think Anne was more in tune with the world than she gets credit. (Read up on their brother Branwell.) This is worth the read. 235/1,001 #1001Books November #BookSpin Litsy/GR TBR #TBRTarot Person on the Cover

dabbe I loved this even more than WUTHERING HEIGHTS and “maybe“ JANE EYRE. 🩵❄️🩵 10mo
AshleyHoss820 @dabbe This is an unpopular opinion, and I feel bad about it, but I HATE Wuthering Heights. 😂 But I agree, I found this so relatable and culturally relevant, despite the years that have passed. ☺️ 10mo
dabbe @AshleyHoss820 So what if it's unpopular? 🤩 When I read it in my teens, I loved it. I wanted a boyfriend just like Heathcliff. 😳 How dumb was I? When I read it just a few years back, I still loved the description of the moors, but I hated Cathy and Heathcliff. 😆 I'm with ya, sista! 🤩😍🤗 10mo
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AshleyHoss820 @dabbe I can totally see why someone like Heathcliff would be appealing when you‘re young, though! It seems so romantic, but as an adult? I was like, this is *incredibly* toxic, right? 😂🤣 I will agree with the prose, though. Stunning writing, unhinged characters. ☺️🤣 10mo
batsy Loved this book! And I used to hate WH but a recent reread made me see it in a different light 😆 10mo
AshleyHoss820 @batsy I love that! It‘s always nice when we revisit something and get a better experience with it! (That was me with The Bell Jar. Read it at 16 and again at 30. Completely different reactions! I understood it far more as an adult.) Unfortunately for me, I‘ve read WH 4 separate times for different reasons and I still can‘t stand it. 😕 My sister loves it, so I really did try! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I read this last year and couldn't believe how much I got into it, considering I have NOT enjoyed any other Bronte effort 😂 While a little long and a bit melodramatic at times, overall I really respected Helen for her determination to stick to her beliefs instead of taking the easy way out. Gil was a bit 🙄🙄🙄 but you'll have that haha I didn't exactly enjoy this book, but I respected it. 9mo
AshleyHoss820 @TheAromaofBooks I feel the same way! I was dreading it a bit, but I really was invested in everyone! The amount of times I yelled, “poison his oatmeal, babes!” (About Arthur) made my classmates want to get shirts made…😂🤣 9mo
TheAromaofBooks For REAL though! 😂 9mo
CBee Love the conversations about this ⬆️ 😂 9mo
AshleyHoss820 @CBee 😂☺️ It‘s why I love it here! People who get it! 🤣 9mo
CBee @AshleyHoss820 btw I would totally buy the t-shirt 😂😂 9mo
AshleyHoss820 @CBee 🤣🤣🤣 We were also going to make “Justice for Bertha” shirts after reading Jane Eyre! We had a whole side-gig planned out! 🤣😂 9mo
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Just a quick post about a day trip I took yesterday. This is myself and my youngest daughter outside Haworth parsonage. It was an excellent experience that evoked the feeling of life for these amazing sisters. So tonight we watched the BBC production 'to walk invisible ' filmed in haworth + captures time + place so well. Nancy, as youngest of 3 girls, was team Anne, I was Branwell, + his pillow looked like he had just got out of bed. Great day.

Tamra So fun - I‘m envious! 11mo
Librarybelle That looks like an incredible experience! 11mo
BarbaraBB Wow! 11mo
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batsy Wow, that sounds wonderful. Happiness on your faces! 11mo
Anna40 Wow! 11mo
Aimeesue What an excellent trip! 11mo
LeahBergen What a great photo of you! I went to Haworth years ago and have always wanted to return. 🥰 11mo
Centique I am so excited to see your photos (sorry for the belatedness!) because i am planning to go in 2025. I know its a long way away yet but im looking forward to it so much! 10mo
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A slow read but enjoyable.

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"I am not sure the loneliness of the place was not of its chief recommendations - I take no pleasure in watching people pass the windows; and I like to be quiet."

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Finally read this classic. Personally, I rank this in the middle between Wuthering Heights (1) & Jane Eyre (3) for the Brontë sisters. I got into this more than I thought I would, but it dragged for me by the end. It‘s been on my tbr for years, & I read it for my library‘s book challenge—an epistolary novel.
Your opinions on the Brontë sisters are welcomed.

Ruthiella I really liked this one a lot EXCEPT for Gilbert. Such a big man-baby! 😆 1y
Scochrane26 @Ruthiella Yes, he was, but he didn‘t on my nerves much. I really liked the part with Helen‘s journal. 1y
SamAnne I loved this one. 1y
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This is a spectacularly written novel, with wonderfully fleshed out characters. It is, at its heart, a story of abuse, dashed hopes and the birth of new love against all odds.

While this work isn‘t very atmospheric, it is very compelling in its humanness. Many themes of this book are eternal and readers today and into the future will be able to resonate with it.

Both the narrators were fabulous and have done a tremendous job. Must listen!

SamAnne Loved this one too. 2y
TalesandTexts @SamAnne yes, it was very unique 2y
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Rebecca

dabbe Two of my faves! I've also reread REBECCA many times: “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderly again.“ Sigh. And I loved THE TENANT AT WILDFELL HALL even more than WUTHERING HEIGHTS (but not JANE EYRE). What an incredible woman Helen is! 😊 2y
TheSpineView @dabbe 👍💙📖📘 2y
Klou Ooh great choice! 2y
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I hadn‘t realized this was a temperance novel. As such I found it a bit more moralistic than my usual taste and many of the characters seemed painted too severely. But even with all that, the writing was completely absorbing and I really enjoyed reading it.

TheAromaofBooks When I read this as part of the PemberLitten buddy read earlier this year I found a GR review that said something to the effect of “I respected this novel more than I enjoyed it“ and that just perfectly encapsulated my feelings about it. I think this was a brave story to write at the time, but it definitely got a little too preachy here and there. 2y
TheSpineView Excellent 2y
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼✨💕 2y
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Any Brontë fans know if this is a typo or a turn of phrase I don‘t know?

nanuska_153 It's a typo, it should read "went out to enjoy it" 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 📚 2y
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#AlphabetGame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Letter T

This book took me by surprise by its fierce, uncompromising feminism. I love Helen's righteous anger. Anne's often the sidelined Brontë sister but this novel shows her to be worthy of as much adulation as Charlotte and Emily.

I was going to pick Woolf's To the Lighthouse, another T book that I love a lot, but I've mentioned Woolf once already so I wanted to show Anne some love 💜

erzascarletbookgasm Yes ❤️ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 📚 2y
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If you have not read this gem, I highly recommend you do so!! Published in 1848 under the pseudonym Acton Bell, Anne Brontë invites the reader into a realistic (not romanticized) fiction in which she sheds light on alcoholism and abusive conduct through a woman‘s fight to gain freedom from her oppressive husband. Beautiful sensory details depicts the landscapes and emotions found within the story. It reads as if it were poetry.

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This may be my favorite Brontë. It‘s the first from Anne I‘ve read. The struggle of a woman in the throes of an abusive marriage is so well captured. I was especially struck by the depiction of emotional abuse. “You may think it all very fine, Mr. Huntingdon, to amuse yourself with rousing my jealousy; but take care you don't rouse my hate instead. And when you have once extinguished my love, you will find it no easy matter to kindle it again.”

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Listening to this gem while taking in a gorgeous Maine lakeside view.

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Second day of vacation, first time reading as a strong headache seems finally gone.
Not liking this Arthur character... He is up to no good.

SamAnne Oh, I enjoyed this book. 2y
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Dear mysterious Helen. Trapped in a marriage that was not at all what she anticipated, she eventually takes flight. Her new life begins in seclusion with her young son, Arthur. The locals discover her and want to know more, particularly, Gilbert. Atmospheric. A brave, stoic woman protecting her son at all costs.
This was a favorite of the #Pemberlittens reads.
Thank you @BarkingMadRun for leading the way. Loved your posts!

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June Reads!! Cruel Prince was my fave. There were none I didn‘t like.

Clare-Dragonfly Holly Black 🖤 2y
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When you‘re reading a book about “the last Brontë” and she talks about Tenant…. So accurately lol (The Madwoman Upstairs)

Bklover I had to come find you! I miss your daily posts!!! Gonna have to stack this one! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover stay tuned for daily posts about Longbourne lol 2y
Bklover Ooh I didn‘t know you were doing Longbourne. I‘ve never heard of it so who‘s the author? Don‘t care what it‘s about- I‘m in! 2y
BarkingMadRead I‘ll tag you on the post, I‘ll be posting about it starting tomorrow morning 2y
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When an author writes a novel as if it was a letter to an unnecessary character, and introduces another story written within the story (the diary,which cuts the story) I feel it's lazy or clumsy narrative,not knowing how to set the tone. Despite that error the story keeps you hooked, this was a reread for me and I couldn't put it down.Also a woman, leaving her husband to make an independent life must have shook society ⬇️⬇️

nanuska_153 Apparently, Anne's brother was an alcoholic that died suffering from his addiction, although he was not cruel like Huntington, more like Lord Lowborough. It breaks my heart that she redeemed the character seeking the happy ending her brother couldn't have; while giving his destiny to an awful man, writing the concerns about his eternal damnation that must have hunted her while witnessing her brother's death 2y
nanuska_153 As a side note, I know many of you #Pemberlittens didn't like Gilbert, I don't like him either, but I find both him and Helen well matched, they are both overly dramatic with their plan of not writing in six months and they both think too highly of themselves. I'm not complaining, in case you haven't noticed from my previous reviews, I LOVE UNNECESSARY DRAMA! (and for some reason, annoying characters) 2y
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I have now read all 3 of the Bronte's novels. Wildfell Hall edges out Jane Eyre as the one I liked best. Simply because there wasn't a crazy woman in the attic. #WanderingThroughWutheringHeights is definitely the worst IMHO.

None of these will be going on my #forevershelf. Took 📸 at B & N and then put them back on shelf and bought 3 other books.


DivineDiana They are beautiful though! ❤️ 2y
BarkingMadRead Love it! 2y
sprainedbrain I really like Wildfell Hall as well, but Jane is still my favorite by an edge. I know I‘m probably toxic af but I still ❤️ Rochester. Right there with you on WH, though. 😂 2y
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Not sure if she is part of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally, but I know you can never be too young to join the fight for equality. First Pride Festival for this little one 🥰

I don't have the heart today for reading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, I'm too full of love to share my day with Hargrave...yes, I'm that late with chapter a day 😅 and yes, I hate him more than I hate Huntington...


Ruthiella What a cutie! 😃 I understand your reluctance with The Tenant. Helen is surrounded by awful men. 2y
nanuska_153 @Ruthiella yeah nobody writes awful men like the Brontë sisters do! 2y
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Finished earlier this week with the #PemberLittens. I am going to give it a pick even though I despised most of the characters. Was there a good man in the book? In all of Victorian England? I read a plot summary somewhere that stated Gilbert matures, redeems himself & becomes a better man in the end. I disagree-it was still all about “me, me, me” & it‘s not saying much that he was a better choice than Mr. Huntington. Ah Helen, I wanted you to↕️

DebinHawaii …live your life as a wealthy singleton! ??‍♀️ All that aside, I think Anne Brontë wrote a compelling story & while I doubt I will ever reread it, it wasn‘t bad. (I don‘t hate it like Wuthering Heights or like it as much as Jane Eyre, my only other Brontë sister reads.) ?Thanks to @BarkingMadRun for hosting. I wasn‘t great about hitting the daily chapters (the best way to read this one though) but loved reading your posts. ? (edited) 2y
DebinHawaii Also it‘s another book finished for #BigJuneReadathon @Clwojick 📚🎉 2y
BarkingMadRead Congrats on finishing! It was definitely tough to like any of the male characters (little Arthur wasn‘t bad 🤣) 2y
julieclair Perfect memes! 😂 2y
Clwojick Woohoo! Way to go! 2y
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@Crinoline_Laphroaig I thought I remembered yet another H name, but I wasn‘t sure! But there it is, he was writing to his BIL

Bookwormjillk Mystery solved, but don‘t love that he shared her diary with his brother in law. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk that definitely bothered me, he promised to keep them secret and told his BIL every damn thing! So so wrong!! 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Thank you! 2y
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And we are done🥳 ‼️
This was so much better than #WanderingThroughWutheringHeights.
@BarkingMadRun #PemberLittens

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This had the most frustrating characters ever and I was constantly screaming at the audiobook for their stupidity 😅🤦🏼‍♀️
Despite the unlikeable characters, I was invested in the story. I thought the framing of Gilbert's letter and Helen's diary entries was interesting.
I'm glad to have read this along with the #Pemberlittens - I think more than one chapter a day would have been too frustrating lol @BarkingMadRun

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I find it difficult to rate/review this book. I didn't like any of the characters. I pitied Helen, she was so naive, also very brave, but I couldn't identify with her value system at all, which made it difficult to empathize with her. Gilbert was a jerk, and I wish Helen had kept her distance from him. Huntingdon was of course despicable, but I was fascinated by how well Brontë had captured his nature on the page. ⬇️

eeclayton It was a compelling read, but I'm not sure it would've been as enjoyable as it turned out to be if it wasn't for the #pemberlittens and @BarkingMadRun 's daily posts and hilarious hashtags 😂 2y
BarkingMadRead lol I feel this! I‘m glad my hashtags got you through 🤣🤣 2y
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Final post: what a whirlwind! Anne sure kept us on our toes with this one! Ups and downs, jumping to conclusions, making assumptions, and so much more! This was my first time reading it, and it drove me nuts, but I did enjoy it. I still think Helen deserves better, but was there actually anyone in her life who was better? Men just sucked back then 🤣 Drop your final thoughts below! #andtheylivedhappilyeverafter #pemberlittens #chapteraday

TheAromaofBooks I'm glad I read this one, but I don't think I'll sign up for a reread 😂 In the end at least Gilbert wants Helen to be happy, and even though he's kind of dumb and self-centered, I also think he'll be very trainable so Helen should be able to bring him up to snuff 😆 2y
BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks yesssss well said!!! 2y
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ravenlee @TheAromaofBooks good point! Gilbert‘s an idiot but there‘s potential. I see a lot of eye-rolling from Helen, but she‘s always keeping in mind how much worse it could be (and was). 2y
BarkingMadRead @ravenlee so sad that Gil is a step up 🤣🤣 2y
TheBookHippie When you think how much worse could it be for women … then oh yeah… ugh. The lesser of the evils 🤷🏻‍♀️ I read this as a teenager and remembered almost nothing 🤣 this was fun to read with a group I enjoyed every minute!!! (edited) 2y
Librarybelle “Men just sucked back then.” Love it! 😂 2y
julieclair @TheBookHippie Ditto! I could have written this exact comment. Especially the part about how fun it was to read with the group! 👍 2y
julieclair At least Helen seems happy. And of course little Arthur adores Gil. So all's well that ends well, I suppose. Although there's no accounting for taste... 🤪🥴 2y
julieclair @BarkingMadRun You have done an amazing job of making this buddy read so very fun! Your memes! Your hashtags! Thank you! 💝 2y
eeclayton I would've been happy with the ending of the last but one chapter, but at least little Arthur got an okay-ish stepfather this way. I still don't understand what Helen saw in Gilbert, and I feel like he was more obsessed with her than really loved her, especially before reading her journals. Anyway, it was fun reading with you all, and I loved the daily posts @BarkingMadRun 💕 2y
BarkingMadRead @julieclair @eeclayton I‘m glad you had fun!! 2y
tpixie @BarkingMadRun thanks for letting me join in! You are a great host!! 2y
BarkingMadRead Thanks @tpixie 🥰🥰 2y
peanutnine I agree with everyone, Helen is definitely settling for Gilbert - he's not an ideal man but she doesn't have any better options. And at least he will be good to her and Arthur. Thanks @BarkingMadRun for your hilarious posts - I looked forward to them each day! 2y
Ruthiella My feeling was she knew she could manage Gil to be the kind of man she needs. But, yes...good men were likely hard to find in that time and place. Thanks for hosting! 😊 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Thanks for hosting the buddy read! This was so much fun! 😁 BTW I posted the article I mentioned a while back in my review. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Who was hoping Helen sent him packing⁉️🙋🏻‍♀️ A widow in control of her own money was a much power as a woman could get back then. So why marry??? At least he'll be easy to manipulate. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Also did we ever learn who Gilbert was writing to? 2y
BarkingMadRead @Crinoline_Laphroaig omg did it ever say?!? I don‘t know! I must investigate! 2y
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRun thanks so much for leading us through this discussion. I enjoyed this read, but am not sure I would have finished without you all. 2y
Bklover @BarkingMadRun This was a first time read for me so thank you so much for making it so much fun! I also appreciate Helen for reassuring me that I am not the only woman with terrible taste in men! Gil got very very lucky. He definitely married up. (edited) 2y
BarkingMadRead @bklover he certainly did!! 2y
inthegreensandblues @Crinoline_Laphroaig @BarkingMadRun It was his sister Rose's husband he was writing to. I just finished and it was in the last sentence. They were sharing tales of their youth. 😊 2y
inthegreensandblues @BarkingMadRun Thanks for leading the buddy read! I enjoyed my first Anne Bronte. 2y
BarkingMadRead @inthegreensandblues that‘s what happens when you read ahead! When you make your posts a week later, you forget things! 🤣 2y
rubyslippersreads @Crinoline_Laphroaig Her aunt agreed with you! 2y
rubyslippersreads I didn‘t care much for most of the characters, but after reading about the protracted suffering and death of Mr. Huntingdon, I realized that Anne probably had firsthand knowledge from observing her brother Branwell, which I find very painful. 2y
BarkingMadRead @rubyslippersreads I wish I had known that going in, instead of reading the article after. It would have helped a lot, poor Anne! 2y
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Oh man, what the heck, Helen. Have you no taste? ? #PemberLittens

Here‘s a great article about Anne Brontë and this book! https://www.vox.com/culture/2020/1/22/21070888/anne-bronte-200th-birthday-tenant...

julieclair Great article! Thanks for sharing. 2y
ravenlee That article is great - I LOVE how the author treats the Gilbert question. It‘s even in the captions for the illustrations! 2y
tpixie Thanks for sharing the article!!! 2y
BarkingMadRead Thank you for sharing the article!!! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @ravenlee Gilbert (who is the worst) and Helen (who is great) 😂 2y
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Brontë writes a dramatic tale of a mysterious new occupant at Wildfell Hall and Gilbert‘s obsession with said tenant. Gilbert, the almost comically naive narrator, bumbles along on his journey of discovery - I‘ve yet to recall such a blindsided male character in classic literature. But, I think this, along with the mysterious female tenant, points to the feminism attributes to this novel. Brontë, the lesser known of the 3 Brontë sisters…⬇️⬇️⬇️

Librarybelle …writes such a polished novel, it‘s incredulous to me that this is not better well known. We know so much about Charlotte and Emily, whose Wuthering Heights is either loved or vehemently disliked, but Anne is almost dismissed or left behind. TTOWH is extraordinary - in my opinion very well crafted. I had started this years ago but had to set it to the side for other obligations; I am so glad I could enjoy this again. Thanks to #PemberLittens 2y
Librarybelle …for giving me the opportunity to start this again and complete it. I enjoyed every maddening page (maddening because of Gilbert‘s long lamenting pining over Helen…insert 🙄). Many thanks to @BarkingMadRun for the wonderful daily checkins!! @sprainedbrain 2y
Sophronisba I have been meaning to read Anne Bronte for literal decades but I never seem to get around to it. 2y
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BarkingMadRead I‘m glad you enjoyed it! It definitely ran on at more than one occasion lol 2y
Librarybelle @Sophronisba I hope you are able to get to her works soon! She has incredible talent in my opinion! 2y
Daisey Great review and I very much agree! I‘m so glad I finally got to this one. 2y
Librarybelle @Daisey Thanks! I‘m so glad #PemberLittens chose to read this one! 2y
PageShifter I am happy that you enjoyed 💞 2y
julieclair Great review! I agree that this is a very well crafted book. I'm not sure why Anne has been so underrated over the years. 2y
tpixie @Sophronisba she‘s my favorite Brontë ! 2y
tpixie @Librarybelle great review. I love Anne the best! 2y
batsy Nice review! I felt the same when I first read Anne—years later after reading Charlotte & Emily. And I love this cover! 2y
Librarybelle Thank you, everyone! So glad you also find Anne to be an excellent storyteller! @PageShifter @julieclair @tpixie @batsy 2y
tpixie ❤️ 2y
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Chapter 52: Gil travels to find Helen, only to discover that now she‘s loaded….. she he doesn‘t think he is good enough for her anymore. #honeyyouneverwere #shedeservesbetter #soselfish #pemberlittens #chapteraday

Lcsmcat I love all your tags , especially #honeyyouneverwere! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Lcsmcat lol thanks, this book has me so salty 🤣🤣 2y
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MoonWitch94 Those hashtags 🥳 #chefskiss 2y
BarkingMadRead Lol thanks @MoonWitch94 😘😘 2y
Bklover It was worth reading this book just for the hashtags! #😂😘 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover at least something good came out of it 🤣🤣 2y
julieclair At least our Gil is finally right about something. 2y
BarkingMadRead @julieclair 🤣🤣🤣 2y
eeclayton @julieclair this might be the first time he wasn't completely selfish. I'm afraid it won't last too long, though. 2y
julieclair @eeclayton Unfortunately, I imagine you're right. 😬 2y
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Chapter 51: Eliza tells Gil that Helen is going to marry Hargrave, so he heads out to stop the wedding. But does he arrive in time? #pemberlittens #chapteraday #yasnoozeyalose #runGilrun

Clare-Dragonfly Gil sure does love making assumptions about what people are thinking! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly he is the absolute worst 2y
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TheAromaofBooks I couldn't deal with the way he was all wound up about her “betraying“ him, like dude, you've literally been moping around for over a year?!?! I honestly was hoping that she really had moved on! 😂 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Also, does the text ever call him Gil or did we all just decide to go with that? 😂 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly lol that was me, I don‘t think he‘s ever referred to anything but Gilbert 2y
BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks all the yesses!! I was not super thrilled with the idea of her with Hargrave, but Gilbert is no prize either 🤣🤣 2y
Bklover This woman has seriously bad taste in men. 2y
DebinHawaii ALL of the men in this book annoy the 💩out of me!!! 😤 2y
julieclair I just feel so sorry for poor Helen. She deserves a much better man than any of these guys. 2y
MoonWitch94 The men in this book are just SO awful! 😵‍💫 2y
nanuska_153 I couldn't stop thinking about the Simpsons parody of the graduate, Gilbert running to stop the wedding was too funny to think of the graduate directly 2y
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Audio really captures Eliza's Mean Girl spirit.

And with less than an hour to go I was tempted to finish. But I'm determined to stay the Chapter a Day Distance. 🚶🏻‍♀️🎧📖

@BarkingMadRun #PemberLittens

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Chapter 50: Gil is waiting for 6 months to go by, so he can write to Helen. But her uncle dies, so he waits, and then she keeps traveling, so he waits, and then ……. #justwritethedamnletter #meanwhile #MrsLowbroughdies #goodriddance #grimsbydies #peaceout #hattersleyeandLowbroughlivetheirbestlives #andGilsstillwaiting #pemberlittens #chapteraday

tpixie Lol 😂 2y
TheBookHippie Seriously 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2y
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Crinoline_Laphroaig I've never read this. But it's a Bronte so my money is on Unhappy Ending. 2y
TheBookHippie @Crinoline_Laphroaig Which is why I love them so much! BAHAHAHAHA. 2y
Bklover Well Mr Bean made me smile. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover there were a lot of memes with skeletons lol but who doesn‘t love Mr Bean?!! 2y
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Wow, I had some mixed feelings about this one!! A GR review I saw said something like "I respected this novel more than I enjoyed it" and I think that really captures my sentiments as well. The story Anne has written here is powerful and engaging, and thinking about how daring it was to publish a story about a woman standing up for herself and bailing on her husband (/owner) in 1848 makes it all the more powerful. I also appreciated Helen's ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) strong moral code and commitment to her religious beliefs. She was an amazingly strong character whose unwillingness to compromise her conscience meant that her life was harder in the short run, but I never felt like she “deserved“ what was happening to her, despite opportunities to change her path. I really admired Helen, even if she did get a bit preachy from time to time. I did feel like the ending dragged on a bit too long ⬇ 2y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) (mild spoiler below) and I did feel like there wasn't a single genuinely GOOD man in this entire story - Gilbert made me roll my eyes constantly at how sensitive, spoiled, and whiny he was about EVERYTHING. Helen's brother was SO smug and self-satisfied all the time that I just wanted to sock him in the nose (I honestly didn't blame Gil for that one!).

All in all, this was a really worthwhile read. This is only my second venture into ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Bronte territory, but this definitely gets my vote over Wuthering Heights! However, it's not a book I see myself rereading.

Thanks for the pick #PemberLittens - I am really enjoying reading these classics, and having the whole gang along helps keep me on track and engaged in books I otherwise might not finish!! @sprainedbrain @BarkingMadRun

#WickedWords - Wine @AsYouWish
#JoysofJune - 1235/2000pgs @Andrew65
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TheAromaofBooks Honestly not over the part where Gilbert thinks Helen is going to marry someone else and is all like, “How could she leave me??“ Bruh, you haven't contacted her in over a year????? Is she literally just supposed to pine for you forever??? If you want her, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT you whiny little whiner! Oh my GOSH! 😂 2y
REPollock I felt the same way about it. ✊to Anne for the mettle to write it but I felt awful for women trapped in those societal circumstances. 2y
BarkingMadRead That quote is perfection 2y
sprainedbrain Excellent review!! 2y
ravenlee This was my favorite of all the Brontës I‘ve read, but as I hate Wuthering Heights and just don‘t get the appeal of Jane Eyre it‘s definitely a qualified win! ? 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks LOVE this photo!! ❤️ 2y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
TheAromaofBooks @REPollock - Exactly! Like I really appreciated her boldness in calling out the problems she saw, but it doesn't make for very “fun“ reading material!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRun - As soon as I saw that line, I knew that was EXACTLY how I felt about this book, and I think it's why I kept reading it, despite note really enjoying it. I felt like Anne was sharing a powerful message, almost liked I owed it to her to hear what she had to say. 2y
TheAromaofBooks @ravenlee - Right? With Wuthering Heights as its only competition for me so far in Bronte-reading, being the first-place winner isn't exactly a rousing endorsement! 😂 2y
TheAromaofBooks @AlwaysBeenaLoverofBooks - Thank you!!! Those dried flowers came out of a bouquet I received years ago and they still somehow look nice!!! I got really excited because I thought they matched the book so well!! 😂 2y
Daisey @ravenlee This is my first time reading this one and I‘m not sure which I like more between it and Jane Eyre. I had a much harder time with the love story of Jane Eyre when I read it so they might just be tied now. I thought this one had a much better message than the others. 2y
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Chapter 49: Huntington goes back to his old ways with some pretty disastrous results. #helencanstoprunning #ihopeshesaiditoldyouso #peaceouthuntington #pemberlittens #chapteraday

peanutnine Honestly, FINALLY. I've never wanted a character's death more 2y
BarkingMadRead @peanutnine seriously! I didn‘t even feel bad for cheering 🤣 2y
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julieclair Finally! Helen is a free woman. And also a saint. Her patience and sense of duty are astounding. Huntingdon SO did not deserve her. #understatementoftheyear 😂 2y
DebinHawaii Same!!! 😆 2y
Bklover @peanutnine Me too! I kept thinking Please don‘t get better Please don‘t get better!! 2y
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Chapter 48: Helen stay to tend Huntington and Gil gets permission to tell the neighbors that they were wrong about her…. #nogoodhashtagstoday #pemberlittens #chapteraday #ifinisheditallyesterday #couldnotstop

TheBookHippie In my defense it is what I did today at the doctor 🤣♥️ and it wasn‘t as fun with out me talking aloud to the book. 😝 2y
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Bookwormjillk I haven‘t finished yet, but I probably will today. Once I get to 90% it‘s hard to stop 🤷‍♀️ 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I totally agree!! 2y
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I couldn‘t stick with #chapteraday so I finished in fits and starts. Pick- for this one, though it‘s my favorite Brontë novel I‘ve read. The diary portion was the best, I found Gilbert annoying and unattractive but Helen‘s preachiness wasn‘t winning me over either. It was believable in its characters, at least. Thanks #PemberLittens for pushing this one off my shelf and into my hands!

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I read ahead of the #pemberlittens (sorry!) but no spoilers. I enjoyed the ride, but could have done with less preaching from the author. 😀 That, and Gil saying he didn‘t notice the scenery around him and then going into great poetic detail, pulled me out of the story a bit. Minor complaints though, for a good story.

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Chapter 47, and all I wanna say is 🤬🤬🤬🤬 that‘s it. That‘s all I got. #IYKYK #runhelenrun #notthatway #turnaround #atleastshemadeacontractthistime #pemberlittens #chapteraday

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julieclair I am tearing my hair out. This is so frustrating! 😵‍💫 2y
Bklover I agree with everyone. 2y
ravenlee And now for something completely different - oh wait, it‘s not. 2y
eeclayton I missed a few days but am completely caught up now. I want to say two things: (1) I still don't understand what Helen sees in Gilbert, (2) wtf, Helen? 😕 2y
BarkingMadRead @eeclayton I know! Sadly, Gilbert is a step up 🤣🤣 2y
Ruthiella This is the best meme! 😂😂😂 2y
MoonWitch94 I couldn‘t have summed this up better than this meme! 🙄😂 2y
Daisey Great hashtags again on this one! 2y
DivineDiana She‘ll never learn! And I love everything about this post! 👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻 2y
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Chapter 46: Helen is preparing to leave and Gil and Freddy are…. Friends? I‘m not sure Freddy is too thrilled about it, though…. #imsurehemeanswell #pemberlittens #chapteraday

Bklover Freddy should tell Gil to get lost! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover I totally agree! 2y
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ravenlee I feel like Freddy really wants (but is too British-well-bred) to do is tell Gil to f#*% off. 2y
BarkingMadRead @ravenlee 🤣🤣🤣 yes!! 2y
TheBookHippie @ravenlee 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2y
MoonWitch94 Yes @ravenlee 👍🏻😂🤩 2y
Bookwormjillk Freddy is more like a hostage than a friend. 2y
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I spent several more hours in a tractor the last few days and couldn‘t resist finishing this book. I didn‘t like any of the men, except possibly Frederick. This led me to wish that it had been told strictly from Helen‘s perspective. I truly appreciated the message about careful consideration of marriage vs. singleness (so sharing this quote again) and Helen as a strong, determined mother.

#PemberLittens #audiobook #BooksOnTheFarm #1001books

tpixie Such a great quote!! 2y
Daisey @tpixie I thought so! Also, I feel like there was another book you recommended once I got around to reading this one. Can you tell me again? 2y
tpixie @Daisey maybe another of her books (edited) 2y
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Daisey @tpixie No, I‘ve already read that one. Maybe I should see if you commented when I read it or maybe I‘m completely thinking of the wrong book. 🤷‍♀️ 2y
Daisey It‘s the middle of June and I finally made time to update my #BookSpinBingo card. This is my June #BookSpin book 9. 2y
tpixie @Daisey hmm I‘m not remembering… 2y
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Chapter 45: Gil visits Helen, and she tells him that she must move again now, but they can write each other…. Someday. He agrees and even apologizes to Freddy…. #helengotsmart #runhelenrun #Gilisstillachild #cannotbetrusted #pemberlittens #chapteraday

StolenBookmobile Oh Toby Stephens 🤩 2y
ravenlee Such a not-apology! “I‘m terribly sorry that you made me bash in your skull. Very bad behaviour - on YOUR part!” 2y
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BarkingMadRead @ravenlee omg right?!? He‘s such a child 2y
Bookwormjillk Sorry I attacked you and left you for dead. Can you put in a good word with your sister? 2y
Lcsmcat “not quite proper “?!?!??? I am so fed up with him. 2y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk RIGHT?!?!?! UGHHHHH 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Gil: Oh wow, I‘ve learned so much! I am ashamed of my conduct. Also Gil: Forces his way into people‘s houses, admits that maybe it wasn‘t okay for him to beat his friend half to death now that he knows they aren‘t competing for the same woman. 2y
julieclair I am so over him... 2y
Bklover That whole section on when he can write her left me completely confused. It was an entire page on my phone and I still don‘t quite get whether it‘s six months or never. 🙄 (part of me is wishing it was never!) 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover I think that after 6 months he‘s allowed to write to her, if he still loves her. So dramatic! 2y
nanuska_153 Oh well, if Gilbert looks like that I finally get what Helen sees in him! 2y
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“It‘s all these cursed women!” muttered Grimsby. “They‘re the very bane of the world! They bring trouble and discomfort wherever they come, with their false, fair faces and their deceitful tongues.”

Catching up! #pemberlittens

SRWCF Gorgeous picture! 2y
DivineDiana @SRWCF I only wish I had paid attention to the source. 😕 2y
SRWCF @DivineDiana Oh, well. Next time! 2y
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Chapter 44: Helen has escaped! She is safely in Wildfell Hall, and worries that Huntington will find her…. #Gilisnothelping #hecantkeepasecret #bewarehelen #pemberlittens #chapteraday

Bookwormjillk Waiting to see how Gilbert will mess this up for her while feeling sorry for himself. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk omg I was thinking the same thing! 2y
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ravenlee I had honestly forgotten the framing story over the flashback chapters, and couldn‘t even remember Gil‘s name. Coming back to that bit was jarring, and now I‘m back to being disgusted with Gil and worried for Helen. 2y
BarkingMadRead @ravenlee definitely the downfall of a chapter a day, when the chapters are so short, and there are so many! It was majorly disorienting for me! 2y
julieclair You just know she's going to be discovered at some point. None of her neighbors can mind their own business, or keep a secret. 2y
Ruthiella @ravenlee Such a rude awakening to realize she escaped only to end up with man-baby Gil! 😬 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Gil continues to be incredibly self-centered 🙄 2y
ravenlee @Ruthiella right?! I‘d ask for a refund on that Cracker Jack prize. 2y
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Chapter 43: Huntington brings home a “governess” 🙄🙄 which finally gives Helen the courage to leave! 🎉🎉🎉 #runhelenrun #dontsearchcheatingwiththebabysitter #itsallgraphic #yourewelcome #pemberlittens #chapteraday

TheBookHippie “Governess” 2y
BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie 🤣 I‘m calling it like it is 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 2y
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Clare-Dragonfly Your tags 😂😂😂 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I saw things nobody should see 🤣🤣 I had to change my search 🤣🤣 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig RUN HELEN‼RUN‼ 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig And somebody remind me how did she get Windfell Hall. It feels like I've been reading this books for YEARS and I can't remember. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Checked my Calendar this is Day 43 of 54. Chapter a Day will take us to June 23rd. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Crinoline_Laphroaig it was her childhood home, I think her brother is the owner 2y
MoonWitch94 @TheBookHippie 🤣😂🤣😂 YES!!! 🤩 2y
inthegreensandblues I love this illustration 😍 2y
julieclair Just when you think Huntington can't get any worse, he outdoes himself. 2y
BarkingMadRead @julieclair it boggles the mind!! 2y
Bklover @Crinoline_Laphroaig I‘m so glad you said that! It does seem like we‘ve been reading this for a very long time! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Oh my gosh, your tags just made my day! 😂 2y
BarkingMadRead @TheAromaofBooks I was telling the hubs about searching for a pic, and he started laughing before I could even finish. He said the search was just screaming porn 😝🤪 2y
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