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I think younger me would have liked this but I‘m really not in the mood for this sort of philosophical read so I‘m bailing and probably won‘t go back to it. #titlesandtunes

charl08 Sorry about the book - but lovely looking shelf of NYRBs 😍 11mo
youneverarrived @charl08 love NYRB - and read most of these with our old book club on here 🥰 11mo
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Welcome to Nola. It's a city a lot like New Orleans, except filled with magic, music, and wonders. But as magical songs start to disappear, the city is in danger. It's up to Perilous Graves and his friends to rescue the songs before it's too late.
This was such a lovely adventure. It reminded me of the Phantom Tollbooth mixed with the Starless Sea. Definitely one to reread and get more out of each time.
#TitlesandTunes #Blues @BarbaraBB

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Ophie's Ghosts | Justina Ireland
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Read for #Scarathlon & as part of #TitlesAndTunes (on hold for now) October #Blues theme. I enjoyed this middle grade historical fiction & ghost story. Ophie was a great character to root for & it was a good glimpse at life in 1920s Pittsburgh for a black widow & her preteen daughter.

There were 305 #ScarathlonWordSearch words + 20 points & 15 for using it in a photo challenge + 1 participation point so 3086 total for Team #SpookyGhostClub ⬇️

TheSpineView Great job! 12mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
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Read4life 🍁👻🎃 12mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 12mo
Andrew65 Looks good, well done 🎃🎃🎃 12mo
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Nothing But the Blues | Mary Katherine Aldin
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It‘s with pain in my heart that I have decided to put #TitlesAndTunes on hold for now. Without my co-host Cindy it just doesn‘t feel the same.
We had lined up some great prompts and I hope that the world will come to its senses soon and she feels up to returning to Litsy ☮️ 🕊️

For now however, I thank you all for participating and leave your with the #Blues 💙🩵


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Billypar Totally understandable- thank you both so much for coordinating! @Cinfhen I continue to pray for peace and safety for you and your country 💙 12mo
gossamerchild This is sad, but totally understandable. Thank you for all the work you've both done 💔💔 12mo
BookwormAHN I totally understand. However, the Blues does seem appropriate to end on. 12mo
julesG Sad. But understandable. 12mo
Librarybelle Completely understandable. Many thanks to you and to @Cinfhen for hosting this! It was fun thinking of songs and books to go with a theme. ❤️☮️ 12mo
Chrissyreadit Love to both of you. 12mo
CBee Totally understand ❤️ 12mo
TheBookHippie It is the right decision. We will be here, holding space. Sending love and light! 12mo
Jari-chan Absolutely understandable. Sending hugs and love to all of you ❤️☮️🕯️ 12mo
Bookwormjillk I agree with you. Just doesn‘t seem the same. Thanks for everything you‘ve done. ❤️☮️🕊️ 12mo
ShelleyBooksie ♡♡ 12mo
Suet624 It‘s the right decision. Sending love to you both 12mo
TrishB Sad but we totally understand. ❤️ here‘s to happier future days. Thanks to both of you. 12mo
DGRachel It does seem wrong to carry on without her. Sending love to all. 12mo
Megabooks I completely understand. It‘s hard to have one of my bookish besties in such a heartbreaking situation. May there be a path towards peace soon. 💜💜 12mo
LeahBergen Very understandable. 💙💙💙 12mo
squirrelbrain We completely understand and thank you to you and @cinfhen for creating and hosting such a fun challenge. 12mo
Bookwomble Totally understandable, Barbara. Love to you and Cindy @Cinfhen 🩷 12mo
rockpools 💙💙💙 So sad, but yes. This has been such a fun challenge. Thanks and hugs to both of you 🤗 12mo
dabbe 💙💙💙 12mo
Amiable Understandable. It's difficult to have enthusiasm for fun prompts when we all have such heavy hearts. Sending hugs to @cinfhen and thank you both for your hard work until now. 12mo
Centique Just thinking about these Cindy related reads is heart breaking under the current horrors - so i totally understand. I hope we will do it again in a future where there is stability and hope. 12mo
youneverarrived Totally understandable ♥️ 12mo
merelybookish Grateful for all you and Cindy do on this platform and absolutely understand the need to step back at this time. @Cinfhen 💕 12mo
Bklover 💙💙💙 12mo
peaKnit Makes sense to me. We will be here when the world pulls it together. 🙏🏻 12mo
Rissreads Sad but understandable. Love to you and @Cinfhen 💙 12mo
DebinHawaii Sending you both love and light. 💙💙💙 12mo
julieclair Sending hugs and thanks to both you and @Cinfhen . This is such a fun and upbeat challenge, and just doesn‘t suit the state of our world right now. The decision to put it on hold makes perfect sense. We will all look forward to the day when peace, hope and stability abound in our world. 💙🌎🕊️☮️ 12mo
CarolynM Good call. It was a great idea and lots of fun, but not the right vibe right now☹️ Thanks to you and Cindy for all the effort you put into it💕 12mo
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Dune | Frank Herbert
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I'm a bit late for October's #TitlesAndTunes but still just under the wire for the #Blues tag ☺️ @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen

I had loads I thought I could do for this, and in the end went for two classics: Frank's "Dune", and The Velvet's "Pale Blue Eyes" ?

BarbaraBB Thank you! I will add them to the playlist! 12mo
Bookwomble @BarbaraBB Ah! Now I remember why I downloaded the Spotify app!💡 12mo
BarbaraBB Great! I‘ll share the list soon! 12mo
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Sing, Unburied, Sing | Jesmyn Ward
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#TitlesandTunes #Blue
Happy publication day to Jesmyn Ward for her latest! I'm always about 5 years behind, so I just finished SUS. I'd heard it described as a road novel, and it technically is, but didn't feel like one. The journey matters less than the fact that the family must share tight quarters when they'd previously been drifting apart. I spent the whole novel concerned for them all: the entire novel is located on the brink of disaster.

Ruthiella Totally. That novel made me so tense! 😬 12mo
dabbe Hello there, sweet kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 12mo
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sarahbarnes Great review! And photo. 🩵 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks One of my favorites ❤️ 12mo
Billypar @Ruthiella @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Part of the suspense for me was due to how much I cared about the characters - they're all so well-drawn and nuanced. 12mo
Billypar @dabbe @sarahbarnes I sat down to figure out what kind of picture I was going to use, and then Jem hopped on my lap and solved that question for me 😸 12mo
dabbe What a Jem! 🤩🤩🤩 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Billypar I love Jojo and Kayla ❤️ I rarely reread books, but I‘ve read this one 3 times 💔 12mo
Reggie The part where the grandma is dying always reminds of Poltergeist the movie. Also, Jojo, Kayla, and Pops. Hope they‘re still ok somewhere. 12mo
Billypar @Reggie Great comparison: that part surprised me. I like how Ward handles the ghosts and spiritual portions. They're legit ghosts, not mere literary devices. It was one of the things I liked about Beloved also. 12mo
Centique You summed it up so well! This was so good and in looking forward to her new one. I think its the Oprah pick too, so should get Ward lots of new readers. 12mo
Billypar @Centique I actually had no idea she was coming out with a new book until my Google feed alerted me to it after I finished this one. I'm pretty bad at paying attention to upcoming releases, but then it is a nice surprise when they happen 😀 12mo
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My book pick for October #blues #titlesandtunes is Antimatter Blues by Edward Ashton. Did you know they're turning this into a movie with Robert Pattinson playing Mickey (The title is Mickey 17)?

My pick for a song is Blue Monday by Orgy (I like the remake better than the original)


BarbaraBB Great choices! Good to add another song to our list! 12mo
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White Tears: A novel | Hari Kunzru
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#TitlesAndTunes #Blues This took me completely by surprise. It was one of those titles that I didn‘t really think would live up to the reviews I‘d read, but managed to do that and exceed them by being fringe, creative and new in a way that occasionally made me wonder ‘is this gonna work, or just go off the rails?‘ And it‘s so satisfying when those things do work! It was also genuinely creepy in a way I‘ll be thinking about for a long time to come.

BarbaraBB So glad you loved it. I was very impressed too. 12mo
Ruthiella I loved and was also totally creeped out by this one too. 12mo
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Small Mercies | Dennis Lehane
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This book is hard, this book is though. It's impressive how Lehane captures all the different point of views and lets his characters talk about their fears and thoughts. Dennis Lehane does not write lovable characters, but human ones. He gets deep into their souls. And into the soul of the city and the time. I'm glad I read this book. Once again I learned about history. A sad part, though...

#TitlesAndTunes #Blues @barbarabb @cinfhen

Cinfhen Yesssssss!!! This book was SO GOOD!!! So powerful!!! 12mo
Jari-chan @Cinfhen It truly is!!! 12mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I have this one waiting for me on my shelves! 12mo
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Jari-chan @BarbaraBB I hope you're going to like it as much as we did 🙏 12mo
Suet624 Reading it now and can‘t put it down. 12mo
Jari-chan @Suet624 Great to hear that! 12mo
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Becoming a Queen | Dan Clay
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This one packed an emotional punch I wasn't expecting. Mark feels like he is too much for people to handle. His boyfriend broke up with him after he wore a dress as a joke, but he yearns to wear a purple princess dress but doesn't dare. His older brother always knows what to say to keep him from spiraling, but lately has his own big problem to deal with
This book explores the dark messy side of friendship, family, grief, & love. Bring tissues

BarbaraBB Perfect for the prompt! 12mo
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