Rather profound and timely thoughts. Hope everyone is having a safe Thanksgiving
Rather profound and timely thoughts. Hope everyone is having a safe Thanksgiving
Every week, I think I should read happier books. But then I read something so on point for the current events.
For that second America, Twain proposed adding a few words to the Declaration of Independence: "Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed white men." He suggested a modified flag: red, black, and blue, with the stars replaced by a skull and crossbones.
I'm just so tired. *internally screaming*
Realized I was reading too many depressing books so I went to the book store to pick up some lighter reading. Husband handed me this book. Sigh
Even if your life doesn't mean much to you, it does mean a lot to others.
My litten kitten demanded we buy R is for Ramadan book. Now he carries it around everywhere to read. 🥰😍
*exasperated sigh* that's not what you do with a book. Both of us are getting some quality Sunday reading in!
I know I've been MIA recently but for very good reason. Wolfgang is now 11 weeks and now I can read for longer than 5 minute spurs. But this was probably the wrong book to read while he was napping on me. My suppressed giggles woke him up. I'm a tax accountant so his onesie is on brand. 😂
@BookaholicNatty, I have no idea what's appropriate for 7th graders. But these are the books I remember reading around that age plus a few that might intrigue them. I also have several Vonnegut but have no idea if they are appropriate. Thoughts?
Hi everyone, I was finally able to convince my dear friend @Beata to join us on Litsy! I told her that we were a group of people who love nerding out on all types of books. She has two of the cutest dogs and bought the pictured artwork for our nursery. Consider all of y'all tagged and let her know who else to follow. I'm tagging a few who always make me smile #litsywelcomewagon #welcomewagon
My cousin, her wife and their absurdly adorable daughter live in Amsterdam. They sent over the cutest books. I guess my kiddo will need to learn Dutch. 💙❤️💛😂
Ok where to even start with this book. The story about the issues springing from interracial adoption isn't even the main story. She just threw that in as a little extra gift. Second, I spent the last chapter just sobbing then very pissed off that I couldn't spend more time with the characters. Pick up this book but double check your mascara first.
Double sorry, @RiotMom. First sorry, I sent your #gameoftomes book today. I didn't mean to keep it an extra week but the world conspired against me last week. Servings sorry, I didn't get a picture of the book. But your book is on its way home.
I feel like the younger sibling chasing after my much cooler older siblings since I'm only now sitting down to read this. Bonus to reading this hard back, removal dust jacket so I'm not forced to look at his face
I feel like I won the lottery in having @JulAnna as my sender in the postal book club. She sent these lovely bookish flowers for Valentine's day and the end of the cycle. I looked up the book they're made from (book posted under) and it looks like a book right up my alley. #gameoftomes
My picture is my husband and me at our wedding. It's the best picture of us but was a group shot with my father-in-law's boss's family. So I cropped it to just us for social media.
We got married at the zoo because I was being sarcastic one day and said wouldn't it be funny to get married with the pandas. Turned out to be the cheapest option so we did. My mouth gets me in a lot of trouble. 😂
My real name is Lisette Liang. Hated the name growing up because no one could pronounce it or spell it. My #litsyhandle comes from yellow, my favorite color and piegon, my favorite yoga pose. I haven't spent that much time on my mat since getting knocked up (this pregnancy thing is for the birds 😂).
Add me to the people mispronouncing your handle. I rhymed it with hello because you and your son always look so friendly
Finally getting to sit down and read the last book in the #gameoftomes rotation. Plus the amazing @JulAnna sent one of @BookBabe bookmarks. 😻
Priorities. 😂
Hmmm, I don't feel like I've been overly emotional due to being pregnant. * picks up this book* 😭😭😭😭😭
A very important and quick read but damn what a gut punch.
I'm so sorry for your loss, @TaylorMay. This is Pepe who is usually doing something mildly concerning. Like the time, pictured, he pulled pepper corns out of the pantry and rubbed himself all over them. 🤦♀️🤷♀️
In completely non-bookish news, our Christmas present won't be until June. We're super thrilled but the cats remain oblivious. 😂
To my penpals, I promise I'll be better about writing now that my energy is back and I can think of things other than food.
I (and Pepe) really like the Pepe-in-miniature Christmas ornament, @JulAnna He kept trying to steal it so this is the best picture. 😂#gameoftomes
So so sorry, @RiotMom that the #gameoftomes book was sent today. In my very meager defense, we were snowed in for Friday and Saturday. And yesterday the area around the post office was blocked due to snow chunks falling off the building. It's on its way and here is a picture of my cat blocking our very majestic Christmas tree
Both of her grandparents lost limbs in separate accidents when they were young. They both decided to scope out the rehab facilities for similarly injured people for potential mates. Love her grandmother's "Love at first site"
When you want to read (or fix your broken manicure) but your cat has other ideas #catsoflitsy
Sorry for the grainy picture. Pepe is usually not a food thief but apparently, baked salmon was all he needed to start a life of crime. He's pinned my left arm down and, from past experiences, pushing him off would have flung dinner off and destroyed the church (he's 22 lbs so if he doesn't want to go, he doesn't go). Sorry about your friends, @MinDea #humpdaypost
@kamoorephoto this is Pepe. He was found in the wall of a house (with his siblings) they had to cut into the dry wall to free him. My god-sister adopted him but he drove her other cat nuts so I got him. He now drives my other cat, Floozy, nuts. He is absolutely obsessed with my husband. I joke that we got married not because we love each other but for the cat's sake
So forgetful this week. Received on Monday didn't post until now. 🙄 not pictured, the gummi bears that I devoured #gameoftomes
A lot of screaming into the void in this book
I've taken about a billion pictures of quotes from this book and keep forgetting to post them. 🙄
Ah yes, the positive health benefits of smog...
@Sarah83 these are the books I have in my tbr pile. Anything look interesting? I tried to take out my scary stories. If any of your other buddies want to join, you can tag them. I'll tag the books in the comments
I hope your Saturday is going better, @thequeerspiderwoman. This is Pepe. When he isn't sleeping, he's marching around the house with a bra in his mouth, screaming his fuzzy head off. He is a very weird cat. #catsoflitsy
@ptkpepe98 completely spoiled me!! The books: absolute perfection (i have an obsession with cults). I also have an unbridled love of gummi bears (i have five pairs of gb earrings). I love Bob's Burgers (much to my husband's dismay) and Linda is my cat's (also named Pepe) favorite. He is photobombing. Can't wait to dive into these books ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤
Sorry @abbsinwonderland I kept waiting and hoping that your letter would come in. But I think I need to accept the fact the post office ate it. So sorry. 😫
Because reasons, my phone won't let me add a picture. But!!! My package came in lady night. #muppetflail #allhallowsreadbookexchange. I think my giver, based on names, is @ptkpepe98
@CaseyRoseReads so I sent you a package last week and it's trapped in post office purgatory. I'll be sending you another sometime this week. Didn't want you to think I forgot you.
Finally got #allhallowsreadbookexchange in the mail. 🙌 now to stalk it to its recipient
@Sarah83 asked for a photo of my local bookstore. I stole this from their Facebook page💛❤️
Last year, I think, for banned book week, they tapped paper over the banned books they had for sale to censor them. And draw attention to how many bonds are banned. Love them
Sorry, @JulAnna I tourist forgot to take a picture of the Package before I left for work. I want to hear all about your trip to Germany.
Here's a picture of my cat being an armrest. Note: my husband didn't put his arm on the cat. The cat shoved himself under his arm. #gameoftomes #catsoflitsy
Damn preach! "Virtually every review of the situation questioned how much desperately needed brainpower was being squandered by the intentional neglect of America's Negro schools."
Guess who has two hands and forgot yesterday was a federal holiday? This chick! So #gameoftomes was finally sent today, @RiotMom
I pick fun wrapping paper to distract from the fact I can't wrap worth a damn. Wanting on one last thing to be delivered... #allhallowsreadbookexchange
❤️💛💙💜💚 Pride is celebrated in October in Atlanta (too hot otherwise). Love this