another one off the tbr yay 🥳 #readinggoal #readinglife #audiophile #aapimonth
another one off the tbr yay 🥳 #readinggoal #readinglife #audiophile #aapimonth
I picked this up for #pop22 #socialhorror
I guess I don‘t understand what social horror actually means. Because I don‘t know what makes this social-horror.
As a book, this was good and it was an interesting story and set up. The book is essentially 5 very long chapters, where you get each person‘s point of view.
It‘s been a while since I‘ve read a pop22 book, so I may forget to tag someone!
So good! Really well done and packs a punch in just over 150 pages!
#pop22 - social horror book
I liked this. Each chapter was from a different character‘s point of view as an adult and looking back on what happened when Emily was killed. There was also a chapter (after the four girls‘ chapters) narrated by Emily‘s mother. The chapters (and book as a whole) was fairly short, so trying to remember who was who was a bit tricky, but it usually only took a small reminder for me to remember each story as I continued through the book
Psychological crime thriller: 4 friends process guilt of witnessing young Emily‘s murder, face blame from bereaved mother who demands they find the murderer or make “penance.” One chapter POV from each character adds clues, girls all become involved with violence later in life. Plot wrap up=pretty over-the-top, but hey the genre‘s not called iyamisu (“ewww mystery”) for nothin. Suspenseful. Alienation, class status, childhood trauma. Trans: 2017
Excellent slow burn revenge story. Told in multi-pov confessional every action, every decision makes sense.
Minato does damaged characters so, so well!
I loved CONFESSIONS, so I can‘t wait to tear into this one. Chance needs a little attention first 😻😻
This novel has an interesting premise---the mother of a murdered girl saddles her 4 friends with a lifetime of guilt---but I'm not sure it quite hit the mark for me. I don't know if it's a translation issue, but the voices of all five of the narrators in this novel sound the same to me, and I think there are some cultural things that make the motives confusing to me. Still a compelling read.
6 pts for #TeamHarkness & another bingo. #bookspinbingo
Finally feels like fall: cooler temps, homemade chicken vegetable soup, and a creepy book.
Haunted by the murder of their childhood friend 15 yrs ago, 4 young women tell their stories in each chapter, narrating how the incident affected their lives & revealing the ‘penance‘ they‘ve performed. There‘s a narrative by the victim‘s mother, disclosing her backstory which eventually ties everything together. Penance is a dark story about revenge, grief, guilt, & the psychological trauma effect. An engaging story, well translated. #Screamathon
#7days7covers #covercrush -Day 3 Post a favourite cover each day for 7 days and tag someone new each time. Interested in playing @SamanthaMarie ?
All I know is, Minato is a damn good storyteller. No convoluted plot. No ever feeling manipulated. Yet you end up feeling sympathy (to some degree) for everyone.
I dunno. Maybe her style's just so different from US thrillers that I'm plain ol' smitten...
Now I have to wait for another of her books to be translated 😩
Last book in Asian readathon.One murder in a small town, 15 years after the murder 5 persons will describe how their lives were impacted after one of them expressed something related with the murder. Well written, credit for the translator.One story was told in a way that I felt disconnected.The end? well let's say was an expression of hope.Author is called queen of Iyamisu=concept deals with the dark side of human nature.well expressed here 3.8⭐️
I really wanted to love this book, but unfortunately it just didn‘t do it for me. The creepy psychological aspects of the story intrigued me, however the various POV chapters felt repetitive and at times just plain unbelievable. Were things lost in translation? Possibly. This had great potential, but fell short for me. If you love thrillers, then I would recommend since it‘s a fairly quick read.
Despite a head pounding, nausea inducing migraine I managed to read this twisted tale of innocence and guilt. Much like Confessions, another #JapaneseThriller this book is told in alternating voices as the story of a childhood murder and its after effects are slowly revealed layer by layer. Loved it!! Thanks to my awesome friend @TrishB for gifting this one to me❤️
This book was an engrossing story set in Japan, centered around a child‘s murder, and how it effected the witnesses who were fourth graders especially after the murdered child‘s mother tells them that they must resolve the crime or do penance before the statute of limitations is up or she will curse them. This is not magical realism, she is not a witch, but that threat carries through these girls lives in very interesting unexpected ways.
Sending out the BIGGEST bunch of get well wishes and multitudes of thanks to the incredible @TrishB 🙏🏻💚🙌🏻💚 I received this awesome parcel today 😘Thank you so much, Trish!! Your friendship means so much to me. I hope you‘re back on your feet soon and back to speed reading❣️❣️❣️❌⭕️❌⭕️BTW: I LOVE the Litsy Book Mail sticker 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
My #Booked2018 Season 3 wrap-up! Interestingly, all but one got the same rating from me: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#blamelitsy: My Favorite Thing is Monsters
#DiverseNF: Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls
#SetatSchool: Prep
#LGBTQIA+: Chainbreaker
#JapaneseThriller: Penance
#BeachRead: Beautiful Day (⭐️⭐️⭐️)
I used to read Japanese fiction (in translation) much more often, but I‘ve only read an iyamisu (ewww mystery) once before. This book is more dark than gory, and it is a very compelling psychological thriller. While a few bits felt repetitive, overall I like the multiple POV, especially as it progressed and the reader got to hear from Emily‘s mother.
#Booked2018 #Japanesethriller
Leftover lunch! Cooked up an autumn sheet pan dinner last night with chicken, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes and apples. It is soo good! Maybe if I cook fall food, fall temperatures will follow. High of 90 today! 😫
Hoping to finish Penance before school pick-up, I don‘t want to put it down!
I probably wouldn‘t have picked this up if it hadn‘t fulfilled a prompt for #booked2018, but I really enjoyed it and am going to have to check out Confessions now too. 👍🏽
#catsoflitsy #Phoenix #Ember
Book 5/6 for this quarter‘s #booked2018 ... Really enjoyed this chilling, creepy #japanesethriller
Would love to see this TV version, I‘m sure it would be really atmospheric....
#Nextup is ‘When Katie met Cassidy‘ to complete this quarter...
I flew through this in two days. A great read for in between heavier books or if you‘re in the mood for a thriller/mystery. #booked2018 #japanesethriller
This was a really unique book about four friends that were severely effected by the murder of their friend when they were young. It was interesting how everything can together and the writing style was also very good for the concept. I liked this one and it‘s a new type of genre for me. #booked2018 #japanesethriller
Flying home for 5 days..... IPad kindle app is loaded up.... a couple of paperbacks....Ready to go! 📚🇬🇧✈️
Look what I found at the Library shop, definitely a #blameitonLitsy purchase. The smoke has finally cleared and it‘s clear and sunny today.
I really liked this book. It is so Japanese (the way people think and behave) and I am a sucker for Japanese fiction.
And I loved the story. A girl was murdered. Her friends, who saw the murderer but can‘t describe him, carry the impact of this for the rest of their lives. Each tells her story, as does the dead girl‘s mother. For me, her ‘testimony‘ nails it.
#booked2018 #japanesethriller
I didn‘t enjoy this at all. I might not be the target audience since thrillers and suspense are not my thing. It felt clunky and I never cared about the outcome to the mystery.
Penance begins with the death of Emily, who was lured away from her group of friends by a killer no one can name. Emily's grieving mother blames the four other girls for her daughter's death, and curses them to pay for Emily‘s murder if they cannot locate her killer. As the statute of limitations begins to run out, each of the four childhood friends begins to recount the events of that fateful day, and each has surprising revelations to make.
I really liked the narrative structure of this book and how all the stories slowly unfolded. Four women look back 15 years earlier to when they were the center of a murder investigation involving their friend, the victim. Still unsolved, and with the statute of limitations almost up, the women reveal how that one event changed their lives forever.
Such an amazing read! Love the plot, the characters, the narration. Also it is so well translated! This dark tale of 5 little girls is sure to haunt you! I couldn't put this down! #KanaeMinato is a genius! Will be reading Confessions soon which is supposed to be even better! Some of the snapshots in this collage is from the Japanese drama adaptation of the book( Drama name: Shokuzai/ Penance)
I highly recommend this book to thriller lovers!
Starting my second book of Dewey's! I figured that a fast-paced mystery/thriller would be a good bet to keep going strong with reading. I did take a pretty decent sized break for the gym, shower, and dinner, but now I'm back at it! @DeweysReadathon #readathon #deweysreadathon #deweys24hourreadathon
This is the April pick for a book club that I'm a member of! Starting pretty late as I was super busy with Freaky Friday and some buddy reads plus I had a reading slump for a while! I've heard rave reviews about this one! And being a fan of Japanese Literature I'm super stoked for this!
1-Thought online recommendation
2-yes, through good reads
3-yes, goodreads
4- not sure, I just finished Dark matter and I might start either “penance” by Kanae Minato or “The girl in the meat” by Camilla Läckberg
This book was really good, but it took me longer than was necessary; I really enjoyed it, but I never felt pulled to finish it. If anything, I wanted to know the ending and yet I never wanted to go back to reading it.
After having read Kinae Minato‘s Confessions, I read her novel, Penance. I thought Penance was great, but I actually liked Confessions better, I think because the format was so novel that first go round. But does she know how to write a page-turner! And now I‘m on the hunt for the two movies that followed these two books. Although, I may be too creeped out to watch them alone.
Starting this book. Living in the US where I don't think any state has any statute of limitations on murder I find this tidbit fascinating. I'm going to have to look up what Japan's current statute of limitations is.
I enjoyed the story but it was a knock out for me.
Nurse/Graduate Student
Basset Hound
Doritos and cottage cheese
Mountain Dew ( but only once a week)
Aloe vera plant (AKA Vera)
Game of Throne
Looking forward to this one. I really enjoyed “Confessions”.
Very different book. This felt more like a short story collection. This is about what happens to four girls after their friend is murdered in the 4th grade, and the penance the feel they must give.