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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
NATIONAL BESTSELLER Born to the life of a Southern gentleman, Dr. John Henry Holliday arrives on the Texas frontier hoping that the dry air and sunshine of the West will restore him to health. Soon, with few job prospects, Doc Holliday is gambling professionally with his partner, Maria Katarina Harony, a high-strung, classically educated Hungarian whore. In search of high-stakes poker, the couple hits the saloons of Dodge City. And that is where the unlikely friendship of Doc Holliday and a fearless lawman named Wyatt Earp begins before the gunfight at the O.K. Corral links their names forever in American frontier mythology when neither man wanted fame or deserved notoriety. Look for special features inside.Join the Circle for author chats and more.RandomHouseReadersCircle.com"
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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"He began to die when he was twenty-one, but tuberculosis is slow and sly and subtle."

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Very good

marleed Oh this book is on my TBR! 13mo
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Book: Doc
Author: Charles Dickens
Movie: Die Hard, Dead Poets Society
Singer: Celine Dion
Song: Dance With My Father (Luther Vandross), I cry every time I listen

CBee Thanks for playing! 😊 2y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Mary Doria Russell has written my favorite western (tagged) sci fi (The Sparrow) and historical fiction (A Thread of Grace)
#LetterD #AlphabetGame

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
CuriousG The Sparrow and Children of God are two of my favorite books ever! I also enjoyed Doc. 2y
LeslieO @CuriousG I haven‘t read Children of God or the sequel to Doc yet. Thread of Grace is my fav! 2y
marleed Oh this is on my shelves and never quite makes it to my Bookspin list. You‘ve encouraged me to get it on my list sooner rather than later! 2y
LeslieO @marleed 😀Hope you love it! 2y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Westerns are not one of my go-to genres, but I enjoy an occasional one. The Sparrow by this author is one of my favorite books, and I met the author at Booktopia Petoskey a number of years ago. She is a fascinating person and an excellent writer. This book will not tell you the story of the shootout in Tombstone, instead it tells the story of Doc‘s early days in Dodge. This is an absorbing character study rather than an adventure novel. Very good.

Bookwormjillk Booktopia! I miss that podcast. 3y
Bookboss @Bookwormjillk Me too! Ann and Michael are the best! 3y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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#PoetryMatters - Daisy:
I really wanted to post a nice poem and a lovely picture of a daisy for this prompt. I like daisies! But all I could think of is Val Kilmer in the role of Doc Holliday in the movie Tombstone and his words, “You‘re a daisy if you do!” So there you have it.
BTW...if it had been up to me, Val Kilmer would have been nominated for an Oscar in the year of 1994 and I would gladly have given it to him as the winner! 🎞🎥 🏆

Nute And I thought that he was very fine in this role even when Doc was sick and ailing! 4y
NikkiM5 Man that movie is so good, I loved me some Doc 4y
Bette When he spins the cup instead of a gun...it killed me. He was Oscar worthy. 👍😊 4y
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Ruthiella I‘ll be your huckleberry...❤️ 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I love this movie SO much!! 😍 I had to rebuy the original VHS when I was still living at home because I rewatched it way too much. 😅 Everything about it was phenomenal! My favorite lines in the movie are actually when Dana Delaney and Billy Zane first arrive in town and she spots Wyatt and Doc. “I want one.” “Happy hunting.” ❤️😂🤣😂❤️ 4y
TheSpineView Love Val Kilmer! 💗 4y
Tera66 💖 This is one of my favorite movies. Val Kilmer as Doc. Holiday, I think it's one of his best rolls. 4y
CoverToCoverGirl Loved this movie! And Kilmer rocked it! As did the rest of the cast. 4y
Nute @NikkiM5 Agree! MUCH love for Doc! 4y
Nute @Bette One of the best scenes ever on film!🙌🏽 4y
Nute @Ruthiella Oh, Ms. Ruth, you will not believe how frequently I use that phrase!😆 4y
Nute @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I love your reply because I can UNDERSTAND wearing out the durability of the VHS Tape from over- use/multiple-repeated-viewing. I recite line after line when I watch this movie now. I know that I could be Val Kilmer‘s stand-in in a remake of the same film.😂 Yes, PHENOMENAL Movie! 4y
Nute @TheSpineView Oh, me too! 4y
Nute @Tera66 Agree! I think that Doc Holliday is Val Kilmer‘s best performance as an actor. It was captivating and magnificent! 4y
Nute @CoverToCoverGirl You‘re absolutely right, CJ! The entire movie was well-casted. I can‘t see another actor/actress in any of the roles other than those who were selected. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Val was fantastic in Tombstone! To be fair, he's great in lots of movies. 4y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Ms Russell does not disappoint. A much more nuanced look at Dodge and Doc Holliday than the legend you might have heard. He was so very young! And she lets you see the youth and the fear and the pain. But also the joy. There were places I had to read out loud (her take on Bartok!) and places that broke my heart. So glad I found this at a library sale and that it was my #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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“Yes, she was young. And yes, he suspected that she had learned all her manners by reading Ms. Austen‘s books” Doc Holiday, describing one of the young ladies of Dodge City. 😀 #pemberlittens

i.besteph I mean it is relatable unfortunately. 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ 4y
rabbitprincess Ooh I loved Doc! :D 4y
callielafleur I saw Russell speak about Doc, I loved that she decided to write it after seeing the movie Tombstone. And I love how differently she shows the characters than how they were portrayed in Tombstone (and so many other movies). 4y
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Lcsmcat @callielafleur It took me a bit to get into it, but I‘m glad I stuck with it. I love Russell‘s prose and once she got to Kate and Belle and the other women I really enjoyed it. I read the John Myer book I‘ll tag at the end in 2006 after visiting his grave at Glenwood Springs, CO. I might reread it to compare. 4y
callielafleur I was born in Glenwood Springs, so all of this history very much interests me 😀 4y
Lcsmcat @callielafleur Cool! Did you grow up there? My great-grandparents lived there shortly after Doc‘s death. I actually hiked up to the graveyard to look for the grave of my grandmother‘s brother who died in childhood and was buried there, and ran into Doc‘s by accident. My g-grandfather worked for the railroad and they moved and leaving the grave behind was so hard on my g-grandmother that even though I never met her, it was a story I knew. 4y
callielafleur I didn't, my parents moved back east when I was very young, but I've been back a few times. That graveyard is not easy to get to! Such a small world. 4y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Mary Doria Russell is a wonderful story teller. I liked this look at the life of Doc Holiday and the Earp brothers. Definitely more of a character story than a romping western adventure, I learned a lot about Dodge and it‘s inhabitants!

LL1964 I liked this too. Book 2 is on my TBR but haven‘t gotten to it yet. 4y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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#bookreport @Cinfhen

I‘m close to finishing both of my current reads. Interesting that I wound up with two “Old West” feeling books going at the same time... neither is a traditional western: Doc is about Doc Holiday and his friends, but it‘s as much about daily life in Dodge, quiet at times but danger often lurks. And Simon the Fiddler takes place in Texas just after the civil war, as Simon and his pals try to find their place after the war.

Lcsmcat Doc is on my TBR. Are you enjoying it? 4y
rockpools Nice collage 👍 4y
Soubhiville @Lcsmcat I am enjoying it. It‘s more character focused than action focused, but if you are ok with a slow moving plot the writing is great! 4y
Cinfhen I‘m adding both of your #Westerns 🤠🤠🤠It‘s a prompt I need for #PoP20 4y
Cinfhen I agree @RachelO awesome graphics 💜🌷🥰 4y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Stayed up way past my bedtime last night finishing this one. Although I would say this book moves more slowly than I expected it would, I was still interested every step of the way. Have already ordered Epitaph so I can continue on with the characters.

Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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With roads closing and the storm blustering outside, it's a good time to sit and read in the warmth with the best reading buddy ever #mybestboy

Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Husband wants to watch Meat Eater - think I'll start reading Doc instead. The Sparrow and Children of God are two of my favourite books - not sure if I'll enjoy Doc though.

AvidReader25 I love The Sparrow and I loved this one! 5y
CuriousG @Avidreader25 So far so good with Doc 😊 5y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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#IFoughtTheLaw #AngliophileApril
This brought to mind Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp, and the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

Mdargusch I love those Wild West stories. #truthisstrangerthanfiction 5y
Reviewsbylola This one looks good! 5y
emilyhaldi Oooohh I only know her for The Sparrow!! This sounds cool 5y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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If you have read The Sparrow (Jesuits in space) then I don‘t have to tell you how beautiful words can put you in place. Doc is no exception. Russell puts you in Georgia, in Texas, in Dodge City, in hope, in friendship, in love and in death.

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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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In Glenwood Springs, CO at the Hotel Colorado for a work training, enjoying the night :)

MrBook Ooooh! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures I love the Hotel Colorado! Enjoy your stay! ❤️ 6y
RaimeyGallant How lovely! 6y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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I keep meaning to get to this one. #ownitbuthaventreadit #allthebookssept18

rubyslippersreads ❤️ this book! 6y
KathyWheeler I‘ve had this book since it first came out, but I‘ve yet to read it; I have no idea why. 6y
PathfinderNicole I visited Tombstone last week and came across this at multiple gift shops! Definitely going to have to check it out 6y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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I wasn‘t planning to buy anything at McKay‘s tonight, but we all know how that goes... I‘ve been thinking of reading this since I loved The Sparrow so much. MDR hasn‘t written a lot of books, so I grabbed this when I saw it.


Tamra This is a great read! 6y
Tamra Epitaph is better, but I admire all the research she does for her novels. I didn‘t enjoy All God‘s Children, but I do have A Thread of Grace that I‘m looking forward to. 6y
toofondofbooks This and Epitaph were 2 of my top reads last year. So good 6y
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Soubhiville Thanks @Tamra ! I‘m looking forward to reading it. I‘ll keep an eye out for Epitaph too 😊 6y
Soubhiville @toofondofbooks I‘m so glad to hear that! 6y
ChasingOm I have this on my shelf@for the very same reason, hah! 6y
Leftcoastzen McKays 😃👍👏👏👏👏👏 6y
Kaye I‘ve been meaning to read this for a long time too. Just haven‘t gotten to it yet. 6y
Sapphire I lived Doc. I am a huge MDR fan. So looking forward to her new one coming out (next year?) 6y
Soubhiville @Sapphire oooo, I hadn‘t heard! What‘s the new one about? 6y
Sapphire She was calling it unremembered lives but it won't be published under that name. It's about the women who unionized the coal mines in Calumet region of Michigan. It's about the power of women even or especially when they have no legal rights or official voice. She has a blog and posts on her Facebook page about it. It's a topic only she could handle in an interesting and surprising way. 6y
Sapphire Have you read Dreamers of the Day? 6y
Soubhiville @Sapphire I haven‘t, I‘ve only read The Sparrow and Children. It sounds great, I‘m going to look her up on FB now. Thanks!!! 6y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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(Disclaimer: I listened to the audio) Doc is a story about Doc Holiday, close friend to Wyatt Earp. Part fact, part fiction, and not entirely about Doc, the story maintains momentum but often loses focus as the narrator follows the path of an Earp family member, not coming back to Doc for a chapter or two. I liked the author‘s writing style, and the narration of the audio was great, but I am not sure I will re-read this one.

Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Book: Doc by Mary Doria Russell
Author: Charles Dickens
Movie/TV show: Daria
Food: Dark chocolate

#ManicMonday @JoScho

JoScho Daria was a great show 💚 6y
YouBookMe @JoScho Honestly one of my all-time favorites! 6y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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This was an entertaining & informative listen, though the narrator‘s voice for some of the female characters was grating. Her follow-up book, Epitaph, was better from my perspective because the OK Corral shoot-out provided a specific point in time to structure the narrative around and just felt more complete as a story. This reads more like a biography of Holliday.

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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Came upstairs to read in bed tonight and found the cat using my daughter‘s foot as a pillow. 😻

Lcsmcat Awww! 6y
Tamra @Lcsmcat he looks all sweetness here, but last night he was play biting the sleeping head of my son‘s friend who was overnighting. 😹 (edited) 6y
Lcsmcat @Tamra Our tuxedo cat is the same way! 6y
Soubhiville Lol, they can play both sides of the coin, huh? Sweet one moment, as mischievous as possible the next. This is a beautiful pic though. ❤️ 6y
Dragon 😻 6y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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I‘m having such a hard time reading this book. It‘s just not grabbing me! But I need a western for the @bookriot #readharderchallenge. Ugh.

KellyHunsakerReads Lonesome Dove is incredible! 6y
Valeka @Hunsakermountain Yes it is! I‘ve read it a couple of times. 💚 6y
Kaye If you want something shorter try True Grit or Sisters Brothers. 6y
Valeka Thank you @Kaye! I totally forgot about True Grit. I may give that a whirl! 6y
Kaye Yep, it‘s not bad at all. Good in audio too. 😊 Good luck. 👍 6y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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I‘m making my way through the @bookriot #readharderchallenge. This is my selection for a western book. I‘m only 35 pages in but I‘m already battling. #thestruggleisreal

Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Beautifully written. I had no idea that a book about the early days of Doc Holliday could be so interesting. His story is actually pretty heartbreaking.

Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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January Wrap up #3

Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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First 5 star book of the year. I loved it. Funny and heartwarming and tragic. I felt like I was right there in Dodge City.

Tamra This has been TBR for me a long time! 7y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Really loving this book. Harry would like y'all to know that 🤣

rubyslippersreads I ❤️ this one too! 7y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Cheshirecat913 I can attest to this. It was interesting to go through this ritual when I first moved to the South. 7y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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First book of the new year. I can promise you I'll be picturing Val Kilmer the entire time 😍

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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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I'm reading this right now for my Library book club, I think it is definitely meant to be a #slowburn, I'm not feeling it yet but I hope to enjoy it more as it goes on! And thanks to today's #springishere tonight's dinner is #icecream and wine 🍷 (yes my wine glass is a mason jar, because I'm classy like that!) #septembowie

rubyslippersreads I loved this book! 7y
Kaye What kind of ice cream do you have ? 7y
ElishaLovesBooks I love everything about this picture! I liked her other book about this time period- Epitaph- a lot! 7y
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EllieDottie @rubyslippersreads that makes me even more excited to get into this story!! 7y
EllieDottie @Kaye it's a low calorie brand called Halo! I really like it! 7y
EllieDottie @ElishaLovesBooks that one is the next one on my list as a follow up to this one! 7y
rubyslippersreads @ElishaLovesBooks I need to read that one too. 7y
rubyslippersreads @Kaye Halotop is completely addictive, as I'm sure @EllieDottie will agree. 😄🍦 7y
Kaye You guys have sold me on the ice cream. Of course you don't have to twist my arm on that. I'd pretty much eat anything that has ice cream on the container. 7y
EllieDottie Yes @Kaye Halo Top is really good!! And thanks for the back up @rubyslippersreads I don't know why I forgot to add the Top to my comment in the first post!!! 7y
rubyslippersreads @EllieDottie @Kaye I'm just glad to know I have "partners in crime" eating ice cream with me. ? 7y
Cinfhen Interesting bookclub selection 🤠ive never paired ice cream & wine 😉 7y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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#TBRtemptation post 4! Born into the life of a Southern gentleman, and trained as a dentist, Dr. John Henry Holliday heads to Texas's frontier for recuperation. He takes up professional gambling with Mária, a classically-trained Hungarian prostitute. In Dodge City's saloons, they strike up a friendship with a lawman named Wyatt Earp. He rest is legend. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?

Bookish_B This was one of those books I was certain I would not care for and ended up loving. I love it when that happens. 7y
rubyslippersreads I loved this too. There is a sequel, though I haven't read it yet. 7y
Bluebird One of my favorite books! 7y
Audrey @rubyslippersreads FYI, doc was much better the Epitaph. Epitaph was kind of a let down. 7y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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What could be more symptomatic of #wildworld, or at least the Wild Wild West, than Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. There is also the follow-up novel, Epitaph, which covers the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

Cinfhen 🤠🤠🤠 7y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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I spent the afternoon making this.

Reecaspieces Love it!!! 7y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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So slow. Just could not get into this one. Loved The Sparrow. Maybe I'll pick it up again later

Bookish_B It is slow but I really liked this book. 8y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Day 16: Bookmark. Bookmark from one of my favorite Indie Bookstores, Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill, NC #bookmark #riotgrams #indiebookseller #flyleafbooks

Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Settled in with my kindle #litsypartyofone.

Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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First significant snow of the season! Beautiful! Wish I could stay home all day and read! ❄️📚

Zelma Very pretty! 💕 8y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Loving this so far. Her writing is always fantastic and the characters are so much more interesting when portrayed as people instead of larger-than-life legends.

Tanzy13 🐱 8y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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I love finishing a book, but choosing the next one is always tough! I just came outside to read for a bit and brought two books and a Kindle...indecisive much?

LeahBergen I know! 😩 8y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I successfully decided to read from each. 8y
ReadingVampire Welcome to the Kindle family! 🤣📚 8y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell

My second favorite by this author. I heard her speak at a book festival when she was in the process of writing this one and her enthusiasm for the character made me fall in love with him too. Enjoyed the details and writing immensely.

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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Historical fiction, Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp before the gunfight at "that there " corral. Get the heck out of Dodge.

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Doc | Mary Doria Russell

I had to let this one go. I love the premise but it was too easy for me to put down to read a different book and too hard to pick back up. So slow and dull and just not for me.

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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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Just started. Can't wait to get into it.

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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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This is a review of the audio book. I recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction about the American West. The storytelling drew me in night after night. I enjoyed listening to all 16 hours. Really good narration. Can't wait to start the sequel, Epitaph.

DMorgan I loved the narrator as well. He also does the first story in The Ancient Minstrel by Jim Harrison to great effect. 8y
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Doc | Mary Doria Russell
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I'm really enjoying listening to this book about the Old West. Every night before bed I am transported to the frontier - the brothels and saloons, gambling and gunfights - and drawn into the colorful lives of legendary characters like Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. Great narration by Mark Bramhall.

Haweller Loved this book. So thankful I read it because I have since read others that Mary Doria Russell has written and am now a big fan. 8y
laurenm @Haweller I'm already looking forward to the sequel, Epitaph. 8y
DMorgan Wonderful narration in the audiobook! I actually remember this visually, it's so good. 8y
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