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Running Man
Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
Every night they tuned into the nation's favourite prime-time TV game show. They all watched the ultimate live death game as the contestants tried to beat not the clock, but annihilation at the hands of the Hunters. Now there was a new contestant, the latest Running Man, staking his life while a nation watched.
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Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Published May 1982. Who knew? 🤷‍♀️

BarkingMadRead I think this first appeared in a collection of short stories,although I could be wrong 1y
Pikathulhu @BarkingMadRead It was first published separately as a standalone novel, and later combined with three others he wrote as Bachman in a collection dubbed "The Bachman Books". 1y
dabbe Very interesting. It's one King I have not read. Yet. 😃 1y
BarkingMadRead @Pikathulhu that explains it! Thanks! 1y
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 👌🏼 1y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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My favorite novella in this collection. I loved the nods to Orwell‘s 1984 with the talk of doublethink and the name of the plane ✈️ I found Ben Richard‘s‘ journey while in the games to be fascinating, riveting, and ruthless. The ending was WILD but I am not shocked because King‘s endings tend to be all over the place. This story has a lot to say about desperation and class divide.

Next up in my #readingStephenKing challenge: The Dark Tower!

TheNeverendingTBR I'm looking forward to your opinion of The Dark Tower 😀 2y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Despite approaches to race and sexuality that are well past their expiration date, The Running Man remains a dishearteningly believable look at class dynamics in the not-so-distant future, and remains a still poignant reminder that it will always be in the best interests of those in wealth and power to play the "lesser" classes off of one another. After all, if they're too busy preying on one another, they won't come after the real predator. 5/5

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Fast paced and entertaining. The original hunger games?

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Next up on the #stephenkinglonghaul

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Kinda funny to read this book that was published in 1982 and is set in 2023. I watched the movie ages ago and didn‘t really care for it; therefore, it‘s taken me forever to want to read the book. I‘m glad I finally did, the book was so much better! Ben Richards volunteers to go on the run to earn money for his sick baby girl. He‘s such a clever and strategic man. That ending though was definitely done in true King fashion; nice and gory. #MountTBR

Velvetfur I'm aware of the film but never watched it; does life in the book sound anything like it is now?! 3y
NatalieR @Velvetfur No! 😂 It still resembles 1982 to me. The movie tried to portray a futuristic lifestyle, but I didn‘t get that vibe from the book at all. 3y
Velvetfur @NatalieR Hmmm, interesting.... I'll have to have a look at the film some day to see this futuristic vibe 😁 3y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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vivastory Did you hear that Edgar Wright is going to adapt this? 4y
jackilynn @vivastory I just saw that when I was looking up the old movie. I won't lie, I am a little excited. 4y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Thank you for the tag @UglyOldBat
1- My first pet was a dog named Woodstock my parents had before I was born.
2- I am thankful for my pets and the new Star Wars programs that have been announced and will be coming in the next few years 😸
#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

UglyOldBat Great choice of book 4y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Think Hunger Games on a grander scale but less than 300 pages and your get an idea how epic this adventure is.

Absolutely loved this super fast paced dystopian. Totally rooted for Ben from the first page and the ending has me screaming! Ah the satisfaction.

This will go down as one of my favourite SK books. Five stars.

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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman

This book was alright. The story was easy to read and follow along and I know there has been talk about how King handles LGBTQ+ issues, but I felt like the racial and homophobic slurs distracted from the story. I understand that this was written almost 40 years ago, so some of the writing is pursuant to the times, but it was still a drawback for me.

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I hated it. I got over 1/3 of the way through and can‘t. I felt like I was supposed to care that Ben signed up for a reality TV show where he‘d be hunted and killed. I really didn‘t care. I found him one dimensional and didn‘t like the dimension there was. Also, using “honky” and the N-word as interchangeable is gross. One was used to violently oppress and dehumanize black people. And “faggoty” as an adjective? Seriously? Nope. 🙅🏻‍♀️

j9brown Oh yeah, if he'd written and released it as-is right now, I would have promptly trashed it. Am I too forgiving of this kind of thing when the book is old? I just kind of cringe my way through and dismiss it as “ugh the 80s.“ I like to think Stephen King has grown with the times (at least from what I've seen, I don't follow him that closely). If he still used the same trash language, then all his books would be off my lists! 5y
KatieDid927 @j9brown Yeah I agree that he‘s evolved. I‘ll still read his books. I still really like It and Carrie. And I don‘t know that you‘re too forgiving, an argument could be made that I should have perspective given when he wrote it. It just felt dated to me and I didn‘t connect with it. Ah well. (edited) 5y
j9brown @KatieDid927 You want to see some real dated trash, check out the movie. It's a real contender for the worst movie ever - and it never even crosses into “so bad it's good“ territory. It's just BAD. 5y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman

So good! I‘m so happy to have to drive 30 min to work then walk 15isb min. I can listen listen listen and this one is great! I‘m surprised I haven‘t heard it

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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For my commute

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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This story is 100% better than the movie, Richards is a better character more believable, more likable, story more realistic. Not a horror story but a great psychological tale.

Suet624 Good to know. 5y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #TheRunningMan!

Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

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BookwormAHN I listened to the audio version and in the intro King was clearly not happy about the movie version. I was wondering if anyone has seen it and what were their thoughts on it. I really enjoyed the book. 6y
DGRachel @BookwormAHN I didn‘t even realize there was a movie based on the book. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I‘m also curious if King has liked any of the adaptations. I know he hated a lot of the earlier films, especially The Shining. 6y
Karkar @BookwormAHN I did not realize it was a movie either. 😮 6y
Readingismyescape @BookwormAHN I watched the movie after I read the book. It‘s completely different. In the movie Richards was a soldier who disobeyed orders, escaped prison, then was recaptured and “encouraged “ (read: forced) into being part of the game. Also, the hunters looking for him were cartoonish characters with gimmicks that he easily “got rid of” (read: killed). 6y
Readingismyescape I listened to the audio version and was annoyed that the intro revealed the end of the book. ☹️ 6y
Readingismyescape Also, in the movie there are three other contestants running at the same time. That Schwarzenegger has to save (when he can). 6y
Readingismyescape I enjoyed the book. I can see a similar premise in many of the popular ya dystopian books of the past couple of years. The book‘s ending was quite abrupt which I had forgotten about. It‘s kind of jarring. 6y
BookwormAHN @Readingismyescape I was also annoyed that the ending was revealed and how abrupt it was. 6y
Readingismyescape @BookwormAHN Right? Why reveal the ending in the prologue. At least include a spoiler warning. 🙄 5y
Readingismyescape @BookwormAHN Right? Why reveal the ending in the prologue. At least include a spoiler warning. 🙄 5y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Discussion starts NOW! #LosersClub

Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a SPOILER. Find the post for #TheRunningMan & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag any of us & we‘ll jump in to discuss with you. See you there!

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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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JulAnna 😊I mixed up the months. I read this one already and am waiting for my copy of Cujo to come in the mail! Duh! 😂 6y
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DGRachel @JulAnna No worries! You‘re all set to comment when we have discussion and you can always go back to the Cujo discussion at any time! 6y
SconsinBookyBadger A couple weeks late, but I finally made it to the library to check it out! 😄 6y
SexyCajun Wait March 18th for discussion? 6y
SexyCajun Oh it says it started in February. Whoops 6y
DGRachel @SexyCajun Yes - each book has a month to be read before I post the discussion thread. I know it can be a bit confusing, but I don‘t know how else to phrase the posts and I‘m using the template developed by the original host. We‘ll discuss this one next week and reading starts for a graphic novel & The Gunslinger 3/19. I give a reminder for the following month‘s read in case people need time to obtain a copy. 6y
SexyCajun @DGRachel The Bachman Books. I'm confused on why some explanations say it's someone else's work. 6y
DGRachel @SexyCajun Whose explanations say they‘re someone else‘s work? My understanding is that Richard Bachman was a pen name used by Stephen King. They‘ve even republished a lot of those books with King‘s name on the cover to sell more copies. Now, I‘m going to have to go Google...😂 6y
SexyCajun @DGRachel ok I must've misunderstood or just flat out didn't know!!! Actually I did NOT know that he ever used a pen name!! Son that explains it😳😳😳 6y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I really enjoyed The Running Man. Stephen King is really good at dystopian, not so good at happy endings but this one works well. Also for a small book this one packs a big punch 👤 #losersclub

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Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Surprise book mail from my mom at work today!!! I mentioned that I wanted to borrow it and she ended up just buying me my own copy. Not sure if that means she hates to share or what lol #surprisebookmail #ilovemymom #sharingiscaring #ornot

DGRachel That‘s awesome (and that also sounds like something I would do...you want to borrow my book? Here, have your own copy! 😂) 6y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Just a reminder that February‘s #losersclub read takes us back to Bachman for #TheRunningMan! Buy, borrow, or beg your copy and check back in next month when we begin reading this one. I‘ll be #ghosthosting this one, but everyone is welcome to join in!

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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman

Much darker than the movie. At first, I was somewhat underwhelmed. However, the ending was much more satisfying than the movie. I love the whole, 'if I'm going down, I'm taking you with me' concept.

Out of "The Bachman Books" this is my second favorite, behind "The Long Walk."

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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First book finished in 2019! This was a really dark thriller that kept me completely engrossed.

tpixie I remember enjoying this! ( by Richard Bachman) 6y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Amazing, amazing book! Dystopian novel set in a future America. Richards has to win the game so his daughter can get the life saving medicine she needs.

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Diving into the next read, even though I really should get some sleep.

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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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The Running Man takes place in a totalitarian dystopian future in which individuals (the poor) have the opportunity to participate in reality TV for money, however they are subjected to bodily harm & possibly death during their show. Ben Richards has been recruited for one of the deadlier shows. Although the story started off a bit slow, once the hunt began I ended up really liking it.

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El fugitivo | Stephen King

Entretenido de principio a fin.

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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R is for The Running Man!
Did Stephen King invent Reality TV?!

GarthRanzz I‘ve always said that! Between The Running Man and The Long Walk he invented our modern reality TV! 6y
PaperbackPirate @GarthRanzz The man is a genius,after all! 6y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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R is for the Running Man

“Welcome to America in 2025.
Where the best men don‘t run for President,
They run for their lives.”

Need to read this one!
I ❤️ dystopian science-fiction.

#KingAtoZ #StephenKing

GarthRanzz Yes you do! It‘s the second best story in the four novella Bachman collection. I was thinking of doing this one in combination with Richards (the main character‘s last name). 6y
MinDea I bought this for my boyfriend for Christmas! It looks good. I bought it cause he really liked The Long Walk. I hope it is good. 6y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman

Great book other than the ending feels rushed

Chelleo Tons of Stephen King fans on Litsy but I don‘t think I‘ve read any of his books yet (shame!) 6y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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My other favorite past time, other then reading books, has become running 🏃‍♀️
My ADHD puts so much unused energy into my body that it seems to be the best relaxation technique ever. Does anyone else have any other favorite hobbies that keep them sane?
I also enjoy binge watching historical documentaries 😁

Notafraidofwords I suffer from a lot of anxiety. Going to the park to walk really helps me. 7y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman


The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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My latest #chronologicalkingread has a scene where the main character must escape the Hunters set on killing him through a sewer pipe. Which has just reminded me of another sewer escape in King's bibliography: Andy's in Shawshank!


Cinfhen Great memory‼️ 7y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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One year ago today, I started my #chronologicalkingread! I really did well for the first few months, but this year I've only made progress on 3 books on the list!

Time to kick it up a notch. Next up: The Running Man, which I've never read. Then it's on to some great rereads 😊

Here's to a strong start to year 2!

Bookworm54 I didn't know this was a Stephen King novel. If it's what the film is based on anyway. I really enjoyed the film! ☺️ will have to give this a look! (edited) 7y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman

3.5 mile run ?? in ✅
? then homework ? and the maybe I can finish My absolute darling.
While reading last night I had the scene from 1990 version of "it" running through my head. The scene where Beverly Marsh's dad says " I am worry Bevie, I worry a lot. " creepy

MCYmermaid Hmmmm. 7y
DrJAdMerricksson I love Running Man 7y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Well there's no #runningandjumping for me after my klutzy self took a spill yesterday (which was by no means #glamorous )However, this book has a lot of running in it .


Cinfhen Oh no 🤦‍♀️hope you're ok! 7y
Debiw781 @Cinfhen Just sore and embarrassed 7y
heikemarie Running and jumping to my regret may be the story of my life. Hope the soreness fades quickly enough (and the embarrassing memory of course) 7y
Debiw781 Thanks @inwhichHeikereadsharder . On a positive note, it got me out of part of a staff meeting today 7y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I picked up this book on a whim yesterday and now I can't put it down. Who knew? Also: are there other Stephen King books that are less scary and more Sci-Fi?

MrBook Yes! Our resident SK expert is @HotMessJess 😊👍🏻. 7y
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El fugitivo | Stephen King
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"Un nuevo concurso, cabe su tumba, estaba ya en el aire..." #spanish #readbook #stephenking #libro

The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I think my favorite of the #bachmanbooks is The Running Man. It was close between this and Thinner! #stephenking17 @Josie @Gayan

Gayan I love Thinner! 8y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I'd forgotten how good this book is! "I know you - you're that a**hole off TV!". Classic.

tpixie Forgot all about this book/- Wow -- Hunger Games anyone ?? 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @tpixie When I first read Hunger Games I thought straight away 'This is The Running Man' lol. I was surprised to see King endorse the books though. Thought maybe he'd have had something to say about that. 8y
tpixie Shows what a gracious man he is! Love to hear that story. Also- I've got to read this again! Oh my I've got to quit work and forgo my TV shows! Well gotta keep Blacklist! Lol 😝 8y
Martyn_J_Pass @tpixie Yes!!!! Have to keep the Blacklist! Gotta love Spader lol. I feel the same way. Between reading, writing and watching TV I don't have time for 'work' ha ha ha 8y
tpixie ❤️️📚❤️️ 8y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I finally managed to get this '88 edition of 'The Running Man' off my brother! It came with the Atari ST version of the video game/movie tie in. Awesome book!

Soubhiville That's so cool! 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag That's pretty epic 😎 8y
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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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That so did not end the way I thought it would! 😳Awesome as usual Mr. King!! 😍😍📚📚📚

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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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Started this one today. One of Stephen King's books that I have never read. So far so good! 🤓

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The Running Man | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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New book! Super excited!


Jerame2999 One of his best endings. 8y
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