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Frulein Smillas Gespr fr Schnee
Frulein Smillas Gespr fr Schnee: Roman | Peter Hoeg
Peter Hegs Weltbestseller von Bille August mit Julia Ormond in der Hauptrolle verfilmt fhrt mitten in Eis und Finsternis. Wenige Tage vor Weihnachten wird im Kopenhagener Hafenviertel ein sechsjhriger Junge gefunden: tot. Er ist offenbar vom Dach eines Lagerhauses gestrzt, und da man nur seine Spuren und die keines anderen auf dem Dach sieht, scheint der Fall klar: ein Unfall. Smilla Jaspersen, die im selben Haus wohnt wie der Junge, geht der Sache nach, und ihre aufregende Odyssee fhrt sie bis ins grnlndische Eismeer...
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This was my December Double #BookSpin, but I‘m going to have to pick this one up another time. I don‘t want to mark it as DNF. I don‘t wanna ruin its stats. It‘s definitely me, not the book. Happy New Year, everyone! Happy Reading in 2024! Thank you for hosting again, Sarah!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Sometimes it's just not the right time for a book!! 6mo
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“Do you read fiction?”
I shake my head.
“That‘s too bad. The writers see where we‘re headed before the scientists do.”

Sparklemn Love it! 2y
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This was disappointing. The setting and the Inuit/European elements were fascinating, but the book was just all over the place. I don‘t mind slow-moving narratives (which this was) or even prickly, sort-of-unlikable narrators (honestly, I kind of liked Smilla), and the initial mystery was intriguing. But the unraveling of it all dragged on so long and got so sidetracked that I didn‘t even really care by the time I got to the unsatisfying ending.

BarbaraJean This feels somewhere between a Pan and a So-So, honestly. But at least that‘s one more off the TBR, and my October #BookSpin completed! (edited) 2y
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“I‘m thinking that the sun is both menacing and full of laughter, like a clown‘s face when he paints himself with blood and ashes, bites down on a stick, and—alien, gruesome, and joyous—approaches us children.”

😳 When a clown does WHAT?!

I‘m thinking that clowns in Greenland or Denmark are markedly different than in the US. Also, no wonder people are afraid of clowns.

Sparklemn Wow, I don't remember that part of the book. Clowns are terrifying! 2y
BarbaraJean @Sparklemn It‘s late in the book—out of nowhere and not really connected to anything else. She‘s observing the sun and makes this very bizarre, offhand recollection/connection to her childhood. It stuck out to me for obvious reasons! 2y
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First big snow here in Tennessee, an uncommon event. This is my Little Free Library. It appears that the door may need some insulation work 😬

erzascarletbookgasm Pretty sight, but hopefully the door gets fixed soon! 2y
Cathythoughts Beautiful 💫 2y
Chelsea.Poole Lovely! 📚 2y
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1. I do love snow! We don‘t get much in the Rio Grande valley where i live but it does snow a bunch up in the mountains.
2. I‘m a snow-watcher more than anything else. I like to watch it fall from the sky. It‘s so peaceful!

Thanks for the game @TheSpineView
Thanks for the tag @j.rye

@Avanders @CoffeeCatsBooks

tracey38 I love watching snow falling most of all, too. 3y
SamHeartCoffee @tracey38 it‘s great, right? Everything gets so hushed. 3y
BethM Watching snow is awesome, especially if you don‘t have to drive in it. 3y
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TheSpineView You're welcome! Thanks for playing! 3y
SamHeartCoffee @BethM oh so much! Driving in it is scary! 3y
Avanders We don‘t get *enough* snow here! 😜❄️❄️❄️ Thanks for the tag chica 😘😘 3y
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#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

1) lots of snow. Have to admit, I liked the film more than the book.
2) Yep. As long as I don't have to travel anywhere.
3) added Fifty Words For Snow by Nancy Campbell

BookmarkTavern I‘m totally the same! Love the snow, as long as I don‘t have to drive in it! Thanks for sharing! 3y
julesG @ozma.of.oz Oh, I don't mind driving in snow, I'm practically snow proof. Everyone else has a problem, which makes me cuss and wish I'd stayed at home. 😉 3y
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Good gravy, this book has a lot going on, a lot of which I enjoyed: the descriptions of snow and of cooking and food, the interesting characterizations, the tidbits about Greenland. But the plot is all over the place. Some frankly unbelievable things happen. I got confused by the ever-increasing cast of characters---who was that again? why are they here? When it was good, I was enthralled. Wish it had been more focused.

Daisey I agree with a lot of your thoughts. I loved the setting and that description, the plot not so much. 3y
readordierachel @Daisey Yeah. It lost the thread. I think there were several interesting plots in there, all mashed together. 3y
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Smilla‘s Sense of Snow was a sometimes long and challenging read, but it‘s another one that I still think of months later. The sense of place was incredibly strong.


BarbaraBB This one was good indeed - especially the first half in my opinion! 4y
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Absolutely love this book. Highly highly recommend. I love strong female characters and Smilla Jaspersen is one of the best 👍

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I enjoyed this book, but sometimes it was a very slow read. Things would be intriguing and then become convoluted and slow. The setting and characters kept my interest, although the ending was a bit abrupt. Yet, it was fascinating. I appreciated the combination of mystery (although ultimately not about murder), culture, and science. All the details of Smilla‘s life and Greenland itself were incredibly interesting to me.

Deifio Did you watch the film too? That was really good 4y
Daisey @Deifio No, I honestly didn‘t even realize there was one until I was reading more reviews this morning. 4y
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Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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A Danish-Greenlander questions the death of a young friend. Part murder mystery, part Danish/Greenland relations, part violent pot boiler. The ending did try to touch on important philosophical questions but only in the last few pages. Overall it felt imbalanced. Too much suspense too little depth of thought. Hard to know for whom I‘d recommend.

Bookwomble To me - I loved it 😁 4y
Dostoyes Good to know! :) 4y
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I‘m just over halfway through this book and I‘m not sure what to think. I‘m intrigued but also sometimes confused and sometimes wish it would move faster. I truly appreciate some of the description, and I feel it gives a great sense of place. Curious to see where it goes . . .

#ReadingEurope2020 #Denmark #1001books

hilded I loved this one, hope you end up enjoying it! 4y
Daisey @hilded I'm glad to hear that you loved it since I have seen very mixed reviews. I am generally enjoying it, but I stopped to see how far I was through the ebook since it's due back at the library soon and realized I was making slower progress than I thought. I think my opinion will very much depend on how the ending wraps up. 4y
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Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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Taking a break from work to start part 3. Im oddly both entranced to continue reading but also repulsed by what I‘m reading. My friend named his dog after Smilla so I have to keep reading.

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Lovely with a dash of wow. Part mystery, part spy-thriller, all inner journey in the head of Smilla Jaspersen, herself part Inuit, part Danish, never belonging anywhere, only within herself.

batsy I love this book ❄️ 5y
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This is my for real TBR. Each of these has a date associated with it to be read by (a book club, travel..) I must read them in this order to hit the dates. I must not get unduly distracted by other wonderful books, but must also complete my Christmas projects that will be gifts.

Sapphire Therefore, I am going to go take a bubble bath 5y
writerlibrarian I love Smilla sense of snow. 5y
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Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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1. The tagged book is amazing, it‘s so beautifully written, even in translation it just flows.
2. I don‘t get out much anymore, the last one was The Dark Tower At the drive-in(what a disappointment😠)
3. Ice cream! And watermelon.
4. 25. I think.
5. @Cinfhen @sisilia @JazzFeathers share some love ladies!♥️♥️♥️


Cathythoughts I have tagged one on Kindle... must get to it 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Cinfhen Hi!!!! Thanks for thinking of me 😘😘 5y
JazzFeathers Thanks for the tag!!! Great answers! 5y
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Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David

I keep changing my mind on this book.

Plus - one gutsy woman - the tenacity to find out the why a little boy had to die. I really liked her love interest - seemed humble with a stutter

Wish - That gutsy woman could be downright violent - I guess she had to be. Some description went over my head (boat, scientific jargon, roundabout clues) The love interest turned out to work for the bad guy, the real reason Isaiah died -discovery of species WHAT?

Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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Reminds me of Thoreau's Civil Disobedience.

Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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@Emilymdxn I'm halfway. Keeps getting better and better. It's funny, I don't like Smilla as much as I should other than appreciating her stubbornness, but I love the mechanic.

Emilymdxn I really loved all this material too! 5y
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Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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I'm enjoying this read set in Copenhagen. The MC is a scientist who studies snow and ice in Greenland. In order to shut her up, the law has threatened to lock her up if she continues to investigate the death of her young friend.

It deals with one of my main interests - equity of language and culture among indigenous cultures. If I was to get my doctorate, it would be in this area.

Emilymdxn I just finished this and really loved it! I thought it leaned into being a thriller more than a social novel about cultures towards the end but still really good. Great area for a doctorate! 5y
Butterfinger It is. It is. I'm only on 100 and finding out how the Danes treat the Greenlanders is what hit me. I was disappointed at first because I don't choose to read about bad things happening to children. I would not have gotten it if It hadn't been a challenge. I just got to the part where she decides not to be intimidated. Is this a series? 5y
Butterfinger You're right @Emilymdxn I should have put "it reminds me of" instead. 5y
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Finished on plane to Vienna. I loved the writing, the characters and the social commentary of this, I was less engaged by the thriller aspects but that‘s just me not being a big thriller fan, I think it‘s a great crime novel if you like crime! The way Smilla speaks about Greenland and it‘s differences from Denmark is what will stick with me for a really long time, this is a view of colonialism I never considered before

BookishTrish I‘d love to see Vienna! 5y
suzisteffen Whatchu doin in Vienna? Fun! Love that city! (edited) 5y
Henrik_Madsen I got to reread this soon. I loved it when it came out, but I have grown tired of Høeg and his antics in his latest books. 5y
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Lillie Really enjoyed this one too. Loved finding out the differences between Greenland and Denmark. It's was an interesting social commentary on colonialism. The mystery was good also. 5y
Emilymdxn @BookishTrish it‘s amazing! 5y
Emilymdxn @suzisteffen just here for a quick weekend with my parents! 5y
Emilymdxn @Henrik_Madsen I honestly haven‘t heard of anything he‘s done other than this one, may avoid if there have been antics... 5y
Emilymdxn @Lillie I felt exactly the same! 5y
Henrik_Madsen @Emilymdxn I‘m Danish so I get to hear about his lesser books as well. I think most of it is translated but not nearly as well known. Antics - it‘s mostly his interest in meditation, his obsessive attempts to write thrillers, and his ‘marginalized main character is actually a super hero‘ that gets old. But his first three or four books were great. (Smilla is the third) 5y
mreads I remember loving Borderliners and The Woman and the Ape. 5y
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Hello all! I‘m in another nightmare busy week so my fitness has been more of a ‘holistically give it a go‘ than tracking anything much. I‘m working til 9pm tonight and have a flight at 8am tomorrow so between work and packing there is not a minute to check my step count 😢 continuing to do my best tho!

This book continues to be amazing tho! #bfcr2 #goteam

Leniverse You are roughly at the point where I thought the book took a shift for the worse. 😕 Like it changed genre from excellent Scandinavian social realism/detective fusion to all out action spy thriller. I still liked the whole book, but it was jarring. 5y
TheEllieMo Sounds like a hectic time! Not easy to hit your planned goals, but keep doing the best you can to look after you #SelfCare 5y
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Megabooks Like Ellie said, make self care a goal! For me, it‘s more important to take a moment for myself when I‘m stressed and busy than to keep to a goal. Listen to your mind and your body, and we‘ll be here for you! Good luck! 🍀 5y
wanderinglynn Listen to @TheEllieMo – during hectic periods, it‘s important to focus on self-care. And I hope your schedule eases a bit soon. 💚 5y
julesG Don't forget your me-time. It's important. I think it's mo 5y
julesG ... (hit send too early) wanted to say, mental health is often more important than step count. Take care! Also, I like the skirt/dress. 5y
cobwebmoth I agree, be sure to take care of you. You haven't given up altogether, so you're still doing good.❤ 5y
cewilf I‘m with you on this busy week! I‘m just doing what I can. I hope you‘re able to do the same! ☺️ 5y
rockpools ‘Giving it a go‘ is just perfect. Take care and have a good journey! 5y
Emilymdxn @leniverse now I‘ve finished it I agree - I didn‘t dislike the book, and I‘ve got nothing against thrillers/crime novels but I wouldn‘t normally choose one. Most of what I‘ll remember most fondly was in the first half but very good book overall! 5y
Emilymdxn @theelliemo @megabooks @wanderinglynn @julesg @cobwebmoth @cewilf @rachelo thank you gorgeous gang! I adore being busy so as long as I get enough sleep and have just enough time to do laundry I‘m pretty happy with the current arrangement! I‘m such a natural extrovert and I love to be busy I only really need one or two days a month on my own to recharge 5y
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That‘s why Thule will never become a museum. The ethnographers have cast a dream of innocence over North Greenland. A dream that the Inuit will continue to be the bowlegged, drum-dancing, legend-telling, widely smiling exhibition images that the first explorers thought they were meeting south of Qaanaaq at the turn of the century. My mother gave them a dead bird.

Niso Is this a kindle or a Kobo? 5y
Emilymdxn @Niso it‘s a kindle fire generation 7! I‘m really happy with it 💖 5y
Niso @Emilymdxn Fire! That's why it has coloured highlights. I thought I was missing on an update to my kindle 😊 5y
Butterfinger I just checked this out of my library. 5y
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“There is one way to understand another culture. Living it. Move into it, ask to be tolerated as a guest, learn the language. At some point understanding may come. It will always be wordless. The moment you grasp what is foreign, you will lose the urge to explain it. To explain a phenomenon is to distance yourself from it.”

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Christmas-themed #prettybooks

Only read two of the titles. 😄

TrishB Lovely 💕 5y
Cathythoughts I love these ♥️👍🏻 5y
BooknerdsLife These are gorgeous 💕 5y
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Kalalalatja Cute! 5y
LeahBergen So pretty! 5y
Freespirit They are gorgeous💕 5y
ladym30 Gorgeous ! 5y
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#50wordsforsnow This book set in Denmark and Greenland is full of snow. It starts so well with a good character, a gripping mystery and some fascinating stuff about Danish-Greenlandic relations but the plot is unbelievably silly by the end @TrishB @Cinfhen #winterwonderland

Cinfhen Lots of mixed opinions about this one ☝🏾 I might need to try it for myself 😉 6y
Moray_Reads @Cinfhen I liked it so much at the beginning and then it all became too thriller-y for me. And the solution to the mystery was utterly ludicrous add far as I was concerned. Lauded by reviewers though! 6y
Cinfhen Your cover is extra special too!!! This book seems to be a love it/hate it 6y
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TrishB It‘s on my tbr and it definitely is a love/hate! Have you read @Cinfhen ? 6y
Cinfhen No, I had it on my TBR @TrishB but Stephanie ( @Reviewsbylola HATED it) so I took it off my TBR, but now I‘m curious so back on it goes!!! #ThatsHowIRoll 😘😘 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen I got a copy for giving money to charity 😁 every review is different - so I go hot and cold! 6y
Kalalalatja I‘ll be excited to see what you guys think @Cinfhen and @TrishB even though he is a Danish author, I have nevet read him, but he is very popular in Denmark, too! 6y
Leniverse I loved the first half, but the second half was like a completely different genre! I felt about as lost as when I watched From Dusk Till Dawn and it suddenly became a vampire flick. 😂 @TrishB @Cinfhen I think it‘s worth reading just for that first half, and then just get ready to do a lot of eye rolling when it goes from detective/social novel to James Bond. 6y
BarbaraBB @Leniverse @moray_reads Me too, I LOVED the first half and then it went downhill. I shouldn‘t try @trishb @Cinfhen 6y
Moray_Reads @BarbaraBB it was so interesting at the start and by the end it was hard to believe I was reading the same book! 6y
Cinfhen Looks like we might have to #BuddyRead @TrishB 😊😘 but maybe only the first half @BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja @Leniverse @Moray_Reads 6y
Cinfhen Like your photo @Leniverse 💕🙌🏻 6y
Leniverse @Cinfhen Thank you! 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen 😂😂 we‘ll get the page number and finish before it goes down hill! 6y
Melissa_J Such a pretty cover. 6y
Reviewsbylola Good luck!! 😆 @Cinfhen 6y
writerlibrarian Well... i loved this one all of it. But YMMV. 6y
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If anyone knows #50wordsforsnow it‘s Smilla Qaavigaaq Jaspersen! #WinterWonderland @TrishB @Cinfhen

batsy Good pick 👍🏽 6y
Cinfhen Was going to read this book but @Reviewsbylola pretty much convinced me to skip it 😂 6y
emilyhaldi I think she convinced me too 😉 @Cinfhen 6y
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Lcsmcat @Cinfhen @EmilyMarieReads I read it years ago (‘99?) and liked it, but it wasn‘t a “don‘t miss this!” kind of book. 6y
TrishB It‘s still on my tbr.... 6y
Cinfhen I might still try it @Lcsmcat 😉 6y
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#winterwonderland #50wordsforsnow

Smilla knows all about snow, she probably even knows 50 words for it! Certainly her snowy expertise can help her discover whether a death was accidental or a homicide.

I remember enjoying this book many years ago - but I suspect it is a little slower and quieter than your average thriller despite the claim on the cover “The Original Scandinavian Thriller”. ❄️❄️❄️

TrishB I have this on my tbr but not got to yet! 6y
Cathythoughts Me too .. on my TBR looking forward to it ❄️❄️❄️ 6y
batsy Yes, slower and quieter indeed. I loved it. Was also thinking of using this! I suspect I will find a way to use it this month 😂 6y
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Tonton @Centique I loved this when it first came out; thinking of a re read now😎 6y
SilversReviews Pretty. I didn't know you could layer on Pic Collage. (edited) 6y
ElenaBaer I loved the movie. (I know, don‘t hate!) 6y
AlaMich Weird...the US title for this was Smilla‘s Sense of Snow. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Cinfhen I love your graphics!!! So pretty 6y
Centique @SilversReviews yes, in freestyle you can use an image from your camera roll for the background - which is what I‘ve done. Or you can overlap photos - click on them after you‘ve added them and look in the editing options. 👍 6y
Centique @batsy so many snow prompts right? 😂😂❄️ 6y
Centique @ElenaBaer I haven‘t seen it but I trust your taste! 😊 6y
Centique @AlaMich odd how they change titles for different markets. 🧐 6y
Centique @Tonton I need to reread it sometime too! 6y
SilversReviews @Centique Thank you...love what you did with the photo. 6y
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Smilla is an idiosyncratic #IcePrincess in this cool, chilly thriller that evokes a great sense of place. I've held on to this unremarkable movie tie-in paperback since I first read it sometime in the late 90s. #NoFemmeber

@Billypar @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I‘ve been meaning to the read this one for a long time! Thanks for the reminder 6y
batsy I loved it @Cinfhen but it seems to be a bit of a Marmite book 😁 6y
Cinfhen Yea, I‘ve heard 😉 6y
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TrishB I have it on the tbr too ! 6y
Booksnchill Loved it and loved the movie but you cannot buy the movie here☹️ 6y
Reviewsbylola Good pick! I bailed on this one. It was sooooo boring imo. 6y
Reviewsbylola Now I still have to read a Nordic noir for pop sugar. ☹️ 6y
MicheleinPhilly @Reviewsbylola I can‘t remember if I bailed or finished but I found this book to be a big 😴 too. 6y
Lcsmcat I read it in the late 90‘s, going in with absolutely no expectations- it was in a bag of books I got from a friend who was moving overseas- and I was fascinated by it. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve never heard of this, though the author is familiar. However, I‘m busy looking at the remarkable and esoteric titles in the background. 😉 6y
Cathythoughts I must try to get this one on kindle ... I did get the book years ago but the print was sooo tiny I couldn‘t cope ... it‘s meant to be very good ??! 6y
gradcat Ohhh, this brings back fond memories! I loved this book, and I read it with a group of girlfriends while we were in grad school—such a wonderful diversion! 6y
gradcat @batsy What is a Marmite book? 6y
batsy @TrishB 👍🏽 6y
batsy @Booksnchill Me too, I loved the movie! That's too bad that you can't easily buy it :( 6y
batsy @Reviewsbylola Haha! 😆 I hope you're able to find a Nordic noir that you enjoy... It's a genre that intrigues me because of the doom and gloom (lol) but I haven't really read much; everything's on my TBR! 6y
batsy @Lcsmcat That was my experience with it, too—zero expectations & just found it so intriguing! 6y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm 😁 This one I bought in the 90s still has the price tag from MPH—the days when a paperback was RM20! 6y
batsy @Cathythoughts I thought it was, Cathy! Look forward to your thoughts if you give it a try. 6y
batsy @gradcat Such a good read! I borrowed the term "marmite book" from @TrishB ? Marmite is a British food/sandwich spread that divides opinions—people seem to either love it or hate it! 6y
Cathythoughts Just got it on kindle !! I‘ll get to it ...... 😊 6y
Billypar Ah, alliterations in titles- very ssspecial 😀 6y
gradcat @batsy Oh, I get it now! I fear I‘m on the “hate it” side when it comes to marmite...all I can say is “Yucko!” 🤢 6y
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Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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I bought this book from a secondhand store today and this picture was folded up inside. It‘s beautiful and intriguing. It made me think about who owned this book before, what they are like, what their life is like. It‘s a shame we don‘t have the ability to know these things about past owners of books.
I‘ve always said if I could have a super power it would be to read people‘s minds. I find myself wondering often about strangers lives.

JennyM That‘s beautiful. Great find. 6y
rather_be_reading love finds like tht in a book 6y
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School pick up line reading and it is starting to sprinkle. I have 200 pages left of this book and book club is tomorrow.

Burghbookaddict You can finish it! I believe in you! 😋 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Go, go, go! 6y
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The kids are at school, the house is clean and quiet. I get to spend 3 hours alone in my library reading my book club book with a sleepy dog by the fire. I have always wanted this day to come and I can't stop thinking about and missing my babies!

BooksBikes12 Fire ! its 107 in my neck of the woods. 6y
TEArificbooks @Books_Bikes_12 it is a space heater, it is on the no heat setting so i get the atmosphere since I am reading a book set in a cold snowy place. It is triple digits here too 6y
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The salty old queen of the sea, Copenhagen, was where we were today.#backpackEurope @JenP @BookwormM

CafeMom We are pretty close. I am in Rotterdam. 6y
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You know it is hot when you burn your feet on the cement at night. We are night swimming after my summer book club on ice. A local bookstore is hosting 3 book club meetings to discuss books set in snow. Tonight we discussed Ethan Frome, this is the next book.

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What a wonderful stay in Denmark with this book 💙I really enjoyed the company of the quircky Smilla. A fascinating read, especially when we got to learn more about Greenland life and culture. The writing flows beautifully, and pulls you right in. I can understand that this is not for everyone though, especially if you're expecting a fast paced crime novel. This was, in my opinion, so much more than that. ❄️

Solid 4⭐️


batsy Great review, I agree with what you said 👍🏽😁 6y
hilded Thanks @batsy:) It was a great read ❄️ 6y
Dragon Totally agree. 🐉😀 6y
hilded 👍😊 @dragon 6y
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Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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There was a charity shop on the way to the cinema 😁 today‘s purchases! Couldn‘t resist the Peter Hoeg one after @Lizpixie said everyone should read 😘

Andrew65 I keep meaning to read 6y
TrishB @Andrew65 I realised when I got home that I already have on my kindle (unread)....oh well it was only from a charity shop! 6y
Andrew65 @TrishB I do that, but at least giving to charity at the same time. 6y
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Bookwomble Smilla is a fantastic book ❤. The film adaptation is very good, too. 6y
TrishB @Bookwomble it certainly has a lot of Litsy love 💕 I love it when a book gets several mentions and there it is when you get in a charity shop! 6y
TrishB @Andrew65 true 😁 6y
MicheleinPhilly Totally unrelated but last night we were watching Killing Eve and my wife said, “It‘s been ages since either of us has been to London. Maybe we should plan a trip.” As I am the designated “trip booker” in our house I‘m going to book a stopover in Liverpool and see if she notices. 🤫 6y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly well that would be fab 😘💕 it would be so brilliant she will be congratulating you !! 6y
Caroline2 Ohhhh that Sins of our father looks very interesting! Look forward to hearing what you think of it? 🤔 6y
Cathythoughts Sabastian Faulks ❤️❤️❤️must read another if his. Let us know what this one is like 6y
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Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Peter Hoeg, F David
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Hr30 Challenge for the #24in48 #readathon is “Flying Under The Radar” My favourite book that never gets the recognition it deserves is this gem of a book from Denmark. I wish I could put copies of this in everyone‘s hands & make them see how beautifully written it is.How the writer just sweeps you away with his lyrical prose & makes you live inside the book, feel the snow on your face, hear it crunching under your feet, hurt along with Smilla.11⭐️

batsy I love this book! 💙 Perfect description. 6y
Chelsea.Poole It‘s crazy I have run across this book twice in two days and have never heard of it before these past couple of days. Book serendipity...now I‘ve gotta read it ☺️ 6y
hilded I am reading this now, and loving it 💙 6y
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Enjoying my literary stay in #Denmark very much in the company of the quircky Smilla :) Today we had time for swimming, icecream and we're also going to a concert tonight -yay! :) Makes me almost not want to travel on further, so I might just hang here for a couple of more days 🇩🇰


@JenP & @BookwormM

Louise What a beautiful photo! It‘s such fun to read a book that is connected with one‘s travels. I remember reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being on the train to Prague. It was magical. Enjoy your journeys, both literal and literary! 6y
batsy Smilla is very quirky, I enjoyed being in her company too :) 6y
hilded Thanks @Louise:) That sounds like a fantastic train trip! Enjoy your summer as well ☀️😎 6y
hilded Glad to hear that @batsy :) I am a little over halfway through, and had heard mixed reviews about this one before I started. Seems to be one of those that people either love or hate, luckily so far I'm in the love camp 👍 6y
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#beatthebacklist2018 prompt for 3 May--a book set in another country: Smila's Sense of Snow by Peter Høeg. This book hits a lot of my reading challenges task. It's one that I've been meaning to read for years and it fulfills the Nordic Noir task for one of the various clubs I belong to. In honor of Star Wars Day tomorrow, I present the novel on my Star Wars body pillow.

May the Fourth Be With You!

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Snow day is perfect for nordic noir

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I hate to do this, but having a week off from this book for vacation has only cemented the fact that I really have no desire to get back to it. Such a disappointment. And now I have to find a new book for #nordicnoir #pop18. #smillassenseoffebruary Sorry for letting down my fellow read-a-longers. @2BR02B @Kristy_K @sprainedbrain @BrainyHeroine Also, clearly Gertrude is as bored of it as I am! 😂😂

sprainedbrain Totally understandable bail! 😖 6y
Velvetfur Aaww look at Gertrude's ickle pawsies! 💜 6y
2BR02B I was actually reading this for the alliterative title prompt. For Nordic noir I plan to read 6y
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respekt1111 🐶💕 6y
NovelGirl82 Side note: Gertrude is adorbs!! 6y
Bookish.Heart Gertrude is sooo over it 😍🐶 6y
Reviewsbylola I like Nesbo a lot. I am definitely thinking he would be a good choice for a replacement. @2BR02B 6y
Moray_Reads I hated this one. It started well and as it went on I alternated between death-defying eye-rolling and screaming "What?! WHAT?! Are you KIDDING?!" 6y
readinginthedark Oh no! I read another one by him and found it really interesting. 6y
Reviewsbylola I am almost too scared to try him again. This was so boring and confusing. @readinginthedark @Moray_Reads 6y
Moray_Reads @Reviewsbylola by the end it's firmly in "bloody stupid" territory 6y
MallenNC Gertrude is adorable! 6y
emilyhaldi Lol @Moray_Reads your comments ironically made me WANT to read this book 6y
batsy I loved this! And did not like the one Nesbo I've read 😁 6y
readinginthedark Oh, The Quiet Girl was really confusing, too. I didn‘t find it boring, but I was listening to it in small doses on audio, and I don‘t really read thrillers or anything like that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So, grain of salt... 6y
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This month has been so crazy I haven‘t had anytime to start my buddy reads! I‘m in the middle of a cross country move and found out my grandma has stage 4 brain cancer. This is my first time on Litsy in over a week and I hate to do it but I need to bail on my buddy reads this month. I‘m loving going back through conversations about this book, Wonder Woman, and I feel there was one more but I can‘t remember.

nelehelen I‘m so sorry about your grandma 🙏🏼♥️ 6y
DebReads4fun So sorry about your grandma. Praying for you. 6y
Louise Love to you and your grandma. ❤️ 6y
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Linsy Sending love your way 💕 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m so sorry. 😢😢 6y
ElishaLovesBooks So sorry about your grandma. 💙 6y
Jas16 I am so sorry about your grandma. Sending ❤️ 6y
Dragon So sorry about your grandma, 🤗 6y
MaureenMc 😞🙏💗 6y
bookandbedandtea So sorry about all the stress and fear in your life right now. Sending good thoughts your way. 6y
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Wait... I struggled through this book for 8+ hours for THAT ending? 🤪



BarbaraBB I know what you mean. It started off strong and then went downwards and kept me waiting and waiting for nothing actually. 6y
UwannaPublishme The book may have been disappointing, but your stats are outstanding! 👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola I will be shocked if I end up like this one. 😣 6y
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sprainedbrain @BarbaraBB there were parts where it got interesting and I did enjoy it... and then that ending. Ugh. 6y
sprainedbrain @Reviewsbylola you definitely made the right choice not to bring it on vacation. Lol 6y
Eyelit Agreed! I read this forever ago and I still remember being disappointed 6y
2BR02B Bummer! I'm really struggling to make headway on this one, but since it's related to my heritage (my maternal grandparents are from Denmark) I feel I must persist. 6y
sprainedbrain @2BR02B you should persist! It‘s not a bad book... I just would have liked a little more at the end. 6y
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I finished The City... so I‘ve got the reading done for the first half of #SmillasSenseOfFebruary

I think I actually know what‘s happening, and I may just continue and finish this book this weekend. It seems like reading it in larger chunks is easier for me than splitting it out. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Reviewsbylola I‘m going to be behind because I didn‘t finish The City and I‘m not taking it on my vacation. I‘m glad to hear it‘s coming together though! 6y
2BR02B @Reviewsbylola I don't think I'll finish this section in time, either. I plan to read it tonight, but I still have 170 pages to go. 6y
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I‘m 10 chapters in and I‘m not really sure what‘s happening. 😂 That‘s never a good sign, right? I‘m curious to see what my fellow buddy readers think. Sometimes I think I‘m starting to get it and then I‘m like oh wait, nope. I‘m trying to just go with it and assume that the mystery aspect will explain itself. #smillassenseoffebruary #bathandbook

sprainedbrain I‘m at chapter 5 of the The City part 2 (even the organization of the book confuses me), and I know what you mean. I understand the thing that Smilla‘s investigating, but I can‘t quite figure out why she‘s qualified to do that, and I do get lost sometimes. I‘m still reading though! 6y
Samplergal Never got it. You're not alone. I bagged it. 6y
2BR02B I'm 80 pages in and I feel like I'm barely scraping by, comprehension-wise. I keep going back to reread earlier sections, and I still have a lot of questions. Who is this Loyen guy she keeps mentioning? Why is her father involved? 6y
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Reviewsbylola Thank you guys. I was truly afraid I was just a dumbass. 😂😂 I‘m glad it‘s not just me. @sprainedbrain @Samplergal @2BR02B 6y
BrainyHeroine I keep skipping around seeing if it ever makes sense 6y
EvieBee It will! Honestly, it was the relationship angles that kept me reading and then everything else filled in. Now it‘s a favorite of mine. (edited) 6y
2BR02B Seriously though, why does she keep talking about the kid's erections? It's disturbing! 😞 6y
Mdargusch Eeeewwww 👆🏼 @2BR02B 6y
Reviewsbylola IKR, I let the first one go but then she keeps going back to it. 😂 @2BR02B 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m praying I will feel that way by the end. @EvieBee 6y
Reviewsbylola Yeah I‘ve found myself skimming. I just finished Part 1 last night. My goal is to finish The City portions by the time I leave for vacation tomorrow. It probably won‘t happen but at this point I have no interest in taking the book with me. 😂 @BrainyHeroine 6y
emilyhaldi I know nothing about this one 🤔 6y
Reviewsbylola Keep it that way. @emilyhaldi 6y
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1. Here's Feli and Fran, fallen asleep while hugging. #LetsMakeTricksySmile
2. Always Android, though I think my current phone will be my last Samsung.
3. All of the nuts.
4. Reading the tagged for a buddy read (#smillassenseoffebruary). It's about an irascible woman who decides to get involved when a neighbor child's death, which she suspects to be murder, is ruled accidental. I'm 50 pages in, so I can't yet say whether I'd recommend it. 👇

2BR02B I'm certainly learning a lot about Greenland, and their relations with Denmark, though. 6y
2BR02B 5. Badminton. Or none. 6y
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2BR02B Sending you positive vibes, @TricksyTails 6y
JamieArc Oh my. That is stinkin‘ adorable! 😻😻 6y
Ubookquitous Read it when it came out and 6y
SandyW Such cuties you have there. 6y
Reviewsbylola I think I‘m going to start this tonight! (edited) 6y
Purrfectpages Oh my goodness. What a great picture! 6y
TricksyTails Ohh...ohh...this is too precious!! 😽♥️ I‘d never get anything done with these two. I‘d just want to cuddle all day. Thank you for sharing and for all the positivity! 🤗♥️ I need a pair of kitties like Feli and Fran. 😍 6y
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