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Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has The Time | Brigid Schulte
19 posts | 13 read | 11 to read
In her attempts to juggle work and family life, Brigid Schulte has baked cakes until 2 a.m., frantically (but surreptitiously) sent important emails during school trips and then worked long into the night after her children were in bed. Realising she had become someone who constantly burst in late, trailing shoes and schoolbooks and biscuit crumbs, she began to question, like so many of us, whether it is possible to be anything you want to be, have a family and still have time to breathe. So when Schulte met an eminent sociologist who studies time and he told her she enjoyed thirty hours of leisure each week, she thought her head was going to pop off. What followed was a trip down the rabbit hole of busy-ness, a journey to discover why so many of us ?nd it near-impossible to press the 'pause' button on life and what got us here in the ?rst place. Overwhelmed maps the individual, historical, biological and societal stresses that have ripped working mothers' and fathers' leisure to shreds, and asks how it might be possible for us to put the pieces back together. Seeking insights, answers and inspiration, Schulte explores everything from the wiring of the brain and why workplaces are becoming increasingly demanding, to worldwide differences in family policy, how cultural norms shape our experiences at work, our unequal division of labour at home and why it's so hard for everyone ? but women especially ? to feel they deserve an elusive moment of peace.
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I want to say... I am so sorry! Everyone has been so kind; I received many cards and lovely gifts. I am so overwhelmed with everything that I am so behind in everything/anything this month. Since my COVID (during Thanksgiving), I have had such fatigue that I am disorganized and have horrible focus problems. I am so, so sorry. I spend much of my free time “trying“ to read and maybe just zoning out. Thanks for understanding.

MoonWitch94 It‘s going to be okay! ♥️ We are here for you! 2y
ElizaMarie @MoonWitch94 thank you so much!!! It‘s feels so out of sorts ! I‘m a usually so far along with planning and doing and wow — since COVID I just Zone out for hours and not realize it and forget what I wanted to do. 2y
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AMY!!!!! I am absolutely overwhelmed at my birthday box!!! You spoiled me BIG!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I‘m in book lover heaven ❤️💛🧡💚💙💜 Your friendship is my most valued gift of all 🤗😘

JamieArc Nice! I was lucky to receive a swap package from @AmyG and she does great, generous packages! 2y
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳 2y
catiewithac That mug!!! 2y
AmyG You are so welcome and SO easy to get books for! We read alot of the same books and genres. Happy earlt birthday, my friend. 😘😘😘 2y
AmyG @JamieArc You are too kind. 😘 (edited) 2y
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Eggs I feel this .... 3y
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I‘m just feeling overwhelmed this #canadaday. Feeling emotionally exhausted today. Between the finding of indigenous remains at a number of former residential school sites and the burning of Lytton, BC, I have just run out of emotional capital. The police protests of last summer and the pandemic of the past 18 months hasn‘t helped either.

julesG Sending you a virtual hug! 💞 3y
TrishB Some days are really hard ♥️ 3y
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BookishMarginalia 💜💜💜 3y
Reagan It‘s so true. Virtual hugs! 3y
CarolynM Hugs 3y
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#SpringSentiments @Eggs
Prompt: Unindated

Eggs A universal feeling 3y
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Oh my goodness, @hermyknee ! I love everything! Your generosity has me just overwhelmed. The books look fantastic, and all the goodies made me squee a bit. (I will have to hide the stocking from my B&tB-obsessed friend this weekend or it might wander off) And the mug! One of my favorite sayings. You really are the best, Liz. Thank you so much.
Happy Niklaustag, everyone!

ravenlee Also, I had a total Anna-in-Frozen moment this morning when I realized it was swap-opening day - “it‘s Coronation Day!” - and I‘m out of bed and fully awake! 6y
hermyknee @ravenlee I‘m so glad you like it! The guy at the post office said, “If you get the flat rate box, shipping will cost the same no matter how heavy it is.” So I was like, “GAME ON!” 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Great mug! 6y
Avanders 😍🎄❄️🥰♥️ 6y
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**EDIT: I'm a total moron & didn't realize one was digital and I could have been reading it in the car... 😖😖😖

AAAARGH!!!! Not only are we on a road trip but now both of my audiobook holds have come in!!!! When it rains, it pours!!!!

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#JB crew, having been overwhelmed by what I think was the flu and being sick all week, I didn't post any of my #jb mail! Here it all is carpal tunnel awaits as I plan to spend the heatwave eating Popsicles and writing letters. Thank you so much

CKlube I‘m doing the same thing right now! I had to take a break from all the writing. 6y
tammysue 💖💖💖 #litsylove 6y
tracey38 Good plan for the heat wave! I plan to do about the same. This heat and humidity is horrible. 6y
tracey38 And hope to you're feeling better! 6y
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Well I am properly attired because I took this photo when out.This is for all the Littens that might be feeling this way today.😁

britt_brooke 😆 6y
TheBookgeekFrau LOVE!💗 6y
LauraBeth 😂😂 6y
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LeahBergen So perfect! 😆 6y
Leftcoastzen @LeahBergen Right!certain days ...😂 6y
Anna40 👍😂 6y
Suet624 💕💕💕 6y
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I just joined several reading challenges for 2018!! So many books and never enough time! Must get organized now. #BOTMbuddyread
#readaroundtheworld @BookishMarginalia

Jinjer Ditto!!! I‘m reading two books at once just to keep up! 😬 7y
cajunsyd @Jinjer I think that I might have to do the same thing!! 🙄 7y
Jess7 The discussion today will be posted to the @LitsyBuddyRead page! 🤗. 6y
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I have 10 books checked out on Overdrive and a First to Read book to read by the first of the year. Oops.

RobinW That is a good problem to have tho7gh! :) 7y
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I️ got about halfway through this book and just couldn‘t keep going. I️ had hoped it would provide me with insights or thoughts about ways to feel less overwhelmed, and maybe the end of the book does, and I️ just never got there. Instead I️ left the book feeling more overwhelmed. So not the book for me, but someone else might find the info really interesting.

CoffeeK8 @Blaire now that I️ cant finish the book, what did you think about the interview? 7y
Blaire It was pretty interesting - on longest shortest time podcast - doing a series on working moms. About the pay gap and changing the concept of the ideal worker. The whole series is pretty good and a podcast might be more manageable than a book. 7y
CoffeeK8 @Blaire that sounds way more manageable, thanks! 7y
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Oh boy! I‘m not sure about reading this book in the week between thanksgiving and Hanukah.

Blaire Interested to hear what you think. Heard an interview with her recently. 7y
Blaire And I know the feeling, supposed to plan a Chanukah dinner for the synagogue in 3 weeks, all while working and taking care of 2 kids. 😬 7y
Tamra Oh man, if somebody really figures this out, please help the rest of us out by sharing! 🙏🏾 7y
CoffeeK8 @Blaire... I‘ll keep you posted, I‘m hoping there is actual advice not just like explaining why we feel this way. And wow, that is a lot of work! Good luck to you on the dinner! 7y
CoffeeK8 @Tamra we can hope, right? 7y
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I was JUST thinking "I should return all of my library books and focus on the books I own." And then I looked at Overdrive and these were all available. ?I have no willpower. I am weak.

Purrfectpages 😂 😂 7y
Emiller I have the same problem 😂😂 7y
JacqMac Every time. 😂 7y
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PacingTheCage I have this problem also. 7y
TrishB And you're asking us for help 😱😱 7y
Mimi28 Those all look sooo good!! 7y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB Well not for help, no. I mean certainly not from this lot. It was more of a "My name is Michele and I am an addict" sort of moment. 7y
TrishB Well, in that case ....😂 7y
nomadreader I liked three of those! And hope to read the fourth soon. Enjoy😀 7y
ginabeirne Same... 7y
Megabooks It is okay. You are in the right place for support. We'd all do it in your shoes! 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
Hooked_on_books Never look at Overdrive and always return physical library books when the library is closed. Then you miiiiight not end up with more. That's what I try but I still fail. 😂 7y
MicheleinPhilly @Hooked_on_books Typically I try to leave my library card at home when I'm returning books so I can just dash in and out. The operative word being TRY. But lately I've been placing holds on physical books b/c the "line" is shorter. And I need my library card to pick them up. And I might as well browse while I'm there. And the cycle continues. 7y
LauraBeth They gave me a library card for my key fob - so I'm technically unable to ever leave it home 😬 7y
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I'm still alive. It's just been crazy. My dog has a bad cervical disc + my cat has lymphoma, so most of my non-work time has been spent at the vet. Had a 17 y/o foster cat (who just got a furever home). Been working to get the neighborhood strays spayed/neutered/vaccinated. This is doable, until friends drop a bunch of time consuming crap on me without giving me the option to say no! So, east coast #summersecretsanta, you haven't been forgotten!

Roselyn_Reads @LauraJ Sorry :( I hope your fur babies feel better soon. Sending lots of positive vibes your way. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Been there! I so feel your stress there. I had an emergency vet visit this weekend too, and I'm always on my brother about getting the barn cats spayed, they'll still mouse, but you won't get the kitten explosion every year. Some people never learn! And it's so frustrating to those of us with open hearts! 7y
Mimi28 Hope things get better!! ❤️❤️ 7y
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MidnightBookGirl I am so sorry for the crapstorm that can be life! I am glad to hear from you though! 7y
LauraJ @Silent_Whispers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Mimi28 @MidnightBookGirl Thanks. Neither beastie will get better, but both can have a good quality of life for awhile. 7y
LauraBrook Bless you for taking care of all of these animals! I'm sorry about your two babies, but as you said, they will have good quality of life. 💖 Hang in there! 7y
Megabooks I am so sorry! Huge hug! 💜💜💜💜💜 7y
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I really enjoyed this (rang horribly true). There are some helpful tips i will consider and lots of highlighted passages to wave at my husband!

i was already aware of the Danish angle as I've read The year of living Danishly by Helen Russell.
If it was lacking at all, it was in that a lot of the consideration was for office workers & middle classes. V little mention of other jobs where solutions are more complex. Still a winner tho'.

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waiting for my turn in the shower #quickread

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Scarily reminiscent of my life

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