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The Year of Less
The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store | Cait Flanders
88 posts | 140 read | 95 to read
In her late twenties, Cait Flanders found herself stuck in the consumerism cycle that grips so many of us: earn more, buy more, want more, rinse, repeat. Even after she worked her way out of nearly $30,000 of consumer debt, her old habits took hold again. When she realized that nothing she was doing or buying was making her happy—only keeping her from meeting her goals—she decided to set herself a challenge: she would not shop for an entire year.The Year of Less documents Cait’s life for twelve months during which she bought only consumables: groceries, toiletries, gas for her car. Along the way, she challenged herself to consume less of many other things besides shopping. She decluttered her apartment and got rid of 70 percent of her belongings; learned how to fix things rather than throw them away; researched the zero waste movement; and completed a television ban. At every stage, she learned that the less she consumed, the more fulfilled she felt.The challenge became a lifeline when, in the course of the year, Cait found herself in situations that turned her life upside down. In the face of hardship, she realized why she had always turned to shopping, alcohol, and food—and what it had cost her. Unable to reach for any of her usual vices, she changed habits she’d spent years perfecting and discovered what truly mattered to her.Blending Cait’s compelling story with inspiring insight and practical guidance, The Year of Less will leave you questioning what you’re holding on to in your own life—and, quite possibly, lead you to find your own path of less.
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In this memoir, Flanders takes us on a journey of self-discovery as she embarks on a year-long shopping ban and decluttering mission. As she confronts her own consumer habits and seeks to simplify her life, she uncovers profound truths about the nature of happiness and fulfillment....
Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6433577596

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This is alright it did help short term to stop shopping but I wasn‘t an active spender anyway

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This was a good, inspiring book to get me into a decluttering mindset. The author blogged about her 1 year shopping ban, but left out a lot of the personal turmoil. She includes all of the messy bits in this book. She examines not just her habits but triggers for overspending as well binge eating, binge drinking, and binge tv watching. I love stories like this, flaws and all, where people choose to challenge themselves by becoming more mindful 💚

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I‘m not sure where I heard about this book but it sounded interesting.🤔 she went on a spending ban for a year- she could only buy things she needed. The book is her story of the year. Made me truly think about my excess spending (yes books would be part of that for me).

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I went on a decades-long spending freeze as a result of not having money. I also came to realize I didn‘t need so much. ? Even so, life left me with a lot of puerquería & now I‘m letting stuff go. I‘m not exactly on a spending freeze at the moment though. Overlooking economic inequalities that stuck a bit, this went quick & matched my current motivation.

Tamra We lived like college students for so MANY years out of necessity. It wasn‘t too difficult as I don‘t like clutter anyway. But, I‘m finding it a difficult task with children in the household. It‘s a constant balancing act. 🤑 2y
RebL @Tamra Yes! That‘s exactly it. This author lives alone for the duration of this book. Even with modest consumption, I‘m decluttering kids, dead people & an ex. 2y
Tamra @RebL that must feel good to not have to spend e/o day on kid activities and to purge all that stuff gathering dust! 2y
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In a time when social media is encouraging over-consumerism while simultaneously furthering disconnection, this book's message is something that I think would resonate with a lot of readers.

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This was a good read for me. I really like the idea of setting up a challenge of purging my home of everything we don't use or need. I also hate how social media encourages mindless spending. We tend to eat, drink, and spend when we aren't happy with ourselves. Becoming a mindful consumer is an exciting idea, and one that I plan on implementing. I hope to find more books that will inspire this change in my life.

ItsAnotherJen If anyone has recommendations, that would be great! 2y
peanutnine Gretchen Rubin has some great ideas on this and related subjects. I really enjoyed her book 2y
ItsAnotherJen @peanutnine Thank you!🤗 I'll have to check that one out. 2y
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I really enjoyed this one and I think everyone should consider having and buying less and trying to simplify your life. When you strip everything back you really understand what is and isn‘t important to you. I enjoyed her journey through this process and there‘s a few things I‘d like to incorporate into my life
A definite pick

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I think since I listened to this one I appreciated her honesty and the impact her decluttering project had on her life and goals. Always admire people who can commit to decluttering and embrace minimalism in a form that works for them. I‘m not a pack rat, but I like my stuff! Something about having extra candles and throw pillows makes things feel much cozier.

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I was hoping for something akin to The Little Book of Hygge but it just read like a very long personal blog post. The title suggests a year of living without buying things but the author kept skipping around her own timeline which left me confused. I felt more like I was getting more build up to the ‘Year‘ than experiences from the ‘Year‘ itself. Crunch point came when she went into detail about a breakup and I realised I just didn‘t care.

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Flanders reflects on her year of giving up most of her possessions and breaking her spending habits to achieve a more mindful consumerism.

Read February 23-24
Rated 3/5 ⭐️
Book 13/60

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Honestly reading the back of the book you would think this book was about not needing as much stuff. Nope. It‘s random stuff about her life. Ex boyfriends and stuff. If your a fan of hers you might care but I don‘t know who this lady is.

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This was a good one to listen to while cleaning. Some parts I probably would have connected with better if I was younger (20s-30s) but overall it made me pause and consider my relationship with spending.

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I'm still puzzled why I bounced so hard off this memoir of the author's story of quitting overindulging in shopping, after having similar issues w/ alcohol and food. She also gives away most of her belongings. I never felt emotionally engaged. I would empathize with this story if it were a friend's, but as a memoir by a stranger: meh. Partially it's because I don't struggle with the same addictive behaviours. All this to say: this book was boring.

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Before I started this book I saw reviews saying it was self-indulgent millennial whining, which I thought was a bit harsh. Halfway through, though, while I certainly don't agree with those assessments, I can see where they're coming from. There's nothing wrong with the content, but it isn't emotionally engaging; it doesn't spark empathy. That's what I think frustrates people and makes them see what are really tough addiction stories as whining.

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I've been reading a lot of books the past two years on simplifying and was pretty excited for this one but it just didn't hold my attention. More memoir than anything else, it had nuggets of wisdom but not enough to keep me interested. And I applaud the bravery of this young woman to write about all the parts of her life that aren't pretty and share all she has learned, but there wasn't quite enough about living with less to make me stay. 😬

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Picked this up at the recommendation of someone. It was a good read and is inspiring me to do something similar in 2021. I wish the author had done a little more with guiding and directing those that want to do a year of less as opposed to her childhood anecdotes. Nonetheless, a good read and great idea!

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I loved this. Some say she‘s a whiney mess. And she might be but I felt like I could relate to some of the things she struggled with. This was a 5 ⭐️ read for me.

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jb72 I‘m glad I read the book. It really gave me some ideas for next month. 4y
AkashaVampie U are doing great with the bingos 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 what are you thinking? 4y
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ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie yah! I love them ;) 4y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie yay!!! i'm so glad!!!! 4y
jb72 @ElizaMarie Next month I‘m going to work on my list. I really want to focus on some changes to my health and saving money. I want to incorporate some “less is more” challenges too. 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 this is really great! I would love to cheer you on on your journey! 4y
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So this book was good. but... I was looking for a more “self help“ type of book rather than her life story. But I am sure the antidotes will be in handy when I try to do some version of this.

Thoughts: 1. Budget? 2. 20% savings 3. 10% debt repayment? 4. Shopping ban?
I am buying a house so I need to buy furniture but... maybe shopping ban for others (or make a list of what is okay)

TheAromaofBooks Several years ago my husband & I took a Dave Ramsey class & even though we didn't have a bunch of debt or anything, it really did help us to be more purposeful with our money. Our biggest take away was that budgeting lets you decide where your money is going ahead of time instead of seeing where it already went!! It's been good to focus on saving money ahead before buying instead of paying stuff off after the purchase. 4y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks so I‘ve never really budgeted. I feel like maybe I should try to “review” my spending then try to see what I can trim. Or at least do a percentage to save and pay towards debt 4y
TheAromaofBooks So our income can vary a lot because of the way my husband gets paid (& I only work seasonally, so also irregular haha) & for us we figured out what we “have“ to spend (monthly bills, annual property tax, twice-yearly car insurance, etc) & divided it all out by week & started setting that money aside off the top. That meant we actually knew how much “extra“ money we had & could put it towards savings or vacation or fun each week. It sounds a ⬇ 4y
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TheAromaofBooks little silly, but we also give ourselves a weekly allowance & that money is for just legit whatever, Tom's video games or books for me (surprise surprise haha) but more or less “guilt free“ fun money. Anyway, there are loads of different ways to budget, I think the main key is just starting to really think about money & where you want it to go vs where it is actually going!! 4y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks Thank you for breaking that down for me. So as a nurse with shift type work my paychecks sometimes are not as consistent as they should be. So I was thinking that yeah, maybe I need to take inventory of what I spend my money on. Or at least my bills and then figure out what I used the “left over“ money on. Giving myself an allowance makes sense. have some guilt free money there. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I've gotten weirdly nerdy about our budget over the years, so I tend to carried away when anyone brings up budgeting. 😂 But having an allowance has been one of my favorite parts. Like if it's something big that we'll both use - or even something bigger that one of us really, really wants - we'll usually take it from a different fund. But for fluffy stuff like Litsy swaps or a box of books from eBay, it's super nice to have money that doesn't ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks feel like I'm “stealing“ it from something more important haha 4y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks I love this! I will be really trying to do this. It sounds like something important that I should be doing! 4y
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This documents Cait's life for 12 months during which she bought only consumables: groceries, toiletries, gas for her car. She discovered life is worth more than anything you buy in a store...don‘t let overconsumption #rain on your parade #uselessstuffday #thankfulthoughts @Eggs #forevernovember @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Nikki_E This was really good, and I liked that it was preachy like a lot of similar books tend to be. 4y
Smartypants I need more of this to do less. 😉 4y
Eggs I liked this book-it inspired me to set priorities @Smartypants @Nikki_E 4y
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OriginalCyn620 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
TheLudicReader I have never been a shopper, really. Except for books; I can‘t seem to give them up even though I really don‘t need to buy anymore. 4y
SheReadsAndWrites This looks interesting! Last year my husband and I purge cleaned and moved to a much smaller house (empty nesters) and I LOVED IT. I keep trying to read books like this to help me stay simple in every way I can. 😊 But no one can ever get me to stop buying books. Sorry. That one's not debatable. 😌🤓📚 4y
marleed It took me several years and 3 physical moves to reduce my personal inventory of possessions by about 2/3s. It‘s incredibly liberating. In my smaller space I lined an extra bedroom- now reading room -with ikea bookshelves and love to wrap myself in physical books. I donate books often so there‘s always room for new finds and I love supporting bookstores and libraries. 4y
Eggs @marleed @SheReadsAndWrites @TheLudicReader I love hearing how others view stuff/possessions 4y
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I am listing to this one (@jb72 didn't you recommend?) so that I can get some ideas for my #21for21 #NewYearNewYou . Not sure how much of these I will incorporate into some goals but.. its going to be some good inspiration :) #NonFicNovember2020

jb72 Yes I recommended it. I am working on my list too and thinking about that book (among others). 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I want to try to maybe put more into savings. But Also I am buying a house and want to explore my new state so I also want to have plenty of date nights and museum and all sorts of exploration which of course cost money! But maybe work on spending less than I need? Or something I don't know yet (also I have to buy winter clothing) 4y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I‘m sure you can accommodate all of those in your yearly goals. I definitely want to buy less and have more experiences. 4y
Cheshirecat913 This sounds like a good book to read. I have found through this pandemic that I have bought less stuff since I have stayed out of stores for the most part and I don't miss it. I want to do stuff instead of buy stuff. 4y
ElizaMarie @Cheshirecat913 the book was good but it was more her story about how she lived during that year and not as much of a “how to“ that I was expecting. But it was pretty interesting :) 4y
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Not a new idea, but it was a #noteworthy #freshidea for me. Staying home this year has highlighted how much I want to minimize possessions/buying/collecting etc. I‘d love to have a stern mentor walk through it with me!! My drawers and closets are like #fridaythe13th! #fallfinds
#wordsofoctober @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620 #horrorseason @Klou

OriginalCyn620 Nice multitasking! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Ruthiella Good luck! I am good at being ruthless when helping others downsize/organize, but it‘s more difficult when it‘s my own stuff! 😬 4y
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Eggs @Ruthiella I concur !! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve GOT to clean out my Litsy drawers!!!! 4y
Klou You did one post for all challenges! So cool. Well done 4y
Eggs Thanks @Klou 4y
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Less of a how to and more of a memoir of her journey to less; less debt, less over consumption of food and alcohol, less clutter, and less stress. There is a small section at the end outlining, for you, how she accomplished her goals achieved in the book. Themes: less is more and money doesn't buy happiness. #caitflanders #femaleauthor #womanauthor #hayhouseinc #generalinterest #finanicaladvice #declutter #quickread

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📖 (as tagged)
✒️ Yoon, Paul
🎥 You've Got Mail
🎤Yamagata, Rachel
🎶 You Picked Me (A Fine Frenzy)
#lettery @joscho #manicmonday

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This wasn‘t what I was expecting but thoroughly enjoyed listening to cait‘s journey . She discusses her battles with alcoholism and life experiences . Really admire her strength and found her words Inspiring 💕

“One of the greatest lessons I learned during these years is that whenever you‘re thinking of binging, it‘s usually because some part of you or your life feels like it‘s lacking—and nothing you drink, eat, or buy can fix it”

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‘Buying more books that I didn‘t need ‘ 🙋🏼‍♀️ yep me

adding an extra book just to get the cost up to get free postage .... 🙋🏼‍♀️ yep me again

Having Lots of those ‘ 🙋🏼‍♀️ yep that‘s me‘ moments 🙈😂

Hoping this will inspire me a bit

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⭐️ ⭐️

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Loved it because Cait Flanders doesn‘t try to get the reader to also spend and live with less but she does give advice at the end of the book if you want to. I may consider it.

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I had hoped tp finish all the winter prompts, but this month had been as bad reading month. So I have 3 winter and 1 spring.
1. The Year of Less by Cait Flanders
2. Me by Elton John
6. Candide by Voltaire
12. Owl Be Home For Christmas by Donna Andrews

#booked2020 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Great!!! Hope you enjoyed your reads!! I loved 4y
Cinfhen This is your “official” entry for #FirstQuarterDrawing #Booked2020 💜🎉📚😊 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job. Any book read in this stressful time is an accomplishment! 🎉 🎉 📚 📚 4y
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A very good book in which the author has given herself a years shopping ban. She covers more than this by talking about her alcoholism, consumerism, and just general stories of growing up. She learns triggers and comes to terms with how and why she approaches things in certain ways. The only downside for me is I think the title is slightly misleading. I wasn't expecting a how to book, but it was much more memoir than I was expecting. 👇

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I really enjoyed this memoir. It was more about overcoming addiction than minimalism, but still a good read.

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I‘m considering a no-spend rule in 2020. It would be so much easier to handle my stuff if there wasn‘t so much of it: Books, planner supplies, clothing, etc.

Says the girl who just joined Book of the Month and is expecting 5 packages in the mail this week... 🙄

Freespirit Like you I am trying to spend less..have a lighter footprint on the earth🤗 5y
Hooked_on_books Good luck! Even if you don‘t 100% make it, if you reduce your spending, it‘s a win. 5y
Airykah13 I can totally relate — especially when it comes to planner supplies 😫 5y
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flying_monkeys Good luck! When I did a no-spend, books (and movies) were my biggest expense. That's when I started using my local library A LOT. And I avoid office supply stores like the plague because I always come out with more than I had on my list. 😂 5y
marleed Good luck! I was pretty good in 2019 restricting myself to a full price purchase of a book only when I was going to begin the read that day. It worked with one exception. It complimented another restriction that I could pay full price for a library read only if it received my strict 5* rating. And no restrictions on thrifted books! 5y
Smarkies Good luck with this this year! I am trying to spend less on my hobbies this year and just trying to be super conscious about my book buying which has inflated over the last 2 years. This year is going to be a "read from my own bookshelf" year. 5y
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More of a memoir than a how to guide. But it was quite encouraging to hear her story and her triggers and reactions to them.
I am trying to become a more mindful consumer in general as I find that I am a bit of a compulsive shopper. 😂😂 hopefully this book is the jumping off point for me. Noting this as #somethingyoupick

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Listened to this on audio. Actually had started it last week as part of #NFNov

I liked it. Didn‘t wow me exactly but it does make me want to declutter my apartment so I count that as a win

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This book is queued up for my next audiobook. Hoping that I can get some tips from it to help me reduce my hoarding tendencies. 😂

rsteve388 1 pt 5y
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Most of this was content I was expecting and felt like I‘d heard before. (That was actually partly what I was looking for. I grabbed this on Libby on a whim this morning looking for something easy to distract me from a migraine.) But the writing and narration were excellent, and there were a few things she said that stood out and really peaked my interest, which seems pretty good for this self-help/memoir combo genre.

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If you are planning on reading this you should know that it is more of a memoir than the title makes it seem. I enjoyed it, even though it wasn't what I expected. It felt like an honest account of someone just trying to get their life in order.

#TIL Struggling with budgets and organization is a part of life for most people, and if you just focus and make small steps towards your goal you'll get there.

#NFNov @rsteve388 @Clwojick

rsteve388 9 pts 5y
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So I did enjoy this book, although it's a whole lot of memoir and not as much hands on examples of how to live a whole year on a shopping ban. The audiobook was good though, and I canceled 3 box subscriptions within listening to the first 20 minutes (look at the comments to see which ones I axed!)

#24B4Monday #Readathon #LitsyPartyofOne #MrBook1inaMillion #NFNov
@mrbook @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @Clwojick

MidnightBookGirl Here's what I culled- I've been getting tshirts from the Bookish Box every month for over 2 years... that's a lot of shirts! Why do I need that many tshirts?! I also canceled Pppfit leggings, because I have 4 pair now and I don't need more than that, and FabFitFun, which is fun... but I have so much stuff from other beauty subscriptions that I haven't touched it 5 years or more. I am now box subscription free! Con't: 5y
MidnightBookGirl I had already canceled Bark Box (my dog is so picky when it comes to treats, and we've been doing it for almost 4 years), and Sipsby (tea is great, but after a few boxes- some I only just opened, I realized that I now know what I like and it'll take me a year to drink what I already have). I do have digital subscriptions- Audible and Libro.fm, which I'll keep, but I need to cancel my Amazon Prime HBO and Shudder services. 5y
Crazeedi Fortunately I dont have the box subscriptions, though I've been tempted. I do have Amazon prime, but not the HBO. I spend enough through amazon. I hate going shopping. So it helps me, but it's almost too easy 5y
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marleed Oh good for you! Except for books and photos, I‘ve donated about 2/3 of what I owned 7 years ago. It took me 6 years to get there and it‘s very liberating. I live in a much smaller space than I used to and have just a handful of boxes of storage most of which was owned by my kids when they were small! I have nothing stored under beds, piles of space in closets, and empty drawers! 5y
MrBook Wow! Glad you liked this one! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
ReadswithWeenies I‘m afraid to read this one for fear of the guilt I will have looking at my possessions! 🙈 I‘ve definitely cut back this year but then I look at my bookshelf with towering piles of unread books, clothes in my closet with tags still attached, and piles of shoes that were unworn this summer. So maybe I DO need to read this...😬🤭 5y
Andrew65 Looks very interesting. 5y
Clwojick Not sure if I'm brave enough to read this one. 6 pts
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I listened to this on audio and it encouraged me to de clutter and pitch stuff, so that‘s a win. 😆 The lesson that resonated with me the most was to buy things you need, and not for the person you want to be. I find myself buying things to fit a persona that I want to emulate, so that has been in the back of my mind. Since the author deals with addiction to alcohol and shopping, I‘m counting this for #booked2019 #bookaboutaddiction

vkois88 I want to read this but I feel like I need to buy it... which means breaking the main rule ??? That's what kills me about these types of NF "self-help" books. Otherwise, I'd definitely be interested. 5y
Reviewsbylola 😆😆 I borrowed it through my library so I didn‘t have any guilt. But the author did denounce book buying and that I could never do. 😱😱 @vkois88 5y
Cinfhen Interesting / how true about our need to “Dress to Impress” ~ as I get older, im getting better about falling into that designer addiction/ I care much less 5y
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vkois88 Lol I'll have to see if my library system has it!!! 5y
charl08 Well I was tempted until I read about the book buying... 5y
Mdargusch Very interesting. Too bad amazon is just so easy. 5y
Zelma I really liked this book. Less as a decluttering book and more about a memoir on grief and addiction. It totally worked for me and I wish it had been marketed as such. 5y
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I thought that this was a great read as millennial who is dealing with many similar problems (worry about student debt, probably spending way too much on things I don't need, etc). I empathized with the author often, especially when she recounted struggling with her mental health and addiction while trying to figure out what she loved and who she was. I especially found the list at the end helpful as I move toward spending less. Recommend!

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Quote: "One of the greatest lessons I learned during these years is that whenever you're thinking of binging, it's usually because some part of you or your life feels like it's lacking- and nothing you eat, drink, or but can fix it."

catiewithac I probably should read this. I've been super bad this year probably buying 2 books a week! 5y
Sills @catiewithac I hear you-I'm a book hoarder🤪 5y
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As I‘m looking to start a massive declutter and/or a shopping ban for a few months. I really enjoyed hearing Cait‘s experiences doing the same. She makes the idea sound daunting but doable. #audiobook

LapReader I‘m doing a massive declutter as part of the #BookFitnessChallenge I am going well so far. 5y
bookseller_cate @LapReader Glad to hear it‘s going well for you. I hope to start soon. Luckily, I volunteer at a charity shop once a week so I have a place to bring things that are still useful to others. 😊 5y
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If you are looking for inspiration to create a new mindset about spending less, shopping less, adopting a healthier lifestyle with family, friends and relationships- then check this out for a quick summer read. You can also follow this young woman's blog🙂

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this is what I want for SUMMER

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Whilst this book was not what I was expecting - less full of tips and more of a general memoir of the year of less - I still found it enjoyable to read, on the whole. Picked up a few new thoughts too about the necessity of stuff and making the most of what you already have!

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My next read surrounding themes of low impact living, sustainability and finding contentment 🌿

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my weekend read

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I love books like this. It's good to see how much more you can do with less. It's not my favorite exercise while I practice it, but there are definite benefits.