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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
Originally published as a series of single stories for Strand Magazine in the late 1890s, Doyle's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes combines all 12 of the original stories, which introduces the world to the famed sleuth and the beloved Dr. Watson. While Doyle went on to pen five more collections of Holmes short stories, this one is by far his best. All but one of the five most popular Sherlock Holmes short stories of all time appear in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, including A Scandal in Bohemia, The Red-Headed League, The Blue Carbuncle and The Speckled Band. Doyle's exquisite storytelling skill and masterful plot twists continue to draw new audiences worldwide into the world of Sherlock Holmes.
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1) I read daily, anywhere from a single page to hundreds. It's really random and depends both on the book and my health. I once read a 700 page equivalent manuscript in one night.
2) “Sheets“. I knew I wouldn't like it, but I didn't expect to be furious. It's AWFUL.
3) Tagged. I read classics for fun and on my stream so I just picked the most recent full book that I'm not likely to take the time to review.

#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thank you for joining in👍🏼 2mo
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Catching upon Sherlock while making the Insta-famous lemony ricotta and summer squash tart thing. It was delicious, but too much work for a summer meal imo. I may hack the recipe to make it simpler (tiny ones with crescent rolls for crust?) and nix the lemon in favor of basil. Lemon ricotta tastes like dessert to me.

Deblovestoread Looks marvelous! 2mo
dabbe 🩵💙🩵 (edited) 2mo
mabell That looks delicious! But I agree with you on the lemon ricotta tasting like dessert! 2mo
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Read4life 💙💙💙 5mo
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My #Readyourkindle fiction list for March. I shall be selecting from this and my non-fiction list.
I read 12 from both lists last month.

I'm reading the tagged with #NoplacelikeHolmes

@CBee @Cuilin @dabbe

Aimeesue That‘s a great Sherlock cover! 🧡 7mo
dabbe Yay for #6! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
Cuilin Loving the adventures 🖤🧡 7mo
CBee Looks great! 😊 7mo
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"Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent."

#sherlockholmes #withabrowncover

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This is by far my favorite in the series so far. I greatly prefer the short-story format over the full-length novels that came before this. The best one, I think, in here was The Man with the Twisted Lip. It was the first one that had my jaw dropping at the twist. 4.5⭐️

batsy Love seeing those covers! 2y
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These are wonderful stories that transport you back to London in the 1800s.

The writing style flows so well and it doesn't take long to finish one of the stories, so you can read one and put it down, then go back to it.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this classic and would recommend it for those who seek a feel for 19th century society.

IndoorDame I love that copy! 2y
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Day 31: I had several ideas for #musical but Sherlock popped into my head first! (And also, who doesn't like a picture of Cumberbatch in the morning?! 🤣🤣🤣)

#maycharacters @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs 🎻 💕🤗👏🏻 Yes! Cumberbatch 3y
rabbitprincess 😍😍😍😍 3y
Crystal83 Yes!!!! Love Cumberbatch!!!! 3y
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It‘s in pristine, brand new book condition. The sticker came smoothly and easily off of the soft, beautiful cover. I can‘t wait to take this beautiful edition for a spin.
#SirArthurConanDoyle #TheAdventuresOfSherlockHolmes

mavey Love the cover!! 4y
GingerAntics @Mavey it is lovely! 4y
Branwen It's gorgeous! I'm so so glad they sent a replacement for you! 🤗💖 4y
GingerAntics @Branwen it was worth the wait. 4y
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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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This was supposed to be a wonderful addition to my library, but the book itself has either been thrown around or stored horribly. I am returning it. Hopefully a replacement will be better. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
#SirArthurConanDoyle #TheAdventuresOfSherlockHolmes

Branwen Nooooooooooooo! 🙊🙊🙊 How awful! I hope they send you a replacement! 4y
GingerAntics @Branwen they‘re supposed to. UPS is supposed to bring a shipping label for my packaged and ready to go book, but we‘ll see. I‘ll be cancelling my replacement if UPS says they can‘t make the label for me like they have in the past. 4y
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Sherlock Holmes, Volume 1 | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Ohhhh, this is good. Surprisingly goooood.
Not as difficult to read and understand as other classics. 😍

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Solid. Being a collection of previously published short stories, it got a bit repetitive and formulaic, which I found both eye-rolly and comforting at the same time.
Holmes is just a genuinely fun character to read. Even when he's being insufferable, there's just a charm there.
I started to list my fav stories in this collection and realized I was basically naming them all, so it's pretty good! A lot of iconic Holmes-ness in this one! 🧐🔍🕵️‍♀️

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I'm not sure that I'd ever actually read this book all the way through as some of the cases were not familiar to me, which made it quite an exciting prospect for me.

It proved to be yet another excellent installment in the Sherlock Holmes series.

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Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir
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The cute little book I‘ll be reading next 🥰

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Today‘s card is: Three of Diamonds; COLLABORATION

“Ladies in the Regency era knew how to decorate with styles of furniture that interacted with each other to make a comfortable home”

This makes me think of the ultimate duo who collaborate all the time! Holmes and Watson of course.

What does this make you think of? Comment below!

eeclayton Perry Mason and Paul Drake. Also, the team hunting down Dracula! 4y
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Very enjoyable Holmes short stories.

Sherlock Holmes, Volume 1 | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Happy #NWC day!!! It's quiz time! How much do you know about Sherlock and his author? Test your knowledge here with 25 questions.....


Enjoy for #SocialDistancingMay and #SocialDistancingParty

Sherlock Holmes, Volume 1 | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Happy Monday Littens!!! For #SocialDistancingMay and #SocialDistancingParty, it is the weekly check-in for our groups. Feel free to join in even if you aren't part of our groups. And if you would like to join one or all of our groups, we would love to have you. Here is our question for #NWC today.

Sherlock Holmes, Volume 1 | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Happy Monday Littens!!! For #SocialDistancingMay and #SocialDistancingParty, it is the weekly check-in for our groups. Feel free to join in even if you aren't part of our groups. And if you would like to join one or all of our groups, we would love to have you. Here is our question for #NWC today.

aa_guer2021 I read when I feel like reading more often than not, but being so busy with other things, I have to schedule it sometimes. So thankful that my boyfriend understands. ❤️ 4y
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My son reading Sherlock aloud to me.

ValerieAndBooks And with Sam Adams 🍺. Wonderful quality time for you all 💖 4y
marleed Best Mother‘s Day gift possible! 4y
BarbaraBB That is so lovely 😊 4y
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kspenmoll @ValerieAndBooks You spied Sam! Robert graduated this past week so no academics! We are enjoying this tome out of time!!! 4y
kspenmoll @marleed It is! We are reading the book together as a family. 💚 4y
kspenmoll @BarbaraBB Thank you! We always have read books together as a family until he went to college. It‘s so special to have the time now. 4y
Nuree Your relationship with your son is such a dream. It's always amazing to have a same interest with your loved ones. Wish I can do that with my mom too, hahaha (edited) 4y
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So, I am usually not a short story type of person (I have been suprised by some short stories before so..l I am not ANTI short story) anyway... I enjoyed this one. I think I enjoyed the other two that I read better. Some of these adventures I enjoyed more than others but... I really enjoy them... I am gonna start the Memoirs next :)

#MayBookBingo #Challenge #LibraryBingo #NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)

bibliobliss Congrats on your BINGO line! 4y
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#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)

So I am considering rewatching the BBC Sherlock because I love love love it. But I have heard such good things about Elementary and then there are the movies! Ah.... I have to make decisions!!!

Also, I got the answer this time around! Yay! Go ME!!

mollyrotondo There is so much available on prime. I just type in Sherlock Holmes and select! A lot of it is old but it‘s stuff I‘ve never stumbled on before so I‘m enjoying the finds 4y
AkashaVampie I love both shows and the movies. U can't go wrong. I would say try Elementary for a couple of episodes and see if u like it. 4y
Mrs_B We‘re working our way through elementary at the minute. It‘s really good. But Benedict‘s Sherlock on the BBC is amazing. They‘re more like mini movies though... I‘m jealous you get to watch them for the first time! 4y
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Mrs_B Sorry I didn‘t realise you said you were thinking of rewatching them. Teach me not to read properly... 🤦‍♀️ a detective I would not make. Ignore my comments! 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie I think I will do just that (thanks for the suggestion) 4y
ElizaMarie @Mrs_B Ha! Well Its been a good while since I watched it so... it might feel like rewatching is similar to exploring it for the first time (I have a terrible memory so some of it will be “newish“ for me.)

I am excited to start!
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie let me know when u check the first episode of Elementary out! I think u will like it. 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie remind me again where it is streaming ? Also my internet is wonky today, the rain/wind is really making it spotty so maybe tomorrow it will be better. 4y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie I have only seen it on Hulu. They have all the seasons. 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie fingers crossed 🤞🏻 I can start tomorrow 4y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie 🤞🤞🤞 😁😁😁 4y
bibliobliss So many choices -- sometimes abundance feels like both a blessing and a curse! Lol 4y
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I only found 5 (not sure if there are more..)

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)

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I wasn‘t sure what to expect when I started reading/listening to these stories. They were good, but not my favorite. They just lacked something for me personally and I am not sure what it was. Maybe I needed more thrill than what I was given. These just had a bit of a slower pace for me. They were not horrible by any means just not my thing.


ElizaMarie This is my next one! I agree with you on the “slowness“ of some of the other ones, but I did enjoy the other two Sherlock ones I read. Are you gonna try another or was one just enough! 4y
AsYouWish @ElizaMarie I think one was enough. I may return to him someday, but this month I am doing 13 challenges, plus have to do a tv season binge for one of them, so I don‘t think I have time to try another one. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I've somehow never read any of the original Sherlock Holmes stories - definitely need to get to that one of these days! 4y
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Sherlock Holmes, Volume 1 | Arthur Conan Doyle
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So it is Check-In Day for our groups (every monday)... I don't normally post these on here but since we are doing #SocialDistancingMay #SocialDistancingParty we thought it would be good to post them here for the month also. Feel free to comment even if you are not in our groups. If you would like to join, you are more than welcome to. We would love to have you. In #NWC, it is Sherlock Holmes month. So put your detective skills to the test!

Sherlock Holmes, Volume 1 | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!!
Excited to announce the winning book(s) for the #NovelWatchingCrew group for May is Sherlock Holmes Novels! Get your books ready for a fun filled month of detective-ness. The lovely Elizabeth (@AsYouWish) will be trying to come up with a challenge to do along side of the book(s). So keep a look out for that. Also anyone is welcome to still join. #NWC

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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Green) | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I understand why these stories are as enjoyable now as when first published. The writing was creative, Holmes and Watson were likeable and empathetic, and these stories will continue to be celebrated. My favorites were The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle and The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb.

#EasterExtravaganza @Andrew65 3/5
#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks
#ClassicsChallenge2020 @Reviewsbylola

Andrew65 They definitely stand the test of time. Well done on the Readathon totals. 👏👏👏 (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks Would you believe I've never read an Sherlock Holmes book?? He's one of those classic authors I just have never gotten to! Although I totally watched the Wishbone episode! 😂 4y
Butterfinger @TheAromaofBooks this was my first one. 4y
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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Green) | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

You know me too well to think that I am boasting when I say that I shall either confirm or destroy his theory by means which he is quite incapable of employing, or even if understanding.

He may not be boastful, but he is condescending.

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Seven books that left a very deep impression and/or changed me.

Day 4. I own several Sherlock Holmes editions, but this is the one it all started with, the German edition my parents once gave me as a birthday present.

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#bookspin number 6 @TheAromaofBooks I think it is time to replace my Kindle.

Lcsmcat 😮 5y
TheAromaofBooks Oh dear, it does kind of look like it has been to the wars!! 5y
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Just completed The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - 1892. The adventures were entertaining from one to the next but I noticed many similarities between them all. Holmes always found each new case more singular than the past cases, he was always sitting in his Baker Street Home when a new case came to him with some aggrieved person showed to his door and he automatically knew it was for him before they came to the door. Ect

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle

I definitely enjoyed these shorter, bite-sized stories over Doyle's first 2 novels. I still can't say that I am a huge fan of Holmes though. I will continue exploring the Holmes stories through audiobook, as Stephen Fry's narration is excellent. #sherlockholmes #mystery #detective #audiobook #audible

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Sherlock Holmes' look—the pipe, the tweeds, long coats, and deerstalker hat—has now become #iconic. But it's less about how Conan Doyle described him and more about how Sidney Paget illustrated him, and the look that developed in the various adaptations that came after. This is a good read about his sartorial style https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/10/the-life-and-fashion-o...

#MOvember @Cinfhen

erzascarletbookgasm 👏 interesting how Paget invented the deerstalker for Holmes! 5y
quietjenn I 💗 a Paget appreciation post 💗 5y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm The article was so interesting! I've also forgotten that "Elementary, my dear Watson" never appeared in any of the books! 5y
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batsy @quietjenn ❤️ 5y
Billypar I didn't know that about the "Elementary..." quote. I'm glad you mentioned that because I would have picked up my first SH mystery and been expecting it the whole time ? 5y
batsy @Billypar Haha! I've read certain SH stories multiple times and still am shocked anew to realise that this phrase is not in the books 😆 5y
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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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SharonAlger This is on my currently reading list at the moment. I‘m really enjoying it. 5y
Eggs @SharonAlger 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Here are some pics from the inside, including the endpapers and inside cover, @Sarah83 This edition is really gorgeous. 😊

Sarah83 Looks awesome 😍😍😍😍😍 thank you for sharing 🤩 5y
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#LetsTravelAugust #adventure

Love this illustrated edition! 💜

Sarah83 Can you load up some more pictures from this edition? 🤩 5y
OriginalCyn620 😊📚😊 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Sarah83 Sure, I‘ll wait till tomorrow, to get better lighting in the morning for the photos. 🙂🌞 (edited) 5y
Sarah83 Sounds great 🤩 5y
Bookalong These editions are so gorgeous!😍 5y
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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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The one on the left is narrated by Stephen Fry, as advertised, and the one on the right by Simon Vance. Both samples sound good to me. Can anyone recommend one over the other?

Niso Stephen Fry version is excellent! 5y
Pratham49 Stephen Fry.. have listened to his narration of Harry Potter series... Fantastic!! 5y
bookandbedandtea @Niso @Pratham49 Thanks! I'll get that one. 😉 5y
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I still remember around age 4, being sick, lying on the couch, and my father brought this home for me. Did anyone else have parents who started them on classics?

Avanders No I think I started on Green Eggs & Ham 😁😘 5y
OneStrangeGuy Enders Game, read it after watching the movie which probably helped me love reading more! 5y
britt_brooke I didn‘t become a reader until I was in my 20s. One of the books that hooked me was 5y
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Djspens Pippi Longstocking is one that I remember loving! 5y
sisilia Definitely Hans Christian Andersen 5y
Reagan As a kid, maybe the Little House on the Prairie books, the first grown up book that blew my mind was 5y
Acrimony Stuart little was probably the first book I read as a child 5y
Chrissyreadit @Avanders I was not “allowed” to read Dr. Seuss!!! I know- crazy. Did not read until College Children‘s Lit class 5y
Chrissyreadit @Djspens I liked Pippi too- but I was always stressed that her parents did not take care of her. 5y
Chrissyreadit @sisilia my favorite Christmas Time movie was always Hans Christian Anderson. 5y
Chrissyreadit @Hollie I stacked it! 5y
marleed Charlotte‘s Web! 5y
Chrissyreadit @Reagan-reads I know I read it- I think it was sad? Thanks for answering! 5y
Reagan @Chrissyreadit it was the first book that made me cry and it was multiple times. It really affected my teenage self! 5y
Chrissyreadit @Acrimony I do not think I read Stuart Little, but I think it reminded me of The Mouse and The Motorcycle - in terms of “style” 5y
Chrissyreadit @marleed sometimes I wish I could find words in the spider webs outside ☺️ 5y
jmtrivera My dad always tells me he used to read me Shakespeare when I was an infant lying around on blankets. Wait... that makes all this his fault! 5y
Djspens @Chrissyreadit lol that's probably why I liked her, I grew up with very strict, conservative parents!! 5y
Chrissyreadit @Djspens yes!!! I could see that 😁 5y
buchanstans mine didn‘t, but i fell in love with reading at school. i think my first book that really made me fall in love (and would explain why i enjoy creepy things as an adult!) was 5y
Lady_Tigana_20 My father had polio as a child and spent two years in a hospital. He did a lot of reading and one of his favorites was Heidi. During one of my birthdays, he gave me my own copy of Heidi. 5y
Chrissyreadit @Lady_Tigana_20 that is a great memory to share. Heidi is one of my favorite books also. 5y
Chrissyreadit @buchanstans that‘s awesome! I loved scary books too. 5y
Teachersrus Charlotte Web was the first book I remember falling in love with 5y
diana11 Fairytale stories, back when my parents would read me to sleep. Went on hiatus in grade school because I learned and did drawing. Went back to reading in high school and fell in love with it after reading Little Women. 5y
Avanders Wow! Well, I wasn‘t allowed to watch the Simpsons so... 🤷🏽‍♀️😆 Cool that you read it in college! ☺️ 5y
Gina Much love... read it to my kiddos 5y
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This is a collection of twelve classic short stories, narrated by Dr Watson. He recounts the cases taken on by Sherlock Holmes. Despite being detective fiction, it‘s not all doom and gloom! Most of the cases are actually quite whimsical and fun. On the whole, this collection is much closer to Scooby Doo than it is to Criminal Minds. My full review here: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-adventures-of-sherlock-holmes-arthur-con...

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Popcorn? ✔️
Soda? ✔️
Kickass classic film? ✔️✔️

#BasilRathbone is my #SherlockHolmes

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THEY ARE HERE!!!! #bookexpobooks

LeahBergen Wow!! 5y
Reecaspieces @LeahBergen and this is mild. I usually bring home about 100. I was more selective this year 5y
Rachel.Rencher I think I see The Wives by Tarryn Fisher?! That one sounds sooo good. 😍 5y
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Soubhiville ❤️📚❤️📚❤️ 5y
Mrsann2000 Where was this and how did you get these!?!?!! 5y
Reecaspieces @Mrsann2000 BookExpo in NYC. 5y
Reecaspieces @Rachel.Rencher yes it does! 5y
TheSpineView Excellant #bookhaul 💜💜 5y
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Today‘s haul from the Little Free Library. Sherlock Holmes is from 1966, it just needs a little love with the spine. The pages have departed from it. Any suggestions?

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I LOVE the quick wit of Sherlock Holmes! There were some that I was able to tell who did it, but most of them I was stumped on! And not going against anyone here, but I like the character of Holmes in the books WAY better than the BBC version of him. John was good too, I really enjoyed the memoir style of it.

Pip2 I‘m going to read this entire series for the month of February. I‘m looking forward to it! 5y
lover.of.the.classics @Pip2 Sherlock is definitely a GREAT read. 5y
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Today's #bookhaul from BookExpo. Not pictured is my backpack that has some books also. I made a stop at FedEx and shipped everything back. It weighed almost 30 pounds!!😱

Leftcoastzen Bet you put some mileage on your shoes too!😀 5y
wanderinglynn That‘s an amazing haul! 😍 5y
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TheSpineView Once I get home I will organize and take a better picture. The FedEx office was so busy and rushing me. Made some good contacts! 5y
SassyGal1999 😍😍😍 5y
Graciouswarriorprincess Wow! Great haul! 5y
minkyb Impressive! 5y
UwannaPublishme What fun! 🙌🏻 5y
TheSpineView @UwannaPublishme I thought so... my feet not so much!🤣 5y
GripLitGrl Wow what a haul! 😍😍 5y
Pricel101 👏👏👏well done!! 5y
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I got to meet some of the lovely people at NetGalley today. Awesome group!

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Just meet Molly Ringle here at #BookExpo and got a copy of her new book.